قديم 11-06-2013, 02:50 PM
المشاركة 1621
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
28- الديناميت ألفريد نوبل سويدي 1867م
- غير يتيم لكن ظروف حياتة كان فقر وسفر للدراسة في اماكن بعيدة عن العائلة والاهم انه كان وحيد الطبع لمروره بفترات من الاكتئاب.
- كان نوبل الابن الرابع لأسرة فقيرة .
- مات له اربعة اخوة وهم صغار ولم يتجاوزوا الطفولة.
- نتيجة لفشلة المتكرر في التجارة هاجر الوالد الى مدينة بطرسبيرغ عام 1837 (وعمر نوبل 4 سنوات )، والتحقت به العائلة عام 1842 وعمر نوبل 9 سنوات.
- تم إرسال ألفرد للتعليم في مدرسة في ستوكهولم وهو ابن 9 سنوات حيث برع الابن في دراسته لا سيما في الكيمياء واللغات، وكان يتحدث اللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والألمانية والروسية بطلاقة.
- انتقل إلى باريس سنة 1850، ( كان عمره 17 سنة ) .
- عندما أكمل 18 سنة ذهب إلى الولايات المتحدة لدراسة الكيمياء لمدة أربع سنوات، وعمل لفترة قصيرة مع جون إريكسون، وحصل ألفرد على أول براءة اختراع له عن عداد غاز عام 1857.
- كانت حياة نوبل العملية تتطلب السفر كثيرا للحفاظ على الشركات في مختلف البلدان في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية إلا أنه اتخذ مسكنا دائما في باريس من 1873 إلى 1891 وكان وحيد الطبع نظرا لمروره بفترات من الاكتئاب.
- مازوم

ألفرد نوبل (1833-1896مهندس ومخترع وكيميائي سويدي، اخترع الديناميت في سنة 1867 ومن ثم أوصى بمعظم ثروته التي جناها من الاختراع إلى جائزة نوبل التي سُميت باسمه.
حياته المهنية

كان نوبل الابن الرابع لأسرة فقيرة مكونة من عمانوئيل نوبل (1801-1872) وأندريت اهلسل نوبل (1805-1889) اللذان تزوجا عام 1827 وأنجبا ثمانية أبناء.[1] ولد نوبل في ستوكهولم في 21 أكتوبر1833.
انتقل ألفرد نوبل مع أسرته عام 1842 إلى سانت بطرسبرغ، حيث عمل والده في صناعة أدوات الآلات والمتفجرات كما اخترع الخشب الرقائقي وبدأ بعمل الطوربيدات. بعد تحسن وضع الأسرة المادي، تم إرسال ألفرد للتعليم حيث برع الابن في دراسته لا سيما في الكيمياء واللغات، وكان يتحدث اللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والألمانية والروسية بطلاقة.

درس ألفرد الكيمياء مع البروفيسور نيكولاي زينن. ثم انتقل إلى باريس سنة 1850، وعندما أكمل 18 سنة ذهب إلى الولايات المتحدة لدراسة الكيمياء لمدة أربع سنوات، وعمل لفترة قصيرة مع جون إريكسون، وحصل ألفرد على أول براءة اختراع له عن عداد غاز عام 1857.[4]

قام مصنع الأسرة بإنتاج أسلحة تم استخدامها في حرب القرم (1853-1856)، ثم واجهتهم مصاعب في العودة إلى الإنتاج المحلي العادي عند انتهاء القتال، كما قدموا طلبا للإفلاس. في عام 1859 أصبح المصنع في رعاية الابن الثاني، لودفيج نوبل (1831-1888) الذي قام بتحسين أعماله بشكل كبير، وبعودة ألفرد من روسيا إلى السويد مع والديه، كرس نفسه لدراسة المتفجرات، وخاصة صناعة والاستخدام الآمن للنيتروجليسرين (الذي اكتشف عام 1847 من قبل أسكانيو سوبريرو وهو أحد زملائه تحت إشراف تيوفيل-جول بيلووز في جامعة تورينو). في 1863 اخترع نوبل جهاز تفجير، وقام سنة 1865 بتصميم كبسولة تفجير.

في 3 سبتمبر 1864، انفجرت سقيفة كانت تستخدم لإعداد النيتروجليسرين في مصنعهم بمنطقة هيلينبورغ في ستوكهولم، مما أدى إلى مقتل خمسة أشخاص بينهم شقيق ألفرد الأصغر إميل. لحق ذلك حوادث طفيفة أخرى ولكن لم يبدِ انزعاجه، وقام ببناء مصانع أخرى مع التركيز على تحسين استقرار المتفجرات. اخترع نوبل الديناميت عام 1867، وهي مادة أسهل وأكثر أمنا للتعامل من النيتروجليسرين. حصل على براءة اختراع الديناميت في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة، وكان يستخدم على نطاق عالمي واسع في مجال التعدين وبناء شبكات النقل. في عام 1875 اخترع نوبل الجلجنيت (gelignite) وهي مادة أكثر استقرارا وقوة من الديناميت، وفي عام 1887 حصل على براءة اختراع الباللستيت (ballistite)، وهي مادة رائدة من الكوردايت.

