قديم 08-05-2010, 10:08 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

وليام الفاتح

William I (c. 1027 or 1028[1] – 9 September 1087), better known as William the Conqueror, was the King of England from Christmas, 1066 until his death. He was also William II, Duke of Normandy, from 3 July 1035 until his death. Before his conquest of England, he was known as "William the Bastard" (French: Guillaume le Bâtard) because of the illegitimacy of his birth. William was already known as "the Conqueror" before 1066 due to his military success in Brittany.
To press his claim to the English crown, William invaded England in 1066, leading an army of Normans, Bretons, Dutchmen, and Frenchmen to victory over the English forces of King Harold Godwinson (who died in the conflict) at the Battle of Hastings, and suppressed subsequent English revolts in what has become known as the Norman Conquest.[2]
His reign, which brought Norman-French culture to England, had an impact on the subsequent course of England in the Middle Ages. The details of that impact and the extent of the changes have been debated by scholars for over a century. In addition to the obvious change of ruler, his reign also saw a programme of building and fortification, changes to the English language, a shift in the upper levels of society and the church, and adoption of some aspects of continental church reform.
William was born in Falaise, Normandy, the illegitimate and only son of Robert I, Duke of Normandy, who named him as heir to Normandy. His mother, Herleva (a name with several variant versions), who later married and bore two sons to Herluin de Conteville, was the daughter of Fulbert of Falaise. In addition to his two half-brothers, Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count of Mortain, William had a sister, Adelaide of Normandy, another child of Robert. Later in his life, the enemies of William are reported to have called him alternately "William the Bastard", and deride him as the son of a tanner, and the residents of besieged Alençon hung animal skins from the city walls to taunt him.

William is believed to have been born in either 1027 or 1028, and more likely in the autumn of the later year.[1][notes 1] He was born the grandnephew of the English Queen, Emma of Normandy, wife of King Ethelred the Unready and later, wife of King Canute the Great.[3]
William's illegitimacy affected his early life and he was known to contemporaries as 'William the Bastard'. Nevertheless, when his father died, he was recognised as the heir.[4]By his father's will, William succeeded him as Duke of Normandy at age seven in 1035.

Plots by rival Norman noblemen to usurp his place cost William three guardians, though not Count Alan III of Brittany, who was a later guardian. William was supported by King Henry I of France, however.

He was knighted by Henry at age 15. By the time William turned 19 he was successfully dealing with threats of rebellion and invasion. With the assistance of Henry, William finally secured control of Normandy by defeating rebel Norman barons at Caen in the Battle of Val-ès-Dunes in 1047, obtaining the Truce of God, which was backed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Against the wishes of Pope Leo IX, William married Matilda of Flanders in 1053 in the chapel at Eu, Normandy (Seine-Maritime). At the time, William was about 24 years old and Matilda was 22. William is said to have been a faithful and loving husband, and their marriage produced four sons and six daughters. In repentance for what was a consanguine marriage (they were distant cousins), William donated St Stephen's Church (l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes) and Matilda donated Holy Trinity church (Abbaye aux Dames).
Feeling threatened by the increase in Norman power resulting from William's noble marriage, Henry I attempted to invade Normandy twice (1054 and 1057), without success. Already a charismatic leader, William attracted strong support within Normandy, including the loyalty of his half-brothers Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count of Mortain, who played significant roles in his life. Later, he benefited from the weakening of two competing power centers as a result of the deaths of Henry I and of Geoffrey II of Anjou, in 1060. In 1062 William invaded and took control of the county of Maine, which had been a fief of Anjou.[5]

William's invasion was the last time that England was successfully conquered by a foreign power. Although there would be a number of other attempts over the centuries, the best that could be achieved would be excursions by foreign troops, such as the Raid on the Medway during the Second Anglo-Dutch War, but no actual conquests such as William's. There have however been occasions since that time when foreign rulers have succeeded to the English/British throne, notably the Dutch Stadtholder William III of Orange who in 1688, with his Dutch army, was invited by prominent English politicians to invade England with the intention of deposing the Catholic King James II (see Glorious Revolution) and George of Hanover b. 1660, who acceded by virtue of the exclusion of Roman Catholics from the succession.
As Duke of Normandy and King of England he divided his realm among his sons, but the lands were reunited under his son Henry, and his descendants acquired other territories through marriage or conquest and, at their height, these possessions would be known as the Angevin Empire.
They included many lands in France, such as Normandy and Aquitaine, but the question of jurisdiction over these territories would be the cause of much conflict and bitter rivalry between England and France, which took up much of the Middle Ages, including the Hundred Years War and, some might argue, continued as far as the Battle of Waterloo of 1815.
An example of William's legacy even in modern times can be seen on the Bayeux Memorial, a monument erected by Britain in the Normandy town of Bayeux to those killed in the Battle of Normandy during World War II. A Latin inscription on the memorial reads NOS A GULIELMO VICTI VICTORIS PATRIAM LIBERAVIMUS – freely translated, this reads "We, once conquered by William, have now set free the Conqueror's native land".[18]

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قديم 08-05-2010, 10:09 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

توماس جفرسون

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826)[2] was the third President of the United States (1801–1809), the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his promotion of the ideals of republicanism in the United States. Jefferson envisioned America as the force behind a great "Empire of Liberty."[3], that would promote republicanism and counter the imperialism of the British Empire.
Major events during his presidency include the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806), as well as escalating tensions with both Britain and France that led to war with Britain in 1812, after he left office.
As a political philosopher, Jefferson was a man of the Enlightenment and knew many intellectual leaders in Britain and France.

To date, Jefferson is the only president to serve two full terms in office without vetoing a single bill of Congress. Jefferson has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest of U.S. presidents.

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743[2] into a family closely related to some of the most prominent individuals in Virginia, the third of eight children. His mother was Jane Randolph, daughter of Isham Randolph, a ship's captain and sometime planter, first cousin to Peyton Randolph, and granddaughter of wealthy English gentry. Jefferson's father was Peter Jefferson, a planter and surveyor in Albemarle County (Shadwell, then Edge Hill, Virginia.) He was of Welsh descent. When Colonel William Randolph, an old friend of Peter Jefferson, died in 1745, Peter assumed executorship and personal charge of William Randolph's estate in Tuckahoe as well as his infant son, Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. That year the Jeffersons relocated to Tuckahoe where they would remain for the next seven years before returning to their home in Albemarle. Peter Jefferson was then appointed to the Colonelcy of the county, an important position at the time.[6]

In 1752, Jefferson began attending a local school run by William Douglas, a Scottish minister. At the age of nine, Jefferson began studying Latin, Greek, and French.

