قديم 06-17-2011, 11:10 PM
المشاركة 871
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
رادلفوا بيازون
يتمه: توفي والده وعمره 7 سنوات
مجاله: قيادي من الفلبين.
Rodolfo Biazon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodolfo "Pong" Gaspar Biazon (born April 14, 1935) is a politician in the Philippines. He is a former Senator. He was elected Senator in the 1992 election for a term of 3 years. He was elected to his first six-year term in the 1998 election, and was re-elected in the 2004 election. He is now the representative for the lone district of Muntinlupa City.
Early life and career
Biazon was born on April 14, 1935 in Batac City, Ilocos Norte. His father Rufino Biazon, was a doughmaker then, while his mother Juliana Gaspar, was a clotheswasher.
His father died and left him along with his mother and three younger sisters when he was seven years old.
At a young age of eight, he and his sisters had already experienced hardship, especially during the Japanese regime. Living in a makeshift shanty in Cavite, they had to peddle food, collected bottles and newspapers, which were later sold in order to earn a living for the family. In spite of their condition, it did not stop him from obtaining his education.
He enrolled as a Grade One student at the age of eleven, in 1946. In order to support his education, and at the same time look for ways to earn money, so he went to school in the morning and worked in the afternoon. He would collect seashells in Manila Bay which were in turn sold at the market. He studied in Jose Rizal Elementary School, Pasay City, for his primary education where he graduated salutatorian. He continued working, washing clothes for other people in order to sustain his high school education at the Jose Abad Santos High School located at the Arellano University, Pasay City in 1955. He also graduated from this school with honors. He stopped doing laundry and instead worked as a laborer in then Highway 54 now known as EDSA, this time to sustain his college education in FEATI where he took mechanical engineering.
He also attended other trainings or schooling which include the TOP Management Program at the Asian Institute of Management; Command and General Staff Course in Quantico, Virginia, U.S.; Crisis Program in California, U.S.; Allied Combat Intelligence Course in Okinawa, Japan; Senior Officer Maintenance Course in Kentucky, U.S.; Amphibious Warfare Course in Quantico, Virginia, U.S. and, Military Instructors in Norfolk, Virginia, United States.[1]

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:11 PM
المشاركة 872
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
فيتال راي
يتمه: مات ابوه وعمره 3 سنوات
مجاله: عالم في مجال المايكروبيولوجي.

Vittal Rai
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vittal Rai. Palthad Dr., Ph. D (Botany), M.Sc (Botany), M.Sc (Microbiology), B.Sc Ag.; (25 October 1935 – 19 December 1995) was a Scientist, Professor and Administrator. He was the Fourth Vice-Chancellor of UAS Dharwad (1991–1994)
One of the leading scientists in India in the field of Bio-Fertilisers. He has authored significant number of books based on his research and guided several researchers and acamedicians today to their doctoral degree.
Among the many honours he received were a CM's Rajyotsava Award (1994)

Early life and education
Dr. Rai was born into a Tulu speaking Bunt family at Palthad, a small village near Puttur in South Kanara district. He is the second of 3 children of N. Jathappa Rai and Palthad Shubravathi Rai.
His Father died when Dr. Rai was just 3 years old and the his mother was the lone pillar of support for the family. His older brother P. Narayan Rai soon took over the responsibility and support the family.
Dr. Rai's primary education was at Primary Board High School at Bellare. His college education was in Alloysius college Mangalore. He then went to University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad where he completed his Bachelor's degree in Agriculture and Post graduation in Plant Microbiology. Dr. Rai then proceeded to the United States to further enhance his knowledge and completed his second Post Graduate degree in Ecology and completed his Doctorial studies on Plant Pathology for which he received his Ph.D

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:11 PM
المشاركة 873
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
كلارك هولنج
يتمه : امه ماتت هو رضيع ( عامه الاول).
مجاله: فنان امريكي واقعي.