انتخب نوبل عضوا في الأكاديمية الملكية السويدية للعلوم في 1884، وهي نفس المؤسسة التي تقوم باختيار الفائزين لإثنين من جوائز نوبل التي أوصى بتأسيسها في وقت لاحق، وحصل على الدكتوراة الفخرية من جامعة أوبسالا في 1893.
قام إخوة نوبل لودفيج وروبرت بالاستثمار في حقول النفط الغنية على طول بحر قزوين وجمعا ثروة ضخمة. كما ساهم نوبل بالاستثمار في هذه الحقول النفطية من خلال تطوير المناطق النفطية الجديدة. خلال حياته أصدر نوبل 350 براءات اختراع دوليا، وقبل وفاته قام بإنشاء 90 مصنعا للأسلحة، على الرغم من اعتقاده في السلمية.
في عام 1891، وبعد وفاة والدته وشقيقه لودفيج ونهاية علاقة طويلة الأمد، انتقل نوبل من باريس إلى سان ريمو بإيطاليا. عانى نوبل من ذبحة صدرية وتوفي في منزله جراء نزيف دماغي سنة 1896. قام نوبل بتكريس معظم ثروته دون علم أسرته أو أصدقائه أو زملائه لتمويل جوائز نوبل التي تم إطلاق اسمه عليها. دفن نوبل بمنطقة (Norra Begravningsplatsen) في ستوكهولم.

حياته الشخصية
كانت حياة نوبل العملية تتطلب السفر كثيرا للحفاظ على الشركات في مختلف البلدان في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية إلا أنه اتخذ مسكنا دائما في باريس من 1873 إلى 1891 وكان وحيد الطبع نظرا لمروره بفترات من الاكتئاب. على الرغم من عدم زواج نوبل، لاحظ كتاب سيرته وجود ثلاث نساء في حياته. كانت فتاة روسية تدعى ألكسندرا هي الحب الأول لنوبل التي رفضت طلبه للزواج. في عام 1876 أصبحت الكونتيسة بيرثا كينسكي ذات الأصول النمساوية-البوهيمية سكرتيرة نوبل. ولكن بعد فترة قصيرة تركته لتتزوج عشيقها السابق، البارون آرثر غانداكار فون ستنر. على الرغم من الفترة القصيرة التي قضتها برفقة نوبل كانت إلا أنهما كانا على اتصال دائم حتى وفاته في عام 1896، ويعتقد أنها كانت ذات تأثير كبير في قراره لتضمين جائزة نوبل للسلام من بين الجوائز التي قدمت في وصيته. منحت بيرتا فون ستنر عام 1905 جائزة نوبل للسلام "لأنشطتها الصادقة في السلام".
علاقة نوبل الثالثة والأطول أمدا كانت مع هيس صوفي من فيينا التي التقى بها سنة 1876. استمرت العلاقة لمدة 18 عاما. بعد وفاته، وفقا لكاتب سيرته إيفلانوف وفلور وفانت، تم تأمين رسائل نوبل في مؤسسة نوبل في ستوكهولم، إلا أنه تم الكشف عنها في عام 1955 ليتم إدراجها مع بيانات السيرة الذاتية لنوبل.
على الرغم من عدم وجود التعليم الرسمي الثانوي والعالي المستوى، اكتسب نوبل الكفاءة في ست لغات: السويدية والفرنسية والروسية والإنجليزية والألمانية والإيطالية. كما كانت له مهارات أدبية فكتب الشعر باللغة الإنجليزية. تمت طباعة أحد أعماله الأدبية العدو (Nemesis) خلال فترة احتضاره، وهي مأساة نثرية مكونة من أربعة مسرحيات عن بياتريس سينسي مستوحاه جزئيا من بيرسي شيلي. تم تدمير كامل المخزون باستثناء ثلاث نسخ على الفور بعد وفاته لاعتبارها فضيحة. تم نشر الطبعة الأولى المتبقية (ثنائية اللغة: سويدية-اسبرانتو) في السويد في عام 2003. وقد ترجمت المسرحية إلى السلوفانية عبر نسخة الاسبرانتو والفرنسية. في عام 2010 تم نشرها بالروسية وآخر طبعة (ثنائية اللغة: روسية-اسبرانتو
Born in Stockholm, Alfred Nobel was the fourth son of Immanuel Nobel (1801–1872), an inventor and engineer, and Karolina Andriette (Ahlsell) Nobel (1805–1889). The couple married in 1827 and had eight children. The family was impoverished, and only Alfred and his three brothers survived past childhood. Through his father, Alfred Nobel was a descendant of the Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck (1630–1702),[3] and in his turn the boy was interested in engineering, particularly explosives, learning the basic principles from his father at a young age. His interest in technology was inherited from his father, an alumnus of Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.[4]
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

Following various business failures, Nobel's father moved to Saint Petersburg in 1837 and grew successful there as a manufacturer of machine tools and explosives. He invented modern plywood and started work on the "torpedo".[5] In 1842, the family joined him in the city. Now prosperous, his parents were able to send Nobel to private tutors and the boy excelled in his studies, particularly in chemistry and languages, achieving fluency in English, French, German, and Russian. For 18 months, during 1841–1842, Nobel went to the only school he ever attended as a child, the Jacobs Apologistic School in Stockholm.[2]

