

ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


ايوب صابر is on a distinguished road

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Sep 2009


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08-04-2013, 01:44 PM
المشاركة 1
08-04-2013, 01:44 PM
المشاركة 1
افتراضي هنري جوزف دارجر الابن ..من اشهر الايتام.. فنان وكاتب امريكي
تدرجه وكيبيديا ضمن قائمة اشهر الايتام وتقول عنه انه واحد من اشهر كتاب وفناني امريكيا وقد عاش يتيما وعمل حارسا.

وقد اصبح شهيرا بعد ان تم العثور على مخطوطته التخيلية والتي وصل عدد صفحاتها الى 15,145 صحفة والتي تسمى " قصة بنات فيفيان بالاضافة الى مئات اللوحات الفنية ...

للاسف لم اعثر على سيرتة الذاتية بالعربي وساقوم على محاولة ترجمتها كاملة هنا لما فيه الفائدة وللتعرف على هذا اليتيم الفذ في انتاجه الادبي..وهو يبدو مثال جيد لما يمكن ان يودي اليه اليتم من صحة نفسية وعبقرية...تابعوني..

Henry Joseph Darger, Jr.

(/ˈdɑrər/; ca. April 12, 1892 – April 13, 1973) was a reclusive Americanwriter and artist who worked as a custodian in Chicago, Illinois. He has become famous for his posthumously-discovered 15,145-page, single-spaced fantasy manuscript called The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, along with several hundred drawings and watercolor paintings illustrating the story. Darger's work has become one of the most celebrated examples of outsider art.

Darger was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Rosa Fullman and Henry Joseph Darger, Sr. He is believed to have been born on April 12, 1892, though his exact date of birth is a subject of debate. A record exists of his U.S. draft registration card, filled out on June 2, 1917 during the First World War, which lists his birth date as April 17, 1892.[3]
Cook County records show that he was born at his home, located at 350 W. 24th Street in Chicago. When he was four years old, his mother died after having given birth to a daughter, who was given up for adoption; Henry Darger never knew his sister. Darger's biographer, the art historian and psychologist John M. MacGregor, discovered that Rosa had two children before Henry, but did not discover their whereabouts.[4]
By Darger's own report, his father, Henry Sr., was kind and reassuring to him, and they lived together until 1900. In that year, the crippled and impoverished Darger Sr. had to be taken to live at St. Augustine's Catholic Mission home and his son was placed in a Catholic boys' home. Darger Sr. died in 1905, and his son was institutionalized in the Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children in Lincoln, Illinois,[5] with the diagnosis, according to Stephen Prokopoff, that "Little Henry's heart is not in the right place". According to John MacGregor, the diagnosis was actually "self-abuse" (at the time, this term was a euphemism for masturbation, rather than self-injury).[6][7]
Darger himself felt that much of his problem was being able to see through adult lies and becoming a 'smart-aleck' as a result, which often led to his being disciplined by teachers and ganged up on by classmates. He also went through a lengthy phase of feeling compelled to make strange noises (perhaps as a result of Tourette Syndrome) which irritated others. The Lincoln asylum's practices included forced labor and severe punishments, which Darger seems to have worked into In the Realms of the Unreal. He later said that, to be fair, there were also good times there, he enjoyed some of the work, and he had friends as well as enemies. While he was there, he received word that his father had died. A series of attempted escapes ended successfully in 1908. According to his autobiography, he walked back to Chicago from the asylum for "feeble-minded children" in Lincoln, and it was on this journey that he witnessed a huge tornado that devastated the central Illinois area. He described it as "a wind convulsion of nature tremendous beyond all man's conception".[8][9] There was a tornado that hit the eastern edge of Tampico, Illinois, on November 25, 1908, at 7 p.m. Many barns, windmills and out buildings were turned over, smashed and demolished. Dwellings suffered a small amount of damage. No one was injured and no livestock were killed.[10] Tampico is located about 40 miles east-northeast of Moline and approximately 110 miles west of Chicago and 125 miles due north of Lincoln.
The 16-year-old returned to Chicago and, with the help of his godmother, found menial employment in a Catholic hospital and in this fashion continued to support himself until his retirement in 1963.
Except for a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War I, his life took on a pattern that seems to have varied little: he attended Mass daily,[11][12] frequently returning for as many as five services; he collected and saved a bewildering array of trash from the streets. His dress was shabby, although he attempted to keep his clothes clean and mended. He was largely solitary; his one close friend, William Shloder, was of like mind on the subject of protecting abused and neglected children, and the pair proposed founding a "Children's Protective Society", which would put such children up for adoption to loving families. Shloder left Chicago sometime in the mid-1930s, but he and Darger stayed in touch through letters until Shloder's death in 1959.
In 1930, Darger settled into a second-floor room on Chicago's North Side, at 851 W. Webster Avenue, in the Lincoln Park section of the city, near the DePaul University campus. It was in this room, for 43 years, that Darger imagined and wrote his massive tomes (in addition to a 10-year daily weather journal and assorted diaries) until his death in April 1973 in St. Augustine's Catholic Mission home (the same institution his father had died in). In the last entry in his diary, he wrote: "January 1, 1971. I had a very poor nothing like Christmas. Never had a good Christmas all my life, nor a good new year, and now.... I am very bitter but fortunately not revengeful, though I feel should be how I am..."[4]
Darger is buried in All Saints Cemetery in Des Plaines, Illinois, in a plot called "The Old People of the Little Sisters of the Poor Plot". Darger's headstone is inscribed "Artist" and "Protector of Children

