قديم 08-27-2012, 10:05 PM
المشاركة 71
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
70-ادوارد الاول
Edward was born at the Palace of Westminster on the night of 17–18 June 1239, to King Henry III and Eleanor of Provence.
Although the young prince was seriously ill on several occasions, in 1246, 1247, and 1251, he grew up to be strong and healthy.

Edward was in the care of Hugh Giffard—father of the future
ChancellorGodfrey Giffard—until Bartholomew Pecche took over at Giffard's death in 1246. Among his childhood friends was his cousin Henry of Almain, son of King Henry's brother Richard of Cornwall. Henry of Almain would remain a close companion of the prince, both through the civil war that followed, and later during the crusade.]

In 1254, English fears of a Castilian invasion of the English province of Gascony induced Edward's father to arrange a politically expedient marriage between his fourteen-year-old son and Eleanor, the half-sister of King Alfonso X of Castile. Eleanor and Edward were married on 1 November 1254 in the Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas in Castile. As part of the marriage agreement, the young prince received grants of land worth 15,000 marks a year. Though the endowments King Henry made were sizeable, they offered Edward little independence. He had already received Gascony as early as 1249, but Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester, had been appointed as royal lieutenant the year before and, consequently, drew its income, so in practice Edward derived neither authority nor revenue from this province.[The grant he received in 1254 included most of Ireland, and much land in Wales and England, including the earldom of Chester, but the king retained much control over the land in question, particularly in Ireland, so Edward's power was limited there as well, and the king derived most of the income from those lands.
From 1254 to 1257, Edward was under the influence of his mother's relatives, known as the Savoyards,the most notable of whom was Peter of Savoy, the queen's uncle. After 1257, Edward increasingly fell in with the Poitevin or Lusignan faction—the half-brothers of his father Henry III—led by such men as William de Valence. This association was significant, because the two groups of privileged foreigners were resented by the established English aristocracy, and they would be at the centre of the ensuing years' baronial reform movement. There were tales of unruly and violent conduct by Edward and his Lusignan kinsmen, which raised questions about the royal heir's personal qualities. The next years would be formative on Edward's character.

Early ambitions

Edward had shown independence in political matters as early as 1255, when he sided with the Soler family in Gascony, in the ongoing conflict between the Soler and Colomb families. This ran contrary to his father's policy of mediation between the local factions. In May 1258, a group of magnates drew up a document for reform of the king’s government—the so-called Provisions of Oxford—largely directed against the Lusignans. Edward stood by his political allies and strongly opposed the Provisions. The reform movement succeeded in limiting the Lusignan influence, however, and gradually Edward’s attitude started to change. In March 1259, he entered into a formal alliance with one of the main reformers, Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. Then, on 15 October 1259, he announced that he supported the barons' goals, and their leader, Simon de Montfort.
The motive behind Edward's change of heart could have been purely pragmatic; Montfort was in a good position to support his cause in Gascony. When the king left for France in November, Edward's behaviour turned into pure insubordination. He made several appointments to advance the cause of the reformers, causing his father to believe that his son was considering a coup d'état. When the king returned from France, he initially refused to see his son, but through the mediation of the Earl of Cornwall and the archbishop of Canterbury, the two were eventually reconciled. Edward was sent abroad, and in November 1260 he again united with the Lusignans, who had been exiled to France.[Back in England, early in 1262, Edward fell out with some of his former Lusignan allies over financial matters. The next year, King Henry sent him on a campaign in Wales against Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, with only limited results.[round the same time, Simon de Montfort, who had been out of the country since 1261, returned to England and reignited the baronial reform movement. It was at this pivotal moment, as the king seemed ready to resign to the barons' demands, that Edward began to take control of the situation. Whereas he had so far been unpredictable and equivocating, from this point on he remained firmly devoted to protecting his father's royal rights.[24] He reunited with some of the men he had alienated the year before—among them his childhood friend, Henry of Almain, and John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey—and retook Windsor Castle from the rebels.[25] Through the arbitration of King Louis IX of France, an agreement was made between the two parties. This so-called Mise of Amiens was largely favourable to the royalist side, and laid the seeds for further conflict.

طفولة عاصفة مرض ورعاية من طرف ثالث وخلاف مع الوالد حد الصراع..
طفولة عاصفة.

