قديم 08-05-2010, 09:47 PM
المشاركة 51
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة
استنتاجات أوليه 4-ب

- يبدوا أن اثر اليتم يمتد إلى ما بعد سن البلوغ ( 12 سنة ) ولكن تأثيره يختلف...وهو يمتد إلى ما بعد سن الرشد( 21 ) لكن أثره يقل تدريجيا.

- يبدو أن اليتم المتأخر له تأثير مختلف عن اليتم المبكر حيث أن أربعة من العظماء جوتنبرج وجميس واط والاخوان رايت واديسون ( من القائمة تحت الدراسة ) أبدعوا في مجال الاختراع والاكتشاف والصناعة وجميعهم مروا في تجربة فقدان احد الوالدين بعد الخامسة عشرة.

- يبدو أن فقدان الأب والطفل في رحم أمه له تأثير مهول على الطاقة الإبداعية فيكون الإنتاج غزير كما في حالة نيوتن.

- هل اخطأ فرويد في فهم ما جرى مع Ann O. فعزى ما آلت إليه إلى الجانب الجنسي والأحرى به أن يربطه مع فقدان الأب كما يظهر في القصة عنها... وهل هناك تفسير آخر لماذا أخذت تتحدث الانجليزية بعد مرضها بدلا من الألمانية رغم أن لغتها الأم هي الألمانية؟

- هل يحتوى العقل، أي عقل، على المعرفة المطلقة (مثل جهاز الكمبيوتر الذي يحتوى كل البرامج ) وان دفق الطاقة الزائد والذي ينتج عن اليتم يقوم على فتح حجرات معرفة إضافية أو تنشيط المفعل منها وتضخيم قدرته أو تفعيل أخرى كما في حالة Ann O.؟ فمثلا هل كل عقل لديه الإمكانية للتعامل مع كل اللغات ( اليابانية والروسية والصينية والانجليزية الخ فهي ضمن برنامج معد مسبقا ) لكن البيئة المحيطة والتعليم هي التي تفعل برنامج اللغة التي يتكلمها الشخص...فيكون التعليم تنشيط لما هو موجود أصلا؟

- هل الكرزما عبارة عن تفلت للطاقة الزائدة التي تنتج عن اليتم فتبدو عينا اليتيم براقة وحادة.. كما في حالة يوجين؟

- هل يمكن تطوير رياضة لزيادة حدة الذهن وبحيث يصبح الإنسان متيقظ ومستنير وأكثر ذكاء؟ وهل التقشف والحرمان والرياضة التأملية تساعد على تنشيط الدماغ؟ أم أن الغاية منها ضبط الطاقة الزائدة حتى لا يفقد الدماغ السيطرة؟

- واضح أن عقول الأيتام تعمل بوتيرة عالية ولذلك نجد الكثير منهم لا ينسجمون مع الأنظمة التربوية القائمة فمتى نعى ذلك ومتى تتوقف البشرية عن محاربة المبدعيين ورفض انتاجهم حتى لو بدا غير معقول او منطقي للعامة وغير قابل للتحقيق؟

- ما دام القلب يعمل بمبدأ الطاقة والعقل كذلك فهل يكون لليتم تأثير على القلب أيضا؟

- واضح أن الطاقة التي تزيد من الدافعية للإبداع لا تقتصر على اليتم وهناك ألف سبب وسبب تؤدي إلى دفق زائد من الطاقة في الدماغ مثل فقدان أي جسم مهما قل شأنه والحرمان واليتم الاجتماعي ...ولكن تزداد حدة التأثير مع زيادة أهمية الجسم المفقود (مثلا الطلاق ، غياب الأب عن الأسرة الخ). ويكون أعظمها أثرا موت احد الوالدين في سن مبكر؟

قديم 08-05-2010, 09:48 PM
المشاركة 52
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة



With total justification Guglielmo Marconi is called the pioneer of wireless, freeing communications from the constraints imposed by fixed cable and visible distance. Conquering distance, he facilitated commercial and mass communication, bringing all parts of the world closer together. In an era when all intercontinental transport was entirely marine, Marconi's achievements in wireless meant that ships at sea were no longer isolated and beyond reach of communication once they left sight of land. Marconi personally was regarded as a great benefactor and was accorded recognition and decorations wherever he went.

