قديم 10-15-2012, 09:19 AM
المشاركة 11
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
سلمى لاغرلوف

(بالسويدية: Selma Lagerlöf) ‏ (20 نوفمبر 1858 - 16 مارس 1940) روائية سويدية حائزة على جائزة نوبل في الأدب سنة 1909، وكانت أول سيدة تفوز بجائزة نوبل التي بدأت بمنح جوائزها منذ سنة 1901، ثم أصبحت سلمى في سنة 1914 من ضمن أعضاء الأكاديمية التي تمنح جوائز نوبل التي يتبناها بلدها السويد.
كانت سلمى الطفلة الرابعة في عائلتها، ولدت سنة 1858 في إقليم مارياكا الجبلي في قرية تابعة لمقاطعة فارملاند (على الحدود السويدية-النرويجية) بشمال السويد البارد. بدأت حياتها كمدرسة لمدة تصل لعشر سنوات في بلدة لاند سكرونا بين 1885 و1895، ولمع اسمها في عالم الأدب لأول مرة بعد أن نشرت روايتها الأولى "ملحمة غوستا برلنغ" عام 1891 التي بشرت بالنهضة الرومنطيقية في الأدب السويدي.
وبحلول عام 1895 قررت سلمى لايرلوف ترك مهنة التدريس لتكرس نفسها للأدب. قامت برحلة إلى فلسطين في مطلع القرن العشرين وأقامت في القدس وعند عودتها لبلادها اصدرت كتاب تضمن انطباعاتها عن هذه البقة الفريدة من العالم. من أشهر مؤلفاتها "رحلة نيلز هولغرسونز الرائعة عبر السويد" 1906 - 1907، "القدس" 1901 - 1902، "الروابط الغير مرئية" 1894، "عجائب المسيح الدجال" 1897، "ملك البرتغال" و"البيت العتيق".


في عام 1909، قررت الأكاديمية السويدية المشرفة على منح جوائز نوبل منحها الجائزة في الأدب لذاك العام تقديراً لإبداعها في تصوير مشاعر النفس البشرية والخيال النابض بالحيوية والمثالية النبيلة التي تميز أعمالها. كما تم اختيارها عضوا بذات الأكاديمية التي منحتها الجائزة في عام 1914. وفى عام 1928، حصلت على الدكتوراة الفخرية في الآداب من جامعة جريفس فالد الألمانية.
في السويد، يوجد فندقان يحملان اسمها، كما أن منزلها الذي عاشت به في مدينة مورباكا تحول إلى متحف يضم مقتناياتها. واعتباراً من عام 1992، قررت الحكومة السويدية وضع صورتها على الكرونا السويدية فئة 20 كرونا.

تدور أحداث غالبية أعمالها الأدبية في مقاطعة فارملاند (على الحدود السويدية-النرويجية)، بالرغم من أن رحلاتها عبر أواسط قارة أوروبا قد ألهمت العديد من أعمالها كعجائب المسيح عام 1897 التي تدور أحداثها في صقلية. في عام 1996، تم تحويل روايتها "القدس 1901 - 1902 " إلى فيلم لاقى أستحسان عالمى. العديد من القصص في هذا الكتاب وغيره من أعمالها الأدبية المميزة تم اقتباسها في أفلام باكرة على يد فيكتور سيستروم، رائد السينما السويدية. قدم سيستروم أعمال سينمائية لقصص لايرلوف الأدبية عن الحياة الريفية في السويد، والتي من خلالها سجلت عدسة كاميرته تفاصيل الحياة التقليدية البسيطة للقرية في الريف السويدى وعكست معالم الطبيعة الخلابة التي تتمتع بها، كل هذا أمدنا بقاعدة لعدد كبير من أكثر الأعمال شاعرية وخلود في تاريخ السينما الصامتة الباكرة.

توفيت لاغرلوف في سنة 1940

Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈsɛlma ˈlɑːɡərˌløːv] (نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة listen); 20 November 1858 – 16 March 1940) was a Swedish author. She was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and most widely known for her children's book Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (The Wonderful Adventures of Nils).

[Early life
Born at Mårbacka (now in Sunne Municipality) an estate in Värmland in western Sweden, Lagerlöf was the daughter of Lieutenant Erik Gustaf Lagerlöf and Louise Lagerlöf née Wallroth. The couple's fourth child, she was born with a hip injury. An early sickness left her lame مقعد ، اعرج ، كسيح in both legs, although she later recovered. She was a quiet child, more serious than others her age, with a deep love of reading.

The sale of Mårbacka following her father's illness in 1884 had a serious impact on her development.