As a young man, Nobel studied with chemist Nikolai Zinin; then, in 1850, went to Paris to further the work; and, at 18, he went to the United States for four years to study chemistry, collaborating for a short period under inventor John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor. Nobel filed his first patent, for a gas meter, in 1857.[2][6][1]
The family factory produced armaments for the Crimean War (1853–1856); but, had difficulty switching back to regular domestic production when the fighting ended and they filed for bankruptcy.[1] In 1859, Nobel's father left his factory in the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831–1888), who greatly improved the business. Nobel and his parents returned to Sweden from Russia and Nobel devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin). Nobel invented a detonator in 1863; and, in 1865, he designed the blasting cap.[1]=

مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:51 PM
المشاركة 1622
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
29-المسدس صموئيل كولت أمريكي 1835م
-يتيم الام في سن السادسه .
- تزوج والده بعد عامين .
- كان له قلالي اخوات واحده ماتت وهي طفله والسنية ماتت بالسل وهي في سن ال ١٩ والثالثة انتحرت لاحقا
-أصيب في حادث وهو في سن السادسة عشرة أنهى مدرسته وسافرىالى الهند
صمويل كولت (19 يوليو 1814 - 10 يناير 1862)، مخترع أمريكي وصاحب اختراع المسدس.
تكمن البراعة في مسدس صاموئيل كولت في تصميمه كي يصنع بكميات كبيرة دفعةً واحدة. حين تقدم كولت ببراءة الاختراع في العام 1839، كانت المسدسات تصنع بشق الأنفس مرةً واحدة على يد حرفيين ماهرين

Samuel Colt was born in Hartford, to Christopher Colt (1777-1850), a farmer who had moved his family to the city after he became a businessman, and Sarah Colt, née Caldwell. His mother's father, Major John Caldwell,[2] had been an officer in the Continental Army and one of Samuel's earliest possessions was his maternal grandfather's flintlock pistol. Sarah died from tuberculosis when Samuel was six years old, and his father remarried two years later to Olivia Sargeant. Samuel had three sisters, one of whom died in childhood. His oldest sister, Margaret, died of tuberculosis at 19 and the other, Sarah Ann, later committed suicide. One brother, James, became a lawyer; another, Christopher, was a textile merchant. A third brother, John C. Colt, a man of many occupations, killed a creditor in 1841 in New York City, was found guilty of the murder, and committed suicide on the day he was to be executed.

At age 11, Colt was indentured to a farmer in Glastonbury, where he did chores and attended school. Here he was introduced to the Compendium of Knowledge, a scientific encyclopedia that he preferred to read rather than his Bible studies. Its articles on Robert Fulton and gunpowder motivated Colt throughout his life. He discovered that other inventors in the Compendium had accomplished things that were once deemed impossible, and he wanted to do the same. Later, after hearing soldiers talk about the success of the Double rifle double-barreled rifle and the impossibility of a gun that could shoot five or six times without reloading, Colt decided that he would create the "impossible gun".

In 1829, at the age of 15, Colt began working in his father's textile plant in Ware, Massachusetts, where he had access to tools, materials, and the factory workers' expertise. Following the encyclopedia, Samuel built a homemade galvanic cell and advertised as a Fourth of July event in that year that he would blow up a raft on Ware Pond using underwater explosives; although the raft was missed, the explosion was still impressive.[3] Sent to boarding school, he amused his classmates with pyrotechnics. In 1830, a July 4 accident caused a fire that ended his schooling, and his father then sent him off to learn the seaman's trade.[3] On a voyage to Calcutta on board the brig Corvo, he noticed that regardless of which way the ship's wheel was spun, each spoke always came in direct line with a clutch that could be set to hold it. He later said that this gave him the idea for the revolver. On the Corvo, Colt made a wooden model of a pepperbox revolver out of scrap wood. It differed from other pepperbox revolvers at the time in that it would allow the shooter to rotate the cylinder by the action of cocking the hammer and a pawl locking the cylinder in place, rather than rotating the barrels by hand and hoping for proper indexing and alignment.

When Colt returned to the United States in 1832, he went back to work for his father, who financed the production of two guns, a rifle and a pistol. The first completed pistol exploded when it was fired, but the rifle performed well. His father would not finance any further development, so Samuel needed find a way to pay for the development of his ideas.[4] He had learned about nitrous oxide (laughing gas) from the factory chemist in his father's textile plant, so he took a portable lab on the road and earned a living performing laughing gas demonstrations across the United States and Canada, billing himself as "the Celebrated Dr. Coult of New-York, London and Calcutta".[5] Colt conceived of himself as a man of science and thought if he could enlighten people about a new idea like nitrous oxide, he could in turn make people more receptive to his new idea concerning a revolver. He started his lectures on street corners and soon worked his way up to lecture halls and museums. As ticket sales declined, Colt realized that "serious" museum lectures were not what the people wanted to pay money to see and that it was dramatic stories of salvation and redemption the public craved. While visiting his brother, John, in Cincinnati, he partnered with sculptor, Hiram Powers, for his demonstrations with a theme based on The Divine Comedy. Powers made detailed wax sculptures and paintings based on demons, centaurs and mummies from Dante. Colt constructed fireworks to complete the show, which was a success.[6] According to Colt historian Robert Lawrence Wilson, the "lectures launched Colt's celebrated career as a pioneer Madison Avenue-style pitchman".[7] His public speaking skills were so prized that he was thought to be a doctor and was pressed into service to cure an apparent cholera epidemic on board a riverboat by giving his patients a dose of nitrous oxide.
Having some money saved and keeping his idea alive of being an inventor as opposed to a "medicine man", Colt made arrangements to begin building guns using proper gunsmiths from Baltimore, Maryland. He abandoned the idea of a multiple barreled revolver and opted for a new design, a rotating cylinder which would come into alignment with a single barrel due to his idea of a pawl engaging the cylinder and holding it in place. He sought the counsel of a friend of his father, Henry Leavitt Ellsworth, who loaned him $300 and advised him to perfect his prototype before applying for a patent.[5] Colt hired a gunsmith by the name of John Pearson to build his revolver. Over the next few years Colt and Pearson fought over money, but the design improved and in 1835 Colt was ready to apply for his US patent. Ellsworth was now the superintendent of the US Patent Office and advised Colt to file for foreign patents first as a prior US patent would keep Colt from filing a patent in Great Britain. In August 1835, Colt left for England and France to secure his foreign patent.

مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:51 PM
المشاركة 1623
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
30-السيارة كارل بنز وجوتليب ديملر ألمانيان 1886م
- يتيم الاب حيث قتل ابوه وهو في سن الثانية في حادث قطار.
- على الرغم من الففقر الا ان والدته عملت المستحيل من اجل تعليمه.
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
كارل بنز

كارل فريدريش بنز (25 نوفمبر 1844, كارلسروه4 أبريل 1929, لادنبرج, ألمانيا) مصمم محركات ألماني ومهندس سيارات يعرف بأنه مخترع السيارات المعتمدة على البنزين كوقود، كما أنه منشئ شركة مرسيدس بنز الرائدة في صناعة السيارات.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

استطاع بنز عام 1885 أن ينتج أول سيارة تجارية باسم موتورفاجن. وهي سيارة تعمل بمحرك بنزين رباعي الأشواط من تصميمه، وتتحرك على ثلاث عجلات. وقد حصل على براءة الاختراع عن هذه السيارة في 29 يناير 1886. واستطاع أن يبيعها عام 1888 قبل أي مصنع آخر بأربع سنوات.

Karl Benz

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Karl Benz
Karl Friedrich Benz (help·info) (November 25, 1844 – April 4, 1929) was a German engine designer and car engineer, generally regarded as the inventor of the petrol-powered automobile, and together with Bertha Benz, pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. Other German contemporaries, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach working as partners, also worked on similar types of inventions, without knowledge of the work of the other, but Benz received a patent for his work first, and, subsequently patented all the processes that made the internal combustion engine feasible for use in an automobile. In 1879, his first engine patent was granted to him, and in 1886, Benz was granted a patent for his first automobile.
Early life

Karl Benz was born Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant, in November 25, 1844 in Mühlburg, now a borough of Karlsruhe, Baden, which is part of modern Germany, to Josephine Vaillant and a locomotive driver, Johann George Benz, whom she married a few months later.

When he was two years old, his father was killed in a railway accident, and his name was changed to Karl Friedrich Benz in remembrance of his father.

Despite living in near poverty, his mother strove to give him a good education. Benz attended the local Grammar School in Karlsruhe and was a prodigious student. In 1853, at the age of nine he started at the scientifically oriented Lyceum. Next he studied at the Poly-Technical University under the instruction of Ferdinand Redtenbacher.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Karl Benz, 1869, 25 years old (Zenodot Verlagsges. mbH)

Benz had originally focused his studies on locksmithing, but eventually followed his father's steps toward locomotive engineering.
On September 30, 1860, at age fifteen, he passed the entrance exam for mechanical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, which he subsequently attended. Benz was graduated July 9, 1864 at nineteen.
During these years, while riding his bicycle, he started to envision concepts for a vehicle that would eventually become the horseless carriage.
Following his formal education, Benz had seven years of professional training in several companies, but did not fit well in any of them. The training started in Karlsruhe with two years of varied jobs in a mechanical engineering company.
He then moved to Mannheim to work as a draftsman and designer in a scales factory. In 1868 he went to Pforzheim to work for a bridge building company Gebrüder Benckiser Eisenwerke und Maschinenfabrik. Finally, he went to Vienna for a short period to work at an iron construction company.

جوتليب ديملر
- ابوه كان خباز.
- لا يعرف متى مات والديه.
- كان صعب المراس مما اضطره لتغيير عمله اكثر من مرة...وفي ذلك ما يشير الى طفولة تعيسة.
- مجهول الطفولة.