قديم 08-04-2013, 01:46 PM
المشاركة 2
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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In the Realms of the Unreal

Elsie Paroubek, whose photograph inspired Darger to begin writing In the Realms of the Unreal
In the Realms of the Unreal is a 15,145 page work bound in fifteen immense, densely-typed volumes (with three of them consisting of several hundred illustrations, scroll-like watercolor paintings on paper derived from magazines and coloring books) created over six decades. The majority of the book, The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, follows the adventures of the daughters of Robert Vivian, seven princesses of the Christian nation of Abbieannia who assist a daring rebellion against the evil regime of child slavery imposed by John Manley and the Glandelinians. Children take up arms in their own defense and are often slain in battle or viciously tortured by the Glandelinian overlords. The elaborate mythology includes the setting of a large planet, around which Earth orbits as a moon (where most people are Christian and mostly Catholic), and a species called the "Blengigomeneans" (or Blengins for short), gigantic winged beings with curved horns who occasionally take human or part-human form, even disguising themselves as children. They are usually benevolent, but some Blengins are extremely suspicious of all humans, due to Glandelinian atrocities. Darger illustrated his stories using a technique of traced images cut from magazines and catalogues, arranged in large panoramic landscapes and painted in watercolours, some as large as 30 feet wide and painted on both sides. He wrote himself into the narrative as the children's protector.[14]
Once released from the asylum, Darger repeatedly attempted to adopt a child, but his efforts failed. Images of children often served as his inspiration, particularly a portrait from the Chicago Daily News from May 9, 1911: a five-year-old murder victim, named Elsie Paroubek. The girl had left home on April 8 of that year telling her mother she was going to visit her aunt around the corner from her home. She was last seen listening to an organ grinder with her cousins.[15] Her body was found a month later in a sanitary district channel near the screen guards of the powerhouse at Lockport, Illinois. An autopsy found she had probably been suffocated—not strangled, as is often stated in articles about Darger. Paroubek's disappearance and murder, her funeral, and the subsequent investigation, were the subjects of a huge amount of coverage in the Daily News and other papers at the time.[16][17]
This newspaper photo was part of a growing personal archive of clippings Darger had been gathering. There is no indication that the murder or the news photo and article had any particular significance for Darger, until one day he could not find it. Writing in his journal at the time, he began to process this forfeiture of yet another child, lamenting that "the huge disaster and calamity" of his loss "will never be atoned for", but "shall be avenged to the uttermost limit".[18] According to his autobiography, Darger believed the photo was among several items that were stolen when his locker at work was broken into. He never found his copy of the photograph again. Because he couldn't remember the exact date of its publication, he couldn't locate it in the newspaper archive. He carried out an elaborate series of novenas and other prayers for the picture to be returned.
The fictive war that was sparked by Darger's loss of the newspaper photograph of the murdered girl, whose killer was never found,[19] became Darger's magnum opus. He had been working on some version of the novel before this time (he makes reference to an early draft which was also lost or stolen), but now it became an all-consuming creation.
In The Realms of the Unreal, Elsie is imagined as Annie Aronburg, the leader of the first child slave rebellion. "The assassination of the child labor rebel Annie Aronburg... was the most shocking child murder ever caused by the Glandelinian Government" and was the cause of the war. Through their sufferings, valiant deeds and exemplary holiness, the Vivian Girls are hoped to be able to help bring about a triumph of Christianity. Darger provided two endings to the story, one in which the Vivian Girls and Christianity are triumphant and another in which they are defeated and the godless Glandelinians reign.
Darger's human figures were rendered largely by tracing, collage, or photo enlargement from popular magazines and children's books (much of the "trash" he collected was old magazines and newspapers, which he clipped for source material). Some of his favorite figures were the Coppertone Girl and Little Annie Rooney. He is praised for his natural gift for composition and the brilliant use of color in his watercolors. The images of daring escapes, mighty battles, and painful torture are reminiscent not only of epic films such as Birth of a Nation (which Darger might easily have seen)[20][21] but of events in Catholic history; the text makes it clear that the child victims are heroic martyrs like the early saints. One idiosyncratic feature of Darger's artwork is an apparent transgenderism: Characters are often portrayed unclothed or partially clothed and, regardless of ostensible gender, some females have penises.
In a paraphrase of the Declaration of Independence, Darger wrote of children's right "to play, to be happy, and to dream, the right to normal sleep of the night's season, the right to an education, that we may have an equality of opportunity for developing all that are in us of mind and heart".[4]
Crazy House: Further Adventures in Chicago