Lagerlöf worked as a country schoolteacher at a high school for girls in Landskrona from 1885 to 1895 while honing her story-telling skills, with particular focus on the legends she had learned as a child. Through her studies at the Royal Women's Superior Training Academy in Stockholm, Lagerlöf reacted against the realism of contemporary Swedish language writers such as August Strindberg. She began her first novel, Gösta Berling's Saga, while working as a teacher in Landskrona. Her first break as a writer came when she submitted the first chapters to a literary contest, and won a publishing contract for the whole book. She received financial support of Fredrika Limnell, who wished to enable her to concentrate on her writing

- الابنة الرابعة.
- ولدت وقدت اصيبت بجرح في الفخذ
- اصيبت بمرض في الطفولة مما تسبب لها بإعاقة في القدمين ولكنها شفيت لاحقا.
- بيع المزرعة التي كانت تملكها العائلة بعد مرض الوالد وهي في سن 26 ترك اثرا مهولا عليها
- لا يعرف متى ماتت امها.

المرض في الطفولة المبكرة تسبب لها باعاقة حركية في كلا القدمين، وطفولة مأزومة بسبب ضائقة مالية ومرض الاب لكن لا نعرف عن والدتها شيء سنعتبرها

مأزومة وسبب ازمتها اعاقتها.


قديم 10-15-2012, 10:10 AM
المشاركة 12
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
بول فون هايس

(بالألمانية: Paul Heyse) هو كاتب ألماني ولد في 15 مارس 1830 وتوفي في 2 أبريل 1914. درس اللغات وترجم أعمال عدد من الشعراء الإيطاليين. حصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب لسنة 1910.

Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (15 March 1830 – 2 April 1914) was a distinguished German writer and translator. A member of two important literary societies, the Tunnel über der Spree in Berlin and Die Krokodile in Munich, he wrote novels, poetry, 177 short stories, and about sixty dramas. The sum of Heyse's many and varied productions made him a dominant figure among German men of letters. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1910 "as a tribute to the consummate artistry, permeated with idealism, which he has demonstrated during his long productive career as a lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and writer of world-renowned short stories." Wirsen, one of the Nobel judges, said that "Germany has not had a greater literary genius since Goethe." Heyse is the fourth oldest laureate in literature, after Doris Lessing, Theodor Mommsen and Jaroslav Seifert.

Berlin (1830-54)

Paul Heyse was born on 15 March 1830 in Heiliggeiststraße, Berlin. His father, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse,
)Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse (1797 Oldenburg - 1855 Berlin) was a Germanphilologist, son of Johann Christian August Heyse, father of the novelistPaul Johann Ludwig von Heyse, born at Oldenburg

was a professor of classical philology who had been the tutor of both Wilhelm von Humboldt's youngest son (1815–17) and Felix Mendelssohn (1819–27). The mother, Julie Heyse, came from the wealthy and art-loving family of the Prussian court jeweller Jakob Salomon (who took the surname Saaling after his conversion to Christianity) and was a cousin of Lea Mendelssohn, the composer's mother.

Heyse attended the renamed Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium until 1847. He was later remembered as a model student. His family connections gained him early entry to the artistic circles of Berlin, where he made the acquaintance of Emanuel Geibel, a man fifteen years his elder who was to become his literary mentor and lifelong friend, and who introduced him to his future father-in-law, the art historian and writer Franz Kugler.
After leaving school Heyse began studying classical philology. He met Jacob Burckhardt, Adolph Menzel, Theodor Fontane and Theodor Storm, and in 1849 joined the Tunnel über der Spree literary group. Frühlingsanfang 1848, the first of Heyse's poems to see print, expressed his enthusiasm for the recent Revolution. After a brief excursion to see the student militias he returned home without joining them, apparently out of consideration for the concerns of his parents and friends.
Having studied for two years at the University of Berlin he left for Bonn in April 1849 in order to study art history and Romance languages. In 1850 he finally resolved on a career as a writer and began a dissertation under the supervision of Friedrich Diez, a pioneer of Romance philology in Germany; but when it was discovered he was conducting an affair with the wife of one of his professors he was sent back to Berlin. Heyse's first book, Der Jungbrunnen (a collection of tales and poetry) was published anonymously by his father that same year. About the same time, Heyse received from the publisher Alexander Duncker a manuscript by the then-unknown Theodor Storm. Heyse's enthusiastic critique of Sommergeschichten und Lieder laid the foundations of their future friendship.
In 1851, Heyse won a contest held by the members of the "Tunnel" for the ballad Das Tal von Espigno. His first short story, "Marion" (1852), was similarly honoured, and it was followed by the Spanische Liederbuch, translations by Geibel and Heyse, a book of songs which was to be a favourite with composers. Throughout his career Heyse worked as a translator, above all of Italian literature (Leopardi, Giusti).
Several members of the "Tunnel" began to find its formalities and public nature distasteful, and a smaller circle, the Rütli, was formed in December 1852: it included Kugler, Lepel, Fontane, Storm, and Heyse.
In May 1852 Heyse was awarded a doctorate for his work on the troubadours, and a Prussian scholarship allowed him to depart for Italy to look for old Provençal manuscripts. He made friends with Arnold Böcklin and Joseph Victor von Scheffel but was banned from the Vatican library after being discovered copying passages from unpublished manuscripts. He returned to Germany in 1853, where, with the Italian landscape still fresh in his mind, he wrote the works which first made him famous: the tragedy Francesca von Rimini; his most famous short story, "L'Arrabbiata" ("The Fury", 1853, published in 1855); and the Lieder aus Sorrent ("Songs of Sorrento", 1852/53). Much of his new writing appeared in the Argo, the yearbook of the Rütli writers..
- المعلومات تشير الى ان والده مات وعمره 25 سنة لكن لا نعرف شيء عن والدته. ولا يوجد تفاصيل عن طبيعة الطفولة التي عاشها.