Clark Hulings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clark Hulings (November 20, 1922 – February 2, 2011)was an Americanrealistpainter. He was born in Florida and raised in New Jersey. Clark also lived in Spain, New York, Louisiana, and throughout Europe before settling in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the early 1970s. The travels did much to influence his keen eye for people in the state of accomplishing daily tasks.
His training as an artist began as a teenager with Sigismund Ivanowsky and George Bridgman, and concluded at the Art Students League of New York with Frank Reilly. Clark came back to the League to give a lecture in 2007.
After early careers in portraiture and illustration, he devoted himself to easel painting. A modern genre painter, he is best known for his elaborate European and Mexican market and street scenes, his still lifes of roses and his depictions of donkeys. For the past forty years Hulings’ art has been eagerly sought after by collectors, museums and corporations.[3][4]
Early life and early career
Clark Hulings was born in 1922 in Florida, where his father, Courtland Marcus Hulings, was the manager of a plant which produced a gas for fumigating orange trees.
His mother died of tuberculosis when he was an infant, and he and his sister, Susan, were sent to live with their maternal grandparents in Potsdam, New York, for the next three years, while his father worked in Valencia, Spain.
In Valencia, Hulings’ father, while representing American Cyanamid, courted and married Elena Harker, the 21-year-old daughter of Herbert Edward Harker, the British Consul in Valencia, and his wife, Julia Howard Harker. Courtland Hulings and Elena Harker were married in London, England, in 1925. The two children joined them abroad. Clark was raised by his much beloved stepmother Elena, whose image appears in several later paintings as a saintly mother type (often with an aura near her head, doing chores such as washing clothes or buying flowers).
In 1928, the Hulings family returned to the United States, settling in Westfield, New Jersey, where Clark's younger sister, Elena, was born. [2] At the age of twelve, his father arranged art lessons with Sigismund Ivanowski, a portrait and landscape painter who had served as Court Painter to Tsar Nicholas II. In his 1986 book "A Gallery of Paintings," Hulings credits his father with conveying to him his "great love of paintings." By the time Hulings graduated from school in 1940, the tuberculosis which had killed his mother left him in fragile health. He was unable to enter college. However, he did continue a limited schedule with Ivanowski, as well as with George Bridgman, the celebrated drawing teacher, at the Art Students League of New York.
In the fall of 1941, Hulings was well enough to enroll at Haverford College. After graduating in 1944 with a degree in Physics, he was appointed to work on the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Yet his recurring ill health prevented his acceptance into the program. Instead, he remained in Santa Fe to recuperate, supporting himself by painting pastel portraits of children. In the spring of 1945 he was given a one-man show of landscapes at the New Mexico Museum of Fine Art.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:12 PM
المشاركة 874
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
بيير بولينيري
يتمه: مات ابوه وعمره 3 سنوات.
مجاله: عالم : مكتشف في مجال الكهرباء.
Pierre Polinière
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pierre Polinière (8 September 1671, Coulonces, France - 9 February 1734, Coulonces, France) was an early investigator of electricity and electrical phenomena, notably "barometric light", a form of gas-discharge light, which suggested the possibility of electric lighting. He also helped to introduce the scientific method in French universities.
Pierre Polinière was the only child of Jean-Baptiste Poulynière and Françoise Vasnier. Pierre's father had inherited an estate in Coulonces in lower Normandy. However, when Pierre was 3 years old, his father died.
Fortunately his mother recognized his potential and strove to get him a good education. After receiving a classical education at the University of Caen, two of his paternal uncles, who were Catholic clergymen, arranged to have him study philosophy at Harcourt College of the University of Paris. There he also studied mathematics under Pierre Varignon (1654–1722), an early advocate of calculus. In the 1690s Poliniere received a degree in medicine; he also became interested in science. He did original research, including studies of the production of light by electrical discharges through low-pressure air, in which field he made discoveries that were simultaneous with, but independent of, those of the Englishman Francis Hauksbee (1666–1713).[4][5][6][7] His discovery that static electricity could generate light in low-pressure gases led him to speculate that lightning was a form of static electric discharge.[8]
He also presented public lectures on science, which included experimental demonstrations of his own devising. Around 1700, he presented these demonstrations before students at the colleges of the University of Paris.[9] His lectures proved very popular: in 1722, he presented a series of experiments before the young king of France, Louis XV. In 1709, he published Expériences de Physique (Physics Experiments),[10] a book presenting his demonstrations on magnetism, light and colors, hydrostatics, the properties of air, and other subjects. The book went through five editions. He was an early French advocate of Isaac Newton’s findings in optics: in the second (and subsequent) editions of his Expériences, he abandoned

