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ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 12:54 AM

30-جونتشرشل(دوق مارلبورو )

John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, was both a military commander and a politician. Churchill was commander-in-chief of the English forces that fought in the War of Spanish Succession. While his military fame is secure, his political role is less well known – but along with Robert Harley and Sidney Godolphin, he was part of the Triumvirate who served Queen Anne.
Marlborough was born on May 24th, 1650. He was the third son of Winston Churchill who was a Royalist during the English Civil War. The war had impoverished the Churchill’s. Marlborough was educated privately and at St. Paul’s School in London. He furthered his education at Court where he served as a page to the Duke of York (the future James II). Marlborough married in secret. His wife was Sarah, the daughter of Robert Jennings.
Marlborough gained a commission in the Foot Guards in 1667. His sister Arabella, who was the Duke of York’s mistress, may well have aided his initial military career. Marlborough, however, made a name for himself during campaigns in Tangiers (1668 to 1670) and in the third Anglo-Dutch War from 1672 to 1674. While Marlborough’s military career went from strength to strength, so did the social rise of his wife Sarah. She became Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Anne, the youngest daughter of the future James II and who also became Queen Anne.
When James II became king Marlborough became second-in-command of the English army. It was Marlborough’s army that defeated the Duke of Monmouth in the summer of 1685, which cemented the royal authority of James. However, Marlborough opposed the king’s pro-Catholic views and his attempts to catholicise England.
Early Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough:
The son of Sir Winston Churchill and his wife Elizabeth, John Churchill was born at Ashe House in Devon on May 26, 1650 (O.S.). As a Royalist officer in the English Civil War, John's father was forced to pay recompense to the victorious Parliamentary forces leaving the family nearly destitute.
Taken in by his grandmother, Lady Eleanor Drake, who had backed Parliament in the conflict, John spent his first ten years in relative poverty in a household rife with political tensions. With the Restoration of King Charles II in 1660, his father's fortunes improved as he moved through several civil service posts.
Educated at the Dublin Free School and later St. Paul's School in London, John was appointed to be a page to James, Duke of York in 1665. A noted military leader, James exposed Churchill to army and navy matters developing a passion in his young aide. Pursuing this interest, he obtained a commission as an ensign in the King's Own Company, 1st Guards on September 14, 1667. Posted to Tangier for three years, he returned to England in 1671. Reunited with James, he served aboard the duke's flagship at the Battle of Solebay the following year.

عاش طفولة عاصفة في ظل فقر مدقع واضطراب سياسي كنتيجة لحرب اهلية. انتقل للعيش لدى جدته لامه اول عشر سنين من حياته حيث كانت تعصف في البيت الخلافات السياسية. لا يعرف متى ماتت امه لكنه حتما يتيم اجتماعي.
يتيم اجتماعي.

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 12:59 AM

31-وينفليد سكوت
وينفيلد سكوت (1786 – 1866)، هو جنرال أمريكي، كان قد ولد قرب بيترزبرغ، فرجينيا، في 13 يونيو 1786. وفي عام 1805 دخل كلية وليام وماري، حيث درس القانون، وواصل دراساته في مكتب ديفد روبرتسون للقانون في بيترزبرغ. وفي عام 1807 انتقل إلى تشارلستون، كارولينا الجنوبية، ولكن عندما بدا أن الحرب مع إنجلترا أصبحت وشيكة توجه إلى واشنطن وعرض خدماته.

الحرب مع بريطانيا

في عام 1808 تم تعيينه كقائد مدفعية، وجند مجموعة في ريتشموند وبيترزبرغ، وأمر أن يتوجه إلى نيو أورلينز. وأدى انتقاده للضابط الأعلى منه رتبة، وهو الجنرال جيمس ويلكنسون، إلى إيقافه عن الخدمة لمدة سنة، لكن الحكم تحول لثلاثة شهور في النهاية. وفي يوليو 1812، أرسل كمقدم مدفعية إلى حدود نهر نياغرا وقاتل في كوينزتون حيث أخذ سجينا. وأرجع في تبادل للأسرى في يناير 1813، أصبح عقيدا في شهر مارس التالي، في مارس 1814 رقي لرتبة عميد، وفي يوليو تلقى ترقية فخرية لرتبة لواء. وفي معارك أوجيبوا (5 يوليو 1814) ولانديز لين (25 يوليو) كان له فيها دور واضح، وقد جرح مرتين في الاشتباك الأخير. لخدماته أتى إلى الكونغرس وقدمت له ميدالية ذهبية وسيف من ولاية فرجينيا.
مهامه الحربية