A second work of fiction, provisionally titled Crazy House: Further Adventures in Chicago, contains over 10,000 handwritten pages. Written after The Realms, it takes that epic's major characters—the seven Vivian sisters and their companion/secret brother, Penrod—and places them in Chicago, with the action unfolding during the same years as that of the earlier book. Begun in 1939, it is a tale of a house that is possessed by demons and haunted by ghosts, or has an evil consciousness of its own. Children disappear into the house and are later found brutally murdered. The Vivians and a male friend are sent to investigate and discover that the murders are the work of evil ghosts. The girls go about exorcising the place, but have to resort to arranging for a full-scale Holy Mass to be held in each room before the house is clean. They do this repeatedly, but it never works. The narrative ends mid-scene, with Darger having just been rescued from the Crazy House.
The History of My Life

In 1968, Darger became interested in tracing some of his frustrations back to his childhood and began writing The History of My Life. Spanning eight volumes, the book only spends 206 pages detailing Darger's early life before veering off into 4,672 pages of fiction about a huge twister called "Sweetie Pie", probably based on memories of the tornado he had witnessed in 1908.
Mental health

Despite Darger's unusual lifestyle and strange behavior, he has not generally been considered mentally ill. This topic is addressed in the biographical film In the Realms of the Unreal, in which Darger, while certainly described as eccentric, is also mentioned to be "in complete control of his life". MacGregor, in the appendix to his book on Darger, speculates that the most fitting diagnosis is autism, of an Asperger syndrome type.

قديم 08-04-2013, 01:47 PM
المشاركة 3
ايوب صابر
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Posthumous fame and influence</SPAN>

Darger's landlords, Nathan and Kiyoko Lerner, came across his work shortly before his death, a day after his birthday, on April 13, 1973. Nathan Lerner, an accomplished photographer whose long career the New York Times wrote "was inextricably bound up in the history of visual culture in Chicago",[22] recognized immediately the artistic merit of Darger's work. By this time Darger was in the Catholic mission St. Augustine's, operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor, where his father had died.
The Lerners took charge of the Darger estate, publicizing his work and contributing to projects such as the 2004 documentary In the Realms of the Unreal. In cooperation with Kiyoko Lerner, Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art[23] dedicated the Henry Darger Room Collection[24] in 2008 as part of its permanent collection. Darger has become internationally recognized thanks to the efforts of people who knew to save his works. After Nathan Lerner's death in 1997, Kiyoko Lerner became the sole figure in charge of both her husband's and Darger's estates. The U.S. copyright representative for the Estate of Henry Darger and the Estate of Nathan Lerner is the Artists Rights Society.[25]
Darger is today one of the most famous figures in the history of outsider art. At the Outsider Art Fair, held every January in New York City, and at auction, his work is among the highest-priced of any self-taught artist. The American Folk Art Museum, New York City, opened a Henry Darger Study Center in 2001.[26] His work now commands upwards of $80,000.[27][28]
In popular culture