مجهول الطفولة.

قديم 10-15-2012, 01:21 PM
المشاركة 13
هند طاهر
من آل منابر ثقافية


  • غير موجود
عذرا فجائزة نوبل اصبحت موظفه لاغراض ماسونيه

لاجل ذلك اشك بكل من فاز وسيفوز بها


المـرء ضيف في الحــــياة وانني ضيف

كـــــــــذلك تنقــــــضي الأعمـــــــــار،

فإذا أقمــــــــت فإن شخصي بينكــــم

وإذا رحلت

فكلمــــــــتي تذكـــــــــــار
قديم 10-15-2012, 03:05 PM
المشاركة 14
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
مرحبا استاذة هند طاهر
في كل مجموعة قمت على دراستها تبين ان نسبة الايتام تزيد عن 50% الا اصحاب افضل 100 رواية عربية ذلك لانني لم اعثر على المعلومات اصلا. نحن العرب بنستحي نحكي عن حالنا وكيف كانت طفولتنا مأساوية.
المهم المفروض ان تكون نسبة الايتام من بين هؤلاء لا تقل عن 40% وان قلت اقول لك معك حق!

خلينا انشوف.
في كل الاحوال نتعرف على سيرهم الذاتية فالدراسة win win situation كما يقولون.

قديم 10-15-2012, 03:31 PM
المشاركة 15
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
قديم 10-15-2012, 04:49 PM
المشاركة 16
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
موريس ماترلينك

هو كاتب بلجيكي ولد في 29 اغسطس 1862 وتوفي في مدينة نيس في 6 مايو 1949. يكتب باللغة الفرنسية ذاع صيته سنة 1890 عندما كتب مقالا عن رواية لاوكتاف ميربو في جريدة لوفيجارو. حصل سنة 1911 على جائزة نوبل في الأدب.

Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck[1] (also called Comte (Count) Maeterlinck from 1932;[2] French pronunciation: [mo.ʁis ma.tɛʁ.lɛ̃ːk] in Belgium, [mɛ.teʁ.lɛ̃ːk] in France;[3] 29 August 1862 – 6 May 1949) was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911. The main themes in his work are death and the meaning of life. His plays form an important part of the Symbolist movement.

Early life
Maeterlinck was born in Ghent, Belgium, to a wealthy, French-speaking family. His father, Polydore, was a notary who enjoyed tending the greenhouses on their property. His mother, Mathilde, came from a wealthy family.[4]

In September 1874 he was sent to the Jesuit College of Sainte-Barbe, where works of the French Romantics were scorned and only plays on religious subjects were permitted. His experiences at this school influenced his distaste for the Catholic Church and organized religion.
He had written poems and short novels during his studies, but his father wanted him to go into law. After finishing his law studies at the University of Ghent in 1885, he spent a few months in Paris, France. He met some members of the new Symbolism movement, Villiers de l'Isle Adam in particular, who would have a great influence on Maeterlinck's subsequent work
Count Maurice-Polydore-Marie-Bernard Maeterlinck was born in Ghent, Belgium, into a prosperous family of francophone and Catholic tradition. His father, Polydore Maeterlinck, was a retired notary and a small land owner, and mother, Mathilde (Van den Bossche) Maeterlinck, was the daughter of an affluent lawyer. The surname is said to have been originated from a bailiff, who gave corn to the poor in a year of famine.
As a child Maeterlinck lived in Oostacker. He attended the Jesuit Collège de Ste.-Barge, a period of seven years' tyranny, as he later recalled. However, there he met two future poets, Charles van Lerberghe and Grégoire Le Roy. With them he contributed to La Jeune Belgique, a nationalistic literary review. His first poem, 'The Rushes', Maeterlick published at the age of 21. Because his family objected to his trifling with poetry, he was sent to study law at the University of Ghent.
- لا يعرف شيء عن متى مات والديه.
- يبدو ان اكثر العناصر تأثيرا عليه هي دراسته في مدرسة داخلية دينية متزمة وصفها بسبع سنوات من الظلم.

هو حتما مأزوم رغم انه مجهول الطفولة من ناحية والديه.