His background and upbringing were undoubtedly privileged. Born on 25 April 1874 in Bologna, he was the second son of a runaway marriage between Giuseppe Marconi, a wealthy Italian landowner, and Annie Jameson of the Irish whiskey distillery family.

The young Guglielmo Marconi shared his mothers' fair hair and blue eyes, and although baptised as a Roman Catholic, he was brought up as an Anglican. His interests as a child were often solitary pursuits, in which he displayed a certain manual dexterity.

Among these were devising scientific toys, taking apart mechanical objects and reassembling them, playing the piano and fishing for trout.

Marconi's education was disjointed. It took place in England and Italy, sometimes in school and sometimes with private tutors. After his failure to qualify for the Italian Naval Academy, he was encouraged by his mother and brother Alfonso to concentrate on his scientific interests.

He attended lectures by Augustus Righi, professor of physics at Bologna University, a pioneer of work on wireless waves, and a friend of Marconi's family. When Heinrich Hertz, who discovered wireless waves, died in 1894, Righi wrote an obituary that fired Marconi with the idea of deploying these waves for 'wire-less' telegraphy. "So elementary, so simple in logic," he said later.

Marconi was born on the morning of 25th of April 1874 at the Palazzo Marescalchi in the Italian city of Bologna. Guglielmo being Italian for William. Marconi was the son of a well-to-do business man called Giuseppe and his second wife, Annie.

Annie came from an Scotish - Irish family called the Jamesons, who were, and are famous as whisky distillers. Annie was born at Daphne Castle, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland, and went to study music at the Bologna Conservatory. As a young man Marconi read about the work of Heinrich Hertz in an Italian electrical journal, but they had only been of passing interest to Marconi at that time.

One summer Marconi went to a hotel in the Alps with his step brother Luigi and brother Alfonso and one night, with the cent and rustle of the pine trees just outside his window, the 20 year old youth lay awake unable to sleep. For some reason his mind went back to Hertz. Suddenly, in a shinning moment of inspiration the tremendous idea was born. With the aid of Hertz discoveries he could use the Hertzian waves of the air for telegraphy without wires.

One night Guglielmo went and woke his mother, and brought her to his secret attics. He was about to show her something he considered important. On a table was an electric key. He pressed it. Instantly, in the next attic, thirty feet away, a bell sounded. There were no wires connecting it to the key, an electric impulse alone had made the bell ring, across space. Such a thing had not happened since the world began. It was small, but it was tremendous.

At that moment, as the young engineer in science and his mother stood alone together in the sleeping Italian villa, and a new age was born.

It was the age that began with a small bell ringing, and was soon to here a message flashed across the Atlantic.


- الموقع الرسمي له يقول انه ثمن زواج منحل بمعنى انفصال بين الاب والام.
- هناك ما يشير الى ان له اخ غير شقيق كان معه في رحلة وعمره عشرون عاما.
- لا يوجد معلومات عن الوالد والاغلب انه مات قبل بلوغ ماركوني العشروين
- عندما توصل الى اكتشاف افاق امه من النوم وليس والده.
- كثيرا ما كانت امه تصطحبه الى انجلترا .
- بعد العشرين عاش في ايطاليا.