In 1757, when he was 14 years old, his father died.

Jefferson inherited about 5,000 acres (20 km²) of land and dozens of slaves. He built his home there, which eventually became known as Monticello.

After his father's death, he was taught at the school of the learned minister James Maury from 1758 to 1760. The school was in Fredericksville Parish near Gordonsville, Virginia, twelve miles (19 km) from Shadwell, and Jefferson boarded with Maury's family. There he received a classical education and studied history and science.
In 1760 Jefferson entered the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg at the age of 16; he studied there for two years, graduating with highest honors in 1762. At William & Mary, he enrolled in the philosophy school and studied mathematics, metaphysics, and philosophy under Professor William Small, who introduced the enthusiastic Jefferson to the writings of the British Empiricists, including John Locke, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton (Jefferson called them the "three greatest men the world had ever produced").[7]

. A keen and diligent student, Jefferson displayed an avid curiosity in all fields and, according to the family tradition, frequently studied fifteen hours a day. His closest college friend, John Page of Rosewell, reported that Jefferson "could tear himself away from his dearest friends to fly to his studies."
While in college, Jefferson was a member of a secret organization called the F.H.C. Society. He lodged and boarded at the College in the building known today as the Sir Christopher Wren Building, attending communal meals in the Great Hall, and morning and evening prayers in the Wren Chapel. Jefferson often attended the lavish parties of royal governor Francis Fauquier, where he played his violin and developed an early love for wines.[8] After graduating in 1762 with highest honors, he read law with George Wythe and was admitted to the Virginia bar in 1767.

After college
On October 1, 1765, Jefferson's oldest sister Jane died at the age of 25.[9] Jefferson fell into a period of deep mourning, as he was already saddened by the absence of his sisters Mary, who had been married several years to Thomas Bolling, and Martha, who had wed earlier in July to Dabney Carr.[9] Both had moved to their husbands' residences, leaving younger siblings Elizabeth, Lucy, and the two toddlers as his companions. Jefferson was not comforted by the presence of Elizabeth or Lucy as they did not provide him with the same intellectual stimulation as his older siblings had.[9]

Children by his slave Sally Hemings
Jefferson is alleged to have had a long-term, intimate relationship with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings, a quadroon, who was believed to have been a half-sister to Jefferson's late wife.[15] During the administration of President Jefferson, journalists and others alleged that he had fathered several children with Hemings after his wife's death.

Towards revolution
Besides practicing law, Jefferson represented Albemarle County in the Virginia House of Burgesses beginning in 1769. Following the passage of the Coercive Acts by the British Parliament in 1774, he wrote a set of resolutions against the acts, which were expanded into A Summary View of the Rights of British America, his first published work. Previous criticism of the Coercive Acts had focused on legal and constitutional issues, but Jefferson offered the radical notion that the colonists had the natural right to govern themselves.[37]

Drafting a declaration
Jefferson served as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress beginning in June 1775, soon after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. When Congress began considering a resolution of independence in June 1776, Jefferson was appointed to a five-man committee to prepare a declaration to accompany the resolution. The committee selected Jefferson to write the first draft probably because of his reputation as a writer. The assignment was considered routine; no one at the time thought that it was a major responsibility.[38] Jefferson completed a draft in consultation with other committee members, drawing on his own proposed draft of the Virginia Constitution, George Mason's draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, and other sources.[39]

Jefferson showed his draft to the committee, which made some final revisions, and then presented it to Congress on June 28, 1776. After voting in favor of the resolution of independence on July 2, Congress turned its attention to the declaration. Over several days of debate, Congress made a few changes in wording and deleted nearly a fourth of the text, most notably a passage critical of the slave trade, changes that Jefferson resented.[40] On July 4, 1776, the wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved. The Declaration would eventually become Jefferson's major claim to fame, and his eloquent preamble became an enduring statement of human rights.[

Appearance and temperament
Jefferson was a thin, tall man, who stood at approximately six feet and remarkably straight.[62]
"The Sage of Monticello" cultivated an image that earned him the other nickname, "Man of the People." He affected a popular air by greeting White House guests in homespun attire like a robe and slippers. Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison (Jefferson's secretary of state), and Jefferson's daughters relaxed White House protocol and turned formal state dinners into more casual and entertaining social events.[63] Although a foremost defender of a free press, Jefferson at times sparred with partisan newspapers and appealed to the people.[64]
Jefferson's writings were utilitarian and evidenced great intellect, and he had an affinity with languages. He learned Gaelic to translate Ossian, and sent to James Macpherson for the originals.


- يتم الاب في سن 14


قديم 08-05-2010, 10:10 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة
استنتاج اولي 7

ان تحليل نتائج 70 % من عينة الاسماء تحت البحث هنا تشير الى ان:
43 منهم ايتام
26 منهم مجهولي الطفولة
1 يبدو انه عاش في كنف والديه لكن لا يعرف متى ماتوا كما ان اختراعه ( التلفون ) جاء للحاجة حيث كان يبحث عن حل لمشكلة امه التي اصيبت بالصمم وهو في الثانية عشره كما انه وعد زوجته ان يجد حل لمشكلة الصم عندها فينطبق عليه اذا مقولة ( الحاجة ام الاختراع ).

اي ان

61.42% منهم ايتام وهناك ما يشير الى ذلك اليتم في السجلات.
37.14% مجهولي الطفولة لم يتم العثور على ما يشير الى وضعهم في الطفولة على الرغم من التعمق في البحث . بمعنى (ليس هناك دليل على وجود الوالدين اثناء الطفولة ضمن الملفات الموجودة على الانترنت وهو الفضاء الذي يستخدم لجمع المعلومات لاغراض هذه الدراسة ) . وعليه وبموجب القاعدة المنطقية والتي تقول :
1- الايتام ......عباقرة
2- الـ 26 المجهولي الطفولة هنا - عباقرة مبدعون خالدون.
اذا النتيجة = الـ 26 المذكورين مجهولي الطفولة حتما .....ايتام

1 فقط عاش في كنف والديه 1.42% غير يتيم.