قديم 10-15-2012, 04:53 PM
المشاركة 17
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
غرهارت يوهان روبرت هاوبتمان

(بالألمانية: Gerhart Hauptmann) 15 نوفمبر 1862 - 6 يونيو 1946
هو أديب ألماني، يعد من أهم أدباء الحركة الطبيعية في ألمانيا. حصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب لسنة 1912.

Gerhart Hauptmann (15 November 1862 – 6 June 1946) was a German dramatist and novelist who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1912.

Life and work
Hauptmann was born in Obersalzbrunn, a small town of Silesia, now known as Szczawno-Zdrój and a part of Poland. He was the son of a hotel-keeper.

After attending the village school he went to the Realschule in Breslau, after which he was sent to learn agriculture on his uncle's farm at Jauer.

Having no taste for country life, Hauptmann soon returned to Breslau and entered the art school with the intention of becoming a sculptor. There he met his lifelong friend Josef Block. He later studied at the University of Jena and spent the greater part of 1883 and 1884 in Italy. In May 1885, Hauptmann married and settled in Berlin and, devoting himself entirely to literary work, soon attained a reputation as one of the chief representatives of the modern drama.
In 1891 he moved to Schreiberhau in Silesia. Hauptmann's first drama, Before Dawn (1889) inaugurated the naturalistic movement in modern German literature. It was followed by The Reconciliation (1890), Lonely People (1891) and The Weavers (1892), a powerful drama depicting the uprising of the Silesian weavers in 1844 for which he is best known outside of Germany.
Hauptmann's subsequent work includes the comedies Colleague Crampton (1892), The Beaver Coat (1893), and The Conflagration (1901), the symbolist dream play The Assumption of Hannele (1893), and an historical drama Florian Geyer (1895). He also wrote two tragedies of Silesian peasant life, Drayman Henschel (1898) and Rose Bernd (1903), and the dramatic fairy-tales The Sunken Bell (1896) and And Pippa Dances (1906).
Hauptmann's marital life was difficult and in 1904 he divorced his wife. That same year he married the actress Margarete Marschalk, who had borne him a son four years earlier. The following year he had an affair with the 17-year-old Austrian actress Ida Orloff, whom he met in Berlin when she performed in his play The Assumption of Hannele. Orloff inspired characters in several of Hauptmann's works and he later referred to her as his muse.
In 1911 he wrote The Rats. In 1912, Hauptmann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art."
His 1912 novel, Atlantis became the basis for a Danish silent film of the same name. The novel was written one month before the RMS Titanic disaster, and the film's 1913 release was less than one year after the event. The storyline for both involved a romance aboard a doomed ocean liner, and the similarity to the disaster became obvious. This coincidental untimeliness caused the film to be banned in Norway[1] due to perceived insensitivity.
During the First World War Hauptmann was a pacifist. In this period of his career he wrote several gloomy historical-allegorical plays, such as The Bow of Odysseus (1914), The White Saviour (1912–17), and Winter Ballade (1917). After the war, his dramatic abilities appeared to diminish. He wrote two full-length plays that are similar to the early successes: Dorothea Angermann (1926) and Before Sunset (1932). He remained in Germany after Hitler's Machtergreifung and survived the bombing of Dresden. His last work was the Atriden-Tetralogie (1942–46). His works in German were published by S. Fischer Verlag.
Hauptmann died at the age of 83 at his home in Agnetendorf (now Jagniątków, Poland) in 1946. Since the Polish communist administration did not allow Hauptmann's relatives to bury him in Agnetendorf (although even the Soviet military government had recommended this), his body was transported in an old cattle wagon to occupied Germany more than a month after his death. He was buried near his cottage on Hiddensee.
Under Wilhelm II Hauptmann enjoyed the reputation of a radical writer, on the side of the poor and outcasts. During the Weimar Republic (1918–33) he enjoyed the status of the literary figurehead of the new order, and was even considered for the post of state president. Under Hitler he kept his distance from the regime, but never publicly criticized it. This, and the fact that (unlike many other writers and academics) he stayed in Germany, was strongly held against him after the war. A collected edition of his works appeared in the 1960s, and stimulated new studies of his work (e.g. those by Peter Sprengel), but the tide of critical and public opinion remained negative. A few of his plays are still revived from time to time, but otherwise he is neglected.
- واضح انه عاش طفولة صعبة وقد عاش على ما يبدو بعيدا عن والديه ليتعلم مهنة الزراعة لكنه لم يتمكن من التعايش مع ظروفها الصعبة وقد الف مسرحيات تراجيدية في وصف حياة الفلاحين. لا يعرف شيء عن والديه وعلى الرغم ان طفولته تبدو مأزومة لكننا سنعتبره كجهول الطفولة.

مجهول الطفولة.