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:12 PM
المشاركة 875
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
كيفن ميكايل رود

يتمه: مات ابوه وهو في سن الـ 11.
مجاله: قائد استرالي.
Kevin Michael Rudd (born 21 September 1957) is an Australian politician. He was the 26th Prime Minister of Australia (2007–2010) and is currently the Minister for Foreign Affairs. He has been an Australian Labor Party member of the House of Representatives since the 1998 federal election, representing Griffith, Queensland.

Rudd was born in Nambour, Queensland to parents Albert Rudd and Margaret née DeVere, and grew up on a dairy farm in nearby Eumundi. At an early age (5–7) he contracted rheumatic fever and spent a considerable time at home convalescing. It damaged his heart, but this was only discovered some 12 years later. Farm life, which required the use of horses and guns, is where he developed his life-long love of horse riding and shooting clay targets.
When Rudd was 11, his father, a share farmer and Country Party member, died from septicaemia after six weeks in hospital due to a car accident. Rudd states that the family was required to leave the farm amidst financial difficulty between two to three weeks after the death, though the family of the landowner states that the Rudds didn't have to leave for almost six months. Rudd joined the Australian Labor Party in 1972 at the age of 15. He boarded at Marist College Ashgrove in Brisbane although these years were not happy due to the indignity of poverty and reliance on charity – he was known to be a "charity case" due to his father's sudden death; and, he has since described the school as "... tough, harsh, unforgiving, institutional Catholicism of the old school." Two years later, after she retrained as a nurse, his mother moved the family to Nambour, and Rudd rebuilt his standing through study and scholastic application and was dux of Nambour State High School in 1974. In that year he was also the Queensland winner of the Rotary 'Youth Speaks for Australia' public speaking contest.
Rudd is of English and Irish descent. His paternal 4th great-grandparents were English and of convict heritage: Thomas Rudd and Mary Cable (she was from Essex). Thomas arrived from London, England in 1801, Mary in 1804. Thomas Rudd, a convict, arrived in NSW on board the Earl Cornwallis in 1801. He was convicted of stealing a bag of sugar.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:13 PM
المشاركة 876
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
جوزف فرانسس لادو

يتمه: ماتت أمه وعمره 7 سنوات.
مجاله: رجل أعمال .

Joseph Francis Ladue (July 28, 1855 – June 27, 1900) was a prospector, businessman and founder of the Dawson City, Yukon. Joseph Francis Ladue was born in Schuyler Falls, New York. His mother died when he was only 7 years old, and his father died in 1874. Upon his father's death, 19-year-old Joe headed West. He worked in a gold mine as a general labourer, engineer, foreman and superintendent. He stuck with that and went prospecting through Arizona and New Mexico. He did not strike it rich and in 1882 he crossed the Chilkoot Pass into the interior of the Yukon. He was prospecting and trading there a couple of years.
In August 1896, a few days after discovery of gold on Klondike, he staked 250 acres (1.0 km2) of bloggy flats at the mouth of the Klondike River to Yukon River as a townsite. In January 1897 he named a new town Dawson after Canadian geologist George Mercer Dawson. In July, 1897 about 5000 people lived there. Joe Ladue could sell town lots from $800 to $8000 and he could leave Dawson rich in that year.
He returned to his home town and in December 1897 he married Anna "Kitty" Mason. He came from Yukon rich, but unfortunately in poor health. He died at Schuyler Falls on June 27, 1900.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:13 PM
المشاركة 877
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
كون سان
يتمه : والده توفي وهو صغير.
مجاله: عالم.
Ko San (born October 19, 1976) is a South Korean researcher at the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology.
Ko was born in Busan. His father died when he was a boy, and his mother raised Ko and his sister. A graduate of Hanyoung Foreign Language High School, Ko went on to study mathematics at Seoul National University. He won a bronze medal at a national amateur boxing tournament in 2004 and climbed a 7,546-meter high mountain in China’s Xinjiang Province, Muztagh Ata, the same year.
On December 25 2006, he was chosen as one of two finalists in the Korean Astronaut Program, set to fly as a crew on the Russian Soyuz TMA-12 in April 2008.
On September 5, 2007, the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology chose Ko San over Yi So-Yeon based on