من بين المهام الصعبة التي دعي ليؤديها بين أعوام 1815 و1861، وللعشرين سنة الأخيرة من هذه الفترة التي قضاها قائدا عاما للجيش الأمريكي، كانت: حملة إلى الغرب الأوسط في عام 1832، بعد نهاية حرب بلاك هوك، حيث فاوض في معاهدات سلام مع قبائل ساوك، فوكس، وينيباجو، سيو، مينوميني؛ ورحلة إلى تشارلستون في نفس السنة لمراقبة تقدم حركة الإبطال، ولتقوية حاميات الحصون في الميناء؛ وقام بحملة في عام 1836 ضد هنود سيمينول في فلوريدا بقيادة أوسيولا؛ والإشراف على إبعاد هنود تشيروكي عام 1838 من جورجيا وكارولاينا الشمالية وألاباما وتينيسي إلى المحميات التي وضعت لهم بالمعاهدات غرب نهر ميسيسيبي؛ وقام بزيارة إلى نهر نياغرا في خريف وشتاء العام 1838 لوضع حد لأعمال المتمردين الكنديين في انتهاك الحياد الأمريكي؛ ومهمة مماثلة إلى مين في 1839 لإعادة الهدوء بين مواطني مين ونيو برونسويك، الذي كانوا يعارضون امتلاك مناطق الأرض على طول نهر أرونستوك؛ ورحلة إلى المنطقة الشمالية الغربية في عام 1859 لتسوية نزاع بين الضباط الأمريكان والبريطانيين بما يتعلقون بالاحتلال المشترك لجزيرة سان خوان في ممر بوجيت.
الحرب الأمريكية المكسيكية

إنجازه الأعظم كان الحملة المكسيكية في عام 1847. وكضابط أعلى للجيش، وضع على قيادة الحملة الغازية، وبعد أن أسر فيراكروز (19 – 25 مارس 1847)، وبعد انتصاراته في سيرو غوردو (18 أبريل)، ومعارك كونتريراسوتشوبوروسكو (19 – 25 أغسطس)، مولينو ديل ري (8 سبتمبر)، وتشابولتيبيك (13 سبتمبر)، توج حملته بأسر العاصمة المكسيكية في 14 سبتمبر. في مارس 1848 استلم إعراب شكر من الكونجرس، الذي منحه ميدالية ذهبية سَكّت له تقديرا لخدماته.
الترشح للرئاسة

توتت لسكوت فرصة ممتازة ليتقدم في السياسة؛ وتم اقتراح ترشيحه للرئاسة من قبل حزب الويغز في 1839 وفي 1848، وفي 1852 استلم الترشيح؛ لكن ترشيحه كان مآله الفشل. وكان الويغز منقسمين في مسألة العبودية، ولم يقدم دعما حماسيا لبرنامج مساوماتهم؛ وأرسل سكوت عدة خطابات ارتجالية والتي أساءت له. وتلقى الأصوات الانتخابية لأربع ولايات فقط، هي كنتاكي وفرجينيا وماساتشوستس وفيرمونت. هذه الهزيمة لم تفقده أيا من الاحترام الذي اكتسبه، وفي عام 1852 تم ترقيته فخريا لرتبة فريق.
سنواته الأخيرة

بين مراتب الشرف الآخرى التي منحت له كانت درجة الماجستير في الآداب من جامعة برينستون في عام 1814، ودرجة دكتوراه في القانون من جامعة كولومبيا في 1850 ومن جامعة هارفارد في 1861. وعند اندلاع الحرب الأهلية، بقى في مركز رئيس الجيوش الأمريكية ووجه العمليات من واشنطن حتى نوفمبر 1861، رغم أنه كان من فرجينيا. ثم زار أوروبا لفترة قصيرة، وبعد عودته كتب مذكراته، التي نشرت في عام 1864. ومات في ويست بوينت، نيويورك، في 29 مايو 1866.