Gottlieb Daimler

AKA Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler
Born: 17-Mar-1834

Birthplace: Schorndorf, Germany
Died: 6-Mar-1900
Location of death: Cannstatt, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Uff Kirchhof Cemetery, Cannstatt, Germany

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Engineer, Inventor
Nationality: Germany

Executive summary: Invented the motorcycle

Automotive pioneer Gottlieb Daimler attended technical school and apprenticed as a gunsmith, before deciding in about 1861 that there would be a market for a small, low-power engine. He briefly worked for Nikolaus Otto, inventor of the four-stroke internal-combustion engine, and worked for several years as manager of a manufacturing concern, Bruderhaus Maschinen-Fabrik, where he met his life-long friend and design assistant Wilhelm Maybach. Daimler and Maybach went into business together in 1882, and introduced the first high-speed internal combustion engine in 1883, which was made practical by Daimler's invention of the first reliable self-firing ignition system. In 1885 Daimler built the first motorcycle, installing an engine with workable controls on a two-wheeled vehicle which he called the reitwagen or a two-wheeled 'riding carriage'. In 1886 he installed a Daimler-Maybach engine on what had been a stagecoach, converting it into the first four-wheel automobile. In 1889 he built the first V-slanted two cylinder, four-stroke engine with mushroom-shaped valves. In the same year he and Maybach designed and built the first automobile not adapted from a carriage frame, with a four-speed transmission and reportedly maximum speed of 10 miles per hour. Daimler's early engines were also used in motorized boats, Zeppelins, and streetcars.

Daimler and Maybach established the Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft (Daimler Motor Company) in 1890, and almost immediately found themselves at odds with their company's primary investors. Maybach resigned in 1891 when he was denied a seat on the Board of Directors, and Daimler was squeezed out of his own company by 1893. The following year, again working with Maybach, Daimler built a four cylinder engine with Maybach's patented spray nozzle carburetor. This vehicle won the first organized "competition for vehicles without horses", called the Paris to Rouen 1894, defeating among other competitors the entry from Daimler Motor Company. This embarrassed the company enough to deflate its stock price, and British investor Fredrick Simms demanded Gottlieb Daimler's return as a condition of his investment. Daimler rejoined his company in 1894, and brought Maybach back as chief engineer. Decades after his 1900 death, the Daimler company merged with Karl Benz's Benz & Sons, becoming Daimler-Benz AG, best known for its prestigious Mercedes-Benz nameplate.
Father: Johannes Daimler (baker)

Mother: Frederika Daimler

Wife: Emma Kunz (m. 1867, d. 1889)
Son: Adolf Daimler (Daimler executive)
Son: Paul Daimler (Daimler executive, b. 1869)
Wife: Lina Hartmann (m. 8-Jul-1893)
مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:52 PM
المشاركة 1624
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
31- المدفع الرشاش هيرام مكسيم أمريكي 1883م
-ابن مزارع وقاطع خشب ورعى الغنم وهو طفل.
- لا يعرف متى مات والديه.
-في سن الرابعة عشرة ترك المدرسة وعمل لدى صانع عربات.
- ترك الاسرة وعمل في عدة مهن.
- كتب ابنه 60 قصة مذهلة عن طفولته حتى ن الثانية عشرة.
- عاش طفولة صعبة وكان يسير حافي القدمين اصلع وبنطالة ممزق.
واضح انه عاش حياة ازمة ولكننا لا نعرف تفاصيل طفولته وعليه سنعتبره مجهول الطفولة.

Hiram Maxim

Born in Maine, USA, 5 February 1840, of French Huguenot descent, Hiram Stevens Maxim spent his early childhood in the town of Sangerville. He was "a poor little bareheaded, bare-footed boy with a pair of drill trousers, frayed out at the bottom, open at the knees, with a patch on the bottom, running wild but very expert at catching fish." He led a rough, self-reliant life and became a master of many trades.
Young Maxim was first apprenticed to a carriage maker at the age of 14, and made astronomical instruments in his spare time, as well as supporting himself by working as a part-time barman.
Much of his early working life was spent in engineering firms where the foundation of his skills were laid and by 1873 he had become the senior partner in a company building gas and steam engines, in New York.
Maxim was an eccentric and boisterous individual with a tremendous capacity for hard work


Hiram Percy would later author a biography on his father entitled A Genius in the Family, which contained about 60 anecdotes of Hiram Percy's experiences with his father throughout his early life (until about 12). Most of these short stories are incredibly amusing and captivating; they give a reader an insider's (and child's) view of this magnificently brilliant man's personal and family life--the same family he would later abandon when moving to Europe (which would become a permanent move).[

Nationality British
ethnicity American
gender Male
Occupation inventor
A member of a noteworthy family of mechanics and draftsmen, Hiram Maxim, thecreator of the first practical automatic machine gun, also experimented witha steam-powered flying machine in 1894. At age twenty-four, in his uncle's engineering firm in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, he invented a curling iron. Around 1868, he created a locomotive headlight that came into common use. His later inventions included an automatic fire extinguisher, automatic gas generator, engine governors, steam and vacuum pumps, inhalers for bronchitis, a mousetrap, automatic spindle, density regulator for equalizing the illuminating value of gas, and an electrical pressure regulator, which won him a French Legion of Honor.

Born in Sangerville, Maine, Maxim was the eldest son of a farmer and woodworker. At age fourteen, Maxim was apprenticed to a carriagemaker and learned numerous other trades in New England and Canada. As a hobby, he enjoyed pugilismand toyed with the idea of becoming a professional boxer, but instead he moved to Fitchburg, Massachusetts, where he worked for an engineer. From there he migrated to Boston and worked for a maker of scientific instruments, then to New York, where he was employed at the Novelty Iron Company and secured hisfirst patent for a curling iron. At age thirty-eight, he became the chief engineer for the United States Electric Lighting Company. His first major contributions were the graphite-rod incandescent light bulb in 1878, a standardized coating of carbon lamp filaments in 1880, and an electric current regulator, which won international praise in 1881 at the Paris Exhibition.

