عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-25-2012, 02:49 PM
المشاركة 72
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
هاينريش بول
(بالألمانية: Heinrich Böll) ولد في كولونيا في 21 ديسمبر 1917 - ومات في لانجنبرويْش في 16 يوليو 1985) هو أديب ألماني, حصل على جائزة نوبل للآداب في سنة 1972.
ولد هاينريش بول في مدينة كولونيا في 21 ديسمبر 1917. وكان أبوه فيكتور بول يعمل نجارا, وكانت أمه ماريا هي الزوجة الثانية لأبيه. كان هاينريش الابن السادس لأبيه. ونشأ وسط عائلة برجوازية كاثوليكية.
التحق هاينريش من بين 1924 و 1928 بالمدرسة الشعبية الكاثوليكية, ثم التحق بمدرسة القيصر فيلهلم الثانوية الحكومية. وبعد أن حصل على الشهادة الثانوية في سنة 1937, بدأ بدراسة علم المكتبات في ليمبيرتس في بون, غير أن تركها بعد أحد عشر شهرا. وقد بدأ هاينريش في كتابة محاولات أدبية في تلك الفترة.
وفي سنة 1938 عمل لمدة عام في وظيفة حكومية. ثم بدأ في سنة 1939 في دراسة علوم اللغة الألمانية وكذلك الفيلولوجيا الكلاسيكية في جامعة كولونيا. وكتب في تلك الفترة روايته الأولى "على حدود الكنيسة" Am Rande der Kirche. واستدعي في نهاية صيف 1939 لأداء الخدمة العسكرية في الجيش الألماني, وكانت الحرب قد بدأت. فظل في الحرب حتى أبريل 1945 حيث وقع في أسر القوات الأمريكية, وأطلق سراحه في سبتمبر.
تزوج هاينريش بول خلال إحدى إجازاته من الجيش في سنة 1942, أنا ماريا تشيش Annemarie Čech (التي صار لقبها بعد الزواج أناماريا بول), التي كان قد تعرف عليها منذ مدة طويلة. وقد مات طفلهما الأول كريستوفر في سنة 1945 ولما يكمل عامه الأول. ثم أنجبا ثلاثة أولاد هم ريمون Raimund,ورينيه René, وفينسنت Vincent.
البدايات الأدبية
أثناء الحرب كان هاينريش بول يكتب الرسائل, وبعد أن انتهت الحرب استأنف الكتابة الروائية والقصصية. وبجوار ذلك عمل في العديد من المهن ليكسب قوته. ثم التحق بالجامعة ليستكمل دراسته, وكانت زوجته تعول الأسرة من خلال دخلها الثابت من عملها كمعلمة.
في سنة 1946 ظهرت الرواية الأولى لبول بعد الحرب وهي "صليب بلا حب" Kreuz ohne Liebe, وكان بول قد كتبها ليشترك بها في مسابقة أدبية. ثم بدأ في سنة 1947 في نشر قصصه القصيرة في المجلات, والتي يمكن أن ندرجها ضمن "أدب ما بعد الحرب" و"أدب الأنقاض". ومثلت تجارب الحرب والحياة الاجتماعية المضطربة بعد الحرب الموضوعات الأساسة في هذه الأعمال. وقد جمعت هذه القصص ونشرت في مجموعة قصصية بعنوان "أيها الجوال, هل تأتي إلى إسبـ....." Wanderer, Kommst du nach Spa..., والتي أسست لشهرة بول ككاتب قصصي. (وكلمة إسبـ... اختصار لكلمة إسبرطة, وهذا العنوان مقتبس من قصيدة مشهورة للشاعر الإغريقي سيمونيدس في القرن السادس ق.م. وتسجل هذه القصيدة معركة الثيرموبولاي أو مضيق الجبل, التي قادها الملك ليونيداس ضد الفرس مع ثلاثمائة من جنود الإغريق, سقطوا جميعا في هذه الحرب. وكلمات هذه القصيدة تقول: "أيها العابر...إن جئت يوما إلى إسبرطة...فقل لأهلنا هناك...أننا نرقد هنا وفاء لعهدنا").
وقد نشر بول أيضا القصص الأخرى التي كتبها في السنوات الأولى بعد الحرب, وضمها في مجموعة قصصية بعنوان "الجُرح" Die Verwundung في سنة 1983.
Heinrich Theodor Böll (December 21, 1917 – July 16, 1985) was one of Germany's foremost post-World War II writers. Böll was awarded the Georg Büchner Prize in 1967 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972.