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:19 PM
المشاركة 72
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
71-سليم الاول

Selim I, Yavuz Sultân Selim Khan, Hâdim-ül Haramain-ish Sharifain (Servant of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina) (Ottoman Turkish: سليم اوّل, Modern Turkish: I.Selim), nicknamed Yavuz "the Stern" or "the Steadfast", but often rendered in English as "the Grim" (October 10, 1465/1466/1470 – September 22, 1520), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1512 to 1520. His reign is notable for the enormous expansion of the Empire, particularly his conquest between 1516-1517 of the entire Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, which included all of Sham, Hejaz, and Egypt itself. With the heart of the Arab World now under their control, the Ottomans became the dominant power in the region, and in the Islamic world. Upon conquering Egypt, Selim took the title of Caliph of Islam, being the first Ottoman sultan to do so. He was also granted the title of "Khâdim ül Haramain ish Sharifain" (Servant of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina), by the Sharif of Mecca in 1517.
Selim's reign represented a sudden change in the expansion policy of the empire, which was working mostly against the West and the Beyliks before his reign. On the eve of his death in 1520, the Ottoman Empire spanned almost 1 billion acres (trebling during Selim's reign).


Born in Amasya, Selim dethroned his father Bayezid II (1481–1512) in 1512. Bayezid’s death followed immediately thereafter. Like his grandfather Mehmed II (1451–81), Selim put his brothers (Şehzade Ahmet and Şehzade Korkut) and nephews to death upon his accession in order to eliminate potential pretenders to the throne. This fratricidal policy was motivated by bouts of civil strife that had been sparked by the antagonism between Selim’s father Beyazid and his uncle Cem Sultan, and between Selim himself and his brother Ahmet. His biological mother was Gül-Bahār Khātûn, who had never acquired the title of Valide Khātûn since she had died before Selim’s accession to the Ottoman throne. According to another theory, Selim was the biological son of A’ishā (Ayşe) Khātûn I[5][6] who died at Trebizond on 1505 and was the daughter of Alaüddevle Bozkurt Bey, the eleventh ruler of the Dulkadirids centered around Elbistan in Kahramanmaraş.
Selim I was described as being tall, having very broad shoulders and a long mustache. He was skilled in politics and was said to be fond of fighting.

لنا ان نتخيل ماذا كانت عليه طفولته وقد انقلب على والده وقتل كل اخوته حتى يضمن عدم وجود منافسه له على الملك؟

طفولة عاصفة

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:20 PM
المشاركة 73
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
72-جوليو دوهي

General Giulio Douhet (30 May 1869 - 15 February 1930) was an Italian general and air power theorist. He was a key proponent of strategic bombing in aerial warfare. He was a contemporary of the 1920s air warfare advocates Walther Wever, Billy Mitchell and Sir Hugh Trenchard

Born in Caserta, Campania, Italy, he attended the Modena Military Academy and was commissioned into the artillery of the Italian Army in 1882. Later he attended the Polytechnic Institute in Turin where he studied science and engineering. Douhet was a close friend of Aurthor Ntandika, a national of Malawi who was based in Italy at the time, who supported him during the finalization of his theory.[]
Assigned to the General Staff shortly after the beginning of the new century, Douhet published lectures on military mechanization. With the arrival of dirigibles and then fixed-wing aircraft in Italy he quickly recognized the military potential of the new technology. Douhet saw the pitfalls of allowing air power to be fettered by ground commanders and began to advocate the creation of a separate air arm commanded by airmen. He teamed up with the young aircraft engineer Gianni Caproni to extol the virtues of air power in the years ahead.
In 1911, Italy went to war against the Ottoman Empire for control of Libya. During that war aircraft operated for the first time in reconnaissance, transport, artillery spotting and even limited bombing roles. Douhet wrote a report on the aviation lessons learned in which he suggested high altitude bombing should be the primary role of aircraft.[citation needed] In 1912 Douhet assumed command of the Italian aviation battalion at Turin, where he wrote a set of Rules for the Use of Airplanes in War -- one of the first doctrine manuals of its kind.[citation needed] However, Douhet's preaching on air power marked him as a 'radical'. After an incident in which he ordered construction of Caproni bombers without authorization, he was exiled to the infantry.
When World War I began, Douhet began to call for Italy to launch a massive military buildup—particularly in aircraft. "To gain command of the air," he said, was to render an enemy "harmless".[citation needed] When Italy entered the war in 1915 Douhet was shocked by the army's incompetence and unpreparedness.[citation needed] He proposed a force of 500 bombers[1] that could drop 125 tons of bombs daily[citation needed] to break the bloody stalemate with Austria, but was ignored.[1] He corresponded with his superiors and government officials, criticising the conduct of the war and advocating an air power solution.[citation needed] Douhet was court-martialed and was imprisoned for one year for criticizing Italian military leaders in a memorandum to the cabinet.[1]
Douhet continued to write about air power from his cell, finishing a novel on air power and proposing a massive Allied fleet of aircraft in communications to ministers.[citation needed] He was released and returned to duty shortly after the disastrous Battle of Caporetto in 1917.[citation needed] Douhet was recalled to service in 1918 to serve as head of the Italian Central Aeronautic Bureau.[1]
He was exonerated in 1920 and promoted to general officer in 1921. The same year he completed a hugely influential treatise on strategic bombing titled The Command of the Air and retired from military service soon after. Except for a few months as the head of aviation in Mussolini's government in 1922, Douhet spent much of the rest of his life theorizing about the impact of military air power.[He died in 1930.[1]

مجهول الطفولة.