While in France, Maxim became intrigued with the possibility of creating an automatic weapon, something European designers had been struggling to produce.Maxim went to work in London, and later became a British subject. At his laboratory in Hatton Garden, London, he produced his Maxim single-barrel automated gun in 1884, which was belt-fed and water-cooled, an advancement over thehand-cranked Gatling gun. The device, capable of firing 666 rounds per minute, loaded, fired, then extracted and ejected the cartridge, using energy derived from the momentum of recoil. A subsequent model, dubbed the Vickers Maxim,became standard British Army issue. Later, he developed the pom-pom gun, which launched one-pound shells, and the aerial torpedo gun.

Maxim's contributions to the British military earned him a knighthood by Queen Victoria in 1901. He continued to work on the delayed-action fuse and cordite, a smokeless powder made from nitroglycerin and cotton, which he evolved with the help of Hudson Maxim, his brother and partner. Maxim's improvements in weaponry gave significant advantage to British forces during the Boxer Rebellion and the Boer War. Soldiers, grateful for the improvements, chanted: "Whatever happens, we have got/The Maxim gun and they have not!" Soon, the gun came into use in every major country. It was not until the perfection of tankwarfare that the machine gun slaughter of World War I was successfully countered.

Maxim's total output included 271 patents. He tried without success to createa steam engine light enough to power a biplane, but recognized that he needed an internal combustion engine to achieve success. He died in New York on November 24,1916.

Father: Isaac Weston Maxim
Mother: Harriet Boston Stevens
Brother: Hudson Maxim (b. 1853)
مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:52 PM
المشاركة 1625
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
32-القمر الصناعي بيتر كابيتزا، وآخرون سوفيتي 1957م

-مات ابوه وزوجته واثنين من ابناؤه في العام 1918 بسبب الإنفلونزا وهو في سن 26
- المعلوماتة التفصيلية عن طفولته شحيحة
- يبدو ان درس في مدارس داخلية بعيدا عن الاهل

- شارك في الحربى العالمية الاولى وهو قبل العشرين
بيوتر كابيتسا (بالروسية:Пётр Леони́дович Капи́ца) اسمه الكامل بيوتر ليونيدوفيتش كابيتسا (8 يوليو 1894 في كرونشتادت - 8 أبريل 1984 في موسكو) كان فيزيائي روسي.
ولد كابيتسا في كرونشتادت لأب كان يعمل مهندس، عاش فترة المراهقة في مدينة سانت بطرسبرغ ودرس فيها الفيزياء وتخرج عام 1918. اشتغل ابتداءً من عام 1921 لدى إرنست رذرفورد في مختبر كافنديش كمدير وكان مهتما بدراسة موضوع علم الظواهر المغنطيسية، وأيضا في مختبر القمر في جامعة كامبريدج بإنجلترا. بعد عودته من جديد إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي عام 1934 أصبح مديرا لمعهد الفيزياء في موسكو. تزوج من آنّا، ابنة عالم الرياضيات التطبيقية الشهير ألكسي كريلوف.
اكتشف عام 1937 الميوعة الفائقة للهيليوم. تحصل على جائزة نوبل في الفيزياء على الاختراعات والاكتشافات الأساسية التي قام بها في فيزياء الحرارة المنخفضة.

كان كابيتسا دكتورا فخريا في أكثر من 30 جامعة وعضوا أيضا في العديد من الأكاديميات الأجنبية. عمل في الجمعية الملكية والأكاديمية الألمانية للتاريخ الطبيعي.

Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa,*also spelled Kapitza* *(born June 26 [July 8, New Style], 1894,*Kronshtadt, Russian Empire—died April 8, 1984,*Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.),*Soviet physicist who invented new machines for liquefaction of gases and in 1937 discovered the superfluidity of liquid helium. He was a corecipient of the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics.

After a short military service in World War I, Kapitsa resumed his engineering education at the Petrograd Polytechnical Institute, turning to physics in the seminar of Abram Joffe. Before graduation in 1919, he started work at the Petrograd Physico-Technical Institute, a new research institution organized by Joffe after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Kapitsa lost his father, wife, and two small children during the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918–19. In 1921, when Joffe took him on an academic tour of postwar Europe, Kapitsa remained in England at the University of Cambridge as a research student of Ernest Rutherford. Kapitsa received his doctorate from Cambridge in 1923 and became assistant director of magnetic research at the Cavendish Laboratory. He was made a fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, in 1925 and elected to the Royal Society in 1929. The same year, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences elected Kapitsa a corresponding member. Kapitsa started research in low-temperature physics, and in the Royal Society’s Mond Laboratory, established for him at Cambridge in 1932, he built a new type of helium liquefier based on an expansion turbine.
مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...


قديم 11-06-2013, 02:52 PM
المشاركة 1626
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
33-طفاية الحريق ألكسندر رولان سوفيتي 1905م
- مجهول الطفولة ولا يكاد يعرف عنه شيء سوى انه سوفيتي سافر في شبابه للدراسة في فرنسا.


