قديم 06-17-2011, 11:04 PM
المشاركة 861
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
قبلاي خان
يتمه: فقد الاب وعمره 17 سنه.
مجاله: قائد مغولي.

Kublai (or Khubilai) Khan (Mongolian: Хубилай хаан; Chinese: pinyin: Hūbìliè) (September 23, 1215 – February 18, 1294 was the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire from 1260 to 1294 and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in East Asia. As the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki and a grandson of Genghis Khan, he claimed the title of Khagan of the Ikh Mongol Uls (Mongol Empire) in 1260 after the death of his older brother Möngke in the previous year, though his younger brother Ariq Böke was also given this title in the Mongolian capital at Karakorum. He eventually won the battle against Ariq Böke in 1264, and the succession war essentially marked the beginning of disunity in the empire. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia after the victory over Ariq Böke, though his influence still remained in the Ilkhanate, and to a lesser degree, in the Golden Horde, in the western parts of the Mongol Empire. His realm reached from the Pacific to the Urals, from Siberia to modern day Afghanistan – one fifth of the world's inhabited land area.
In 1271, Kublai established the Yuan Dynasty, which at that time ruled over present-day Mongolia and China, and some adjacent areas, and assumed the role of Emperor of China. By 1279, the Yuan forces had successfully annihilated the last resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Kublai thus became the first non-Chinese Emperor who conquered all China. He was the only Mongol khan after 1260 to win new great conquests.
Kublai (b. 23 Sep. 1215) was the fifth son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki. As his grandfather Genghis Khan advised, Sorghaghtani chose as her son's nurse a BuddhistTangut woman whom Kublai later honored highly.
On his way back home after the conquest of Khwarizmian Empire, Genghis Khan performed the ceremony on his grandsons Mongke and Kublai after their first hunting in 1224 near the Ili River. Kublai was nine years old and with his eldest brother killed a rabbit and an antelope. His grandfather smeared fat from killed animals onto Kublai's middle finger following the Mongol tradition.
After the Mongol-Jin War, in 1236, Ogedei gave Hebei Province (attached with 80,000 households) to the family of Tolui who died in 1232. Kublai received an estate of his own and 10,000 households there. Because he was inexperienced, Kublai allowed local officials free rein. Corruption amongst his officials and aggressive taxation caused the flight of large numbers of Chinese peasants, which in turn led to a decline in tax revenues. Kublai quickly came to his appanage in Hebei and ordered reforms. Sorghaghtani sent new officials to help him and tax laws were revised. Thanks to those efforts, people returned to their old towers.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:05 PM
المشاركة 862
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
ماركو بولو

يتمه: ماتت امه معمره 6 سنوات
مجاله: مستكشف.
(بالإيطالية: Marco Polo)، ولد في 15 سبتمبر1254 م في البندقية، إيطاليا وتوفي في 8 يناير1324م في البندقية) هو تاجر ومستكشف من البندقية كان هو وأبوه نيكولو وعمه مافيو أول الغربيين الذين سلكوا طريق الحرير إلى الصين -والتي أطلق عليها اسم كاثاي- وكانت له علاقات ديبلوماسية مع قوبلاي خان أكبر ملوك إمبرطورية المغول وحفيد جنكيز خان. وقد دون رحلاته في كتابه إل ميليوني -وهو تصغير إيميليوني، اسم الشهرة لعائلة بولو- والذي يدعى أيضا رحلات ماركو بولو