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:14 PM
المشاركة 878
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
جوزف برور

يتمه: امه ماتت وهو صغير جدا وربته جدته.
مجاله : طبيب وعالم نفس...اسس علم النفس التحليلي.
Josef Breuer (January 15, 1842 Vienna – June 20, 1925 Vienna) was an Austrianphysician whose works laid the foundation of psychoanalysis.
Born in Vienna, his father, Leopold Breuer, taught religion in Vienna's Jewish community. Breuer's mother died when he was quite young, and he was raised by his maternal grandmother and educated by his father until the age of eight.
He graduated from the Akademisches Gymnasium of Vienna in 1858 and then studied at the university for one year, before enrolling in the medical school of the University of Vienna. He passed his medical exams in 1867 and went to work as assistant to the internistJohann Oppolzer at the university.
Anna O.
Main article: Anna O.
A close friend, mentor, and collaborator with Sigmund Freud, Breuer is perhaps best known for his work with Anna O. (the pseudonym of Bertha Pappenheim), a woman suffering from "paralysis of her limbs, and anaesthesias, as well as disturbances of vision and speech."
Breuer observed that her symptoms were reduced or disappeared after she described them to him. Anna O. humorously called this procedure chimney sweeping. She also coined the more serious appellation for this form of therapy, "her talking cure," which is widely regarded as the basis of Freudian psychoanalysis.
Ernest Jones considered: "Freud was greatly interested in hearing of the case of Anna O, which [...] made a deep impression on him"; and in his 1909 Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, Freud generously pointed out: "I was a student and working for my final examinations at the time when [...] Breuer, first (in 1880-2) made use of this procedure. [...] Never before had anyone removed a hysterical symptom by such a method."
Freud and Breuer documented their discussions of Anna O., along with other case studies, in their 1895 book, Studies on Hysteria. These discussion of Breuer's treatment of Anna O. became "a formative basis of Freudian theory and psychoanalytic practice; especially the importance of fantasies (in extreme cases, hallucinations), hysteria [...], and the concept and method of catharsis which were Breuer's major contributions."
The two men became increasingly estranged at the same time, however, and from a Freudian standpoint, "while Breuer, with his intelligent and amorous patient Anna O., had unwittingly laid the groundwork for psychoanalysis, it was Freud who drew the consequences from Breuer's case.".
Other work
Breuer, working under Ewald Hering at the military medical school in Vienna, was the first to demonstrate the role of the vagus nerve in the reflex nature of respiration. This was a departure from previous physiological understanding, and changed the way scientists viewed the relationship of the lungs to the nervous system. The mechanism is now known as the Hering–Breuer reflex.[7]
Independent of each other[8] in 1873, Breuer and the physicist and mathematician Ernst Mach discovered how the sense of balance (i.e., the perception of the head’s imbalance) functions: that it is managed by information the brain receives from the movement of a fluid in the semicircular canals of the inner ear. That the sense of balance depends on the three semicircular canals was discovered in 1870 by the physiologist Friedrich Goltz, but Goltz did not discover how the balance-sensing apparatus functions.
In 1894, Breuer was elected a Corresponding Member of the Vienna Academy of Science.
Breuer married Mathilde Altmann in 1868, and they had five children. His daughter Dora later committed suicide rather than be deported by the Nazis. Likewise, one of his granddaughters died at their hands.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:14 PM
المشاركة 879
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
هيكتور هيو منرو (ساكي )

يتمه : يتيم في سن الثانية .
مجاله : اديب متعدد مجالات الانتاج.