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:26 PM
المشاركة 74
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
73-هاينز جودريان

هاينز جوديريان ( Heinz Guderian)(17 يونيو 1888-14 مايو 1954) ضابط ألماني خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية . عرف بكونه احد رواد نظرية الحرب المدرعة, وتأييده لمكنكة الفيرماخت (الجيش الالماني) واعطاء دور اكبر للدبابات فيه. كان لنظرياته تأثير كبير في بناء الجيش الالماني, حيث تم تحت اشرافه بناء الفرق المدرعة في الجيش.

كقائد عسكري اثبت نجاحه خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية في حملات عديدة. ورقي لمنصاب مختلفه حتى عين قائدا لاركان الجيش في اخر سنوات الحرب.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

نظريته العسكرية
كان جوديريان متأثراً بالسلاح الجديد الدبابة الذي استخدمه الحلفاء في الحرب العالمية الأولى، و في عام 1937 كتب جوديريان كتابه "انتباه! دبابة!" (بالألمانية: Achtung! Panzer!) الذي أشار فيه إلى الدور الذي يجب على الدبابة أن تلعبه في الحروب المستقبلية.

سنوات الانتصار
  • قاد جوديريان أثناءغزو بولندا عام 1939 الفيلق التاسع عشر الذي استولى على برست ليتوفسك Brest-Litovsk.
  • قبل غزو فرنسا ساعد جوديريان القائد إريش فون مانشتاين في إعداد الخطة التي أدت في النهاية إلى هزيمة الحلفاء واحتلال فرنسا عام 1940، وكان جوديريان نفسه قائداً للفيلق التاسع عشر الذي كانت مهمته اختراق غابة الأردين وعبور نهر الموز Meuse وأدى فيلقه هذه المهمة بنجاح، وكان أول فيلق يصل البحر عند نويل Noyelles في 20 مايو 1940.
  • ضمن ما عرف باسم عملية باربروسا الهادفة لغزو الاتحاد السوفيتي قاد جوديريان المجموعة المدرعة الثانية ضمن مجموعة الجيش الوسطى، وأدى المهمة بنجاح كباقي القادة أول الأمر، لكن مع قدوم الشتاء تباطأ التقدم، واختار جوديريان إيقاف الهجوم متحدياً أدولف هتلر مما اغضب هتلر فأمر بعزله.
  • في سبتمبر 1942 عندما كان رومل قائد قوات المحور في شمال أفريقيا في ألمانيا لغرض الاستشفاء، اقترح اسم جوديريان للقيادة العليا الألمانية باعتباره الشخص الوحيد القادر على أن يحل محله في أفريقيا، وجاء الرد في نفس الليلة :" جوديريان غير مقبول".
سنوات الهزيمة
  • في فبراير 1943 بعد أيام على الهزيمة في معركة ستالينغراد استدعي جوديريان ليكون مفتشاً عاماً للقوات المدرعة، خصوصاً وأن هناك أنواعاً جديدةً من الدبابات تم إنتاجها، ولا خلاف على خبرته في مجال المدرعات.
  • في يوليو عام 1944 عُين رئيساً لأركان الجيش الألماني، واعترض على استحياء عملية الهجوم الجديدة على غابة الأردين فيما عُرف باسم معركة الثغرة.
  • عُزل في النهاية في مارس 1945 ثم أُلقي القبض عليه في 10 مايو 1945، بعد أيام من نهاية الحرب في أوروبا.
بعد الحرب كتب جوديريان مذكراته ثم توفي عام 1954 في شفانغاو Schwngau في المانيا الغربية

Heinz Wilhelm Guderian (German: [guˈdeʀi̯an]; 17 June 1888 – 14 May 1954) was a German general during World War II. He was a pioneer in the development of armoured warfare, and was the leading proponent of tanks and mechanization in the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces). Germany's panzer (armoured) forces were raised and organized under his direction as Chief of Mobile Forces. During the war, he was a highly successful commander of panzer forces in several campaigns, became Inspector-General of Armoured Troops, rose to the rank of Generaloberst, and was Chief of the General Staff of the Heer in the last year of the war.