Winfield Scott (June 13, 1786 – May 29, 1866) was a United States Army general, and unsuccessful presidential candidate of the Whig Party in 1852.
Known as "Old Fuss and Feathers" and the "Grand Old Man of the Army," he served on active duty as a general longer than any other man in American history, and many historians rate him the best American commander of his time. Over the course of his forty-seven-year career, he commanded forces in the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Black Hawk War, the Second Seminole War, and, briefly, the American Civil War, conceiving the Union strategy known as the Anaconda Plan that would be used to defeat the Confederacy. He served as Commanding General of the United States Army for twenty years, longer than any other holder of the office.
A national hero after the Mexican-American War, he served as military governor of Mexico City. Such was his stature that, in 1852, the United States Whig Party passed over its own incumbent President of the United States, Millard Fillmore, to nominate Scott in the United States presidential election. Scott lost to Democrat Franklin Pierce in the general election, but remained a popular national figure, receiving a brevet promotion in 1856 to the rank of lieutenant general, becoming the first American since George Washington to hold that rank.[1]

Early years
Winfield Scott was born (June 13, 1786
to William Scott (1747-1789) and Anna Mason (1748-1803) on Laurel Branch, the family plantation in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, near Petersburg, Virginia, on 13 June 1786.[2] He briefly attended College of William and Mary, studied law in the office of a private attorney, and served as a Virginia militia cavalry corporal near Petersburg in 1807.

يتيم الاب في سن الـ 3 ويتيم الام في سن الـ 17

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:00 PM

32- يوليسيس سيمبسون جرانت

Ulysses S. Grant Facts

Full Name: Hiram Ulysses Grant. It is frequently said that Grant's middle name was "Simpson." It was not. His middle name was "Ulysses" and he admitted that the "S" in his name stood for nothing.
Date of Birth: April 27, 1822, Point Pleasant, Ohio.
Date of Death: July 23, 1885, Mount McGregor, Saratoga Springs, New York.
Religion: Born Methodist, but was not religious. He attended church services occasionally as an adult, but he did it primarily to please his wife, Julia, who was genuinely religious.
Education: U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York. Grant graduated July 1, 1843 and his class rank was 21 out of 39. Though he later enjoyed visiting West Point, he was not happy there as a cadet. He described his four years there as "interminable."
Father: Jesse Root Grant, born January 23, 1794, near Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was a tanner and made a great deal of money. Old Jesse dies on June 29, 1873 in Covington, Kentucky at the age of 79. Grant had ambivalent feelings for his father, who was a loquacious braggart. They were dissimilar in temperament and Grant's letters to him are sometimes curt and show disapproval for his condescending attitude towards his wife, Julia, and his miserly habits when she visited.
Mother: Hannah Simpson Grant, born November 23, 1798, in Montgomery, Pennsylvania. Hannah is a mysterious and distant woman who gave Ulysses little overt affection when growing up. She never visited him the White House and he scarcely mentioned her in his correspondence. An interesting relationship, but a decidedly shadowy one. She dies in Jersey City, New Jersey, on May 11, 1883, at the age of 84.
Grant is said to have inherited a degree of introversion from his reserved, even "uncommonly detached" mother (she never took occasion to visit the White House during her son's presidency).[10] Grant assumed the duties expected of him as a young man at home, which primarily included maintaining the firewood supply; he thereby developed a noteworthy ability to work with, and control, horses in his charge, and used this in providing transportation as a vocation in his youth.[11] At the age of 17, with the help of his father, Grant was nominated by Congressman Thomas L. Hamer for a position at the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, New York. Hamer mistakenly nominated him as "Ulysses S. Grant of Ohio." At West Point, he adopted this name with a middle initial only. His nickname became "Sam" among army colleagues at the academy, since the initials "U.S." stood for "Uncle Sam". The "S", according to Grant, did not "stand for anything", though Hamer had used it to abbreviate his mother's maiden name.[
lysses S. Grant was born April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, Ohio. During the Civil War, he relentlessly pursued the enemy and in 1864 was entrusted with command of all U.S. armies. In 1869, at age 46, he became the youngest president theretofore. Though Grant was highly scrupulous, his administration was tainted with scandal. He left the presidency to write his best-selling memoirs

واضح انه كان يعاني من خلل في علاقاته مع والديه فوالده بخيل وصعب المراس، كما يصفه هو، ويسيء التعامل مع زوجته، وأمه اقرب إلى المرض النفسي منطوية على نفسها وفي ذلك ما يشير إلى مرض الكآبة ، وكانت اعجز من أن تمنحه الحب الذي يحتاجه خلال نموه. ولد خلال الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية وأصبح جندي وهي ما يزل شاب.

صحيح انه ليس يتيم لكن تبدو طفولته كارثية.

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:01 PM

33- سيبيوافريكانس

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (236–183 BC), also known as Scipio the African, Scipio the Elder, and Scipio the Great was a general in the Second Punic War and statesman of the Roman Republic. He was best known for defeating Hannibal at the final battle of the Second Punic War at Zama, a feat that earned him the agnomen Africanus, the nickname "the Roman Hannibal", as well as recognition as one of the finest commanders in military history. An earlier great display of his tactical abilities had come already at the Battle of Ilipa.