قديم 08-05-2010, 09:49 PM
المشاركة 53
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة


شهدت مدينة بون الألمانية ميلاد الفنان العبقري لودفج فان بيتهوفن في 16 ديسمبر سنة 1770، وتم تعميده في 17 ديسمبر 1770. ظهر تميزه الموسيقي منذ صغره، فنشرت أولى أعماله وهو في الثانية عشر من عمره سنة 1783 ميلادية. اتسعت شهرته كعازف بيانو في سن مبكرة، ثم زاد إنتاجه وذاع صيته كمؤلف موسيقى. عانى بيتهوفن كثيراً في حياته، عائلياً وصحياً، فبالرغم من أن أباه هو معلمه الأول الذي وجه اهتمامه للموسيقى ولقنه العزف على البيانو والكمان، إلا أنه لم يكن الأب المثالي، فقد كان مدمناً للكحول،

كما أن والدته توفيت وهو في السابعة عشر من عمره بعد صراع طويل مع المرض، تاركة له مسؤولية العائلة. مما منعه من إتمام خطته والسفر إلى فيينا ، عاصمة الموسيقى في ذلك العصر. فكان التأليف الموسيقي هو نوع من أنواع العلاج والتغلب على المشاكل بالنسبة لبيتهوفن.


Beethoven was the grandson of a musician of Flemish origin named Lodewijk van Beethoven (1712–1773).[2] Beethoven was named after his grandfather, as Lodewijk is the Dutch counterpart of Ludwig. Beethoven's grandfather was employed as a bass singer at the court of the Elector of Cologne, rising to become Kapellmeister (music director). He had one son, Johann van Beethoven (1740–1792), who worked as a tenor in the same musical establishment, also giving lessons on piano and violin to supplement his income.[2] Johann married Maria Magdalena Keverich in 1767; she was the daughter of Johann Heinrich Keverich, who had been the head chef at the court of the Archbishopric of Trier.[3]

Beethoven was born of this marriage in Bonn; he was baptized in a Roman Catholic service on 17 December 1770, and was probably born the previous day, 16 December.[4] Children of that era were usually baptized the day after birth; and it is known that Beethoven's family and his teacher Johann Albrechtsberger celebrated his birthday on 16 December. While this evidence supports the case for 16 December 1770 as Beethoven's date of birth, it cannot be stated with certainty as there is no documentary evidence of it (only his baptismal record survives).[5][6] Of the seven children born to Johann van Beethoven, only the second-born, Ludwig, and two younger brothers survived infancy. Caspar Anton Carl was born on 8 April 1774, and Nikolaus Johann, the youngest, was born on 2 October 1776.[7]

Beethoven's first music teacher was his father. A traditional belief concerning Johann is that he was a harsh instructor, and that the child Beethoven, "made to stand at the keyboard, was often in tears".[2] However, the New Grove indicates that there is no solid documentation to support it, and asserts that "speculation and myth-making have both been productive."[2] Beethoven had other local teachers as well: the court organist Gilles van den Eeden (d. 1782), Tobias Friedrich Pfeiffer (a family friend, who taught Beethoven piano), and a relative, Franz Rovantini (violin and viola).[2] His musical talent manifested itself early. Johann, aware of Leopold Mozart's successes in this area, attempted to exploit his son as a child prodigy, claiming that Beethoven was six (he was seven) on the posters for Beethoven's first public performance in March 1778.[8]

Some time after 1779, Beethoven began his studies with his most important teacher in Bonn, Christian Gottlob Neefe, who was appointed the Court's Organist in that year.[9] Neefe taught Beethoven composition, and by March 1783 had helped him write his first published composition: a set of keyboard variations (WoO 63).[7] Beethoven soon began working with Neefe as assistant organist, first on an unpaid basis (1781), and then as paid employee (1784) of the court chapel conducted by the Kapellmeister Andrea Luchesi. His first three piano sonatas, named "Kurfürst" ("Elector") for their dedication to the Elector Maximilian Frederick, were published in 1783. Maximilian Frederick, who died in 1784, not long after Beethoven's appointment as assistant organist, had noticed Beethoven's talent early, and had subsidized and encouraged the young Beethoven's musical studies
Maximilian Frederick's successor as the Elector of Bonn was Maximilian Franz, the youngest son of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, and he brought notable changes to Bonn. Echoing changes made in Vienna by his brother Joseph, he introduced reforms based on Enlightenment philosophy, with increased support for education and the arts. The teenage Beethoven was almost certainly influenced by these changes. He may also have been strongly influenced at this time by ideas prominent in freemasonry, as Neefe and others around Beethoven were members of the local chapter of the Order of the Illuminati.[11]