The cover art of the 2005 Animal Collective album Feels is a homage to Darger's visual style.
Since his death in 1973 and the discovery of his massive opus, and especially since the 1990s, there have been many references in popular culture to Darger's work by other visual artists including, but not limited to, artists of comics and graphic novels; numerous popular songs; a 1999 book-length poem, Girls on the Run, by John Ashbery; a multi-player online game, SiSSYFiGHT 2000, and a 2004 multimedia piece by choreographer Pat Graney incorporating Darger images. Jesse Kellerman's 2008 novel The Genius took part of its inspiration from Darger's story.[29] These artists have variously drawn from and responded to Darger's artistic style, his themes (especially the Vivian Girls, the young heroines of Darger's massive illustrated novel), and the events in his life.
Jessica Yu's 2004 documentary In the Realms of the Unreal details Darger's life and artworks.
Comic book artist Scott McCloud refers to Darger's work in his book Making Comics, while describing the danger artists encounter in the creation of a character's back-story. McCloud says that complicated narratives can easily spin out of control when too much unseen information is built up around the characters.[30]
Darger and his work have been an inspiration for several music artists. The Vivian Girls are an all-girl indie/punk trio from Brooklyn;[31] "Henry Darger" is a song by Natalie Merchant on her album Motherland, "Vivian Girls" is song by the band Wussy on their album Left for Dead, "The Vivian Girls Are Visited in the Night by Saint Dargarius and His Squadron of Benevolent Butterflies" is a song by Sufjan Stevens on his album The Avalanche: Outtakes and Extras from the Illinois Album, "Segue: In the Realms of the Unreal" is song by the band ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead on their album So Divided, "The Vivian Girls" is a 1979 song by Snakefinger (Philip Lithman Roth) also recorded by the Monks of Doom on their album The Cosmodemonic Telegraph Company, "Vivian girls" is a song by the band Fucked Up on their album Hidden World, and "Lost girls" (about Darger's work) is a song by Tilly and the Wall on their album Bottoms of Barrels.
Darger is the subject of a radio play, Darger and the Detective, by Mike Walker performed by members of the Chicago-based Steppenwolf Theatre Company for BBC Radio 3.]
Collections and exhibits

Darger’s works are included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the American Folk Art Museum in New York, Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Collection de l'art brut, the Walker Art Center, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the National Museum of American Art, High Museum of Art, and the Lille Métropole Museum of Modern, Contemporary and Outsider Art in Villeneuve d'Ascq.
Darger’s art also has been featured in many notable museum exhibitions, including “The Unreality of Being” exhibit curated by Stephen Prokopoff. It was also seen in “Disasters of War” (P.S. 1, New York, 2000), where it was presented alongside prints from the famous Francisco de Goya series The Disasters of War and works derived from these by the British contemporary-art duo Jake and Dinos Chapman. Darger’s work has also been shown at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Setagaya Art Museum, and the Collection de l'art brut, La Maison Rouge, Museum Kunst Palast, Musée d’Art Moderne de Lille-Métropole, and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
In 2008, the exhibition at the American Folk Art Museum, titled "Dargerism: Contemporary Artists and Henry Darger", examined the influence of Darger's oeuvre on 11 artists, including Trenton Doyle Hancock, Robyn O'Neil, and Amy Cutler, who were responding not only to the aesthetic nature of Darger's mythic work — with its tales of good versus evil, its epic scope and complexity, and its transgressive undertone — but also to his driven work ethic and all-consuming devotion to artmaking.[26]
Also in 2008, Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art in Chicago opened its permanent exhibit of the Henry Darger Room Collection,[33] an installation that meticulously recreates the small northside Chicago apartment where Darger lived and made his art.