تصبح النتيجة 98.56% ايتام.

1.6% غير ايتام ( رغم ان هناك عدة عوامل ساهمت في دفق الطاقة الابداعية مثل موت الاخوه والمرض واصابة الام بالصمم ثم اصابة الزوجة بالصمم ).

وذلك بعد دراسة 70 % من الخالدين حسب تصنيف الكاتب المذكور ( مايكل هارت ).

ملاحظة :
يسرنا متابعتكم وعسى ان يتقدم كل من لديه اضافة او معلومة ممكن ان تؤكد او تنفي هذه البيانات بما لديه من معلومات حتى نصحح النتائج ( اذا كان هناك اي معلومة جديدة ) لتكون الدراسة والنتائج الاقرب الى العلمية والموضوعية .

وحبذا لو يساهم المهتمين بهذه الدراسة والذين يزورن هذاالموقع ويتواجدون في الدول الاوروبية او امريكا والبلدان الاخرى التي جاء منها هؤلاء العباقرة ، حبذا لو ساهموا في جمع المزيد من المعلومات عن العباقرة مجهولي الطفولة ( وجرهام بل في هذه الحالة ) فربما توجد هذه المعلومات في مكتبات عالمية مثل مكتبة الكونغرس وهكذا....وذلك من اجل الدقة المتناهية في البحث وحتى نضمن النتائج الاقرب الى الصح ونقلل هامش الاحتمال الى ادنى حد ممكن.

قديم 08-05-2010, 10:10 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

جان جاك روسو

جان جاك روسو (28 يونيو 1712-2 يوليو 1778) فيلسوف سويسري، كان أهم كاتب في عصر العقل. وهو فترة من التاريخ الأوروبي، امتدت من أواخر القرن السابع عشر إلى أواخر القرن الثامن عشر الميلاديين. ساعدت فلسفة روسو في تشكيل الأحداث السياسية، التي أدت إلى قيام الثورة الفرنسية. حيث أثرت أعماله في ا لتعليم والأدب والسياسة.
وُلد روسو في مدينة جنيف فيما يُعرف الآن بسويسرا. وكانت أسرته من أصل بروتستانتي فرنسي، وقد عاشت في جنيف لمدة مائتي عام تقريبًا.
توفيت أمه عقب ولادته مباشرة، تاركة الطفل لينشأ في كنف والده، الذي عُرف بميله إلى الخصام والمشاجرة. ونتيجة لإحدى المشاجرات عام 1722م، اضطر والد روسو إلى الفرار من جنيف. فتولى عم الصبي مسؤولية تربيته.
وفي عام 1728م، هرب روسو من جنيف، وبدأ حياة من الضياع، ومن التجربة والفشل في أعمال كثيرة.

تتسم آخر أعمال روسو بالإحساس بالذنب وبلغة العواطف. وهي تعكس محاولته للتغلب على إحساس عميق بالنقص، ولاكتشاف هويته في عالم كان يبدو رافضًا له. حاول روسو في ثلاث محاورات صدرت أيضًا تحت عنوان قاضي جان جاك روسو كُتبت في المدة بين عامي 1772 - 1776م، ونُشرت عام 1782م، حاول الرد على اتهامات نقاده، ومن يعتقد أنهم كانوا يضطهدونه. أما عملُه الأخير، الذي اتسم بالجمال والهدوء، فكان بعنوان أحلام اليقظة للمتجول الوحيد (كُتبت بين عامي 1776 و1778م، ونُشرت عام 1782م). كذلك، كتب روسو شعرًا ومسرحيات نظمًا ونثرًا. كما أن له أعمالاً موسيقية من بينها مقالات كثيرة في الموسيقى ومسرحية غنائية (أوبرا) ذات شأن تسمى عرّاف القرية، ومعجم الموسيقى (1767م)، ومجموعة من الأغنيات الشعبية بعنوان العزاء لتعاسات حياتي (1781م). وفضلاً عن ذلك، كتب روسو في علم النبات، وهو علم ظل لسنوات كثيرة تتوق نفسه إليه.

قام روسو بانتقاد المجتمع في رسائل عديدة. ففي رسالته تحت عنوان: "بحث في منشأ وأسس عدم المساواة" (1755م)، هاجم المجتمع والملكية الخاصة باعتبارهما من أسباب الظلم وعدم المساواة. وكتابه "هلويز الجديد" (1761م) مزيج من الرواية الرومانسية والعمل الذي ينتقد بشدة زيف المبادئ الأخلاقية التي رآها روسو في مجتمعه. وفي كتابه "العقد الاجتماعي" (1762م)، وهو علامة بارزة في تاريخ العلوم السياسية، قام روسو بطرح آرائه فيما يتعلق بالحكم وحقوق المواطنين. وفي روايته الطويلة "إميل" (1762م) أعلن روسو أن الأطفال، ينبغي تعليمهم بأناة وتفاهم. وأوصى روسو بأن يتجاوب المعلم مع اهتمامات الطفل. وحذر من العقاب الصارم ومن الدروس المملة، على أنه أحس أيضًا بوجوب الإمساك بزمام الأمور لأفكار وسلوك الأطفال.
كان روسو يعتقد أن الناس ليسوا مخلوقات اجتماعية بطبيعتهم، معلنًا أن من يعيشون منهم على الفطرة معزولين عن المجتمع، يكونون رقيقي القلب، خالين من أية بواعث أو قوى تدفعهم إلى إيذاء بعضهم بعضًا. ولكنهم ما إن يعيشوا معًا في مجتمع واحد حتى يصيروا أشرارًا. فالمجتمع يُفسد الأفراد من خلال إبراز ما لديهم من ميل إلى العدوان والأنانية.