In March 1787 Beethoven traveled to Vienna (it is unknown at whose expense) for the first time, apparently in the hope of studying with Mozart. The details of their relationship are uncertain, including whether or not they actually met.[12] After just two weeks there Beethoven learned that his mother was severely ill, and he was forced to return home. His mother died shortly thereafter, and the father lapsed deeper into alcoholism. As a result, Beethoven became responsible for the care of his two younger brothers, and he spent the next five years in Bonn.
In 1789, he obtained a legal order by which half of his father's salary was paid directly to him for support of the family.[16]
He also contributed further to the family's income by playing viola in the court orchestra. This familiarized Beethoven with a variety of operas, including three of Mozart's operas performed at court in this period. He also befriended Anton Reicha, a flautist and violinist of about his own age who was the conductor's nephew


- يتم الام في سن السابعة عشرة.
- طفوله صعبة جدا بسبب سلوك الوالد السكير ( مدمن على الكحول).
- موت اربعة من اخوانه السبعة في الطفولة المبكرة.
- والده سكير بحيث انه بدا وهو في سن 19 باستلام معاشه لاعالة العائلة.


قديم 08-05-2010, 09:50 PM
المشاركة 54
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

فرنر هيزنبرج

Werner Heisenberg was born on 5th December, 1901, at W?rzburg. He was the son of Dr. August Heisenberg and his wife Annie Wecklein. His father later became Professor of the Middle and Modern Greek languages in the University of Munich. It was probably due to his influence that Heisenberg remarked, when the Japanese physicist Yukawa discovered the particle now known as the meson and the term "mesotron" was proposed for it, that the Greek word "mesos" has no "tr" in it, with the result that the name "mesotron" was changed to "meson". Heisenberg went to the Maximilian school at Munich until 1920, when he went to the University of Munich to study physics under Sommerfeld, Wien, Pringsheim, and Rosenthal. During the winter of 1922-1923 he went to G?ttingen to study physics under Max Born, Franck, and Hilbert. In 1923 he took his Ph.D. at the University of Munich and then became Assistant to Max Born at the University of G?ttingen, and in 1924 he gained the venia legendi at that University.

Werner Heisenberg (1879 - 1976)

Werner Heisenberg was born on December 5, 1901, at Würzburg, Germany. In 1923 he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Munich. Heisenberg's name will always be associated with his theory of quantum mechanics, published in 1925. For this theory, Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for 1932. He is also known for the Uncertainty Principle.

In 1941 he was appointed the Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics. Heisenberg was drafted by the Nazis to lead the German atomic bomb project. However, unlike the physicists in the Soviet Union or America, he wasn't as optimistic about the feasibility of building a bomb. Near the end of the Second World War, he and other German physicists were taken prisoner by American troops and sent to England. Due to several errors early in their investigation, the German effort was never close to developing an atomic weapon. Heisenberg had spent the entire war working on a nuclear reactor, but had never accomplished a chain reaction.

After the war, he served as the director of the Max Planck Institute at Göttingen (and from 1958 at Munich). He held this post until he resigned in 1970. He continued to work on problems of plasma physics and thermonuclear processes, as well as on the unified field theory of elementary particles. Werner Heisenberg died on February 1, 1976

- لا يوجد اي معلومات عن والدته.
- لا يوجد تفاصيل عن طفولته وشبابه.
- احد المواقع يقول ان والده كان بعيدا عن البيت بسبب الحروب.

سنعتبره مجهول لانه لا يوجد اي معلومة تؤكد وجود والدته.


قديم 08-05-2010, 09:50 PM
المشاركة 55
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

الكسندر جراهام بل


ودع بل الدنيا دون أن يحقق حلمه الحقيقي .. لقد وعد زوجته الحبيبة ((مابل))أنه سيخترع لها جهازا ًيمكنها من الكلام ولكنه لم يفعل ، وبقيت الزوجة من بعده لتقضي البقية الباقية من حياتها كما هي صماء بكماء.