قديم 08-04-2013, 04:04 PM
المشاركة 4
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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هنري جوزف دارجر الابن

ولد هنري جوزف دارجر الابن،، في 12/4/1892 وتوفي في 13/4/1973 .وكان كاتبا وفنانا أمريكيا منطويا على نفسه. وكان يعمل بوظيفة حارس في شيكاغو الينوى.

وقد أصبح شهيرا بعد موته حيث تم اكتشاف مخطوطته المكونة من 15,145 صفحة، وهي مخطوطة خيالية وتسمى "قصة بنات فيفيان" و تنتمي إلى عالم اللاواقع الناتج عن عاصفة الحرب بين الجلاندسكو والانجلينن Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm ، والتي حدثت كنتيجة لثورة أبناء العبيد.

كما اشتهر بسبب المئات من الرسومات واللوحات المعدة بالألوان المائية والتي تشرح القصة وقد أصبح عمل دارجر واحد من أشهر الأعمال التي تنتمي للفن الغرائبي...outsider art.

قديم 08-05-2013, 01:29 PM
المشاركة 5
ايوب صابر
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Darger was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Rosa Fullman and Henry Joseph Darger, Sr. He is believed to have been born on April 12, 1892, though his exact date of birth is a subject of debate. A record exists of his U.S. draft registration card, filled out on June 2, 1917 during the First World War, which lists his birth date as April 17, 1892.

Cook County records show that he was born at his home, located at 350 W. 24th Street in Chicago. When he was four years old, his mother died after having given birth to a daughter, who was given up for adoption; Henry Darger never knew his sister. Darger's biographer, the art historian and psychologist John M. MacGregor, discovered that Rosa had two children before Henry, but did not discover their whereabouts.

By Darger's own report, his father, Henry Sr., was kind and reassuring to him, and they lived together until 1900. In that year, the crippled and impoverished Darger Sr. had to be taken to live at St. Augustine's Catholic Mission home and his son was placed in a Catholic boys' home. Darger Sr. died in 1905, and his son was institutionalized in the Illinois Asylum for Feeble -Minded Children in Lincoln, Illinois, with the diagnosis, according to Stephen Prokopoff, that "Little Henry's heart is not in the right place". According to John MacGregor, the diagnosis was actually "self-abuse" (at the time, this term was a euphemism for masturbation, rather than self-injury).
ولد دارجر في شيكاغو الينوي، لكل من الأم روزا فلمان ، وهنري جوزيف دارجر الأب. ويعتقد انه ولد في 12/4/1892 لكن يظل هناك اختلاف حول تاريخ ميلاده الصحيح. ففي احد السجلات الخاصة بالالتحاق بالجيش والتي تمت تعبئته بتاريخ 2/6/1917 أي خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى تم تدوين تاريخ ميلاده على أساس انه 17/4/1892 . بينما تقول سجلات منطقة كوك انه ولد في منزله الواقع في 350 دبليو. شارع 24 ..شيكاغو.
وعندما بلع الرابعة من عمره توفيت أمه بعد أن أنجبت ابنة وعلى اثر موت الأم تم تبني الابنة الوليدة ولم يلتق بها دراجر الابن ولم يتعرف عليها بعد ذلك أبدا. ويقول كاتب سيرة دارجر والمتخصص في علم النفس وتاريخ الفن واسمه أم مكروجر بأنه اكتشف بأن والدة دارجر روزا كانت قد أنجبت ولدين قبل هنري لكنه لم يتعرف إليهم.

وبخصوص والده يقول هنري دراجر الابن، ان والده كان شخصا حنونا، ومساندا له، وانه عاش معه حتى العام 1900 حيث تم نقل الوالد المعاق والفقير للعيش في بيت للعجزة تابع للكنيسة الكاثوليكية (إرسالية القديس أوغسطين ) ، وعندها تم وضع ابنه هنري في بيت للأيتام الكاثوليك. كما أن الأب مات عام 1905 وتم وضع ابنه هنري في مشفي الينوى للأطفال ضعاف العقول، حيث تم تشخيص حالته كما يقول ستيفن بروكوبوف " أن قلب هنري ليس في مكانه الصحيح". أما جون مكروجر فيقول أن التشخيص الصحيح إيقاع الأذى لنفسه Self abuse.