نفوذه الأدبي
مهد روسو لقيام الرومانسية، وهي حركة سيطرت على الفنون في الفترة من أواخر القرن الثامن عشر إلى منتصف القرن التاسع عشر الميلاديين؛ فلقد ضرب روسو، سواء في كتاباته أو في حياته الشخصية، المثل على روح الرومانسية، من خلال تغليبه المشاعر والعواطف على العقل والتفكير، والنزوة والعفوية على الانضباط الذاتي. وأدخل روسو في الرواية الفرنسية الحب الحقيقي المضطرم بالوجدان، كما سعى إلى استخدام الصور الوصفية للطبيعة على نطاق واسع، وابتكر أسلوبًا نثريا غنائيًا بليغًا. وكان من شأن اعترافاته أن قدمت نمطًا من السير الذاتية التي تحوي أسرارًا شخصية. والى هنا ينتهي النفوذ الادبي له املين انكم قد استفدتم منما قدمنتاه.

http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%86_% D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%83_%D 8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9% 88

Rousseau was born in 1712 in Geneva, which since 1536 was a Huguenot republic and the seat of Calvinism (now part of Switzerland). Rousseau was proud that his family, of the moyen (or middle-class) order, had voting rights in that city and throughout his life he described himself as a citizen of Geneva. In theory Geneva was governed democratically by its male voting citizens (who were a minority of the population). In fact, a secretive executive committee, called the Little Council (made up of 25 members of its wealthiest families), ruled the city. In 1707 a patriot called Pierre Fatio protested at this situation and the Little Council had him shot. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's father Isaac was not in the city at this time, but Jean-Jacques's grandfather supported Fatio and was penalized for it.[3] Rousseau's father, Isaac Rousseau, was a watchmaker who, notwithstanding his artisan status, was well educated and a lover of music. "A Genevan watchmaker," Rousseau wrote, "is a man who can be introduced anywhere; a Parisian watchmaker is only fit to talk about watches."[4]

Rousseau's mother, Suzanne Bernard Rousseau, the daughter of a Calvinist preacher, died of birth complications nine days after his birth. He and his older brother François were brought up by their father and a paternal aunt, also named Suzanne.
Rousseau had no recollection of learning to read, but he remembered how when he was five or six his father encouraged his

love of reading:
Not long afterward, Rousseau abandoned his taste for escapist stories in favor of the antiquity of Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, which he would read to his father while he made watches.
When Rousseau was ten, his father, an avid hunter, got into a legal quarrel with a wealthy landowner on whose lands he had been caught trespassing. To avoid certain defeat in the courts, he moved away to Nyon in the territory of Bern, taking Rousseau's aunt Suzanne with him. He remarried, and from that point Jean-Jacques saw little of him.[5] Jean-Jacques was left with his maternal uncle, who packed him, along with his own son, Abraham Bernard, away to board for two years with a Calvinist minister in a hamlet outside of Geneva. Here the boys picked up the elements of mathematics and drawing. Rousseau, who was always deeply moved by religious services, for a time even dreamed of becoming a Protestant minister.


- ماتت الام بعد تسعة ايام من ولادته.
- تركه والده في سن العاشرة بسبب مشاكل .

يتيم مكثف

قديم 08-05-2010, 10:11 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

إدوارد جنر

Edward Jenner
English physician, born May 17, 1749, Berkeley, Gloucestershire; died January 26, 1823, Berkeley.

Associated eponyms:
Jennerian vaccination
A procedure using cowpox matter to prevent smallpox.

Benefactor of mankind
How listening to a milkmaid's story can change the world.

Edward Jenner has a place among the immortals in preventive medicine. His invention of vaccination against smallpox was the medical breakthrough which saved most lives before the era of antibiotics. Before him, smallpox was a killer disease, the majority of its victims infants and young children. And, except for the skin lesions, there is nothing small about smallpox. In the twentieth century alone it killed more than 300 million � three times the number of deaths from all the century's wars and battles combined.

The last reported case of smallpox occurred in Somalia. There, on October 26, 1977, a youth named Ali Maow Maalin recovered from a rash caused by the disease. He was pronounced the last case of natural smallpox in the world. In 1980, as a result of Jenner's discovery, the World Health Assembly officially declared "the world and its peoples" free from endemic smallpox.

A country boy
Edward Jenner was the sixth and youngest child of the Reverend Stephen Jenner (1702-1754), Master of Arts from Oxford, rector of Rockhampton and vicar of Berkeley, a small market town in the Severn Valley in Gloucestershire.

His mother was a daughter of the Reverend Henry Head, a former vicar of Berkeley. In addition to his church offices, Jenner�s father owned a considerable amount of land in the vicinity of Berkeley.

In 1754, when Edward was five years old, both parents died within a few weeks of each other and he came under the guardianship of his elder brother, the Reverend Stephen Jenner, who had succeeded their father




ماتت امه وهو في سن الخامسه ومات ابوه بعد ذلك باسابيع.

يتيم مكثف

قديم 08-05-2010, 10:11 PM
المشاركة 86
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

فيلهلم كونراد رونتغن

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (27 March 1845 – 10 February 1923) was a German physicist, who, on 8 November 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as x-rays or Röntgen rays, an achievement that earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.[1]:1
Following transliteration conventions for characters accented by an umlaut, "Röntgen" in English is spelled "Roentgen", and that is the usual rendering found in English-language scientific and medical references.
Röntgen was born in Lennep (which is today a borough of Remscheid) in Rhenish Prussia as the only child of a merchant and manufacturer of cloth. His mother was Charlotte Constanze Frowein of Amsterdam. In March 1848, the family moved to Apeldoorn and Wilhelm was raised in the Netherlands.
He received his early education at the boarding school, Institute of Martinus Herman van Doorn, in Apeldoorn.
From 1861 to 1863, he attended the ambachtsschool in Utrecht. He was expelled for refusing to reveal the identity of a classmate guilty of drawing an unflattering portrait of one of the school's teachers. Not only was he expelled, he could not subsequently be admitted into any other Dutch or German gymnasium.[2]
In 1865, he tried to attend the University of Utrecht without having the necessary credentials required for a regular student. Hearing that he could enter the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, today the ETH Zurich, by passing its examinations, he began studies there as a student of mechanical engineering. In 1869, he graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Zurich. At the University of Zurich he was a favorite student of Professor Kundt whom he followed to University of Straßburg in 1873


Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was born on March 27, 1845, at Lennep in the Lower Rhine Province of Germany, as the only child of a merchant in, and manufacturer of, cloth. His mother was Charlotte Constanze Frowein of Amsterdam, a member of an old Lennep family which had settled in Amsterdam.







- الابن الوحيد لكنه تعلم في مدرسة داخلية.
- طرد من المردسة وعمره 16 سنه.
- بعد هجرة والديه وهو في سن الثالثة يعني ( 1848 ) وحتى العام 1862 لا يعرف عنه شيء.
- مصير والديه لا يكاد يذكر في كل المواقع.