Early years</SPAN>

Publius Cornelius Scipio, later Africanus from his victory at the Battle of Zama, the founder of the Africanus branch of the Cornelii Scipiones, was born by Caesarian section into the Scipio branch of the Cornelia gens. The birth year is calculated from a series of statements made by multiple ancient historians of how old he was when certain events in his life occurred. The statements all seem to agree or be reconcilable: if he was 17 when he led a charge to his father's rescue at the Battle of Ticinus (218 BC), and 24 when he volunteered to take over the army in Hispania when no one else would (211 BC), after the defeat and death there of his uncle and father, the two consuls, and 27 when he led a victorious campaign against the city of New Carthage on the coast of Hispania (209 BC), then he must have been born in 236/5, usually stated as 236 BC. The year was 517 from the foundation of Rome.
The Cornelii Scipiones were one of six major patrician families - along with the Manlii, the Fabii, the Aemilii, the Claudii, and the Valerii - with a record of successful public service in the highest offices extending back at least to the early Roman Republic. Several ancestors were consuls successively, and his great-grandfather, Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, had been patrician censor in 280 BC. At the time Scipio Africanus lived, the Scipiones were probably the most prominent branch of the Cornelii, at least in the hindsight of the historians, who have only glowing reports of his family and career. He is unquestionably one of the leading characters of Roman history.
Scipio was the second oldest son of Publius Cornelius Scipio, praetor and consul by his wife Pomponia, whose pleb family were of equestrian (knight) status. His older brother, Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, and a friend since boyhood, Gaius Laelius, served with him in the military, both of whom the historian, Polybius, was able to question concerning the life and character of the great man after his death.[4]
Early military service</SPAN>

At an early age, Scipio joined the Roman struggle against Carthage in the Second Punic War. At some point, he is said to have promised his father to continue the struggle against Carthage all his life, showing similar dedication to that of his enemy, Hannibal. The young Scipio survived the disastrous battles at Ticinus, Trebia, and Cannae. According to Polybius, he saved his father's life when he was 18, by "charging the encircling force alone with reckless daring" at the Battle of Ticinus.[5] Scipio's would-be father-in-law Lucius Aemilius Paullus was killed in 216 BC at the Battle of Cannae. Despite these defeats at the hands of the Carthaginians, Scipio remained focused on securing Roman victory. Scipio was never again to see a Roman force defeated, for once given command at the age of 25 he never lost a battle.]
After the disastrous Battle of Cannae, and on hearing that Lucius Caecilius Metellus and other politicians were at the point of surrendering Rome to Hannibal and the Carthaginians, Scipio and his supporters stormed into the meeting, and at sword-point he forced all present to swear that they would continue in faithful service to Rome. Fortunately, the Roman Senate was of like mind and refused to entertain thoughts of peace, despite the great losses Rome had taken in the war: approximately one-fifth of the men of military age had died within a few years of Hannibal's invasion.
He is also thought to have consulted with or at least informed his mother before deciding to run for quaestor, the most junior magistrate who was entitled to enter the Senate. Scipio ran for this office at the age of 24[7] and offered in 211 BC to then take over command in Hispania, where he found the enemy west of the Ebro river.[8] Scipio offered himself as a candidate for the quaestorship in the year 213 BC, apparently to assist his less popular cousin Lucius Cornelius, who was also standing for election. The Tribunes of the Plebs (elected representatives from the Plebeian Assembly) objected to his candidacy, saying that he could not be allowed to stand because he had not yet reached the legal age (curule aediles were automatically entitled to enter the Senate and the legal age for Senate membership was 30). Scipio, already known for his bravery and patriotism, was elected unanimously and the Tribunes abandoned their opposition.

لا يتعرف تحديدا متى ولد وواضح انه عاش طفولة عاصفة، فقد كان عسكريا وشارك في المعارك وهو طفل وانقذ والده في احد المعارك وعمره 17 سنه حسب بعض التقديرات لكن لا يمكن الجزم بما كانت عليه طفولته وعليه سنعتبره :

مجهول الطفولة.

