قديم 03-19-2014, 04:56 PM
المشاركة 201
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
الاستاذة سارة

ضروري ان نعمل على تنشيط هذه الزاوية فادب الطفل غاية في الاهمية...ربما ان هذا هو افضل اقتراح

قديم 03-26-2014, 05:53 PM
المشاركة 202
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
  • غير موجود
الاستاذة سارة

ضروري ان نعمل على تنشيط هذه الزاوية فادب الطفل غاية في الاهمية...ربما ان هذا هو افضل اقتراح
أنتظر القصص أستاذنا و على أحرَّ من الجمر :نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

قديم 04-12-2015, 04:28 PM
المشاركة 203
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

Astrid lindegren memorial Award


هيئات الترشيح لجائزة عام 2016

قديم 04-12-2015, 04:31 PM
المشاركة 204
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
  • غير موجود
Albania: Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Albania

Algeria Syndicat National des Editeurs des Livres (SNEL)

Andorra : Biblioteca Nacional d’Andorra

Angola : Biblioteca Nacional de Angola

Argentina: Argentinian Section of IBBY


قديم 04-24-2015, 02:36 AM
المشاركة 205
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
  • غير موجود
Argentina Argentinian Section of IBBY
Asociaciأ³n de Ilustradores Argentinos
Asociaciأ³n de Ilustradores Dibujantes
Foro de Ilustradores Argentinos
Isol / Laureate 2013 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
Salmeron IFLA
Armenia Armenian Section of IBBY
Australia Australian Section of IBBY
National Library of Armenia
Centre for Youth Literature
Children’s Book Council of Australia
National Library of Australia IFLA
Sonya Hartnett/ Laureate 2008 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
Shaun Tan / Laureate 2011 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,
Australia & New Zealand
Austria Austrian Section of IBBY
Belarus Belarus Writers Association
Belgium Belgian Section of IBBY (Flemish Branch)
National Library of Belarus
Belgian Section of IBBY (French Branch)
Muntpunt Bibliotheek
Kitty Crowther / Laureate 2010 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Belgium
Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief &
Dokumentatie IFLA (VVBAD)
Vlaamse Illustratoren Club
Bolivia Bolivian Section of IBBY
Bosnia and Herzegovina National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil Brazilian Section of IBBY
Lygia Bojunga / Laureate 2004 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
British Virgin Islands IRA Tortola / British Virgin Islands Reading Council
Canada Bibliothéque et Archives Nationale du Québec
Canadian Section of IBBY
Library and Archives Canada (National Library of Canada)
Toronto Public Library /The Osborne Collection of Early
Children’s Books
Chile Chilean Section of IBBY
China Chinese Section of IBBY
Colombia Colombian Section of IBBY
Costa Rica Costa Rican Section of IBBY
Croatia Croatian Library Ass. (CLA) IFLA/ Hrvatsko knjiznicarsko
Croatian Section of IBBY
Rijeka City Library IFLA
Cuba Cuban Section of IBBY
Cyprus Cypriot Section of IBBY
Czech Republic Czech Section of IBBY
Denmark Centre for Children’s Literature / Center for bأ¸rnelitteratur
Danish Section of IBBY
Danish Authors’ Society / Dansk Forfatterforening
Danish Author’s Society / Illustratorgruppen
Ecuador Ecuadorian Section of IBBY
Egypt Bibliotheca Alexandrina IFLA
Eritrea Eritrea Publishers Association (ERIPA)
Estonia Estonian Section of IBBY
Egyptian Section of IBBY
Estonian Writers’ Union / Eesti Kirjanike Liit
Faroe Islands Rithأ¶vundafelag Fأ¶roya
Finland Association of Finnish Illustrators / Kuvittajat
France Association des Bibliothécaires Français IFLA / French
Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature /
Lastenkirjainstituutti (LKI)
Finnish Library Association IFLA / Suomen Kirjastoseura
Finnish Literature Exchange (FILI)
Finnish Section of IBBY
Grafia, Association of Professional Graphic Designers in
Society of Swedish Authors in Finland
Union of Finnish Writers / Suomen Kirjailijaliitto
Librarian Association
French Section of IBBY
Société des Gens de Lettres (SGDL)
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, France
Georgia National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
Germany Arbeitsstelle für Leseforschung und Kinder- und
Jugendmedien (ALEKI)
German Section of IBBY
Illustratoren Organisation e.V
International Youth Library/ Internationale Jugendbibliothek
Stiftung Illustration / Museum Burg Wissem
Ghana Ghana Section of IBBY / Ghana Library Board
Greece Greek Section of IBBY
Hellenic Author’s Society
National Society of Greek Authors
Greenland Nunatta Atuagaateqarfia / Gronlandske Landsbibliotek
Haiti Haitian Section of IBBY
Hungary Hungarian Section of IBBY
Iceland Félag أ*slenskra teiknara (FIT)
Institute of Hungarian Children’s Literature Ltd
Icelandic Library and Information Science Association IFLA
Icelandic Section of IBBY
Writers’ Union of Iceland / Rithأ¶fundasamband Islands
India Garai IFLA
Indian Section of IBBY
Indonesia Indonesian Section of IBBY
Iran Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and
Young Adults IFLA
Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature
Iranian Section of IBBY / Children’s Book Council of Iran
Ireland Children’s Books Ireland
Italy Associazione Illustratori
Associazione Italiana Biblioteche IFLA
Biblioteca Italiana per Ciechi Regina Margherita IFLA
Italian Section of IBBY
Japan International Institute for Children’s Literature in Osaka
Japan Library Association IFLA
Japanese Section of IBBY
Ryôji Arai / Laureate 2005 of the Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award
Kenya Kenya Literature Bureau
Korea, North Grand People’s Study House (DPRK)
National Book Development Council of Kenya
Korea, South Korean (Republic) Section of IBBY
Latvia Latvian Literature Centre
Latvian Section of IBBY
Lebanon Lebanese Section of IBBY
Lithuania Lithuanian Section of IBBY
Malaysia Malaysian Section of IBBY
Qiraat Saghira
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Lebanon
Lithuanian Writers’ Union / Lietuvos Rasytoju Sajunca
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,