Early career

Guderian was born in Kulm, West Prussia (now Chełmno, Poland). From 1901 to 1907 Guderian attended various military schools. He entered the Army in 1907 as an ensign-cadet in the (Hanoverian) J&auml;ger Bataillon No. 10, commanded at that point by his father, Friedrich Guderian. After attending the war academy in Metz he was made a Leutnant (full Lieutenant) in 1908. In 1911 Guderian joined the 3rd Telegraphen-Battalion of the Prussian Army Signal Corps. On October 1, 1913, he married Margarete Goerne with whom he had two sons, Heinz Günter (born Aug 2nd 1914 to 2004) and Kurt (born 17 September 1918 to 1984). Both sons became highly decorated Wehrmacht officers during World War II; Heinz Günter became a Panzer general in the Bundeswehr after the war.
During World War I he served as a Signals and General Staff officer. This allowed him to get an overall view of battlefield conditions. He often disagreed with his superiors and was transferred to the army intelligence department, where he remained until the end of the war. This second assignment, while removed from the battlefield, sharpened his strategic skills. He disagreed with German surrender at the end of World War I, believing German Empire should continue the fight writing "the most the Allies can do is to destroy us"[2]
Early in 1919, Guderian was assigned to serve on the staff of the central command of the Eastern Frontier Guard Service. This Guard Service was intended to control and coordinate the independent Freikorps units in the defense of Germany's eastern frontiers against Polish and Soviet forces.[3] In June 1919, Guderian joined the Iron Brigade (later known as Iron Division) as its second General Staff officer.[4] The regular German army had intended that this move would allow the army to reassert its control over the Iron Division; however, their hopes were disappointed. Rather than restrain the Freikorps, Guderian's anti-communism caused him to empathize with the Iron Division's efforts to defend Prussia against the Soviet threat. The Iron Division waged ruthless campaign in Lithuania and pushed into Latvia; however, traditional German anti-Slavic attitudes prevented the division's full cooperation with the White Russian and Baltic forces opposing the Bolsheviks.[5] During the division's advance on Riga, it committed numerous atrocities as part of its ideological mission to "cleanse and clean"; these events are omitted by Guderian in his memoirs.[5]
After the war, Guderian stayed in the reduced 100,000-man German Army (Reichswehr) as a company commander in the 10th J&auml;ger-Battalion. Later he joined the Truppenamt ("Troop Office"), which was actually the Army's "General-Staff-in-waiting" (an official General Staff was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles). In 1927 Guderian was promoted to major and transferred to the Truppenamt group for Army transport and motorized tactics in Berlin. This put him at the center of German development of armoured forces. Guderian, who was fluent in both English and French studied the works of British maneuver warfare theorists J. F. C. Fuller and, debatably,[6] B. H. Liddell Hart; also the writings, interestingly enough, of the then-obscure Charles de Gaulle. He translated these works into German.

مجهول الطفولة

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:28 PM
المشاركة 75
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
74-لين بياو

لين بياو (1907 - 1971) أحد القادة الشيوعيين الصينيين ساهم في الصراع على السلطة في الصين وشغل عدة مناصب عسكرية هامة اشتهر بانتصاراته على اليابانيين وهزيمته للوطنيين في الحرب الأهلية الصينية ودعمه لكوريا الشمالية في الحرب الكورية ضد قوات الأمم المتحدة وفييتنام الشمالية في حرب فييتنام

ولد لين في 5 ديسمبر 1907 في مقاطعة هوبيه ابناً لصاحب مصنع وتخرج من أكاديمية وامبو العسكرية عام 1926 وصعد سلم الترقيات سريعاً في أثناء الحملة الشمالية من يوليو 1926 حتى أبريل 1927 ليصبح رائد في أقل من عام بعد ذلك فر من الجيش الوطني لينضم إلى الشيوعيين

في 8 سبتمبر 1971 شرع لين في عمل عسكري للاستيلاء على الحكم واغتيال ماو إلا أن منافساً له كشف خطته مما مكن ماو تسي تونغ من الاحتفاظ بالحكم فحاول لين الهروب برفقة أسرته إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي ولم تعلن الحكومة الصينية إلا أواخر عام 1972 أن لين وأسرته قد لقوا مصرعهم في 13 سبتمبر 1971 عندما تحطمت الطائرة التي تقلهم في اندرخان (undurkhan) بمنغوليا

لين بياو Lin Biao قائد عسكري صيني بارز ووزير دفاع الجمهورية الشعبية الصينية ما بين عامي 1959-1971. ولد لين بياو في إحدى قرى مقاطعة هوبي Hubei في أواسط الصين، وهو ابن لفلاح فقير