ولد الكسندر جراهام ل في ادنبره باسكتلندة عام 1847 ، واستقر منذ عام 1871 في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ،وحصل على الجنسية الأمريكية ، وتزوج من أمريكية تدعى مابل أنجبت له لأربعة أولاد،صبيان ماتا وابنتين.

كانت عائلته تقطن في منزل في 16 شارع شارلوت بالمنطقة الجنوبية منه، إدنبرة، اسكتلندا، والآن يعد من الأماكن البارزة والمعالم الشهيرة حيث يوجد على بابه علامة تذكارية تدل على أن هذا المنزل هو مسقط رأس "ألكسندر جراهام بيل". وكان له شقيقان هما "ميلفيل جيمس بيل" (1845-1870) و"إدوارد تشارلز بيل" (1848-1867). ولكنهما تُوُفِيَا إثر إصابتهما بمرض السل. أما والده فهو البروفيسور "ألكسندر ميلفيل بيل" وأمه "إليزا جريس" (التي كانت تدعى قبل زواجها "سيموند").[6] [7] على الرغم من أنه منذ ميلاده كان يدعى "ألكسندر بيل"، فإنه عندما بلغ العاشرة من عمره توسل إلى والده وطلب منه أن يكون له كنية مثل شقيقيه. [8] وفي عيد ميلاده الحادي عشر، قَبِل والده بكنية "جراهام" وسمح له بذلك وجاء اختيارهم لهذه الكنية من صميم حبهم وخالص إعجابهم بشخص كندي يدعى "ألكسندر جراهام" الذي كان يستضيفه والده وهو من أحد تلاميذه وأصبح صديقًا للعائلة.

مأساة عائلته
وفي عام 1865، عندما انتقلت عائلة "بيل" إلى لندن، عاد "بيل" إلى وستون هاوس أكاديمي كمدرس مساعد بها، وأثناء وقت فراغه كان يواصل إجراء التجارب على الصوت مستخدمًا عدد قليل من الأجهزة والأدوات المعملية. كما ركز "بيل" على إجراء التجارب باستخدام الكهرباء من أجل نقل الصوت ثم بعد ذلك كان يقوم بتركيب سلك التلغراف من حجرته في كلية سومرست (Somerset College) إلى حجرة أحد أصدقائه.