Aleksandr Grigoryevich Loran (Russian: Александр Григорьевич Лоран) (1849 – after 1911), sometimes called Alexander Laurant or Aleksandr Lovan or Aleksandr Lavrentyev, was a Russian teacher and inventor of fire fighting foam and foam extinguisher.

A modern foam fire extinguisher.
He was born in 1849 in Kishinyov in the Russian Empire, now in Moldavia. After graduating from the Saint Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, he continued his education in Paris, where he studied chemistry.
Returning to Russia, Loran became a teacher in a school in Baku, which was the main center of the Russian oil industry at that time. Impressed by the terrible and hardly extinguishable oil fires that he had seen there, Loran tried to find such a liquid substance that could deal effectively with the problem. So he invented fire fighting foam, which was successfully tested in several experiments in 1902-1903.[1] In 1904 Loran patented his invention, and developed the first foam extinguisher the same year.[2]
Subsequently he founded a company called Eurica, based in Saint Petersburg, and started to sell his fire extinguishers under that brand.

Modern usage of fire fighting foam.
See also[edit]
مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:53 PM
المشاركة 1627
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
34- ورق الكربون ويد جورد إنجليزي 1905م
- طفولة مبكرة مجهولة
- عائلته كانت تعمل في صناعة الفخار
- مات ابوه وعمره 22 سنة

Ralph Wedgwood (1766–1837) was an English inventor and member of the Wedgood family of potters. His most notable invention was the earliest form of carbon paper, a method of creating duplicate paper documents, which he called "stylographic writer". He obtained a patent for the invention in 1806.

Wedgwood was born in Burslem, Staffordshire. He was the eldest son of the potter Thomas Wedgwood II (1734-1788) and his wife Elizabeth Taylor. He married thrice and was widowed twice. His first marriage was to Mary Yeomans in 1790 and they had two children, Mary and Ralph, but he was widowed in 1795. He remarried Sarah Taylor, they had a son Samuel (1800-1863) but she too died in 1807. In 1808 he married for a third time, to Mary Anne Copeland and they had three children, Trianne, Maria and William. His third wife survived him and died in 1867.

Ralph was the cousin and business partner of Josiah Wedgwood. Funding for Ralph's inventions were provided by Josiah's eldest son, Josiah Wedgwood II.

مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-06-2013, 02:53 PM
المشاركة 1628
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
35- الحافلة ولتر هانكوك إنجليزي

- تفاصيل عن طفولته غير متوفرة
- مات ابوه وعمره 22 سنة
- لا يعرف متى ماتت الام
- من اسرة متواضعة كان ابوه نجار
- حصل على تعليم عمومي
- ارسل ليتدرب على مهنة وهو صغير لكنه كان مهتما بالهندسه
والتر هانكوك (بالإنجليزية: Walter Hancock) هو مخترع إنجليزي أشتهر بسبب تصميمه لفكرة المركبات التي تعمل بالمحركات البخارية وأيضاً لحصوله على براءة إختراع تقطيع المطاط إلى شرائح . عاش في العصر الفيكتوري وهو الأخ الأصغر للمخترع توماس هانكوك.

The pioneer inventor of steam carriages.

Born in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, June 1 6, 1799.
Died May 14, 1852.
The father of Walter Hancock was James Hancock, a timber merchant and cabinet maker. Walter received a common school education, and then was apprenticed to a watchmaker and jeweler in London. The bent of his inclination, however, was toward engineering, and he turned his attention to experimenting along the lines that were at that time absorbing the thoughts and efforts of those men of England interested in mechanical and scientific subjects.
He was foremost among those who in the early part of the nineteenth century were engaged in trying to solve the problem of steam carriage locomotion on the common highways. The story of his work in this direction is fully told by himself in his Narrative of Twelve Years' Experiments, 1824-36, Demonstrative of the Practicability and Advantage of Employing Steam Carriages on Common Roads, a book published in London, in 1838. This volume contains a full account of his labors, and descriptions of all the carriages that he built and ran. The following extract from the introduction of the book shows in what esteem Hancock regarded himself and what estimate he placed upon the value of his work:

Hancock Genealogy
A summary of the members of the Hancock family from Marlborough, Wiltshire
James Hancock (1753-1821) Marr: Betty Coleman
|--- Mary (1780-1794)
|--- James Hancock (1787-1859) Marr: Elizabeth Lyne
|---|--- Elizabeth Lyne Hancock (1812-1814)
|---|--- James Lyne Hancock (c1815-1884) Marr(1): Mary Marr(2): Sarah
|--- Thomas Hancock (1786-1865) Gutta Percha manuf. Partner in Charles Macintosh and Co.
|--- John Hancock (1788-1835). Early partner with Thomas as a coach builder in Hancock and Co. His 11 children looked after by Thomas
|---|--- Frances
|---|--- Harriett
|---|--- Catherine
|---|--- Thomas Hancock
|---|--- Frances W.
|--- William Hancock (1789-1848) Marr: Hannah. Bookseller in Malmsbury.
|---|--- Emma (also grandson Frederick Peters).
|--- George Hancock (1791- ) Believed to have emigrated to USA
|--- Elizabeth (1793-1812) Died age 17
|--- Mary Ann (1795-1795) Died infant
|--- Mary (1796-1800) Died age 4
|--- Henry Hancock (1797- ) Believed to have emigrated to USA
|--- Walter Hancock (1799-1852) Steam coach business in London. Walter Hancock and Co

مقولة ساخنة

عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-08-2013, 11:34 PM
المشاركة 1629
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
36-السوستة هويتكوم جادسون أمريكي 1893م1899م
مجهول الطفولة


Whitcomb L Judson's Childhood?
Whitcomb L. Judson was born in March 1839 and died in 1909. He is famous for inventing the zipper. There is not much information available on his childhood except that he lived in Illinois and later enlisted in the Union army.
Whitcomb Judson had a hard childhood at first then he got the hang of it and started to get good grades!