Lin Biao (pinyin: L&iacute;n Biāo; IPA: [lǐn pjɑ́ʊ]; December 5, 1907– September 13, 1971) was a major Chinese Communist military leader who was pivotal in the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, especially in Northeastern China. Lin was the general who commanded the decisive Liaoshen Campaign and Pingjin Campaign, co-led the Northeast battlefield army of the People's Liberation Army into Beijing, and crossed the Yangtze River in 1949. He ranked third among the Ten Marshals. Zhu De and Peng Dehuai were considered senior to Lin, and Lin ranked ahead of He Long and Liu Bocheng.
Lin abstained from taking an active role in politics after the civil war, but became instrumental in creating the foundations for Mao Zedong's cult of personality in the early 1960s. Lin was rewarded for his service to Mao by being named Mao's designated successor during the Cultural Revolution, from 1966 until his death.
Lin died in September 1971 when his plane crashed in Mongolia, following what appeared to be a failed coup to oust Mao. Because little inside information is available to the public on this "Lin Biao incident", the exact events preceding Lin's death have been a source of speculation among China scholars ever since. Following Lin's death, he was officially condemned as a traitor by the Communist Party of China. He and Jiang Qing are still considered to be the two "major Counter-revolutionary cliques" blamed for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution.



Lin Biao in Kuomintang uniform
Lin Biao was the son of a prosperous merchant family in the village of Huanggang, Hubei. His name at birth was "Lin Yurong".[2]in's father opened a small handicrafts factory in the mid-late 1910s, but was forced to close the factory due to "heavy taxes imposed by local militarists". After closing the factory, Lin's father worked as a purser aboard a river steamship. Lin entered primary school in 1917,[3] but moved to Shanghai in 1919 to continue his education.[2] As a child, Lin was much more interested in participating in student movements than in pursuing his formal education.[4] Lin joined a satellite organization of the Communist Youth League before he graduated high school in 1925. Later in 1925 he participated in the May Thirtieth Movement and enrolled in the newly established Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou.[1]
As a young cadet, Lin admired the personality of Chiang Kai-shek, who was then the Principal of the Academy.[4] At Whampoa, Lin also studied under Zhou Enlai, who was eight years older than Lin. Lin had no contact with Zhou after their time in Whampoa, until they met again in Yan'an in the late 1930s.[5] Lin's relationship with Zhou was never especially close, but they rarely opposed each other directly.[6]
After graduating from Whampoa in 1926, Lin was assigned to a regiment commanded by Ye Ting. Less than a year after graduating from Whampoa, Lin was ordered to participate in the Northern Expedition, rising from deputy platoon leader to battalion commander in the National Revolutionary Army within a few months. It was during the Northern Expedition that Lin joined the Communist Party[1] By 1927 Lin was a colonel.
When he was 20 Lin married a girl from the countryside with the family name "Ong". This marriage was arranged by Lin's parents, and the couple never became close. When Lin left the Kuomintang to become a communist revolutionary, Ong did not accompany Lin, and their marriage effectively ended

طفولة مجهولة.

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:31 PM
المشاركة 76
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
75-اسورو ياماموتو

Isoroku Yamamoto (山本 五十六, Yamamoto Isoroku?, 24 April 1884 – 18 April 1943) was a Japanese Naval Marshal General and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet during World War II, a graduate of the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy
Yamamoto held several important posts in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and undertook many of its changes and reorganizations, especially its development of naval aviation. He was the commander-in-chief during the decisive early years of the Pacific War and so was responsible for major battles such as Pearl Harbor and Midway. He died during an inspection tour of forward positions in the Solomon Islands when his aircraft (a Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber) was shot down during an ambush by American P-38 Lightning fighter planes. His death was a major blow to Japanese military morale during World War II.

Family background

This section does not cite any references or sources. (May 2010)
Yamamoto was born as Isoroku Takano (高野 五十六, Takano Isoroku?) in Nagaoka, Niigata. His father was Takano Sadayoshi (高野 貞吉, Takano Sadayoshi?), an intermediate samurai of the Nagaoka Domain. "Isoroku" is an old Japanese term meaning "56"; the name referred to his father's age at Isoroku's birth.
In 1916, Isoroku was adopted into the Yamamoto family (another family of former Nagaoka samurai) and took the Yamamoto name. It was a common practice for Japanese families lacking sons to adopt suitable young men in this fashion to carry on the family name. In 1918 Isoroku married Reiko Mihashi, with whom he had two sons and two daughters.

[Early career

After graduating from the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy in 1904, Yamamoto served on the cruiser Nisshin during the Russo-Japanese War. He was wounded at the Battle of Tsushima, losing two fingers (the index and middle fingers) on his left hand, as the cruiser was hit repeatedly by the Russian battleline. He returned to the Naval Staff College in 1914, emerging as a Naval Major (Lieutenant Commander) in 1916.