من الطفولة وحتى الاسر جنوة

لا يعرف وجه التحديد المكان والزمان اللذان ولد فيهما ماركو بولو، وأغلب النظريات الحالية هي تخمينيات. ومع ذلك، فإن التاريخ الأقرب لولادته هو "1254"، وكان من المقبول عموما أن ماركو بولو ولد في جمهورية البندقية. بينما مهد غير معروف بالضبط، فإن معظم كتاب السير الذاتية نقطة صوب البندقية نفسها ماركو بولو في المدينة التي يقيم فيها. وكان والده نيكولو كان التاجر الذي يتاجر مع الشرق الأوسط، وأصبحت الدول الغنية وتحقيق المكانة العظيمة. نيكولو وشقيقه مافيو انطلق في رحلة تجارية، وذلك قبل ماركو ولد. [3])، وفي سنة 1260، نيكولو ومافيو كانوا يقيمون في القسطنطينية عندما توقع حدوث تغيير سياسي ؛ قاموا بتصفية أصولها إلى المجوهرات وابتعدت. ووفقا لرحلات ماركو بولو، مروا من خلال جزء كبير من آسيا، واجتمع مع قوبلاي خان. وفي الوقت نفسه، وماركو بولو وتوفيت أمه، وقال انه أثيرت من قبل العم والعمة. بولو كان جيدا المتعلمين، وتعلمت المواضيع بما في ذلك تاجر العملة الاجنبية، مثمنا، ومناولة سفن الشحن ،على الرغم من انه تعلم القليل أو لا اللاتينية.
في 1269، عاد نيكولو ومافيو في البندقية، وماركو الاجتماع للمرة الأولى. في 1271، ماركو بولو (في السابعة عشرة من العمر)، والده وعمه وانطلق لآسيا على سلسلة من المغامرات التي كانت في وقت لاحق موثقة في كتاب ماركو. عادوا إلى مدينة البندقية في 1295، بعد مرور 24 عاما، مع العديد من الثروات والكنوز. كانوا قد سافروا ما يقرب من 15،000 ميل (24٬140 كم) [3]. عند عودتهم، والبندقية كانت في حالة حرب مع جنوى، وماركو بولو قد اسروا. أمضى بضعة أشهر في السجن يملي له وصفا مفصلا للأسفاره لسجين زميل، Rustichello دا بيزا، [3]) الذي أدرج حكايات من بلده، وكذلك جمع الحكايات وغيرها من الشؤون الجارية من الصين. الكتاب أصبح يعرف باسم ورحلات ماركو بولو، ويصور الكرة والصولجان 'الرحلات في مختلف أنحاء آسيا، وإعطاء الأوروبيين أول نظرة شاملة في الأعمال الداخلية لدول الشرق الأقصى، بما في ذلك الصين والهند، واليابان. [5]) ماركو بولو في نهاية المطاف أطلق سراحهم من الاسر في آب / أغسطس 1299، [3])، وعاد إلى البندقية، حيث كان والده وعمه قد اشترى منزلا كبيرا في الربع المركزي المسمى contrada سان جيوفاني كريسوستومو. الشركة واصلت أنشطتها وماركو سرعان ما أصبح التاجر الثري. البولو الممولة من البعثات الأخرى، لكنه لم يغادر البندقية مرة أخرى. في 1300، تزوج من دوناتا بادوير، ابنة فيتالي بادوير، وهو تاجر. [6] وكانوا قد بناته الثلاث، ودعا Fantina، Bellela وMoreta. [7] ايل Milione ترجم، تزينها، نسخها من قبل جهة وتكييفها ؛ هناك لم إصدار موثوقة. انها وثائق والده في رحلة لتلبية قوبلاي خان، الذين طلب منهم أن يصبحوا سفراء، والتواصل مع البابا. هذا أدى إلى ماركو سعي، من خلال عكا، إلى الصين والى المحكمة المغول. وكتب ماركو أسفاره واسعة النطاق في مختلف أنحاء آسيا نيابة عن خان، وعودتهم في نهاية المطاف بعد 15،000 ميل (24140 كم) و 24 عاما من المغامرات. رحلتهم رائدة من وحي كولومبوس وغيرها. ماركو بولو وغيرها من الموروثات تشمل البندقية مطار ماركو بولو، ماركو بولو الأغنام، والعديد من الكتب والأفلام. كما أنه كان لها تأثير على الخرائط الأوروبية، مما أدى إلى إدخال الفرنسي ماورو الخريطة.
From childhood through to Genoese captivity

See also: Niccolò and Maffeo Polo and Battle of Curzola
The exact time and place of Marco Polo's birth are unknown, and current theories are mostly conjectural. One possible place of birth is Venice's former contrada of San Giovanni Crisostomo, which is sometimes presented by historians as the birthplace, and it is generally accepted that Marco Polo was born in the Venetian Republic with most biographers pointing towards Venice itself as Marco Polo's home town. Some biographers suggest that Polo was born in the town of Korčula (Curzola), on the island of Korčula in today's Croatia The most quoted specific date of Polo's birth is somewhere "around 1254". His father Niccolò was a merchant who traded with the Middle East, becoming wealthy and achieving great prestige.[Niccolò and his brother Maffeo set off on a trading voyage, before Marco was born.[
In 1260, Niccolò and Maffeo were residing in Constantinople when they foresaw a political change; they liquidated their assets into jewels and moved away. According to The Travels of Marco Polo, they passed through much of Asia, and met with the Kublai Khan. Meanwhile, Marco Polo's mother died, and he was raised by an aunt and uncle. Polo was well educated, and learned merchant subjects including foreign currency, appraising, and the handling of cargo ships,[6] although he learned little or no Latin.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:06 PM
المشاركة 863
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
جياكومو بوتشيني

يتمه: مات ابوه وعمره خمس سنوات.
مجاله : ملف اوبرا.

ويُعتبر المؤلف الإيطالي جياكومو بوتشيني (1858-1924) واحداً من أهم مؤلفي الأوبرا، حيث تَشغل أوبراته الحيز الأكبر في برامج دور الأوبرا العالمية، وتتميز موسيقاه بالقوة اللحنية العذبة.

ويُعرف عن بوتشيني توزيعه الأوركسترالي المتين والملوّن، إذ لم تقتصر موسيقاه على النصوص ذات الفكر الأوروبي، وإنما ذهب إلى الشرق مثل أوبرا «Madama Butterfly» التي تدور أحداثها في اليابان، وإلى الغرب مثل أوبرا «La fanciulla del West» التي تدور أحداثها في أميركا.