قديم 08-05-2010, 10:12 PM
المشاركة 87
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

يوهان سباستيان باخ

Bach's mother died in 1694, and his father eight months later.[5]

The 10-year-old orphan moved in with his oldest brother, Johann Christoph Bach (1671–1721), the organist at the Michaeliskirche in nearby Ohrdruf. [6]There, he copied, studied and performed music, and apparently received valuable teaching from his brother, who instructed him on the clavichord. J.C. Bach exposed him to the works of the great South German composers of the day, such as Johann Pachelbel (under whom Johann Christoph had studied)[7] and Johann Jakob Froberger; possibly to the music of North German composers, to Frenchmen, such as Jean-Baptiste Lully, Louis Marchand, Marin Marais; and to the Italian clavierist Girolamo Frescobaldi. The young Bach probably witnessed and assisted in the maintenance of the organ music. Bach's obituary indicates that he copied music out of Johann Christoph's scores, but his brother had apparently forbidden him to do so, possibly because scores were valuable and private commodities at the time.
At the age of 14, Bach, along with his older school friend George Erdmann, was awarded a choral scholarship to study at the prestigious St

يوهان سباستيان باخ
يوهان سباستيان باخ (بالألمانية: Johann Sebastian Bach) عازف أورغان ومؤلف موسيقي ألماني ولد في 1685 ورحل في 1750 ميلادية يعتبر أحد أكبر عباقرة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية في التاريخ الغربي.
ولد سنة 1685 م في إيزناخ. تعلم في بلدته، وتلقى دراسته للموسيقى في الوقت ذاته عن أبيه يوهان أمبروزيس (عازف كمان). تابع يوهان بعد وفاة والده دراسة العزف على الكلافان والأورغان مع أخيه الأكبر يوهان كريستوف.
وفي سنة 1703 م عمل مدة قصيرة كعازف كمان في أوركسترا دوق فايمار. و بعد أشهر قليلة أصبح عازف أورغن في كنيسة ارنتات، حيث بدأ كتابة أول مؤلفاته الموسيقية الدينية. وفي سنة 1707 م انتقل إلى مدينة مولهاوزن كعازف أورغن في كنيستها، وبعد عودته إلى فايمار كتب أول أعماله الشهيرة للأورغان مثل "المغناة" (التوكاتا) "الفوغة" (الشلل). وفي عام 1716 م ترك فايمار ليصبح قائد فرقة موسيقى الحجرة عند الأمير ليوبولد في مدينة أفهالت-كوتن، حيث كان الأمير نفسه يعزف على فيولا الساق في الفرقة الموسيقية بقيادة يوهان سباستيان نفسه. وفي هذه المدينة استطاع أن يتحرر من الخدمة الكنسية متابعًا التأليف الموسيقي للآلات، فكتب معظم الأعمال المهمة له ومنها ست حوريات براندنبورغيه سنة 1721 م، سميت كذلك لأنها كانت مكرسة لأمير براندنبورغ.
وفي سنة 1723 م استقر في مدينة لايبزيغ لمدة ربع قرن قام بعدة رحلات فنية قصيرة إلى بعض المدن الألمانية تعرّف في أثنائها على أشهر الموسيقيين فيها آن ذاك، كما التقي الملك فريدريك الكبير سنة 1747 م وقدّم له قطعة هدية موسيقية وهي ذات موضوع من تأليف الملك ذاته. قبل نهاية حياة باخ بوقت قصير، بدأ بصره يضعف تدريجيا حتى أنه كان فاقد البصر تقريبا حتى وفاته، دفن في كنيسة القديس يوحنا ثم نقل ما تبقى من رفاته سنة 1894 م إلى كنيسة سان توماس ولاءً له وتقديرًا.
[عدل] مؤلّفاته
ألّف يوهان سباستيان في جميع أنواع الصيغ المويسيقية المعروفة في زمنه، عدا الأوبرا، وكان مذهبه الديني البروتستانتي الألماني أساسا لمعظم أعماله الموسيقية. ونتاجه الفني زاخر بعشرات المئات من القطع الموسيقية المختلفة الصيغة، كما كتب نحو خمسين مغناة نيوية.
ولموسيقى الأورغن عند يوهان سباستيان عناية خاصة، إذ ألّف لهذه الآلة الكثير من القطع الموسيقية من نوع الفانتزي والبريلود والفوغة والسوناتا. وكان أيضًا ذا اهتمام شديد بالآلات من ذوات الملامس ولا سيما الكلافان منها، فقد كتب لها الكثير من القطع الموسيقية لآلة واحدة أو عدة آلات منها معا في كثير من الصيغ المختلفة.
وبالإضافة، فقد ألّف عددًا لا بأس به من الكونشرتو،وهم سبعه واشهرهم كونشرتو رقم واحد وكونشرتو رقم 7.كما الف الرتيته وهي شكل موسيقى مكون من عده اجزاء وتكون عادة مكونه من عدة اجزاءفى منظومه واحده مثل برتيته رقم 6 واجزائها السبعه وبارتيتا رقم2 والمعروفه بالفرنسيه.ومن أشهر اعماله على الارغن التوكاتا والفوجا. ومن أهم الأعمال التي كتبها لهذه الآلة هما الجزءان بعنوان الكلافان والعدل جيدا ألفهما على التوالي سنة 1722 و 1744 ميلادية ونشرا سنة 1799 م. ويحتوي كل جزء منها على 24 بريلود و فوغه في السلالم الأربع و العشرين-الكبيرة والصغرى- في السلم المعدل الذي أصبح أساسا لجميع أنواع الموسيقى العالمية. و من أعمال يوهان المهمة للآلات أيضا كتاب فن الفوغة ألفه في أواخر حياته (1749 - 1750ٍٍٍٍ) ولم ينجزه، وهو يتألف من قطع موسيقية من نوع الأتباع (الكانون) والفوغة، لم تكن مخصصة لآلة موسيقية أو لمجموعة آلية ما.
عُدت موسيقى يوهان سباستيان باخ في القرن الثامن عشر معقدة وقديمة الأسلوب مقارنة مع الأشكال الموسيقية الجديدة المقدمة من قبل الموسيقيين الآخرين. ويعود الفضل إلى مندلسون الذي اكتشف عام 1829 ميلادية عبقرية سباستيان في مؤلفاته الآلام كما هي عند القديس ماثيو التي أُلّفت قبل قرن من ذلك. وعلى أثر ذلك قدره جميع الموسيقيين، وأدى هذا العمل وكثير من المؤلفات الأخرى له إلى تأسيس جمعيات موسيقية كثيرة تحمل اسمه منها جمعية باخ في لندن سنة 1870 م، وتأسست كذلك في لايتزنغ سنة 1805 ميلادية جمعية باخ التي باشرت بنشر جميع أعماله الموسيقية في النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر. و يمكن القول، أن طبيعة القديم والجديد في موسيقى يوهان سباستيان بارزة المعالم وتؤسس تميزا تاريخيا بقي متبعا حتى القرن العشرين.