Maldives National Library

Malta Ministry of Education and Employment

Mexico Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes


El Ilustradero

Ilustraciأ³n Mexico

Mexican Section of IBBY

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Mexico

Moldova, Rep. of Moldovan Section of IBBY

Mongolia Mongolian Section of IBBY

Montenegro, Rep. of Central National Library of the Republic of Montenegro

Namibia Namibia Children’s Book Forum (NCBF)

Nepal Nepalese Section of IBBY

Netherlands Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds)

Dutch Section of IBBY

Guus Kuijer / Laureate 2012 of the Astrid Lindgren

Memorial Award

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,


Vereniging van Schrijvers en Vertalers (VSen V)

New Zealand New Zealand Section of IBBY

Nicaragua Nicaraguan IRA Council

Norway Norwegian Library Association IFLA / Norsk


Norwegian Section of IBBY

Norsk barnebokinstitutt

Norwegian Writers for Children & Juveniles / Norske Barne

og Ungdomsbok Forfattare (NBU)

Sأ،mi Girjeؤچأ،lliid Searvi (SGS) / Sami Writers' Association

Pakistan Pakistani Section of IBBY

Palestinian Areas Palestinian section of IBBY

Tamer Institute for Community Education / Laureate 2009 of

the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award

Peru Peruvian Section of IBBY

Philippines Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,

Poland Association of Polish Writers / Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy

Portugal Portuguese Section of IBBY

Russian Federation Library for Foreign Literature / M.I.Rudomino (VGBIL)


Polskich (SPP)

Polish Section of IBBY

Polish Writers’ Union / Zwiazek Lieteratأ³w Polskich (ZLP)

Directorate General for Books, Archives and Libraries


Russian Section of IBBY

Russian Section of IBBY (St. Petersburg Branch)

Russian State Children’s Library

Rwanda Rwandan Section of IBBY

San Marino Secretariat of State for Education, Universities and Culture

Serbia Belgrade City Library / Biblioteka grada Beograda

Serbian Section of IBBY

Serbian Writers Union / Udruzenje knjizevnika Srbije (UKS)

Zmajeve Decje Igre

Slovakia Slovak Section of IBBY

Slovenia Drustvo slovenskih pisateljev / The Slovene Writers’