ألّف بوتشيني عشر أوبرات، وأتمَّ الأخيرة «Turandot» المؤلف فرانكو ألفانو بسبب موته، لكن بعض أوبراته لم تلقَ الشعبية الكبيرة المرجوة في بداياتها، ولكن هذه الشعبية بدأت بالتنامي شيئاً فشيئاً، وهذا ما دفع النقاد إلى القول بأن بوتشيني هو أحد العباقرة الذين سبقوا عصرهم. وكان تصريحه الأخير وهو على فراش الموت «إن لم تؤمن بنفسك! فلن يؤمن بك أحد».

وسبِق للأمانة العامة لاحتفالية دمشق عاصمة الثقافة العربية 2008 تقديم مجموعة من الحفلات الموسيقية، التي تساهم بشكل أو بآخر بإتاحة الفرصة أمام جمهور المستمعين، بمتابعة ألوان مختلفة من الموسيقى التي تنتمي لمختلف أنحاء العالم.

بوتشيني، جياكومو (1858 – 1924م). مؤلف الأوبرا الإيطالي الذي يعد من أشهر مؤلفي الأوبرا على الإطلاق، مثله مثل فولفغانغ أماديوس موزارت، وريتشارد شتراوس، وجوزيبي فيردي، وريتشارد فاجنر. ويمكن الاستماع لألحان أوبرا بوتشيني مثل البوهيمي (1896م)؛ توسكا (1900م)؛ مدام باترفلاي (1904م)؛ ابنة جولدن وست (1910م)؛ التوراندوت التي عرضت لأول مرة عام 1926م بعد وفاة بوتشيني. وقد قدمت دور الأوبرا تريتيكو عام 1918م وهي محصلة لثلاث مسرحيات في عرض واحد هي نيتارو وسور أنجليليكا وجياني شيكخي.
وُلد بوتشيني في لوكا، وهو من الجيل الرابع لأسرة الموسيقيين المحترفين. وبعد دراسته للموسيقى، أصبح عازف الكنيسة، وحصل على منحة من الملكة مارجريت. التحق بعدها بمعهد الفنون المسرحية بميلانو عام 1880م. شارك بوتشيني في مسابقة بأولى مسرحياته المدينة، وهي مسرحية من فصل واحد لكنها لم تحقق له النجاح. ومع ذلك فإن هذه المسرحية ذاتها، عندما قدمت مرة أخرى لجمهور ميلانو عام 1884م، لاقت نجاحًا. أما مسرحيته الثانية إدجار عام 1889م، فقد حققت نجاحاً أفضل قليلاً.
وبعد النجاح الذي لقيته مسرحيته مانون لسكوات عام 1893م، بدأ بوتشيني يحتل مكانته خلفًا منتظرًا لكبير الموسيقيين فيردي. وقد نالت جميع مسرحياته التالية شهرة عالمية لبراعتها في الأداء المسرحي وعذوبة ألحانها العاطفية وما تميزت به من روعة في التوزيع الموسيقي مع العناية بأدق التفاصيل.
وبعد عام 1893، ألف بوتشيني الكوميديا الموسيقية الرونداين عام 1917م فقط، والتي لم يتحقق لها الانتشار الجماهيري. وقد وافته المنية في بروكسل ببلجيكا قبل أن يكمل مسرحيته توراندوت، التي استكملها الموسيقي الإيطالي فرانكو ألفانو.
Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdʒaːkomo putˈtʃiːni]; 22 December 1858 – 29 November 1924) was an Italian composer whose operas, including La bohème, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, and Turandot, are among the most frequently performed in the standard repertoire.[1][2] Some of his arias, such as "O mio babbino caro" from Gianni Schicchi, "Che gelida manina" from La bohème, and "Nessun dorma" from Turandot, have become part of popular culture.
Puccini was born in Lucca in Tuscany, into a family with five generations of musical history behind them, including composer Domenico Puccini.
His father died when Giacomo was five years old, and he was sent to study with his uncle Fortunato Magi, who considered him to be a poor and undisciplined student. Magi may have been prejudiced against his nephew because his contract as choir master stipulated that he would hand over the position to Puccini "as soon as the said Signore Giacomo be old enough to discharge such duties." Puccini took the position of church organist and choir master in Lucca, but it was not until he saw a performance of Verdi's Aida that he became inspired to be an opera composer. He and his brother, Michele, walked 18.5 mi (30 km) to see the performance in Pisa.
In 1880, with the help of a relative and a grant, Puccini enrolled in the Milan Conservatory to study composition with Stefano Ronchetti-Monteviti, Amilcare Ponchielli, and Antonio Bazzini. In the same year, at the age of 21, he composed the Messa, which marks the culmination of his family's long association with church music in his native Lucca. Although Puccini himself correctly titled the work a Messa, referring to a setting of the Ordinary of the Catholic Mass, today the work is popularly known as his Messa di Gloria, a name that technically refers to a setting of only the first two prayers of the Ordinary, the Kyrie and the Gloria, while omitting the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei.
The work anticipates Puccini's career as an operatic composer by offering glimpses of the dramatic power that he would soon bring forth onto the stage; the powerful "arias" for tenor and bass soloists are certainly more operatic than is usual in church music and, in its orchestration and dramatic power, the Messa compares interestingly with Verdi's Requiem.
While studying at the Conservatory, Puccini obtained a libretto from Ferdinando Fontana and entered a competition for a one-act opera in 1882. Although he did not win, Le Villi was later staged in 1884 at the Teatro Dal Verme and it caught the attention of Giulio Ricordi, head of G. Ricordi & Co. music publishers, who commissioned a second opera, Edgar, in 1889. Edgar failed: it was a bad story and Fontana's libretto was poor. This may have had an effect on Puccini's thinking because when he began his next opera, Manon Lescaut, he announced that he would write his own libretto so that "no fool of a librettist"[3] could spoil it. Ricordi persuaded him to accept Leoncavallo as his librettist, but Puccini soon asked Ricordi to remove him from the project. Four other librettists were then involved with the opera, due mainly to Puccini constantly changing his mind about the structure of the piece. It was almost by accident that the final two, Illica and Giacosa, came together to complete the opera. They remained with Puccini for his next three operas and probably his greatest successes: La Boheme, Tosca and Madama Butterfly.
It may well have been the failure of Edgar that made Puccini so apt to change his mind. Edgar nearly cost him his career. Puccini had eloped with the married Elvira Gemignani and Ricordi's associates were willing to turn a blind eye to his life style as long as he was successful. When Edgar failed, they suggested to Ricordi that he should drop Puccini, but Ricordi said that he would stay with him and made him an allowance from his own pocket until his next opera. Manon Lescaut was a great success and Puccini went on to become the leading operatic composer of his day.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:06 PM
المشاركة 864
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
سيف الدين قلاوون
السلطان المملوكي