ولد عندما كان والده في السادسة والخمسين، وتم تبنيه لاحقا ليحفظ اسم عائلة ياماموتو التي لم تنجب ولكي يحفظ اسمها وذلك امر كان معمول به في اليابان القديمة. لا يعرف في الواقع عن والديه شيئا لكن يمكننا ان نستنتج انه على الاقل يتيم اجتماعي مع الارجية ان يكون قد تيتم وهو صغير لانه تم تبنيه.

يتيم اجتماعي.

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:32 PM
المشاركة 77
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
76-هارولد روبيرت الكسندر

Field Marshal Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis KGPCGCBOMGCMGCSIDSOMCCDPC(Can) (10 December 1891 – 16 June 1969) was a British military commander and field marshal who served with distinction in both world wars and, afterwards, as Governor General of Canada, the 17th since Canadian Confederation.
Alexander was born in London, England, to parents of noble heritage, and was educated at English public schools before moving on to Sandhurst for training as an army officer. He rose to prominence through his service in the First World War, receiving numerous honours and decorations, and continued his military career through various British campaigns across Europe and Asia. In the Second World War, Alexander acted as a high ranking commander in North Africa and Italy. He commanded 15th Army Group in Sicily and again in Italy before being made Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean. He was in 1946 appointed as governor general by George VI, king of Canada, on the recommendation of Prime Minister of Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King, to replace the Earl of Athlone as viceroy, and he occupied the post until succeeded by Vincent Massey in 1952. Alexander proved to be enthusiastic about the Canadian wilderness, as well as a popular governor general with the Canadian people, and he would be the last non-Canadian-born governor general before the appointment of Adrienne Clarkson in 1999.
After the end of his viceregal tenure, Alexander was sworn into the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and thereafter,[2] in order to serve as the British Minister of Defence in the Cabinet of Winston Churchill, into the Imperial Privy Council. Alexander retired in 1954 and died in 1969.

Early life

Alexander was born in London, the third son of the Earl and Countess of Caledon, the latter being a daughter of the Earl of Norbury. Alexander was educated at Hawtreys and Harrow School, there participating as the 11th batsman in the notorious Fowler's Match against Eton College in 1910.[3] Though Alexander toyed with the notion of becoming an artist,[4] he went instead on to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.

والده :
James Alexander, 4th Earl of Caledon KP, DL (11 July 1846 – 27 April 1898) was a soldier and politician and the son of James Du Pre Alexander, 3rd Earl of Caledon and Lady Jane Grimston, styled Viscount Alexander until 1855.

يتيم الاب في سن السابعة

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:35 PM
المشاركة 78
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
77-ايفين روميل

Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel[1] (15 November 1891 – 14 October 1944), popularly known as the Desert Fox (Wüstenfuchs, listen (help·info)), was a German Field Marshal of World War II. He won the respect of both his own troops and the enemies he fought.
He was a highly decorated officer in World War I, and was awarded the Pour le Mérite for his exploits on the Italian front. In World War II, he further distinguished himself as the commander of the 7th Panzer Division during the 1940 invasion of France. However, it was his leadership of German and Italian forces in the North African campaign that established the legend of the Desert Fox. He is considered to have been one of the most skilled commanders of desert warfare in the conflict.[2][page needed] He later commanded the German forces opposing the Allied cross-channel invasion in Normandy.
As one of the few generals who consistently fought the Western Allies (he was never assigned to the Eastern Front), Rommel is regarded as having been a humane and professional officer. His Afrikakorps was never accused of war crimes. Soldiers captured during his Africa campaign were reported to have been treated humanely. Furthermore, he ignored orders to kill captured commandos, Jewish soldiers and civilians in all theaters of his command.[3]
Late in the war, Rommel was linked to the conspiracy to kill Adolf Hitler. Because Rommel was widely renowned, Hitler chose to eliminate him quietly. Rommel agreed to commit suicide by taking a cyanide pill, in return for assurances his family would be spared.
Early life and career

Rommel was born on 15 November 1891 in Heidenheim, 45 kilometres (28 mi) from Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg (then part of the German Empire). He was baptised on 17 November 1891. He was the second child of the Protestant headmaster of the secondary school at Aalen, Professor Erwin Rommel Senior (1860–1913), and Helene von Luz, who had two other sons and a daughter. Rommel wrote that "my early years passed quite happily."
At age 14, Rommel and a friend built a full-scale glider that was able to fly short distances. Rommel even considered becoming an engineer and throughout his life displayed extraordinary technical aptitude. Acceding to his father's wishes, Rommel instead joined the local 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet in 1910 and was sent to the Officer Cadet School in Danzig. He graduated on 15 November 1911 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in January 1912.
While at Cadet School, Rommel met his future wife, 17-year-old Lucia Maria Mollin (commonly called Lucie). They married on 27 November 1916 in Danzig and on 24 December 1928 had a son, Manfred Rommel, who later became the Mayor of Stuttgart. Some historians believe Rommel also had a relationship with Walburga Stemmer in 1913, which allegedly produced a daughter, Gertr

يتيم الاب في سن الـ 20

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:39 PM
المشاركة 79
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
78-لينارت تورستنسون

Lennart Torstenson, Count of Ortala, Baron of Virestad (17 August 1603 – 7 April 1651), was a SwedishField Marshal and military engineer.