Böll was born in Cologne, Germany, to a Catholic, pacifist family that later opposed the rise of Nazism. He refused to join the Hitler Youth during the 1930s[ He was apprenticed to a bookseller before studying German at the University of Cologne. Conscripted into the Wehrmacht, he served in France, Romania, Hungary and the Soviet Union, and was wounded four times before being captured by Americans in April 1945 and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.[3]
Böll became a full-time writer at the age of 30. His first novel, Der Zug war pünktlich (The Train Was on Time), was published in 1949. Many other novels, short stories, radio plays and essay collections followed, and in 1972 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was the first German-born author to receive this award since Nelly Sachs in 1966.
His work has been translated into more than 30 languages, and he remains one of Germany's most widely read authors. His best-known works are Billiards at Half-past Nine, Und sagte kein einziges Wort, Das Brot der frühen Jahre, The Clown, Group Portrait with Lady, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, and The Safety Net.
Böll was deeply rooted in his hometown of Cologne, with its strong Roman Catholicism and its rather rough and drastic sense of humour. In the immediate post-war period, he was preoccupied with memories of the War and the effect it had—materially and psychologically—on the lives of ordinary people. He made them the heroes in his writing.
His villains are the figures of authority in government, business, and in the Church, whom he castigates, sometimes humorously, sometimes acidly, for what he perceived as their conformism, lack of courage, self-satisfied attitude and abuse of power. His simple style made him a favourite for German-language textbooks in Germany and abroad.
Importance of Cologne
- He was deeply affected by the Nazi takeover of Cologne, as they essentially exiled him in his own town.
- In addition, the destruction of Cologne as a result of the Allied bombing during World War II scarred him for life; the aftermath of the bombing is described in The Silent Angel.
Architecturally, the newly-rebuilt Cologne, prosperous once more, left him indifferent. (Böll seemed to be a pupil of William Morris – he let it be known that he would have preferred Cologne cathedral to be left unfinished, with the 14th-century wooden crane at the top, as it had stood in 1848).
- Throughout his life, he remained in close contact with the citizens of Cologne, rich and poor. When he was in hospital, the nurses often complained about the "low-life" people who came to see their friend Heinrich Böll.
- His works have been dubbed "Trümmerliteratur"—the literature of the rubble.
- He was a leader of the German writers who tried to come to grips with the memory of War, the Nazis, and the Holocaust—and the guilt that came with them.
He lived with his wife in Cologne and in the Eifel region. However, he also spent time on Achill Island off the west coast of Ireland. His cottage there is now used as a guesthouse for international and Irish artists. He recorded some of his experiences in Ireland in his book Irisches Tagebuch (Irish Journal).
He was the president of the then West German P.E.N. and subsequently of the International P.E.N. organizations. He travelled frequently as a representative of the new, democratic Germany. His appearance and attitude were in complete contrast to the boastful, aggressive type of German which had become infamous all over the world during Hitler's reign. Böll was particularly successful in Eastern Europe, as he seemed to portray the dark side of capitalism in his books. His books were sold by the millions in the Soviet Union alone.[4] When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the Soviet Union, he first took refuge in Heinrich Böll's Eifel cottage. In 1976, Böll demonstratively left the Catholic church, "without falling away from the faith".[5]
Heinrich Böll died in 1985 at the age of 67.
Late in the summer of 1939 I was conscripted into the German Army shortly before the outbreak of the war. I took part in the Second World War; in autumn 1940, briefly in France, from 1941 to 1942 (after a severe case of typhus), in the replacement units in Germany, from early 1942 until summer 1943, along the English Channel coast in France, between summer 1943 and autumn 1944, in the Soviet Union, Romania and Hungary, from spring 1945 on, for a few weeks in western Germany, where I was taken prisoner by the Americans, and interned until October 1945 in a camp in France, and then for a few weeks in October/November 1945, in an English camp in Belgium.
As early as December 1945, I accompanied my wife and a few relatives in their return from evacuation in the countryside to Cologne, where over the years we settled down in a destroyed house. I started to write again, while simultaneously working on repairing the destroyed house, I started my studies again - merely formally, because proof of occupation was necessary to obtain a food rationing card
لا يعرف متى مات والديه لكنه مأزوم بسبب اثار الحرب عليه واحتلال المنطقة التي ولد فيها من قبل الالمان. يطلق على ادبه ادب الركام وذلك ما يعكس اثر الحرب عليه وعلى ادبه.