يتمه : مملوك.
مجاله : قائد عظيم.

الخميس6 من ذو القعدة1428هـ 15-11-2007م6 من ذي القعدة 689هـ ـ 11 نوفمبر 1290م - المصدر مفكرة الإسلام:

سابع سلاطين دولة المماليك البحرية، السلطان سيف الدين قلاوون الألفي الصالحي، الملقب بالملك المنصور، وأصله من قبيلة أوغلي القوقازية، جُلب صغيرًا لبلاد الشام وكان مملوك الأمير علاء الدين أقسنقر العادلي، وقد اشتراه بألف دينار فعُرف بالألفي، ثم اشتراه نجم الدين أيوب سلطان مصر فصار من يومها من ضمن المماليك البحرية، وقد زامل الظاهر بيبرس البندقداري في حرب الصليبيين في المنصورة وفارسكور أثناء الحملة الصليبية السابعة، كما رافق بيبرس في الهرب إلى الشام بعد مقتل أستاذهم فارس الدين أقطاي أيام عز الدين أيبك، ثم عاد واشترك في قتال المغول في عين جالوت، ولما تولى بيبرس سلطنة المماليك صار قلاوون أكبر أمرائه، وقد زوج ابنته من الابن الأكبر لبيبرس «بركة خان»( [1]).
تولى سلطنة المماليك سنة 678هـ بعد عزل
السلطان الطفل «بدر الدين سلامش» ابن بيبرس لعدم صلاحيته للمنصب الخطير، وقد واجه معارضات قوية من المماليك الظاهرية أتباع الظاهر بيبرس ومن نائب دمشق الأمير سنقر الأشقر الذي تحالف مع مغول فارس والعراق وتلقب بالملك الكامل وحشد الجيوش لمحاربة سيف الدين قلاوون، ولكن سيف الدين قضى على كل هذه التمردات والفتن، ثم تفرغ بعدها لمواجهة الخطر الصليبي والمغولي واستكمال المهمة التي كان بيبرس قد اضطلع بها من قبل.
ومن أعظم أعمال سيف الدين قلاوون هو معركة حمص الكبرى ضد المغول سنة 680هـ؛
حيث قاد المسلمون في معركة رهيبة ضد الغزو المغولي وانتصر عليهم انتصارًا عظيمًا من جنس عين جالوت كسر به شوكة التتار فترة طويلة، وفي نفس الوقت أقام قلاوون علاقات وثيقة مع مغول القبيلة الذهبية المسلمين، ولما أعلن حاكم مغول العراق وفارس أي ما تعرف بالدولة الإيلخانية تكودار بن هولاكو إسلامه سنة 682هـ أقام معه قلاوون علاقات مودة وصداقة.
أما على الجبهة الصليبية فلقد هادنهم قلاوون حتى يفرغ من أمر
المغول، فلما انتصر عليهم في «حمص» بادر بالعمل ضد الصليبيين وكانوا متمركزين في إمارة طرابلس، ففتح حصن المرقب الذي كان بيد الفرسان الإستبارية وكان خط الدفاع الأول لطرابلس وذلك سنة 684هـ، ثم استولى على اللاذقية سنة 686هـ ثم فتح طرابلس وبيروت وجبلة سنة 688هـ، ولم يبق للصليبيين أي مستوطنات إلا في عكا وصيدا، وقد أسرع من فيها بعقد معاهدة بشروط مهينة ومذلة لهم حفاظًا على وجودهم بالشام، ولكن سيف الدين قلاوون ما لبث أن قرر فتح عكا وطرد الصليبيين من بلاد الشام والإسلام للأبد، وأثناء استعداده وتحضيره لفتح عكا وافته المنية في 6 من ذي القعدة سنة 689هـ ـ 11 نوفمبر 1290م فحزن الناس عليه بشدة وتأسفوا على رحيله.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:07 PM
المشاركة 865
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
راما كريشنا