[Early career

He was born at Forstena in V&auml;sterg&ouml;tland - he always wrote his name Linnardt Torstenson. His parents were M&auml;rta Nilsdotter Posse and Torsten Lennartson, Lord of Forstena, who was supporter of king Sigismund and, for awhile, the commandant of &Auml;lvsborg Fortress. Young Lennart's parents fled to exile in the year of his birth because his father had confessed to being loyal to the deposed Sigismund. Lennart was taken care of by relatives - his father returned to Sweden only when Lennart was around twenty. His paternal uncle Anders Lennartsson was Lord High Constable of Sweden and trusted by Duke Charles, but he fell at the Battle of Kirkholm in 1605

تركه والده وسافر خارج البلاد ولم يعد الا بعد ان اصبح عمر ابنه 20 سنة.

يتيم اجتماعي.

قديم 08-27-2012, 10:44 PM
المشاركة 80
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
79-صدام حسين

صدام حسين المجيد التكريتي (28 أبريل1937[2] - 30 ديسمبر2006)[3] خامس رئيس لجمهورية العراق في الفترة ما بين عام 1979م وحتى 9 أبريل عام 2003م[4]. ونائب رئيس الجمهورية العراقية بين 1975و1979.
سطع نجمه إبان الانقلاب الذي قام به حزب البعث - ثورة 17 تموز 1968 - والذي دعى لتبني الأفكار القومية العربية والتحضر الاقتصاديوالاشتراكية. ولعب صدام دوراً رئيسياً في انقلاب عام 1968م والذي وضعه في هرم السلطة كنائب للرئيس اللواء أحمد حسن البكر وأمسك صدام بزمام الأمور في القطاعات الحكومية والقوات المسلحة المتصارعتين في الوقت الذي اعتبرت فيه العديد من المنظمات قادرة على الإطاحة بالحكومة. وقد نمى الاقتصاد العراقي بشكل سريع في السبعينات نتيجة سياسة تطوير ممنهجه للعراق بالإضافة للموارد الناتجة عن الطفرة الكبيرة في أسعار النفط في ذلك الوقت.[5] وصل صدام إلى رأس السلطة في العراق حيث أصبح رئيساً للعراق عام 1979م بعد أن قام بحملة لتصفية معارضيه وخصومه في داخل حزب البعث [6] وفي عام 1980م دخل صدام حرباً مع إيران استمرت 8 سنوات من 22 سبتمبر عام 1980م حتى 8 أغسطس عام 1988م.[7] وقبل أن تمر الذكرى الثانية لانتهاء الحرب مع إيران غزا صدام الكويت في 2 أغسطس عام 1990.[8] والتي أدت إلى نشوب حرب الخليج الثانية عام 1991م.[9]
ظل العراق بعدها محاصراً دولياً حتى عام 2003م حيث احتلت القوات الأمريكية كامل أراضي الجمهورية العراقية بحجة امتلاك العراق لأسلحة الدمار الشامل ووجود عناصر لتنظيم القاعدة تعمل من داخل العراق حيث ثبت كذب تلك الادعاءات [10][المصدر لا يؤكد ذلك] بل إن السبب هو النفط [11][المصدر لا يؤكد ذلك]. قبض عليه في 13 ديسمبر عام 2003م في عملية سميت بالفجر الأ؛مر.[12]. تم بعدها محاكمته وتنفيذ حكم الإعدام عليه في 31 ديسيمبر عام 2006م.[3]