http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%87%D 8%A7%D9%86_%D8%B3%D8 %A8%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A A%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%86_ %D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AE

- ماتت امه وعمره تسع سنوات وابوه وعمره عشر سنوات ( بعج ثمانية شهور من موت امه ).

يتيم مكثف

قديم 08-05-2010, 10:12 PM
المشاركة 88
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مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة


Laozi (Chinese: 老子; pinyin: Lǎozǐ; Wade-Giles: Laosi; also Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tzu, Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Lao Zi, Laocius, and other variations) was a philosopher of ancient China and is a central figure in Taoism (also spelled "Daoism"). Laozi literally means "Old Master" and is generally considered an honorific. Laozi is revered as a god in most religious forms of Taoism. Taishang Laojun is a title for Laozi in the Taoist religion, which refers to him as "One of the Three Pure Ones".
According to Chinese tradition, Laozi lived in the 6th century BC. Historians variously contend that Laozi is a synthesis of multiple historical figures, that he is a mythical figure, or that he actually lived in the 4th century BC, concurrent with the Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Period.[1] A central figure in Chinese culture, both nobility and common people claim Laozi in their lineage. Throughout history, Laozi's work was embraced by various anti-authoritarian movements.

Laozi is traditionally regarded as the author of the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching), though its authorship has been debated throughout history.[2][3][4]
The earliest reliable reference (circa 100 BCE) to Laozi is found in the Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) by Chinese historian Sima Qian (ca. 145–86 BCE), which combines three stories. In the first, Laozi was said to be a contemporary of Confucius (551-479 BCE). His surname was Li (李 "plum"), and his personal name was Er (耳 "ear") or Dan (聃 "long ear"). He was an official in the imperial archives, and wrote a book in two parts before departing to the West. In the second, Laozi was Lao Laizi (老來子 "Old Master"), also a contemporary of Confucius, who wrote a book in 15 parts. In the third, Laozi was the Grand Historian and astrologer Lao Dan (老聃 "Old Long-ears"), who lived during the reign (384-362 BCE) of Duke Xian (獻公) of Qin).[5][6]
Popular legends say that he was conceived when his mother gazed upon a falling star, stayed in the womb for sixty-two years, and was born when his mother leaned against a plum tree. He accordingly emerged a grown man with a full grey beard and long earlobes, which are a symbol of wisdom and long life.[7][8] In other versions he was reborn in some thirteen incarnations since the days of Fuxi; in his last incarnation as Laozi he lived to nine hundred and ninety years, and traveled to India to reveal the Dao.[9]
According to popular traditional biographies, he worked as the Keeper of the Archives for the royal court of Zhou. This reportedly allowed him broad access to the works of the Yellow Emperor and other classics of the time. The stories assert that Laozi never opened a formal school, but he nonetheless attracted a large number of students and loyal disciples. There are numerous variations of a story depicting Confucius consulting Laozi about rituals.[10][11]
Many of the popular accounts say that Laozi married and had a son named Zong, who became a celebrated soldier. A large number of people trace their lineage back to Laozi, as the emperors of the Tang Dynasty did. According to Simpkins & Simpkins, many (if not all) of the lineages may be inaccurate. However, they are a testament to the impact of Laozi on Chinese culture.[13]
Traditional accounts state that Laozi grew weary of the moral decay of city life and noted the kingdom's decline. According to these legends, he ventured west to live as a hermit in the unsettled frontier at the age of 160. At the western gate of the city, or kingdom, he was recognized by a guard. The sentry asked the old master to produce a record of his wisdom. This is the legendary origin of the Daodejing. In some versions of the tale, the sentry is so touched by the work that he leaves with Laozi to never be seen again. Some legends elaborate further that the "Old Master" was the teacher of the Buddha, or the Buddha himself.[10][14]
By the mid-twentieth century, a consensus had emerged among scholars that the historicity of Laozi was doubtful or unprovable and that the Daodejing was "a compilation of Taoist sayings by many hands originating in the -4th century."[15] Alan Watts (1975) held that this view was part of an academic fashion for skepticism about historical spiritual and religious figures, arguing that not enough would be known for years, or possibly ever, to make a firm judgment.[16]

كتاب "لاوتسو" أي "الطريق وقوته" وهذا الكتاب هو أساس الديانه "التاوية".

إنه كتاب صغير أسلوبه جميل وفيه غموض يجعله قابلاً لكل أنواع التفسيرات والاجتهادات ، وأساس هذه الدراسة هو "التاو" أي الطريق ، ولكن الطريق نفسه يكتنفه بعض الغموض.

والكتاب نفسه يبدأ بهذه العبارة :
( إن الطريق الذي يوصف ، ليس هو الطريق الأبدي.)

ومذهب "التاوية" يقول:
(إن الإنسان يجب ألا يقاوم الطريق، وإنما يجب أن يعيش في وفاق معه )

ويقول أيضاً:
( إننا إذا تأملنا انسياب الماء من المكان المرتفع إلى المكان المنخفض، وإذا رأينا الماء يدور حول الأجسام التي تعترضه..فهذه الصوره تدل على أن الماء له طريق..له نظام لا يقاوم..ولا يمكن أن نوقف انسيابه..فالطريق المائي لا يمكن تحطيمه أو القضاء عليه..بينما نحن نرى أن أكثر الصخور صلابة يتحطم )

ويقول أيضاً:
( إن على الانسان أن يكون بسيطاً، وأن يكون سهلاً وأن تنساب حياته في هدوء، وليس أبغض من العنف والطمع والجشع، وليس للإنسان أن يصلح العالم ، إنما أن يتوافق معه، ولذلك فإكراه الناس ودفعهم إلى التآمر وإلى الحرب هو الشر الحقيقي للإنسان وللحكومات التي يكّونها أو يختارها )

ولم يتفق العلماء والمؤرخون على الزمن الذي ظهر فيه الرجل المسمى"لاوتسو" ، ولكن اتفق العلماء بشكل ما على انه عاش في 320 ق.م
واختلف العلماء على شخصية هذا الرجل، فبعضهم يرى أنه أسطورة ، وأنه لم يوجد قط ، وأن كتابه هذا ليس إلا مجموعة تعاليم أخلاقية نسبت إليه.