يتمه : مات ابوه وعمره 7 سنوات.
مجاله: متصوف هندي.

يعتبر راما كريشنا أضخم العقول التي أنجبتها الهند وكثيرمن الفلاسفة الغربيين ينظرون إليه نظرتهم الى علماء التصوف الأسلامي أو القديسين المسيحيين....واسمه الحقيقي غاداهار..أي حامل الصولجان
وهو أسم لا يطلق
الاعلى الذن ينتمون الى الطبقات الهندوكية الراقية.
أمثال:غاندي ونهرو

كان راما كريشنا كثير التأمل ,ويميل الى الأنزواءعن الحياة الأجتماعية.والاكثارمن الترددعلى المعابد والدخول في جدل روحي وفلسفي مع الكهنة ورجال الدين....

ويقال انه قد وقعت له عدة اغماءات روحية \ ينسى فيها كل ما حوله.
وعندما اصبح كاهنا ونذر نفسه كليا لله.

بدأت حجب الحياة تنكشف امامه حتى صارأكبر غورو...معلم يوغا كبير....عرفته الهند في تاريخها,واخذ ينشر ويعلم الحقائق الروحية مستعينا في التعبيرعن أفكاره بالقصص والأمثال,على طريقة السيد المسيح عليه السلام. الى أن توفي عام 1886وكانت تعاليمه قد أنتشرت في جميع أنحاء العالم. وأقام أتباعه ومريدوه مراكز..أشرم..في أوروباوأسيا وأمريكا.

ومن مختاراته:
عليكم أولاأن تحققوا الله في أنفسكم وبعد ذلك يمكنكم الأنصراف الى جمع الثروة, ولكن اياكم أن تفعلواالعكس. لأنكم اذا عشتم حيلتكم الأرضية بعد حصولكم على الحياة الروحية فلن تتعرضوا لفقدان الراحة النفسية
Ramakrishna (February 18, 1836 – August 16, 1886), born Gadadhar Chattopadhyay, was a famous mystic of 19th-century India. His religious school of thought led to the formation of the Ramakrishna Mission by his chief disciple Vivekananda – both were influential figures in the Bengali Renaissance as well as the Hindu renaissance during the 19th and 20th centuries. Many of his disciples and devotees believe he was an Avatar or incarnation of God. He is also referred as "Paramahamsa" by his devotees, as such he is popularly known as Ramkrishna Paramhansa.
Ramakrishna was born in a poor BrahminVaishnava family in rural Bengal. He became a priest of the Dakshineswar Kali Temple, dedicated to the goddess Kali, which had the influence of the main strands of Bengali bhakti tradition. His first spiritual teacher was an ascetic woman skilled in Tantra and Vaishnava bhakti. Later an Advaita Vedantin ascetic taught him non-dual meditation, and according to Ramakrishna, he experienced nirvikalpa samadhi under his guidance. Ramakrishna also experimented with other religions, notably Islam and Christianity, and said that they all lead to the same God. Though conventionally uneducated, he attracted the attention of the middle class and numerous Bengali intellectuals
Birth and childhood
Ramakrishna was born in 1836, in the village of Kamarpukur, in the Hooghly district of West Bengal, into a very poor but pious, orthodox brahmin family. Located far from the railroad, Kamarpukur was untouched by the glamour of the city and contained rice fields, tall palms, royal banyans, a few lakes, and two cremation grounds. His parents were Khudiram Chattopâdhyâya and Chandramani Devî. According to his followers, Ramakrishna's parents experienced supernatural incidents, visions before his birth. His father Khudiram had a dream in Gaya in which Lord Gadadhara (a form of Vishnu), said that he would be born as his son. Chandramani Devi is said to have had a vision of light entering her womb from Shiva's temple.
Ramakrishna attended a village school with some regularity for 12 years, he later rejected the traditional schooling saying that he was not interested in a "bread-winning education". Kamarpukur, being a transit-point in well-established pilgrimage routes to Puri, brought him into contact with renunciates and holy men. He became well-versed in the Puranas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavata Purana, hearing them from wandering monks and the Kathaks—a class of men in ancient India who preached and sang the Purāṇas. He could read and write in Bengali. While the official biographies write that the name Ramakrishna was given by Mathura Biswas—chief patron at Dakshineswar Kali Temple, it has also been suggest that this name was given by his own parents.
Ramakrishna describes his first spiritual ecstasy at the age of six: while walking along the paddy fields, a flock of white cranes flying against a backdrop of dark thunder clouds caught his vision. He reportedly became so absorbed by this scene that he lost outward consciousness and experienced indescribable joy in that state.[25][26] Ramakrishna reportedly had experiences of similar nature a few other times in his childhood—while worshipping the goddess Vishalakshi, and portraying god Shiva in a drama during Shivaratri festival. From his tenth or eleventh year on, the trances became common, and by the final years of his life, Ramakrishna's samādhi periods occurred almost daily.[26][27]
Ramakrishna's father died in 1843, after which time family responsibilities fell on his elder brother Ramkumar. This loss drew him closer to his mother, and he spent his time in household activities and daily worship of the household deities and became more involved in contemplative activities such as reading the sacred epics.
When Ramakrishna was in his teens, the family's financial position worsened. Ramkumar started a Sanskrit school in Calcutta and also served as a priest. Ramakrishna moved to Calcutta in 1852 with Ramkumar to assist in the priestly work