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:02 PM

34-هوراشيو نيلسون

هوراشيو نيلسون (بالإنجليزية: Horatio Nelson) ‏(29 سبتمبر 1758- 21 أكتوبر 1805) نائب أدميرال إنجليزي. اشتهر بمشاركته بمعركة النيل ومعركة طرف الغار، يعد أحد ابرز القادة العسكريين في تاريخ المعارك.
توفي نيلسون يوم 21 أكتوبر1805 وهو يقاسي بعد اصابته في العمود الفقري لدى وقوفه على مقدمة سفينته أثناء معركة طرف الغار التي غيرت التاريخ، على سواحل اسبانيا. واعتبرت المعركة بداية النهاية لغزو نابليون بونابرت امبراطور فرنسا لأوروبا، وأمنت لبريطانيا السيادة على البحار لأكثر من قرن.
Horatio Nelson was born on 29 September 1758 in a rectory in Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England, the sixth of eleven children of the Reverend Edmund Nelson and his wife Catherine.
His mother, who died on 26 December 1767 when he was nine years old, was a grandniece of Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford, the de facto first Prime Minister of Great Britain. She lived in the village of Barsham, Suffolk, and married the Reverend Edmund Nelson at Beccles church, Suffolk, in 1749.
Nelson attended Paston Grammar School, North Walsham, until he was 12 years old, and also attended King Edward VI’s Grammar School in Norwich. His naval career began on 1 January 1771, when he reported to the third-rateHMS Raisonnable as an Ordinary Seaman and coxswain under his maternal uncle, Captain Maurice Suckling, who commanded the vessel. Shortly after reporting aboard, Nelson was appointed a midshipman and began officer training. Early in his service, Nelson discovered that he suffered from seasickness, a chronic complaint that dogged him for the rest of his life.[3]
يتيم الام في سن الـ 9.

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:03 PM

35-جون فريدليك تشارلز فولر
Fuller was born in 1878, in Chichester, West Sussex, England. After moving to Lausanne with his parents as a boy, he returned to England at the age of 11 without them; three years later, at "the somewhat advanced age of 14," he began attending Malvern College[1] and, later, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst from 1897 to 1898. He was commissioned into the 1st Battalion of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry (the old 43rd), and served in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. In the spring of 1904, Fuller was sent with his unit to India, where he contracted enteric fever in autumn of 1905; he returned to England the next year on sick-leave, where he met the woman he married in December 1906.[1] Instead of returning to India, he was reassigned to units in England, serving as an adjutant to the 2nd South Middlesex Volunteers (amalgamated into the 7th Middlesex during the Haldane Reforms) and helping form the 10th Middlesex, until he was accepted into the Staff College at Camberley in 1913 (starting work there in January 1914).
عاش لوحدة وبعيدا عن والديه من عمر 11 سنة.
يتيم اجتماعي .

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:04 PM

36- هنري دولاتور دو آفرون دو تورين

Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, often called simply Turenne (11 September 1611, Sedan, Ardennes – 27 July 1675) was the most illustrious member of the La Tour d'Auvergne family. He achieved military fame and became a Marshal of France. He was one of six marshals who have been made Marshal General of France.
Background and early career</SPAN>