قديم 08-06-2013, 12:50 PM
المشاركة 6
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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تابع.... حياة دارجر ،

Darger himself felt that much of his problem was being able to see through adult lies and becoming a 'smart-aleck' as a result, which often led to his being disciplined by teachers and ganged up on by classmates. He also went through a lengthy phase of feeling compelled to make strange noises (perhaps as a result of Tourette Syndrome) which irritated others.

The Lincoln asylum's practices included forced labor and severe punishments, which Darger seems to have worked into In the Realms of the Unreal. He later said that, to be fair, there were also good times there, he enjoyed some of the work, and he had friends as well as enemies.

While he was there, he received word that his father had died. A series of attempted escapes ended successfully in 1908. According to his autobiography, he walked back to Chicago from the asylum for "feeble-minded children" in Lincoln, and it was on this journey that he witnessed a huge tornado that devastated the central Illinois area

He described it as "a wind convulsion of nature tremendous beyond all man's conception". There was a tornado that hit the eastern edge of Tampico, Illinois, on November 25, 1908, at 7 p.m. Many barns, windmills and out buildings were turned over, smashed and demolished. Dwellings suffered a small amount of damage. No one was injured and no livestock were killed. Tampico is located about 40 miles east-northeast of Moline and approximately 110 miles west of Chicago and 125 miles due north of Lincoln.

بينما يقول دارجر عن نفسه بأن معظم مشكلته كانت نابعة من قدرته على استبصار كذب الكبار وبالتالي انزعاجهم منه لذلك السبب، وهو ما كان يدفع مدرسيه لمحاولة ضبطه وتسبب له بتطاول زملاؤه في الصف عليه. كما انه مر في مرحلة طويلة كان يشعر فيها انه بحاجة لإصدار أصوات غريبة ربما بسبب Tourette Syndrome وهو ما كان يتسبب بالأذى للآخرين.

والمعروف أن مركز لنكولن للصحة النفسية كان يلجأ لأساليب مثل الأعمال الشاقة والعقاب الشديد والتي يبدو أن دارجر قد استفاد منها لكتابة "العوالم أو الحقول أو الدروب غير الواقعيةthe Realms of the Unreal " علما بأنه قال في وقت لاحق "للإنصاف كانت هناك أوقات جميلة أيضا في المركز" فقد كان يستمتع بقيامه ببعض الأعمال هناك وكان له أصدقاء وأعداء..

وبينما كان في المركز وصله خبر وفاة والده وقد قام بعدة محاولات للهرب نجحت أخيرا في عام 1908، وحسب مذكراته فقد عاد سيرا على الأقدام إلى شيكاغو من المركز للأطفال ضعاف العقول الكائن في لنكولن وقد شاهد خلال هذه الرحلة عاصفة مدارية ضخمة دمرت منطقة وسط منطقة الينوي.

ويصفها دراجر بأنها " رياح عاتية من الطبيعة من الصعب على الإنسان استيعابها "، والمعروف أن رياح إعصارية رهيبة ضربت الحافة الشرقية من منطقة تامبكو الينوي بتاريخ 25/11/1908 في الساعة السابعة مساءا. والمعروف أن الكثير من حظائر المواشي وطواحين الهواء اقتلعت من أماكنها وتحطمت ودمرت تماما. أما البيوت فقد دمرت جزئيا ولحسن الحظ لم يتم إصابة احد ولم تحصل خسائر في الحيوانات الأليفة. علما بأن تمبيكو تقع على أربعين ميل إلى الشرق والشمال الشرقي مولاين وتقريبا على بعد 110 ميل غرب شيكاغو و125 ميل إلى الشمال من منطقة لنكولن.

قديم 08-12-2013, 09:15 AM
المشاركة 7
ايوب صابر
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تابع.... حياة دارجر

The 16-year-old returned to Chicago and, with the help of his godmother, found menial employment in a Catholic hospital and in this fashion continued to support himself until his retirement in 1963.