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:07 PM
المشاركة 866
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
جين راسين
يتمه : ماتت الام وعمره 3 سنوات ومات الاب وعمره 4 سنوات
مجاله: مسرحي فرنسي.

Jean Racine (French pronunciation: [ʒɑ̃ ʁaˈsin]), baptismal name Jean-Baptiste Racine (22 December 1639 – 21 April 1699), was a French dramatist, one of the "Big Three" of 17th century France (along with Molière and Corneille), and one of the most important literary figures in the Western tradition. Racine was primarily a tragedian, producing such 'examples of neoclassical perfection'[1] as Phèdre,[2]Andromaque,[3] and Athalie,[4] although he did write one comedy, Les Plaideurs,[5] and a muted tragedy,[6]Esther, for the young.
Racine's plays displayed his mastery of the dodecasyllabic alexandrine; his verse is renowned for elegance, purity, speed, and fury,[7][8] and for what Robert Lowell described as a 'diamond-edge', and the 'glory of its hard, electric rage'. Racine's works are widely considered to be untranslatable,[11][12][13][14] although many eminent poets have attempted to do so,[including Lowell, Ted Hughes, and Derek Mahon into English, and Schiller into German. Racine's dramaturgy is marked by his psychological insight, the prevailing passion of his characters, and the nakedness of both the plot and stage.
Racine was born on 22 December 1639 in La Ferté-Milon (Aisne), in the former Picardy province in northern France. He was an orphan by the age of four (his mother died in 1641 and his father in 1643) and was raised by his grandparents. At the death of his grandfather, in 1649, his grandmother, Marie des Moulins, went to live in the convent of Port-Royal and took her grandson with her.
He received a classical education at the Petites écoles de Port-Royal, a religious institution which would greatly influence other contemporary figures including Blaise Pascal. Port-Royal was run by followers of Jansenism, a theology condemned as heretical by the French bishops and the Pope. Racine's interactions with the Jansenists in his years at this academy would have great influence over him for the rest of his life. At Port-Royal, he excelled in his studies of the Classics and the themes of Greek and Romanmythology would play large roles in his future works. He was expected to study law at the Collège de Harcourt in Paris but, instead, found himself drawn to a more artistic lifestyle. Experimenting with poetry yielded high praise from France's greatest literary critic, Nicolas Boileau with whom Racine would later become great friends, and Boileau would often claim that he was behind the budding poet's work. He eventually took up residence in Paris where he became involved in theatrical circles.
His first play, Amasie, never reached the stage. On 20 June 1664, Racine's tragedy La Thébaïde ou les frères ennemis (The Thebans or the enemy Brothers) was produced by Molière's troupe at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal, in Paris. The following year, Molière also put on Racine's second play, Alexandre le Grand. However, this play garnered such good feedback from the public that Racine secretly negotiated with a rival play company, the Hôtel de Bourgogne, to perform the play since they had a better reputation for performing tragedies. Thus, Alexandre premiered for the second time, by a different acting troupe, eleven days after its first showing. Molière could never forgive Racine for his betrayal, and Racine simply widened the rift between him and his former friend by seducing Molière's leading actress, Thérèse du Parc, into becoming his companion both professionally and personally. From this point on, all of Racine's secular plays were performed by the Hôtel de Bourgogne troupe.
Though both La Thébaide (1664) and its successor, Alexandre (1665), had classical themes, Racine was already entering into controversy and forced to field accusations that he was polluting the minds of his audiences. He broke all ties with Port-Royal, and proceeded with Andromaque (1667), which told the story of Andromache, widow of Hector, and her fate following the Trojan War. Amongst his rivals were Pierre Corneille and his brother, Thomas Corneille. Tragedians often competed with alternative versions of the same plot: for example, Michel le Clerc produced an Iphigénie in the same year as Racine (1674), and Jacques Pradon also wrote a play about Phèdre (1677). The success of Pradon's work (the result of the activities of a claque) was one of the events which caused Racine to renounce his work as a dramatist at that time, even though his career up to this point was so successful that he was the first French author to live almost entirely on the money he earned from his writings. Others, including the historian Warren Lewis, attribute his retirement from the theater to qualms of conscience.
However, one major incident which seems to have contributed to Racine's departure from public life was his implication in a court scandal of 1679. He got married at about this time to the pious Catherine de Romanet, and his religious beliefs and devotion to the Jansenist sect were revived. He and his wife eventually had two sons and five daughters. Around the time of his marriage and departure from the theater, Racine accepted a position as a royal historiographer in the court of King Louis XIV, alongside his friend Boileau. He kept this position in spite of the minor scandals he was involved in. In 1672, he was elected to the Académie française, eventually gaining much power over this organization. Two years later, he was bestowed the title of "treasurer of France", and he was later distinguished as an "ordinary gentleman of the king" (1690), and then as a secretary of the king (1696). Because of his flourishing career in the court, Louis XIV provided for his widow and children after his death. When at last he returned to the theatre, it was at the request of Madame de Maintenon, morganatic second wife of King Louis XIV, with the moral fables, Esther (1689) and Athalie (1691), both of which were based on Old Testament stories and intended for performance by the pupils of the school of the Maison royale de Saint-Louis in Saint-Cyr (a commune neighboring Versailles, and now known as "Saint-Cyr l'École").
Jean Racine died in 1699 from cancer of the liver. He requested to be buried in Port-Royal, but after Louis XIV had this site razed in 1710, his remains were moved to the Saint-Étienne-du-Mont church in Paris.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:08 PM
المشاركة 867
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
ارنست رينان