وهذا الكتاب "الطريق" رغم انه صغير جداً ، وأنه لم يزد على صفحة كاملة من أي كتاب متوسط ، إلا أن الأثر الذي تركه في معظم المذاهب الأخلاقيه والدينية في الصين واضح تماماً.
ويعتبر هذا الكتاب هو الأب الروحي للتعديلات التي أدخلت على البوذية وعلى مذهب "الزن".

ويقال إنه لا يوجد فيلسوف صيني واحد لم يضع هذا الكتاب أمامه مفتوحاً ويقرأ ويتأمل في الكلمات القليلة التي كتبها "لاوتسو".

فالرجل يطلب إلينا جميعاً أن نتوازى مع الطبيعة.
مع طبيعة الإنسان والإشياء ، وفي هذا التوازي والتوفيق تكمن الراحة النفسية والسلام العقلي والاجتماعي



- تقول الأسطورة أن أمه حملت فيه 62 سنه وهي تنظر الى نجم يهوي.
- ولد عندما اتكأت على جذع نخله.
- ولد كبير يتحدث وله لحية بيضاء.


قديم 08-05-2010, 10:13 PM
المشاركة 89
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

إنريكو فيرمي

Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi was born in Rome, Italy, to Alberto Fermi, a Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Communications, and Ida de Gattis, an elementary school teacher who built her own pressure cooker[2]. As a young boy he enjoyed learning physics and mathematics and shared his interests with his older brother, Giulio.
When Giulio died unexpectedly of a throat abscess in 1915, Enrico was distraught, and immersed himself in scientific study to distract himself. According to his own account, each day he would walk in front of the hospital where Giulio died until he became inured to the pain.
One of the first sources for the study of physics was a book found at the local market of Campo de' Fiori in Roma. The 900 page book, entitled Elementorum physicae mathematicae, was written in Latin by Father Andrea

In 1918 Fermi enrolled at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, where he was later to receive his undergraduate and doctoral degree. In order to enter the Institute, candidates had to take an entrance exam which included an essay. For his essay on the given theme Characteristics of Sound, 17-year-old Fermi chose to derive and solve the Fourier analysis based partial differential equation for waves on a string. The examiner, Prof. Giulio Pittato, interviewed Fermi and concluded that his essay would have been commendable even for a doctoral degree. Enrico Fermi ended up at the first place in the classification of the entrance exam. During the years at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Fermi teamed up with a fellow student named Franco Rasetti with whom he used to indulge in light-hearted pranks. Later, Rasetti became Fermi's close friend and collaborator.

Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954)
Enrico Fermi was born on September 29, 1901, in Rome, Italy. At age 14, he became interested in the study of physics as a way of coping with his grief over losing his brother Giulio during minor surgery. In 1922, he graduated with a doctorate from the prestigious "Sculoa Normale Superiore" of Pisa, a special university-college for selected gifted students.
In 1923, Fermi was awarded a scholarship from the Italian government and spent several months with Professor Max Born in Gottingen. In 1924, with a Rockefeller Fellowship, he moved to Leyden to work with P. Ehrenfest, and later that year he returned to Italy to occupy the post of Lecturer in Mathematical Physics and Mechanics at the University of Florence, a position that he held for two years.
In 1926, Fermi discovered the statistical laws, nowadays known as the "Fermi statistics," governing the particles subject to Pauli's exclusion principles (now referred to as fermions, in contrast with bosons, which obey the Bose-Einstein statistics). The next year, Fermi was elected Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Rome, a post that he retained until 1938 when he emigrated to America, primarily to escape Mussolini's fascist dictatorship. Fermi was also awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons."

Enrico Fermi, (1901 - 1954)

The story that his wife Laura tells, is that Enrico Fermi's interest in physics can be traced back to the death of his older brother Giulio when Fermi was just 14. The two boys, just a year apart in age, had been incredibly close. And Giulio's death left Enrico inconsolable. Shortly afterwards he found two old physics textbooks at market that were written by a Jesuit physicist in 1840. Fermi was so intrigued by them, he read them straight through, apparently, not even noticing that they were in Latin. From that point on, physics consumed him.

- الأصغر بين ثلاثة أخوة متقاربين في الولادة.
- عاش في الريف من يوم مولده عند مرضعة( Nurse ) وحتى أصبح عمره عامين ونصف.
- مات أخوه الذي كان يكبره بعامين فقط في سن 14 سنه فجأة وكنتيجة لعملية بسيطة في الحلق.
- صدمت الأم كنتيجة لموت ابنها المفضل والأكبر والذي ظل يعيش معها ( عكس فرمي ) وتحول البيت إلى جو من الكآبة وظلت تعاني من نوبات من البكاء الحاد .
- الوالد كان يكبر الأم 14 سنة عندما تزوجا وكان عمره 41 سنة.
- لا يوجد معلومات عن متى مات الوالدين.