Slovenian Section of IBBY

Solomon Islands National Library Service

South Africa Children’s Literature Research Unit (UNISA)

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,

South Africa

South African Section of IBBY

Spain Centro de Estudios para la Promociأ³n de la Lectura y

Sweden Association of Swedish Illustrators / Fأ¶reningen Svenska

Literatura Infantil (CEPLI)

Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil

Spanish Section of IBBY (Basque Branch)

Spanish Section of IBBY (Catalan Branch)

Spanish Section of IBBY (Galician Branch)

Spanish Section of IBBY (OEPLI)


Barbro Lindgren / Laureate 2014 of the Astrid Lindgren

Memorial Award

Center for Graphic Literature / Serieteket


Swedish Academy for Children جپs Literature / Svenska


Swedish Institute for Children’s books / Svenska


Swedish Library Association IFLA / Svensk


Swedish Section of IBBY

Swedish Writers’ Union / Sveriges Fأ¶rfattarfأ¶rbund


Switzerland Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,


Swiss Section of IBBY (French-Swiss Branch)

Swiss Section of IBBY / Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder-

und Jugendmedien (SIKJM)

Thailand Thai Section of IBBY

Turkey Istanbul Tanpinar Literature Festival (ITEF)

Uganda Ugandan Section of IBBY

Ukraine Ukrainian Section of IBBY

United Arab Emirates Sharjah Book Authority

Turkish Section of IBBY

United Arab Emirates Section of IBBY

United Kingdom Cambridge/Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for

Children’s Literature

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling / Canolfan

Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans

National Centre for Research in Children’s Literature


Philip Pullman / Laureate 2005 of the Astrid Lindgren

Memorial Award

School Library Association IFLA

Seven Stories, National Centre for Children’s Books

Society of Authors

UK Section of IBBY

Uruguay Uruguayan Section of IBBY

USA Children’s Literature Association (ChLA)

Katherine Paterson / Laureate 2006 of the Astrid Lindgren

Memorial Award

National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature


United States Section of IBBY

Venezuela Banco del Libro / Laureate 2007 of the Astrid Lindgren

Zambia Zambian Section of IBBY

Memorial Award

Executive Committee of IBBY

International Association of School Librarianship (IASL),

Kurdish Writers, UK

Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section, IFLA

قديم 04-24-2015, 04:00 AM
المشاركة 206
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
  • غير موجود

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
من أراد أن يحصل على معلومات حول المسابقة فليفتح الرابط

قديم 09-01-2016, 10:42 PM
المشاركة 207
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
تعالوا نتعلم ونكتب قصص أطفال رائعة

ويسرنا اي اضافة حول فن كتابة القصة للأطفال كما يسرنا محاولاتكم في محال قصص الاطفال

قديم 09-02-2016, 10:43 AM
المشاركة 208
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
تعالوا نكتب قصص أطفال ولعلنا نشارك في المسابقات الدولية

قديم 09-02-2016, 01:45 PM
المشاركة 209
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
تعالوا نكتب قصص أطفال ولعلنا نشارك في المسابقات الدولية

قديم 09-05-2016, 06:10 PM
المشاركة 210
أسرار أحمد
( سارة )
  • غير موجود
تعالوا نكتب قصص أطفال ولعلنا نشارك في المسابقات الدولية
السلام عليكم أستاذ أيوب ماذا قصدت بقولك لعلَّنا نشارك
في المسابقات الدولية أي مسابقة تقصد أستريد أم غيرها :


مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 5 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 5)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: تعالوا نكتب قصص أطفال ساحرة: ورشة عمل
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
تعالوا نكتب 1000حديث لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أميرة الشمري نسمات إيمانية 3123 01-26-2024 08:32 PM
مواقف ... ساحرة .. وأخرى ساخرة .. الجيلالي محمد المقهى 16 06-08-2019 12:43 AM
أطفال .. فتحية الحمد منبر البوح الهادئ 2 06-04-2015 10:46 AM
أطفال كالرجال...... سنان المصطفى منبر البوح الهادئ 3 05-12-2015 07:33 PM
إلى أطفال الحولة ديمة زيدان منبر شعر التفعيلة 2 06-15-2012 01:35 PM

الساعة الآن 10:49 PM

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