Whitcomb L. Judson (1846 – 1909) was an American machine salesman, mechanical engineer and inventor.[2]

Judson was born at March 7 1846 in Chicago, Illinois. According to the 1860 census, he lived in Illinois, and served in the Union army. He enlisted in 1861 at Oneida, Illinois in the Forty-Second Illinois Cavalry. Judson attended Knox College in his hometown Galesburg, Illinois. He was found in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1886. In 1886 and 1887 the Minneapolis city directory identifies Judson as a "traveling agent" — a traveling salesman working probably for Pitts Agricultural Works. A couple of years later Judson began working for Earle Manufacturing Company with Harry L. Earle as the head of the firm. Judson sold band cutters and grain scales for them along with other items as one of their salesmen.[3


مقولة ساخنة
عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...

قديم 11-08-2013, 11:36 PM
المشاركة 1630
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
37-المصعد إليشا أوتيس أمريكي 1871م

Elisha Otis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elisha Graves Otis

Elisha Graves Otis
Born August 3, 1811
Halifax, Vermont, United States
Died April 8, 1861 (aged*49)
Yonkers, New York
Nationality American
Spouse(s) Susan Houghton, Elizabeth Otis
Children Charles Rollin Otis, Norton Prentice Otis
Engineering career
Significant projects elevators
Elisha Graves Otis (August 3, 1811 – April 8, 1861) was an American industrialist, founder of the Otis Elevator Company, and inventor of a safety device that prevents elevators from falling if the hoisting cable fails.[1] He worked on this device while living in Yonkers, New York in 1852, and had a finished product in 1854.

Otis was born in Halifax, Vermont to Stephen Otis, and Phoebe Glynn.[1] He moved away from home at the age of 20, eventually settling in Troy, New York, where he lived for five years employed as a wagon driver. In 1834, he married Susan A. Houghton. They would have two children, Charles and Norton. Later that year, Otis suffered a terrible case of pneumonia which nearly killed him, but he earned enough money to move his wife and three-year-old son to the Vermont Hills on the Green River. He designed and built his own gristmill, but did not earn enough money from it, so he converted it into a sawmill, yet still did not attract customers. Now having a second son, he started building wagons and carriages, at which he was fairly skilled. His wife later died, leaving Otis with two sons, one at that time being age 8 and the other still in diapers.
At 34 years old and hoping for a fresh start, he married and moved to Albany, New York. He worked as a doll maker for Otis Tingely. Skilled as a craftsman and tired of working all day to make only twelve toys, he invented and patented a robot turner. It could produce bedsteads four times as fast as could be done manually (about fifty a day). His boss gave him a $500 bonus. Otis then moved into his own business. At his leased building, he started designing a safety brake that could stop trains instantly and an automatic bread baking oven. He was put out of business when the stream he was using for a power supply was diverted by the city of Albany to be used for its fresh water supply. In 1851,[2] having no more use for Albany, he first moved to Bergen City, New Jersey to work as a mechanic, then to Yonkers, New York, as a manager of an abandoned sawmill which he was supposed to convert into a bedstead factory. At the age of 40, while he was cleaning up the factory, he wondered how he could get all the old debris up to the upper levels of the factory. He had heard of hoisting platforms, but they often broke, and he didn't want to take risks. He and his sons, who were also tinkerers, designed their own "safety elevator" and tested it successfully. He thought so little of it he neither patented it nor requested a bonus from his superiors for it, nor did he try to sell it. After having made several sales, and after the bedstead factory declined, Otis took the opportunity to make an elevator company out of it, initially called Union Elevator Works and later Otis Brothers & Co.. No orders came to him over the next several months, but soon after, the 1854 New York World's Fair offered a great chance at publicity.[2] At the New York Crystal Palace, Elisha Otis amazed a crowd when he ordered the only rope holding the platform on which he was standing cut.[1] The rope was severed by an axeman, and the platform fell only a few inches before coming to a halt. After the World's Fair, Otis received continuous orders, doubling each year. He developed different types of engines, like a three-way steam valve engine, which could transition the elevator between up to down and stop it rapidly.
In his spare time, he designed and experimented with his old designs of bread-baking ovens and train brakes, and patented a steam plow in 1857, a rotary oven in 1858, and, with Charles, the oscillating steam engine in 1860. For the remainder of his life, all the major corporations purchased Otis's invention and recognized his genius. Otis contracted diphtheria and died on April 8, 1861 at age 49.[1]

مقولة ساخنة
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مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

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الساعة الآن 06:26 PM

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