Hector Hugh Munro (18 December 1870 – 13 November 1916), better known by the pen name Saki, was a British writer, whose witty and sometimes macabre stories satirised Edwardian society and culture. He is considered a master of the short story and is often compared to O. Henry and Dorothy Parker. His tales feature delicately drawn characters and finely judged narratives. "The Open Window" may be his best known, with a closing line ("Romance at short notice was her speciality") that has entered the lexicon.
Family Background and Life

Hector Hugh Munro was born in Akyab, Burma (now known as Myanmar), the son of Charles Augustus Munro and Mary Frances Mercer (1843 to 1872). Mary was the daughter of Rear Admiral Samuel Mercer, and her nephew, Cecil William Mercer, was also to gain fame as an author under the nom-de-plume Dornford Yates. Charles Munro was an inspector-general for the Burmese police when that country was still part of the British Empire.
In 1872, Mary, who had gone home on a visit to England, was charged by a cow; the shock caused her to miscarry. She never recovered and soon died. Charles Munro sent his children, including two-year-old Hector, to England, where they were brought up by their grandmother and aunts in a strict, straitlaced household.
في العام 1872 والتي ذهبت في زيارة للأهل في انجلترا تعرضت لإصابة من بقرة وقد أدت الصدمة إلى إسقاط حملها ومن ثم موتها . وبعد موت الأم قام الأب بإرسال أطفاله إلى انجلترا بما فهيم ( هيكتور والذي كان عمره عندها عامان ) حيث عاشا مع جدتهما واثنتين من العمات في جو متزمت.
Munro was educated at Pencarwick School in Exmouth and at Bedford Grammar School. When his father retired to England, he travelled on a few occasions with his sister and father, between fashionable European spas and tourist resorts. In 1893, he followed his father in joining the Indian Imperial Police, where he was posted to Burma (as was another acerbic and pseudonymous writer a generation later: George Orwell). Two years later, failing health from malaria forced his resignation and return to England.
At the start of World War I, although 43 and officially over age, Munro joined the Royal Fusiliers regiment of the British Army as an ordinary soldier, refusing a commission. More than once he returned to the battlefield when officially still too sick or injured to fight. He was sheltering in a shell crater near Beaumont-Hamel, France in November 1916 when he was killed by a German sniper. His last words, according to several sources, were "Put that bloody cigarette out!"[5] After his death, his sister Ethel destroyed most of his papers and wrote her own account of their childhood.
Munro was homosexual, but at that time in the UK sexual activity between men was a crime, and the Cleveland Street scandal in 1889, followed by the downfall and disgrace of Oscar Wilde (who was convicted in 1895 after cause célèbre trials) meant that "that side of [Munro's] life had to be secret". Politically, Munro was a Tory and somewhat reactionary in his views.
Short stories

"The Storyteller"