ملاحظة : في بحث لاحق تبين ان اريكيو فريمي فقد الام وهو في سن الثانية والعشرين وربما الحادي والعشرين حسب الرابط :

قديم 08-05-2010, 10:14 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة


توماس مالتوس

توماس روبرت مالتوس (13 فبراير 1766 - 29 ديسمبر 1834) باحث سكاني واقتصادي سياسي إنجليزي. مالتوس مشهور بنظرياته المؤثرة حول التكاثر السكاني. في العصر الحديث يتم منادته توماس مالتوس رغم أنه في حياته استخدم أسمه الأوسط، روبرت.
ولد مالتوس من أسرة إنجليزية ميسورة الحال، كان والده ملاك أراضٍ مثقف وصديق شخصي للفيلسوف جون هيوم ومن معارف جان جاك روسو. تلقى مالتوس تعليمه في البيت حتى دخوله "جيسز كوليدج" (Jesus Collge)، كامبريدج عام 1784. حيث تخصص في الرياضيات لكنه درس أيضا العديد من المواضيع وقد حصل على الجوائز التقديرية في الإنجليزية، اللاتينية، واليونانية. وحصل على لقب الماستر.
المعروف أن مالتوس لم يكن أول من بحث في نظرية نمو السكان ، فابن خلدون بحث في ذلك منذ القرن الرابع عشر حيث تحدث عن الصلة الوطيدة بين عدد السكان ومستوى الحضارة لان عدد السكان عامل هام في تقسيم العمل وفي النمو.‏
وهذا ما أعتقده جميع من جاء بعده من علماء الاجتماع ولكن فضل مالتوس هو في كونه وضع نظرية متكاملة في السكان وقد فرضها على علم الاقتصاد عندما اشار إلى وجود عامل يجب دراسته إلى جانب الأنتاج والتوزيع والتبادل ، ذلك لأن العلاقة وطيدة بين تطور عدد السكان وتطور كمية الأنتاج، ويكون مالتوس بذلك قد أدخل من خلال ذلك عنصري الزمن والحركة في دراسة الفعاليات الاقتصادية في وقت كانت هذه الفعاليات ما تزال تدرس وتحلل على أسس سكونية راكدة، وكان لدخول عامل السكان في صميم السياسة الاقتصادية أن تشكل علم خاص يرتبط ارتباطاً وثيقاً بعلم الأقتصاد وهو علم السكان.‏
والجدير بالذكر أن آراء مالتوس عن الازمة الرأسمالية لا تعارض آراءه حول السكان وما أعلنه عن حتمية النقص في المواد الغذائية بالنسبة لزيادة السكان.‏ إذ يعتبر أن عدد السكان يزيد وفق متوالية هندسية بينما يزيد الإِنتاج الزراعي وفق متوالية حسابية كما سيؤدي حتماً إلى نقص الغذاء والسكن.
ومن مؤلفاته (بحث في مبدأ السكان ) وصاغ فيه نظريته حول السكان والتي ثارت ضجة كبيرة حيث ورد فيها أن الرجل الذي ليس له من يعيله والذي لا يستطيع أن يجد له عملاً في المجتمع سوف يجد أن ليس له نصيباً من الغذاء على أرضه فهو عضو زائد في وليمة الطبيعة حيث لا صحن له بين الصحون فإن الطبيعة تأمره بمغادرة الزمن.‏
[عدل] أهم الأنتقادات

لقد أنتقد الكثير من الكتاب والأدباء الاقتصاديون نظرية مالتوس السكانية، وظلت نظرية مالتوس للسكان معتمدة لفترة طويلة بين الاقتصاديين في العالم، وأدت إلى حدوث كوارث إنسانية، حيث اتخذت مبررًا للإبادة الجماعية لكثير من الشعوب، وأجبر أبناء بعض العرقيات المضطهدة كالسود والهنود في أمريكا على إجراء التعقيم القسري، وإن اتخذ صورة تعقيم أختياري في ظاهر الأمر، ومثل تجربة التنمية السوفيتية في روسيا التي أستحلت بدورها إبادة أعداد كبيرة من البشر (يقال 12 أو 15 مليونًا) بحجة أعتصار التراكم المطلوب للتنمية والتقدم الصناعي. ويقول آلان تشيس في كتابه (تركة مالتوس) إن 63678 ألف شخص قد جرى تعقيمهم قسراً فيما بين عامي 1907 و1964 في أمريكا في الولايات الثلاثين والمستعمرة الوحيدة التي سنت مثل هذه القوانين. ولكن كان هناك في الحقيقة مئات الآلاف من عمليات التعقيم الأخرى التي كانت طوعية في الظاهر غير إنها قسرية جرت عنوة في واقع الحال. وأقتبس آلان تشيس من القاضي الفيدرالي جيرهارد جيل قوله في عام 1974 في خضم قضية ترافعت فيها المحاكم لمصلحة ضحايا التعقيم القسري للفقراء: (على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية قامت الدولة والهيئات والوكالات الفيدرالية بتعقيم ما بين مائة إلى مائة وخمسين الف شخص سنويا من متدني الدخل الفقراء).

Thomas Robert Malthus
David R. Stead, University of York
The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) is famous for his pessimistic prediction that humankind would struggle to feed itself. Born in Wotton, Surrey, Robert Malthus (he preferred his second name) was the sixth child of Daniel and Henrietta, members of the English country gentry. After graduating from Jesus College, Cambridge University, Malthus entered the Church of England as curate of Okewood, Surrey. In 1798 he published his seminal An Essay on the Principle of Population. It contended that population has the potential to expand in a geometric progression (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...) but that food supplies can only increase in an arithmetic progression (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...), probably because of diminishing returns to producing food on the limited available amount of farmland. Since the supply of food cannot keep pace with the burgeoning numbers of people, the population will be reduced by the "positive checks" of war, disease and starvation. Malthus argued that the best means of escaping what has subsequently been called "the Malthusian trap" was for people to adopt the "preventive check" of limiting their fertility by marrying later in life. Malthus himself married Harriet Eckersall at the age of 38 (late for the period) in 1804, a year after he became rector of Walesby, Lincolnshire. The couple had three children.
First published anonymously, An Essay on Population scandalized many but quickly established Malthus as one of the leading economists in England. Appointed professor of political economy at the East India College, Hertfordshire, in 1805, Malthus wrote about a variety of economic issues, including the theory of rent and the Corn Laws. Ironically, at about the time Malthus published his pessimistic view, want of food no longer appears to have provided a serious check to English population growth. Malthus' predictions proved inaccurate chiefly because he failed to foresee the enormous impact that science and technology was to have in squeezing increasing amounts of food out of each hectare of land. In the two centuries since the publication of An Essay on Population, other writers have similarly forecast mass famines - including Paul Ehrlich's The Population Bomb of 1968 - but human ingenuity, together with falling birth rates in many parts of the world, has meant that food production has more than kept pace with population growth. The malnutrition present today is largely a result of an inadequate distribution of food, not insufficient production.

- عانى من إعاقة في النطق بسبب الشفة الارنبية.


مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

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الساعة الآن 04:24 AM

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