The second son of Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne, duc de Bouillon, sovereign Prince of Sedan, ( his father Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne (titular Duke of Bouillon, jure uxoris, comte de Montfort et Negrepelisse, vicomte de Turenne, Castillon, et Lanquais, ) (28 September 1555 – 25 March 1623) was a member of the powerful, (then Huguenot) House of La Tour d'Auvergne, Prince of Sedan and a marshal of France.)
by his second wife Elizabeth, daughter of William the Silent, Prince of Orange, he was born at Sedan. He received a Huguenot education and the usual training of a young noble of the time, but physical infirmity, and particularly an impediment اعاقة of speech (which he never lost), hampered his progress, though he showed a marked partiality for history and geography, and especial admiration of the exploits of Alexander the Great and Caesar. After his father's death in 1623, he devoted himself to bodily exercises and in a great measure overcame his natural weakness. At the age of fourteen he went to learn war in the camp of his uncle, Maurice of Nassau the Stadtholder of Holland and Prince of Orange, and began his military career (as a private soldier in that prince's bodyguard) in the Dutch Revolt.
Frederick Henry of Nassau, who succeeded his brother Maurice as Stadtholder and Prince of Orange in 1625, gave Turenne a captaincy in 1626. The young officer took his part in the siege warfare of the period, and won special commendation from his uncle (one of the foremost commanders of the time) for his skill and courage at the celebrated siege of 's-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc) in 1629. In 1630 Turenne left the Netherlands and entered the service of France, motivated not only by the prospect of military advancement but also by his mother's desire to show the loyalty of the Bouillon dominions to the French crown.
Cardinal Richelieu at once made him colonel of an infantry regiment. He still continued to serve at short intervals with the prince of Orange, who at the time had an alliance with France, and his first serious service under the French flag occurred at the siege of La Mothe in Lorraine by Marshal de la Force (1634), where his brilliant courage at the assault won him immediate promotion to the rank of maréchal de camp (equivalent to the modern grade of major-general). In 1635 Turenne served under Louis de Nogaret, Cardinal de la Valette in Lorraine and on the Rhine. The French and their allies raised the Imperial siege of Mainz (8 August 1635), but the French army had to fall back on Metz for want of provisions. In the retreat Turenne measured swords with the famous imperial General Gallas, and distinguished himself greatly by his courage and skill. The reorganised army took the field again in 1636 and captured Saverne (Zabern), at the storming of which place Turenne suffered a serious wound. In 1637 he took part in the campaign of Flanders, including the capture of Landrecies (26 July). In the latter part of 1638, serving under Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar (1608–1639), he directed the assault on Breisach (reputedly the strongest fortress on the upper Rhine), which surrendered on December 17. He had now gained a reputation as one of the foremost of the younger generals of France, and Richelieu next employed him in the Italian campaign of 1639–1640 under "Cadet la Perle", Henri de Lorraine, count of Harcourt (1601–1666). On 19 November 1639 he fought in the famous rearguard action called the battle of the "Route de Quiers", and during the winter re-victualled the citadel of Turin, held by the French against the forces of Prince Thomas of Savoy. In 1640 Harcourt saved Casale Monferrato and besieged Prince Thomas' forces in Turin, which meanwhile besieged in their turn another French force in the citadel. The latter held out, while Prince Thomas had to surrender on 17 September 1640, a fourth army which had invested Harcourt's lines being at the same time forced to retire. Turenne, who had by now become a lieutenant-general, played a major role in achieving the favourable result of these complicated operations. He himself commanded during the campaign of 1641 and took Coni (Cuneo), Ceva and Mondov&igrave;.
In 1642 he served as second-in-command of the French troops which conquered Roussillon. At this time Richelieu discovered the conspiracy of Cinq Mars in which Turenne's elder brother, the duc de Bouillon, had become implicated.

يتيم الاب في سن الـ 12

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:05 PM

37-آلفرد ثاير ماهان
ألفريد ثاير ماهان
Alfred Thayer Mahan
قائد أمريكـي
( 1840 - 1914 )

لقب ألفريد ماهان بـ (( كلاوسفيتس البحـر )) تيمناً بالمفكر والقائد العسكري الكبير كارل فون كلاوسفيتس ، وهو الذي وضع الخطة الإستراتيجية للبحرية الأمريكيـة للقـرن العشرين ، وكان له تأثير كبير في تطوير القوة البحرية لكل من بريطانيا العظمى وألمانيا واليابان .
وكان لكتابات ماهان _ حول أهمية وضع خطة ناجحة لتشكيل قوة بحرية دولية ذات قدرات هجومية _ دور مباشر في الانتصار الذي حققته الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في الحرب العالمية الثانية ، ووصولها إلى مكانتها الحالية باعتبارها أكبر قوة عظمى على مستوى العالم .
ولد ماهان في 27 أيلول / سبتمبر 1840م بمدينة ويست بوينت في ولاية نيويورك ، حيث كان والده دينيس هارت ماهان معلماً بالأكاديمية العسكرية الأمريكية . وكان والده يدرِّس نظريات أنطوان هنري جوميني لطلبة الأكاديمية الذين تولوا قيادة طرفي الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية فيما بعد .
اختار ألفريد ماهان تخصصاً مخالفاً لحياة الجندي المقاتل التي احترفها والده ، وتقدم بطلب إلى الأكاديمية البحرية الأمريكية وتم قبوله ، وكان ترتيبه الثاني على دفعته التي تخرجت عام 1859م .
تم ترفيع ماهان إلى رتبة ملازم أول بحري عام 1861م بعد فترة خدمة في سرية اسمها سرية البرازيل . وكانت أول تجربة قتالية له خلال الحرب الأهلية بمعركة بورت رويال ساوند ( Port Royal Sound ) بولاية كارولينا الجنوبية ، كما شارك خلال مرحلة لاحقة في مهمة حصار مع سرايا جنوب الأطلسي والخليج الغربي . وكانت الفترة التي قضاها ماهان في الخدمة إبان الحرب عادية ولم يحقق خلالها إنجازات بارزة ، مثلها في ذلك مثل المهام الرتيبة التي قام بها طيلة السنوات العشرين التالية . فقد تدرج في الرتب حتى رتبة عقيد بحري خلال فترة قل فيها الاهتمام والإنفاق على البحرية الأمريكية ، وهي الفترة التي ركزت فيها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أغلب جهدها على التوسع في أجزائها الغربية ، والسيطرة على القبائل الهندية التي تعيش في السهول والبراري .