"The Storyteller" is a cynical antidote to crude didacticism. An aunt is traveling by train with her two nieces and a nephew. The children are naughty and mischievous. A bachelor is sitting opposite. The aunt starts telling a moralistic story, but is unable to satisfy the curiosity of the children. The bachelor intervenes and tells a story where the "good" person ends up being unwittingly devoured by a wolf, much to the children's delight. The bachelor is amused with the knowledge that in the future the children will embarrass their guardian by begging to be told "an improper story".
  • 1899: "Dogged" (short story, appeared as written by H. H. M. in St. Paul's, 18 February)
  • 1900: The Rise of the Russian Empire (history)
  • 1902: "The Woman Who Never Should" (political sketch, in Westminster Gazette, 22 July)
  • 1902: The Not So Stories (political sketches, in Westminster Annual)
  • 1902: The Westminster Alice (political sketches, with F. Carruthers Gould)
  • 1904: Reginald (short stories)
  • 1910: Reginald in Russia (short stories)
  • 1911: The Chronicles of Clovis (short stories)
  • 1912: The Unbearable Bassington (novel)
  • 1913: When William Came (novel)
  • 1914: Beasts and Super-Beasts (short stories)
  • 1914: "The East Wing" (short story, in Lucas's Annual]] / [[Methuen's Annual)
  • ????: "The Lumber-Room"
  • ????: "The Interlopers"
Posthumous publications:
  • 1919: The Toys of Peace (short stories)
  • 1924: The Square Egg and Other Sketches (short stories)
  • 1924: "The Watched Pot" (play, with Charles Maude)
  • 1926-1927: The Works of Saki (8 vols.)
  • 1930: The Complete Short Stories of Saki
  • 1933: The Complete Novels and Plays of Saki (includes The Westminster Alice)
  • 1934: The Miracle-Merchant (in One-Act Plays for Stage and Study 8)
  • 1950: The Best of Saki (ed. by Graham Greene)
  • 1963: The Bodley Head Saki
  • 1981: Saki (by A.J. Langguth, includes six uncollected stories)
  • 1976: The Complete Saki
  • 1976: Short Stories (ed. by John Letts)
  • 1988: Saki: The Complete Saki, Penguin editionsISBN 978-0-14-118078-6
  • 1995: The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope, and Other Stories
  • 2006: A Shot in the Dark (a compilation of 15 uncollected stories)

In 1962, a Granada Television 8-part TV series, produced by Phillip Mackie, dramatised several stories of Saki. Actors included Mark Burns as Clovis, Fenella Fielding as Mary Drakmanton, Richard Vernon as the Major, Rosamund Greenwood as Veronique and Martita Hunt as Lady Bastable. The title of the series was Saki, the Improper Stories of H. H. Munro (a reference to the ending of "The Story Teller").
A dramatisation of "The Schartz-Metterklume Method" was an episode in the series Alfred Hitchcock Presents in 1960.
Who Killed Mrs De Ropp?, a 2007 BBC dramatisation starring Ben Daniels and Gemma Jones, showcased three of Saki's short stories, "The Storyteller", "The Lumber Room" and "Sredni Vashtar".
  • The Playboy of the Week-End World (1977) by Emlyn Williams, adapts 16 of Saki's stories.
  • Wolves at the Window (2008) by Toby Davies, adapts 12 of Saki's stories
  • Saki Shorts. A musical based on 9 stories. Music, book and lyrics by John Gould and Dominic McChesney

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:15 PM
المشاركة 880
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
سترلينج نورث
يتمه: ماتت أمه وهو في سن السابعة.
مجاله : روائي وناقد.
Sterling North
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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November 4, 1906(1906-11-04)
Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin

December 22, 1974(1974-12-22) (aged 68)
Morristown, New Jersey

novelist, literary critic
Notable work(s)

Thomas Sterling North (November 4, 1906 – December 22, 1974) was an Americanauthor of books for children and adults, including 1963's bestselling Rascal. North, who professionally went by "Sterling North", was born on the second floor of a farmhouse on the shores of Lake Koshkonong, a few miles from Edgerton, Wisconsin, in 1906, and died in Morristown, New Jersey in 1974. Surviving a near-paralyzing struggle with polio in his teens, he grew to young adulthood in the quiet southern Wisconsin village of Edgerton, which North transformed into the "Brailsford Junction" setting of several of his books.