قديم 10-15-2012, 05:05 PM
المشاركة 18
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
روبندرونات طاغور

(بنغالية: تلفظ [ɾobin̪d̪ɾonat̪ʰ ʈʰakuɾ]‎) شاعر و مسرحي و روائي بنغالي. ولد عام 1861 في القسم البنغالي من مدينة كالكتا وتلقى تعليمه في منزل الأسرة على يد أبيه ديبندرانات وأشقاؤه ومدرس يدعى دفيجندرانات الذي كان عالماً وكاتباً مسرحياً وشاعراً وكذلك درس رياضة الجودو.
درس تاكور اللغة السنسكريتية لغته الأم وآدابها واللغة الإنجليزية ونال جائزة نوبل في الآداب عام 1913 وأنشأ مدرسة فلسفية معروفة باسم فيسفا بهاراتي أو الجامعة الهندية للتعليم العالى في عام 1918 في اقليم شانتي نيكتان بغرب البنغال.

ولد روبندرونات في كالكوتا في الهند في السابع من مايو عام 1861 لأسرة ميسورة من طبقة البراهما الكهنوتية. والده روبندرونات تاكور كان مصلحا اجتماعيا ودينيا معروفا وسياسيا ومفكرا بارزا.
- أما والدته سارادا ديفي فقد أنجبت 12 ولدا وبنتا قبل أن ترزق بتاكور.
- ولعل كثرة البنين والبنات حالت دون أن يحظى تاكور، رغم أنه أصغر أشقائه سنا بالدلال الكافي.

كانت الأسرة معروفة بتراثها ورفعة نسبها، حيث كان جد تاكور قد أسس لنفسه إمبراطورية مالية ضخمة، وكان آل تاكور رواد حركة النهضة البنغالية إذ سعوا إلى الربط بين الثقافة الهندية التقليدية والأفكار والمفاهيم الغربية. ولقد أسهم معظم أشقاء تاكور، الذين عرفوا بتفوقهم العلمي والأدبي في إغناء الثقافة والأدب والموسيقى البنغالية بشكل أو بآخر، وإن كان روبندرونات تاكور، هو الذي اكتسب في النهاية شهرة كأديب وإنسان، لكونه الأميز والأكثر غزارة وتنوعا، وإنتاجاً.

لم ينتظم تاكور في أي مدرسة فتلقى معظم تعليمه في البيت على أيدي معلمين خصوصين، وتحت إشراف مباشر من أسرته، التي كانت تولي التعليم
والثقافة أهمية كبرى. اطلع تاكور منذ الصغر على العديد من السير ودرس التاريخ والعلوم الحديثة وعلم الفلك واللغة السنسكريتية،

وقرأ في الشعر البنغالي ودرس قصائد كاليداسا، وبدأ ينظم الشعر في الثامنة. وفي السابعة عشر من العمر أرسله والده إلى إنجلترا لاستكمال دراسته في الحقوق، حيث التحق بكلية لندن الجامعية، لكنه مالبث أن انقطع عن الدراسة، بعد أن فتر اهتمامه بها، وعاد إلى كالكوتا دون أن ينال أي شهادة.
حياته الخاصة

تزوج تاكور سنة 1883 وهو في الثانية والعشرين من العمر بفتاة في العاشرة من العمر، مرينا ليني، شبه أمية أنجب منها ولدين وثلاث بنات. أحبته زوجته بشدة فغمرت حياتهما سعادة وسرور، فخاض معها في أعماق الحب الذي دعا إلى الإيمان القوي به في ديوانه "بستاني الحب" حتى قال فيها تاكور:
لقد هلت الفرحة من جميع أطراف الكون لتسوي جسمي
لقد قبلتها أشعة السماوات، ثم قبلتها حتى استفاقت إلى الحياء
إن ورد الصيف المولي سريعا قد ترددت زفراته في أنفاسها
وداعبت موسيقا الأشياء كلها أعضاءها لتمنحها إهاب الجمال
إنها زوجتي لقد أشعلت مصباحها في بيتي وأضاءت جنباته

توفيت زوجته وهي في مقتبل العمر، ولحق بها ابنه وابنته وأبوه في فترات متلاحقة متقاربة ما بين عامي 1902 - 1918، فخلفت تلك الرزايا جرحاً غائراً في نفسه.[1]