يتمه: مات ابوه وعمره خمس سنوات.

مجاله: فيلسوف فرنسي واديب.

Ernest Renan (28 February 1823 – 2 October 1892) was a French philosopher and writer, devoted to his native province of Brittany. He is best known for his influential historical works on early Christianity and his political theories.Birth and family

He was born at Tréguier in Brittany to a family of fishermen. His grandfather, having made a small fortune with his fishing-shack, bought a house at Tréguier and settled there, and his father, captain of a small cutter and an ardent republican, married the daughter of a Royalist tradesman from the neighbouring town of Lannion. All his life, Renan felt a conflict between his father's and his mother's political beliefs.
He was five years old when his father died, and his sister, Henriette, twelve years his senior, became the moral head of the household. Having in vain attempted to keep a school for girls at Tréguier, she departed and went to Paris as teacher in a young ladies' boarding-school.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:09 PM
المشاركة 868
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
سيزار بالبو

يتمه : فقد الام وهو في سن الـ 3...وتربي في بيت جدته.
مجاله: كاتب ايطالي.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cesare Balbo (21 November 1789–1853), Count of Vinadio, was an Italian writer and statesman.
Balbo was born at Turin on the 21st of November 1789. His father, Prospero Balbo, who belonged to a noble Piedmontese family, held a high position in the Sardinian court, and at the time of Cesare’s birth was mayor of the capital.
His mother, Enrichetta Taparelli d'Azeglio, died when he was three years old; and he was brought up in the house of his great-grandmother, the countess of Bugino. In 1798 he joined his father at Paris.
From 1808 to 1814 Balbo served in various capacities under the Napoleonic empire at Florence, Rome, Paris and in Illyria. On the fall of Napoleon he entered the service of his native country. While his father was appointed minister of the interior, he entered the army, and undertook political missions to Paris and London. On the outbreak of the revolution of 1821, of which he disapproved, although he was suspected of sympathizing with it, he was forced into exile; and though not long after he was allowed to return to Piedmont, all public service was denied him.
Reluctantly, and with frequent endeavours to obtain some appointment, he gave himself up to literature as the only means left him to influence the destinies of his country. The great object of his labours was to help in securing the independence of Italy from foreign control. Of true Italian unity he had no expectation and no desire, but he was devoted to the house of Savoy, which he foresaw was destined to change the fate of Italy. A confederation of separate states, not under the supremacy of the pope like Gioberti, but led by Piedmont, was the genuine ideal of Balbo. But Gioberti, in his Primato, seemed to him to neglect the first essential of independence, which he accordingly inculcated in his Speranze or Hopes of Italy, in which he suggests that Austria should seek compensation in the Balkans for the inevitable loss of her Italian provinces. Balbo believed that the papacy could become an enemy of a large, united Italy (as it did, indeed, become for many years). Preparation, both military and moral, alertness and patience were his constant theme.
He did not desire revolution, but reform; and thus he became the leader of a moderate party, and the steady opponent not only of despotism but of democracy. At last in 1848 his hopes were to some extent satisfied by the constitution granted by the king, known as the Statuto albertino. He was appointed a member of the commission on the electoral law, and became first constitutional prime minister of Piedmont, but only held office a few months. With the ministry of d’Azeglio, which soon after came to power, he was on friendly terms, and his pen continued the active defence of his political principles till his death on the 3rd of June 1853. He published Quattro Novelle in 1829; Storia d’Italia sotto i Barbari in 1830; Vita di Dante, 1839; Meditazioni Storiche, 1842—1845; Le Speranze d’Italia, 1844; Pensieri sulla Storia d’Italia, 1858; Della Monarchia rappresentativa in Italia (Florence, 1857).