Alfred Thayer Mahan was born in West Point, New York, to Dennis Hart Mahan (a professor at the United States Military Academy) and Mary Helena Mahan. His middle name, Thayer, is after "the father of West Point", Sylvanus Thayer. He attended Saint James School, an Episcopal college preparatory academy in western Maryland. He then studied at Columbia for two years where he was a member of the Philolexian Society debating club and then, against his parents' wishes, transferred to the Naval Academy, where he graduated second in his class in 1859.
Commissioned as a Lieutenant in 1861, Mahan served the Union in the American Civil War as an officer on USS Worcester, Congress, Pocahontas, and James Adger, and as an instructor at the Naval Academy. In 1865 he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and then to Commander (1872), and Captain (1885). As commander of the USS Wachusett he was stationed at Callao, Peru, protecting American interests during the final stages of the War of the Pacific.[2][3]
Despite his professed success in the Navy, his skills in actual command of a ship were not exemplary, and a number of vessels under his command were involved in collisions, with both moving and stationary objects. He had an affection for old square-rigged vessels, and did not like smoky, noisy steamships of his time; he tried to avoid active sea duty.[4] On the other hand, the books he wrote ashore made him arguably the most influential naval historian of the period.

لا تتوفر معلومات عن والدته لذلك نعتبره مجهول الطفولة.

مجهول الطفولة.

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:06 PM

38- هاموت كارلبيرنهات فون مولكته

Moltke, Helmuth Carl Bernhard von
Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke (26 October 1800, Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin – 24 April 1891) was a German Field Marshal. The chief of staff of the Prussian Army for thirty years, he is regarded as one of the great strategists of the latter 19th century, and the creator of a new, more modern method of directing armies in the field. He is often referred to as Moltke the Elder to distinguish him from his nephew Helmuth Johann Ludwig von Moltke, who commanded the German Army at the outbreak of World War I.
Early life</SPAN>

Moltke was born in Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, son of the Danish Generalleutnant Friedrich Philipp Victor von Moltke (1768–1845). In 1805, his father settled in Holstein,
- but about the same time was left impoverished when the French burned his country house and plundered his town house in Lübeck, where his wife and children were during the Fourth Coalition.
- Young Moltke therefore grew up under difficult circumstances.
- At nine he was sent as a boarder to Hohenfelde in Holstein,
- and at age eleven went to the cadet school at Copenhagen, being destined for the Danish army and court.
- In 1818 he became a page to the king of Denmark and a second lieutenant in a Danish infantry regiment.
At twenty-one Moltke resolved to enter the Prussian service, in spite of the loss of seniority. In 1822 he became a second lieutenant in the 8th Infantry Regiment stationed at Frankfurt (Oder). At twenty-three, he was allowed to enter the general war school (later called the Prussian Military Academy), where he studied the full three years and passed in 1826.
As a young officer</SPAN>

For a year Moltke had charge of a cadet school at Frankfurt an der Oder, then he was for three years employed on the military survey in Silesia and Posen. In 1832 he was seconded for service on the general staff at Berlin, to which he was transferred in 1833 on promotion to first lieutenant. He was at this time regarded as a brilliant officer by his superiors, and among them by Prince William, then a lieutenant-general.
Moltke loved music, poetry, art, archaeology, and theater. He knew seven languages (German, Danish, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish). He was a prolific artist who filled sketchbooks with landscapes and portraits, as well as a popular author...his account of travels in Turkey, released after his return to Berlin in 1840 and illustrated with his own drawings, turned him into a literary celebrity, a role that he embraced by donning a Turkish and giving public lectures...For all his catholicity of interests, Moltke was no closet liberal. He was a nationalist to the core who was appalled by the liberal revolutions that swept Europe on 1848. He placed his faith in the king and the forces of the old regime.
Moltke was well received at court and in the best society of Berlin. His tastes inclined him to literature, to historical study and to travel. In 1827 he had published a short romance, The Two Friends. In 1831 he wrote an essay entitled Holland and Belgium in their Mutual Relations, from their Separation under Philip II to their Reunion under William I. A year later he wrote An Account of the Internal Circumstances and Social Conditions of Poland, a study based both on reading and on personal observation of Polish life and character. In his 'Poland. A historical sketch'[2] (1885), von Moltke stated that Poland prior to her partitions was "the most civilized country in Europe". In 1832 he contracted to translate Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire into German, for which he was to receive 75 marks, his object being to earn the money to buy a horse. In eighteen months he had finished nine volumes out of twelve, but the publisher failed to produce the book and Moltke never received more than 25 marks.
تعرض لصدمة حرق منزلهم من قبل الفرنسين وهو في سن الخامسة وانهيار اعمال والده كنتيجة لذلك الحادث حتى انه ارسل الى مدرسة داخلية لضيق الحال. واضحا ان طفولته كانت عاصفة وكارثية لكن ربما الاهم في كل ذلك مصير والدته غير المعروف وهو على الاغلب يتيم الام لكن لعدم وجود معلومات سنكتفي باعتباره :