Except for a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War I, his life took on a pattern that seems to have varied little: he attended Mass daily, frequently returning for as many as five services; he collected and saved a bewildering array of trash from the streets.

وعاد الشاب والذي كان في السادسة عشرة من عمره إلى شيكاغو وبمساعدة أمه في المعمدانية عمل في عدة أعمال وضيعة في مستشفى للكاثوليك وبهذه الطريقة ظل يعمل لإعالة حاله حتى تقاعد عام 1963.

وفي ما عدا مدة زمنية محدودة عمل خلالها في الجيش الأمريكي خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى ظل حياة دارجر كانت نمطية وروتينية إلى حد بعيد. وقد ذهب لحضور القداس في الكنيسة يوميا وأحيانا كان يذهب للكنسية لحضور الصلاة خمسة مرات. وكان يجمع ويحتفظ بكميات كبيرة من النفايات التي يلتقطها من الشوارع.

كانت ملابسه رثة ورغم ذلك كان يحاول أن يبقيها نظيفة وغير ممزقة. وكان ينزع إلى الوحدة وكان صديقه الوحيد اسمه وليم شلودر وكان يشاركه الاهتمام في ضرورة رعاية وحماية الأطفال الذين يتم التخلي عنهم والاعتداء عليهم. وقد اتفق الاثنان على فكرة إنشاء مجتمع لحماية الأطفال من خلال وضع هؤلاء الأطفال للتبني من قبل عائلات تحب الأطفال.

قديم 08-15-2013, 10:44 AM
المشاركة 8
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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تابع.... حياة دارجر

His dress was shabby, although he attempted to keep his clothes clean and mended. He was largely solitary; his one close friend, William Shloder, was of like mind on the subject of protecting abused and neglected children, and the pair proposed founding a "Children's Protective Society", which would put such children up for adoption to loving families. Shloder left Chicago sometime in the mid-1930s, but he and Darger stayed in touch through letters until Shloder's death in 1959.

وكانت ملابسة بالية على الرغم انه كان يحاول الحفاظ عليه نظيفا وسليمة. وكان بشكل عام منعزلا عن الناس، وصديقه الوحيد هو وليم شلودر والذي كان يشاطره الاهتمام في أهمية العناية بالأطفال الذين يتعرضون للأذى والإهمال.
وقد اتفق الاثنان على ضرورة تأسيس "جميعه لحماية الأطفال"، وعلى أن تعمل هذه الجمعية على ترتيب عائلات بديلة تتبنى الأطفال الذين يتعرضون لمثل ذلك الأذى أو الإهمال. وقد غادر شلودر شيكاغو في منتصف الثلاثينات من القرن الماضي (1930) ولكنه ظل على اتصال مع صديقه دارجر من خلال الرسائل الى ان مات شلدر عام 1959.

قديم 08-18-2013, 02:24 PM
المشاركة 9
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
تابع.... حياة دارجر

In 1930, Darger settled into a second-floor room on Chicago's North Side, at 851 W. Webster Avenue, in the Lincoln Park section of the city, near the DePaul University campus. It was in this room, for 43 years, that Darger imagined and wrote his massive tomes (in addition to a 10-year daily weather journal and assorted diaries) until his death in April 1973 in St. Augustine's Catholic Mission home (the same institution his father had died in).

في عام 1930 استقر شلدر في غرفة في الطابق الثاني من شقة في شيكاغو ( الجانب الشمالي، رقم 851 دلبيو، شارع وبستر) في الجزء المسمى لنكولن بارك من المدينة، والذي يقع إلى جانب جامعة دي بول.
وفي هذه الغرفة وعلى مدى 43 عام اعمل دارجر خياله وقام على كتابة مجلده الضخم وذلك إضافة إلى تدوين الطقس وكتابة مذكراته لمدة عشر سنوات وحتى مماته في ابريل عام 1973 في منزل إرسالية سانت أوغسطين للكاثوليك وهو نفس المنزل الذي مات فيه والده).


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الساعة الآن 07:51 AM

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