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:10 PM
المشاركة 869
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
ديفد هلتون

يتمه : مات ابوه وعمره 16 سنة.
مجاله: مراسل صحفي كندي.
David Halton
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Halton (born Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, 1940) is a Canadian reporter. Until his retirement in June 2005, he was the senior correspondent in Washington for CBC News.
Halton was born in Beaconsfield, England in 1940. His father Matthew Halton, was a war correspondent for the CBC Radio during World War II and died when David was 16 years old on December 3, 1956.

The senior Halton had a big influence in David's career choice. His sister Kathleen Tynan was the second wife and biographer of the English theatre critic Ken Tynan.
David Halton joined CBC in 1965, and has spent time as a foreign affairs correspondent in:
· Paris correspondent 1965-1968
· Moscow correspondent 1968-1969
· London
· Quebec
· Middle East
· Vietnam 1970s
· Ottawa 1978-1991
· Washington, D.C. 1991-2005
Before moving to Washington, Halton was the chief political correspondent in Ottawa for the CBC. He retired in June 2005, although he still acts as a special contributor on CBC, and is currently working on a book.
Halton is fluent in French and Russian. He married his Russian wife, Zoya, while on assignment in Moscow.
His Son Daniel now works as a reporter for the CBC.

قديم 06-17-2011, 11:10 PM
المشاركة 870
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
جريجوريو مارنيون

يتمه: ماتت امه وعمره 3 سنوات.
مجاله: فيلسوف وكاتب وطبيب وعالم اسباني.
Gregorio Marañón
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gregorio Marañón
May 1887, 19(19-05-1887)
Madrid Spain

March 27, 1960(1960-03-27) (aged 72)
Madrid Spain

Historical essay

Dolores Moya

Gregorio Marañón y Posadillo (19 May 1887, Madrid – 27 March 1960, Madrid) was a Spanishphysician, scientist, historian, writer and philosopher. He married Dolores Moya in 1911, they had four children (Carmen, Belén, María Isabel and Gregorio).
An austere, humanist and liberal man, he is considered one of the most brilliant Spanish intellectuals of the 20th century. He also stands out for his elegant literary style. He was a Republican, fought the Miguel Primo de Riveradictatorship though he later showed his disagreement with Spanish Communism.
Son of a jurist, his mother died when he was three years old.
He grew up as an avid reader, and learned English, French and German. From a very early age he was in contact with the intellectual circles of the time due to his father's friendships with José María de Pereda, Alfredo Vicenti, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo and Benito Perez Galdós among others.
Gregorio Marañón accompanied young king Alfonso XIII during the royal visit to the backward region of Las Hurdes in 1922.
In Medical School he had five great teachers: Federico Olóriz Aguilera, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Juan Madinaveitia, Manuel Alonso Sañudo and Alejandro San Martín y Satrústegui. He specialized in endocrinology and became professor of that specialty in Complutense University in Madrid since 1931. He founded the Institute of Medical Pathology and was president of the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and the Centre of Biological Research. He contributed to establish a relationship between Psychology and Endocrinology.
· Tiberius: A Study in Resentment (1956) - translated from Tiberio: Historia de un resentimiento (1939)

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 61 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 61)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: هل تولد الحياة من رحم الموت؟؟؟ دراسة بحثية
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
أعظم 50 عبقري عبر التاريخ : ما سر هذه العبقرية؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 62 05-16-2021 01:36 PM
أفضل مئة رواية عربية – سر الروعة فيها؟؟؟!!!- دراسة بحثية. ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 1499 11-11-2017 11:55 PM
ما الذي يصنع القائد العسكري الفذ؟؟!! دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 108 12-09-2015 01:17 PM
اعظم 100 كتاب في التاريخ: ما سر هذه العظمة؟- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 413 12-09-2015 01:15 PM
القديسون واليتم: ما نسبة الايتام من بين القديسين؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 18 08-22-2012 12:25 PM

الساعة الآن 04:41 PM

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