Early life and family
Sterling North's maternal grandparents, James Hervey Nelson and Sarah Orelup Nelson, were Wisconsin pioneers. Born in Putnam County, New York, James moved first to near Rochester, New York, then to Menomonee, in Waukesha County, Wisconsin (near Milwaukee), then pioneered a farm near present day South Wayne, in southwestern Wisconsin. His daughter, Sarah Elizabeth "Elizabeth" Nelson, was Sterling North's mother; she died when Sterling was seven years old. She married David Willard North, also the product of a pioneering local family, whose brother ran the family farm.
Sterling North had three siblings: two sisters, Jessica Nelson North who was an author, poet, and editor; Theo, who was the martinet in the family; and a brother, Herschel, who survived World War I. When Sterling North was eleven (in 1917, which would have been the year of his maternal grandfather's 100th birthday), several of his uncles wrote extended biographies about their parents and their pioneer farm life. One of these uncles was Justus Henry Nelson, an early missionary in the Amazon Basin. This writing effort was at the same time as the setting of Rascal and may have been an early literary inspiration to North.
Writing career
After attending the University of Chicago (he left without graduating in 1929), North worked as a reporter (eventually literary editor) for the Chicago Daily News, the New York World-Telegram, and the New York Sun, before becoming a full-time freelance writer. In 1940, in his position as Chicago Daily News Literary Editor, North was one of the first public figures to denounce the newly popular medium of comic books. Barely two years after the introduction of Superman, North wrote that comics were "a poisonous mushroom growth of the last two years" and that comic book publishers were "guilty of a cultural slaughter of the innocents."[1] (These charges were echoed over the following 15 years by other public figures like J. Edgar Hoover, John Mason Brown, and most notably Dr. Fredric Wertham, until Congressional hearings led to the mid-1950s self-censorship and rapid shrinkage of the comics industry.)
One of North's first books, The Pedro Gorino, published in 1929, was a narrative of the life of Harry Dean, an African-American sea captain. A 1934 North novel, Plowing on Sunday, featured a rare dust jacket illustration by Iowa artist Grant Wood.
North's book Midnight and Jeremiah was made into the Disney movie So Dear to My Heart in 1949. (The movie was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song for Burl Ives's version of the 17th century English song "Lavender Blue). In addition, North wrote Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White House, The Wolfling: A Documentary Novel of the Eighteen-Seventies, Racoons are the Brightest People, Hurry Spring, The Wolfling,and many other books.
In 1957, he became the general editor of Houghton Mifflin's North Star Books. This firm published biographies of American heroes for young adult readers. Although uncredited, North's beloved bride, Gladys Buchanan North, also contributed to the editing process.
North published his most famous work, Rascal, in 1963. The book is a remembrance of a year in his childhood when he raised a baby raccoon which he named Rascal. It received a Newbery Honor in 1964, a Sequoyah Book Award in 1966, and a Young Reader's Choice Award in 1966. It was made into the Disney movie of the same name in 1969. Additionally, it was made into a 52-episode Japanese anime entitled Araiguma Rasukaru. Araiguma Rascal means Racoon Rascal. The success of the anime was responsible for the unfortunate introduction of the North American Raccoon into Japan
Subtitled "a memoir of a better era", North's book is a prose poem to adolescent angst. Rascal chronicles young Sterling's loving, troubled relationship with his father, dreamer David Willard North, and the aching loss represented by the death of his mother, Elizabeth Nelson North. The boy reconnects with society through the unlikely intervention of his pet raccoon, a "ringtailed wonder" charmer that dominates almost every page.
The author's sister, poet and art historian Jessica Nelson North, is one note of early 1900s normalcy in the book. She wasn't particularly pleased with how her brother portrayed her family in Rascal, yet was proud of her brother's achievement nonetheless.

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 83 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 83)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: هل تولد الحياة من رحم الموت؟؟؟ دراسة بحثية
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
أعظم 50 عبقري عبر التاريخ : ما سر هذه العبقرية؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 62 05-16-2021 01:36 PM
أفضل مئة رواية عربية – سر الروعة فيها؟؟؟!!!- دراسة بحثية. ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 1499 11-11-2017 11:55 PM
ما الذي يصنع القائد العسكري الفذ؟؟!! دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 108 12-09-2015 01:17 PM
اعظم 100 كتاب في التاريخ: ما سر هذه العظمة؟- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 413 12-09-2015 01:15 PM
القديسون واليتم: ما نسبة الايتام من بين القديسين؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 18 08-22-2012 12:25 PM

الساعة الآن 10:17 PM

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