ولد صدام حسين في قرية العوجة التي تبعد 13 كم عن مدينة تكريت شمال غرب بغداد التابعة لمحافظة صلاح الدين[4] لعائلة تمتهن الزراعة توفي والده قبل ولادته بستة أشهر وتعدد الأقاويل التي فسرت سبب وفاته ما بين وفاة لأسباب طبيعية أو مقتله على أيدي قطاع الطرق.[13] بعدها بفترة قصيرة توفي الأخ الأكبر لصدام وهو في الثالثة عشرة بعد إصابته بالسرطان.[14]
كانت العوجة التي تبعد 8 كيلو متر جنوب تكريت في شمال وسط العراق عبارة عن بيوت وأكواخ من الطمي يسكنها أناس يعيشون في فقر مدقع المياه الجارية والكهرباء والطرق الممهدة لم تكن معروفه ونسبة الوفيات بين الأطفال مرتفعة وكان سكانها يعملون في الفلاحة أو كخدم في تكريت ولما لم تكن هناك مدارس في العوجة فإن الآباء القادرين يرسلون أبنائهم للدراسة في تكريت وكانت تشتهر بأنها ملاذ لقطاع الطرق.[15]
ولد صدام في بيت يملكه خاله خير الله طلفاح وينتمي إلى عشيرة البيجات السنية إحدى فخوذ قبيلة أبو ناصر التي كانت مهيمنة في منطقة تكريت. وفي الثلاثينات كانت القبيلة معروفة بفقرها وبميلها إلى العنف وكان زعمائها يفاخرون بتصفية أعدائهم لأتفه الأسباب.[16] كانت صبحة والدة صدام تعاني من العدم فقد كان عملها الوحيد قراءة الطالع وكان سكان في تكريت يذكرونها كامرأة بملابس سوداء على الدوام وجيوبها مليئة بالأصداف التي كانت تستخدمها في مهنتها وكانت تتلقى بعض الدعم المادي من شقيقها خير الله طلفاح الذي كان يسكن في تكريت وتكفل بتنشئة صدام.[17]

كان حسين عبد المجيد والد صدام رجلاً فقيراً عاش يتيم الأبوين وكان يعمل حارساً تزوج من صبحة وهي إحدى قريباته وأنجبا طفلاً مات بعد أربعة شهور من ولادته بسبب المرض ثم حملت بعد ذلك بصدام وأثناء حملها أصيب زوجها بكسر في أسفل ظهره لقفزه من فوق سطح منزله إلى الأرض للانقضاض على أحد الأشقياء كان يحاول التحرش بزوجة جاره ثم مات حسين المجيد قبل ولادة صدام بثلاث شهور. وأقام له صدام لاحقاً ضريحاً فخماً في تكريت.
إبراهيم الحسن

مات جد صدام وهو في الثانية من عمره [20] فانتقلت به أمه ليعيشا في كنف خاله في بغداد ثم حدث التحول الأهم بعد ذلك في حياة صدام والذي كان له أكبر الأثر في تكوين شخصيته في ما بعد وذلك أن أمه تزوجت من شخص يدعى إبراهيم الحسن والد إخوة صدام غير الأشقاء برزان ووطبان وسبعاوي.[18]
فالذين عرفوا إبراهيم الحسن يصفونه كما ذكر صلاح عمر العلي أحد قادة حزب البعث السابقين بأنه كان صاحب شخصية شريرة لا حدود لمشاعر القسوة فيها وأنه لم يحمل أي مشاعر ود لصدام وقد عامله بعداء مفرط وكان يضربه بلا رحمه على رغم من صغر سنه وكان إبراهيم الحسن يصر على أن يتعلم صدام كل فنون الزراعة والرعي وهو في سن صغيره جداً وحين كانت تحاول أم صدام أن تحميه من بطش زوجها كان ينهرها ويعنفها فقد كان يرى أن الأسلوب الأفضل في تربيته هو الشدة والقسوة حتى يصبح رجلاً.[21]
ولم يتوقف الأمر على ذلك بل إن إبراهيم الحسن قد منع صدام من دخول المدرسة رغم أن صدام كان تواقاً لذلك ليكون مثل باقي الأطفال من ناحية وليهرب من قسوة زوجة أمه.[22] ثم عاش بعد ذلك فترة من الثالثة حتى التاسعة انتهكت فيها طفولته بكل ألوان القسوة والغلظة والرفض والحرمان.[23] ورعى صدام الغنم في صغره وتعلم السباحة والرماية وركوب الخيل أيضاً.

يتيم الاب قبل الولادة بستة اشهر.

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 16 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 16)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: ما الذي يصنع القائد العسكري الفذ؟؟!! دراسة بحثية
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
أعظم 50 عبقري عبر التاريخ : ما سر هذه العبقرية؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 62 05-16-2021 01:36 PM
هل تولد الحياة من رحم الموت؟؟؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 2483 09-23-2019 02:12 PM
أفضل مئة رواية عربية – سر الروعة فيها؟؟؟!!!- دراسة بحثية. ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 1499 11-11-2017 11:55 PM
اعظم 100 كتاب في التاريخ: ما سر هذه العظمة؟- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 413 12-09-2015 01:15 PM
اثر الحضارة العربية والإسلامية في الأدب العالمي- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 30 08-21-2013 11:24 AM

الساعة الآن 03:35 PM

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