Rabindranath Tagore pronunciation (help·info) (Bengali: 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941),γ[›] sobriquet Gurudev,δ[›] was a Bengali polymath who reshaped his region's literature and music. Author of Gitanjali and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse",[2] he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.[3] In translation his poetry was viewed as spiritual and mercurial; his seemingly mesmeric personality, flowing hair, and other-worldly dress earned him a prophet-like reputation in the West. His "elegant prose and magical poetry" remain largely unknown outside Bengal.[4] Tagore introduced new prose and verse forms and the use of colloquial language into Bengali literature, thereby freeing it from traditional models based on classical Sanskrit. He was highly influential in introducing the best of Indian culture to the West and vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of modern India.[5]
A Pirali Brahmin[ from Calcutta, Tagore wrote poetry as an eight-year-old. At age sixteen, he released his first substantial poems under the pseudonym Bhānusiṃha ("Sun Lion"), which were seized upon by literary authorities as long-lost classics.[He graduated to his first short stories and dramas—and the aegis of his birth name—by 1877. As a humanist, universalist internationalist, and strident anti-nationalist he denounced the Raj and advocated independence from Britain. As an exponent of the Bengal Renaissance, he advanced a vast canon that comprised paintings, sketches and doodles, hundreds of texts, and some two thousand songs; his legacy endures also in the institution he founded, Visva-Bharati University.[12]
Tagore modernised Bengali art by spurning rigid classical forms and resisting linguistic strictures. His novels, stories, songs, dance-dramas, and essays spoke to topics political and personal. Gitanjali (Song Offerings), Gora (Fair-Faced), and Ghare-Baire (The Home and the World) are his best-known works, and his verse, short stories, and novels were acclaimed—or panned—for their lyricism, colloquialism, naturalism, and unnatural contemplation. His compositions were chosen by two nations as national anthems: the Republic of India's Jana Gana Mana and Bangladesh's Amar Shonar Bangla. The composer of Sri Lanka's national anthem: Sri Lanka Matha was a student of Tagore, and the song is inspired by Tagore's style.[13]
Early life: 1861–1878

Main article: Early life of Rabindranath Tagore
The youngest of thirteen surviving children, Tagore was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Calcutta, India to parents Debendranath Tagore (1817–1905) and Sarada Devi (1830–1875).Tagore family patriarchs were the Brahmo founders of the Adi Dharm faith. The loyalist "Prince" Dwarkanath Tagore, who employed European estate managers and visited with Victoria and other royalty, was his paternal grandfather.[ Debendranath had formulated the Brahmoist philosophies espoused by his friend Ram Mohan Roy, and became focal in Brahmo society after Roy's death.]
"Rabi" was raised mostly by servants; his mother had died in his early childhood and his father travelled widely. His home hosted the publication of literary magazines; theatre and recitals of both Bengali and Western classical music featured there regularly, as the Jorasanko Tagores were the center of a large and art-loving social group. Tagore's oldest brother Dwijendranath was a respected philosopher and poet. Another brother, Satyendranath, was the first Indian appointed to the elite and formerly all-European Indian Civil Service. Yet another brother, Jyotirindranath, was a musician, composer, and playwright.[20] His sister Swarnakumari became a novelist. Jyotirindranath's wife Kadambari, slightly older than Tagore, was a dear friend and powerful influence. Her abrupt suicide in 1884 left him for years profoundly distraught.
Tagore largely avoided classroom schooling and preferred to roam the manor or nearby Bolpur and Panihati, idylls which the family visited.[21][22] His brother Hemendranath tutored and physically conditioned him—by having him swim the Ganges or trek through hills, by gymnastics, and by practicing judo and wrestling. He learned drawing, anatomy, geography and history, literature, mathematics, Sanskrit, and English—his least favorite subject.[23] Tagore loathed formal education—his scholarly travails at the local Presidency College spanned a single day. Years later he held that proper teaching does not explain things; proper teaching stokes curiosity
- أما والدته سارادا ديفي فقد أنجبت 12 ولدا وبنتا قبل أن ترزق بتاكور.
- ولعل كثرة البنين والبنات حالت دون أن يحظى تاكور، رغم أنه أصغر أشقائه سنا بالدلال الكافي
- وفي السابعة عشر من العمر أرسله والده إلى إنجلترا لاستكمال دراسته في الحقوق، حيث التحق بكلية لندن الجامعية، لكنه مالبث أن انقطع عن الدراسة، بعد أن فتر اهتمامه بها، وعاد إلى كالكوتا دون أن ينال أي شهادة.
- والدته ماتت وعمرة 13 سنة ورباه الخدم بشكل عام.

يتيم الام في سن الـ 13 .

قديم 10-15-2012, 11:10 PM
المشاركة 19
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
رومان رولان

هو أديب فرنسي ولد يوم 29 يناير 1866 وتوفي يوم 30 ديسمبر 1944 ،من قادة الفكر الحديث المدافعين عن السلام.
حصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب لسنة 1915.

ولد رومان رولان في بلدة كلاميسي في 29 يناير 1866 من أسرة ريفية برجوازية عريقة القدم.

تعلم أولا في البلدة التي ولد بها، ثم انتقل إلي باريس عام 1886 حيث إلتحق بمدرسة النورمال العليا، وفي عام 1889 نجح في امتحان الاجريجاسيون في التاريخ والفلسفة وفي عام 1895 حصل على شهادة الدكتوراة في الآداب برسالة قدمها عن اصول المسرح الغنائي الحديث، وعين بعد ذلك أستاذا لتاريخ الفن في مدرسة النورمال العليا، ثم عين استاذا في السوربون حيث أدخل مادة تاريخ الموسيقى وبقى فيها حتى عام 1911.