يتيم اجتماعي

ايوب صابر 08-26-2012 02:07 PM

39-فو نيجين جياب

V&otilde; Nguyên Gi&aacute;p (born 25 August, 1911 is a retired Vietnameseofficer in the Vietnam People’s Army and a politician. He was a principal commander in two wars: the First Indochina War (1946–1954) and the Vietnam War (1960–1975). He participated in the following historically significant battles: Lạng Sơn (1950); H&ograve;a B&igrave;nh (1951–1952); Điện Biên Phủ (1954); the Tết Offensive (1968); the Easter Offensive (1972); and the final Hồ Ch&iacute; Minh Campaign (1975). He was also a journalist, an interior minister in President Hồ Ch&iacute; Minh’s Việt Minh government, the military commander of the Việt Minh, the commander of the Vietnam People’s Army (PAVN), and defense minister. He also served as Politburo member of the Lao Động Party.
He was the most prominent military commander, beside Hồ Ch&iacute; Minh, during the war and was responsible for major operations and leadership until the war ended.
Giap's father and mother, V&otilde; Quang Nghiêm and Nguyen Thi Kien, worked the land, rented some to neighbors, and lived a relatively comfortable lifestyle. At 14, Gi&aacute;p became a messenger for the Haiphong Power Company and shortly thereafter joined the Tân Việt C&aacute;ch Mạng Đảng, a romantically styled revolutionary youth group. Two years later, he entered Quốc Học (also known in English as the “National Academy”), a French-run lycée in Huế, from which two years later, according to his own account, he was expelled for having organized a student strike. Although he has denied it, Gi&aacute;p is said[by whom?] to have also spent a few years in the prestigious Hanoian Lycée Albert Sarraut, where the local elite was educated to serve the colonial regime. He was apparently in the same class as Phạm Văn Đồng, future Prime Minister, who has also denied having studied at Albert Sarraut, and Bảo Đại, the last emperor of Annam. In 1933, at the age of 22, Gi&aacute;p enrolled in the University of Hanoi.
Gi&aacute;p was educated at the University of Hanoi where he gained a bachelor’s degree in politics, economics and law. After graduation, he taught history for one year at the Thăng Long School in Hanoi. Throughout most of the 1930s, Gi&aacute;p remained a schoolteacher and a journalist, writing articles for Tien Dang, while actively participating in various revolutionary movements. He joined the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1931 and took part in several demonstrations against French rule in Indochina as well as having assisted in founding the Democratic Front in 1933. All the while, Gi&aacute;p was a dedicated reader of military history and philosophy, revering Napoleon I and Sun Tzu (Vietnamese: Tôn Vũ). V&otilde; Nguyên Gi&aacute;p was arrested in 1930 and served 13 months of a two-year sentence at Lao Bảo Prison. During the Popular Front years in France, he founded Hon Tre Tap Moi, an underground socialist newspaper. He also founded the French-language paper Le Travail (on which Phạm Văn Đồng also worked). In 1939 he married Nguyễn Thị Quang Th&aacute;i, another socialist. She bore him a daughter, Hong Anh. When France outlawed communism during the same year, Gi&aacute;p fled to China together with Phạm Văn Đồng where he joined up with Hồ Ch&iacute; Minh, the leader of the Vietnam Independence League (Việt Minh). While he was in exile, his wife, sister, father and sister-in-law were arrested, tortured and later executed by the French colonial authorities. His daughter is also believed to have perished in prison due to neglect.


عاش طفولة كارثية بسبب الاستعمار، اعتقل وحكم بالسجن 3 سنوات وهو في سن الثامنة عشره. التحق بالعمل المقاوم وهو في سن 14 تم إعدام والده وزوجته لكن لا يعرف متى ماتت امه .

مجهول الطفولة.

الساعة الآن 08:58 PM

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