قصص مسرحية
ابتدأ رومان رولان حياته الادبية بكتابة عدد كبير من القصص المسرحية:تراجم
كان رومان رولان يهيم بحياة الأبطال الذين يرى فيهم مثلا أعلى لما يجب أن يكون عليه الفرد من الفضائل لذلك كتب:مقالات
نادى بأن يكون المسرح متحررا من برجوازيته، هاجم المسرح الكلاسيكي والمسرح الرومانتيكي داعيا بأن يكون الفن المسرحي صدى لتفكير العصر الذى نعيشه.
  • مقالات كتبها في جريدة جنيف بداية من أغسطس عام 1914 بدأها بخطاب مفتوح إلى الكاتب الألماني هوبتمان مستنكرا الوحشية الألمانية التي أحرقت بلدة لوفان البلجيكية.
  • خطاب إلى متهمي:
والذى قال فيه:إن الوقت الذى يخصصه للرد على خصم ما إنما يعتبر كسرقة من أولئك التعساء،أولئك السجناء، من تلك الأسر التي تسعى ونحن في جنيف أن نمد لها ايدينا
تقع في عشرة أجزاء، وهى اقرب أن تكون ترجمة لشخصية خيالية، تتجمع فيها فضائل أبطاله السابقين.

كان في مقالاته متجرداً من كل خضوع للوطنية العمياء أو التأثر بتيار الحماسة الذى كان يجرف أمته كما كان يجرف كل الأمم المتحاربه.
لم يتردد في السخرية من رجال الفكر والدين الذين خانوا مبادئهم النبيلة في وقت كان يمكنهم فيه تأدية أكبر جانب من مهمتهم في الحياة.
يعتبره الكثيرين كاتب عالمى الفكر والعاطفة، لا يكتب لأمة معينة ولا لشعب خاص، بل يكتب للعالم أجمع ناظرا إليه كأسرة إنسانية واحدة لاتمزقها حدود ولا تفرقها لهجات.
موقفه من الحروب

الحرب العالمية الأولى

عندما قامت الحرب كان في جينف بسويسرا ،كتب عدد من المقالات طالب فيها بحقن الدماء وعودة السلام وإنقاذ أرواح الشباب البرئ الدى يلعب به محترفو السياسة، ولقد آثر ذلك عداء الرجعيين من أبناء وطنه والصحافة المادية التي أثارت عليه الرأى العام.
الحرب العالمية الثانية

سرعان ما أعلن عداوته لكل نظام أتوقراطي يمتهن كرامة الشعوب، مبينا أن الفكر الألماني-الذى مجده ولا يزال يمجده-هو الفكر الحر الداعي للمساواة بين الأمم.
ولذلك بمجرد دخول النازيون فرنسا ،قاموا بالقبض عليه، وأرسل إلى معسكرات الاعتقال في ألمانيا ،مما عجل بموته بعد أسابيع من تحرير فرنسا.

Romain Rolland (29 January 1866 – 30 December 1944) was a French dramatist, novelist, essayist, art historian and mystic who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915.

Rolland was born in Clamecy, Nièvre into a family that had both wealthy townspeople and farmers in its lineage. Writing introspectively in his Voyage intérieur (1942), he sees himself as a representative of an "antique species." He would cast these ancestors in Colas Breugnon (1919).
Accepted to the École normale supérieure in 1886, he first studied philosophy, but his independence of spirit led him to abandon that so as not to submit to the dominant ideology. He received his degree in history in 1889 and spent two years in Rome, where his encounter with Malwida von Meysenbug–who had been a friend of Nietzsche and of Wagner–and his discovery of Italian masterpieces were decisive for the development of his thought. When he returned to France in 1895, he received his doctoral degree with his thesis The origins of modern lyric theatre and his doctoral dissertation, A History of Opera in Europe before Lully and Scarlatti.
His first book was published in 1902, when he was 36 years old. Through his advocacy for a 'people's theatre', he made a significant contribution towards the democratization of the theatre. As a humanist, he embraced the work of the philosophers of India ("Conversations with Rabindranath Tagore" and Mohandas Gandhi). Rolland was strongly influenced by the Vedanta philosophy of India, primarily through the works of Swami Vivekananda.[2]
لا يعرف الكثير عن طفولتة ولا عن والديه. ربما ان اهم حدث هو انتقاله الى باريس للاسكمال دراسته وفقدانه للايمان على الطريقة الكاثوليكية. ثم سفر الى ايطاليا.

مجهول الطفولة.

قديم 10-15-2012, 11:17 PM
المشاركة 20
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
فرنر فون هايدنستام

هو شاعر سويدي ولد في 6 يوليو 1859 وتوفي في 20 مايو 1940. التحق بالأكاديمية السويدية سنة 1912 وحصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب سنة 1916.

Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam (6 July 1859 – 20 May 1940) was a Swedish poet and novelist, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1916. He was a member of the Swedish Academy from 1912. His poems and prose work are filled with a great joy of life, sometimes imbued with a love of Swedish history and scenery, particularly its physical aspects.


He was born in Olshammar, Örebro County to a noble family. He studied paintings in the Academy of Stockholm, but soon left because of ill health. He then traveled extensively in Europe, Africa and the orient. He was at once greeted as a poet of promise on the publication of his first collection of poems, Vallfart och vandringsår (Pilgrimage: the Wander Years, 1888). It is a collection of poems inspired by his experiences in the orient and marks an abandonment of naturalism that was dominant then in Swedish literature.
His love for beauty is showed also by the long narrative poem Hans Alienus (1892). Dikter ("Poems", 1895) and Karolinerna (The Charles Men, 2 vols., 1897–1898), a series of historical portraits of King Charles XII of Sweden and his cavaliers, shows a strong nationalistic passion. English translations of short stories from Karolinerna can be found in the American-Scandinavian Review (New York), May 1914, November 1915, and July 1916. The two volumes of Folkunga Trädet (The Tree of the Folkungs, 1905–07) are the inspired, epic story of a clan of Swede chieftains in the Middle Ages.
In 1910 a controversy was waged in Swedish newspapers between a number of Swedish literary men on the topic of the proletarian “degradation” of literature, the protagonists of the two opposing camps being August Strindberg and Heidenstam. Professors Lidforss and Böök also took part. Heidenstam's chief contribution was the pamphlet, directed chiefly against Strindberg, “Proletärfilosofiens upplösning och fall” (“The Decline and Fall of the Proletarian Philosophy”).
Heidenstam's poetical collection Nya Dikter, published in 1915, deals with philosophical themes, mainly concerning the elevation of man to a better humanity from solitude.
He died at his home Övralid in 1940.

Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam was born at Ölshammar, his grandmother's estate on the shores of Lake Vättern, into an aristocratic and wealthy family. In his childhood Heidenstam got used to being center of attention and self-assertion became part of his perrsonality. When he dressed as a king, his grandmother told household servants to play his underlings. At school Heidenstam was lazy, and his educations was superficial – he had troubles in grammatical correctness, he was mostly alone or spent time with female relatives or friends who let him dominate the scene.
- At the age of sixteen his parents sent him on a journey to Middle East, Greece, and Italy with his cousin Ernst von Heidenstam. On the second journey his companion was Carlo Landberg, a linguistic. The travels in the Mediterranean influenced Heidenstam's first poems, which formed a colorful contrast to the prevailing gloomy mood in literature.
Colonel Gustaf von Heidenstam had tried in vain to change his son's aimless life style, and eventually sent him to Paris to study art under Jean Léon Gérôme at the École des Beaux Arts. There Heidenstam boasted with his great plans, emphasized his aristocratic background, but actually did not show any ambitions to become an artists. After returning to Sweden in 1880, he married against his father's wishes Emilia Uggla, a Swiss woman. During the following years Heidenstam lived with his wife in Italy, France, and Norway.
Heidenstam sent his early poems to the Finnish writer Zachris Topelius, who encouraged him to continue.

In 1886 the Heidenstams leased a medieval castle in northern Switzerland. The regular visitors there included the writer August Strindberg, with whom Heidenstam later disputed. Strindberg was provoked Heidenstam's manifesto Renässans (1889), in which he rejected social realism in favour of imagination.

In 1887 Heidenstam returned to Sweden and settled on the family estate. His relationship with his father had improved, but facing an incurable illness Gustaf von Heidenstam committed suicide.

He never witnessed the appearance of his son's first collection of poems, Pilgrimage and Wander Years, (1888), which was an immediate success, but nowadays its Arabian Nights vision of the Middle Eastas a place of exotic pleasures is considered outdated
- واضح ان علاقتة مع والده كانت مضطربة.
- عاش حياة عزلة.
- سافر في سن السادسة عشر في رحلة الى الشرق الاوسط.
- تحستنت علاقته مع والده لكن ذلك الوالد ما لبث ان انتحر وابنة الشاعر في سن 29 سنة بسبب المرض.

مأزوم بسبب علاقته مع والدع ثم مرض والده ثم انتحار والده.


مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 2 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 2)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: سر الفوز بجائزة نوبل في الادب على مدى التاريخ؟ دراسة
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
أعظم 50 عبقري عبر التاريخ : ما سر هذه العبقرية؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 62 05-16-2021 01:36 PM
اهمية دراسة الادب - د. زياد الحكيم د. زياد الحكيم منبر الآداب العالمية. 4 03-13-2020 05:09 AM
اعظم 100 كتاب في التاريخ: ما سر هذه العظمة؟- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 413 12-09-2015 01:15 PM
دراسة ادبية تاريخية عن نهضة ونشؤ الادب الفلسطيني نبيل عودة منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 5 09-26-2011 01:26 PM

الساعة الآن 02:45 AM

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