وعلى مدار فصلي الخريف والشتاء في عام 1867، اضطربت حالته الصحية وكان ذلك بسبب التعب وكثرة الإجهاد. وكان شقيقه الأصغر "إدوارد تيد" طريح الفراش حيث كان يعاني من إصابته بمرض السل. على الرغم من أن "بيل" قد استعاد صحته (من هذا الحين يشير إلى نفسه باسم ألكسندر جراهام بيل "A.G. Bell") وعمل في السنة التالية بكلية سومرست Somerset College في مدينة باث، بمقاطعة سومرست، إنجلترا، فإن حالة أخيه الصحية كانت في تدهور تام. ولم يُشفَ "إدوارد" من مرضه. وبوفاة أخيه، قرر "بيل" العودة إلى موطنه في عام 1867. كما أن شقيقه الأكبر "ميلفيل" قد تزوج وترك المنزل. ومع أن "بيل" كان يطمح في الحصول على درجة علمية من جامعة لندن (University College London)، فإنه كان ينظر لسنواته التالية على اعتبار أنها تعد بمثابة سنوات تحضيرية لخوض الامتحانات التي تسبق الحصول على الدرجة العلمية ولذا كرس وقت فراغه لقضائه في منزل العائلة من أجل البحث والدراسة. كما أن مساعدته لوالده في الأبحاث والدراسات والمحاضرات الخاصة بالكلام المرئي قد دفعته للالتحاق للتدريس بالمدرسة الخاصة لـ "سوزانا إي هال" للصم (Susanna E. Hull's private school for the deaf) والتي توجد في جنوب منطقة كنسينجتون (South Kensington)، غرب لندن. وكان أول اثنين من الطلاب الدارسين لديه هما فتاتان من الصم والبكم واللتان حققتا تقدمًا ملحوظًا في تعلم النطق تحت إشرافه ورعايته. على الرغم من أنه كان يبدو أن أخاه الأكبر قد حقق نجاحًا في العديد من المجالات، منها فتح مدرسته الجديدة الخاصة بعلوم التخاطب وتعليم النطق وترشيحه للحصول على براءة اختراع لأحد الابتكارات علاوة على أنه كَوَّن أسرة، فإن "بيل" لم يزل مدرسًا. ومع ذلك، ففي مايو عام 1870، توفي "ميلفيل" إثر معاناته من مضاعفات نتجت عن إصابته بمرض السل، الأمر الذي أدى إلى مواجهة الأسرة لأزمة شديدة.
كما أن والده كان يعاني من قبل من مرض تسبب له في معاناته من وهن وضعف عام في صحته ولكنه تماثل للشفاء واستعاد صحته عقب فترة النقاهة التي قضاها في نيوفاوندلاند (Newfoundland) بكندا. وعندما علم والداه بأن ابنهما الوحيد الذي بقي على قيد الحياة هو أيضًا يعاني من المرض، بدأ والداه في التخطيط لحياته. حيث قرر الأب "ألكسندر ميلفيل بيل" بشكل حاسم أن يطلب من "جراهام بيل" الترتيب لبيع جميع ممتلكات الأسرة، [26] وإتمام جميع شئون إخوته (كما أن بيل كان مهتمًا بتلميذه الأخير الذي كان يعالجه من التلعثم (صعوبة التكلم)، [27] ومشاركة والده ووالدته التخطيط للعيش في أمريكا، هذا العالم الجديد المقبلين عليه.[28] وعلى مضض، قرر "بيل" أيضًا الانفصال عن "ماري إكليستون" (Marie Eccleston) وإنهاء علاقته بها ظنًا منه أنها لم تكن على استعداد لترك إنجلترا للسفر معه إلى خارج البلاد.[28]

COLOR="Blue"]http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AC%D8%B1%D8%A7%D 9%87%D8%A7%D9%85_%D8 %A8%D9%84

Alexander Graham Bell Biography

born , March 3, 1847, Edinburgh—died Aug. 2, 1922, Beinn Bhreagh, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Can.) Scottish-born American audiologist best known as the inventor of the telephone (1876). For two generations his family had been recognized as leading authorities in elocution and speech correction, with Alexander Melville Bell's Standard Elocutionist passing through nearly 200 editions in English. Young Bell and his two brothers were trained to continue the family profession. His early achievements on behalf of the deaf and his invention of the telephone before his 30th birthday bear testimony to the thoroughness of his
Alexander (“Graham” was not added until he was 11) was the second of the three sons of Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds Bell. Apart from one year at a private school, two years at Edinburgh's Royal High School (from which he was graduated at 14), and attendance at a few lectures at Edinburgh University and at University College in London, Bell was largely family trained and self-taught. His first professional post was at Mr. Skinner's school in Elgin, County Moray, where he instructed the children in both music and elocution.
The shock of the sudden death of his older brother from tuberculosis, which had also struck down his younger brother, and the strain of his professional duties soon took their toll on young Bell. Concern for their only surviving son prompted the family's move to Canada in August 1870, where, after settling near Brantford, Ont., Bell's health rapidly improved.

Bell was also deeply affected by his mother's gradual deafness, (she began to lose her hearing when he was 12) and learned a manual finger language so he could sit at her side and tap out silently the conversations swirling around the family parlour.[14] He also developed a technique of speaking in clear, modulated tones directly into his mother's forehead wherein she would hear him with reasonable clarity.[15] Bell's preoccupation with his mother's deafness led him to study acoustics.[/COLO

- مات له اثنين اخوه وهو صغير بمرض السل.

- ظهر عليه علامات المرض فانتقلت العائلة الى كندى لعلاجه.
- فقدت امه سمعها واصبحت صماء وهو في سن الثانية عشره.
- زوجته كانت صماء ووعدها بان يصنع لها اله تجعلها تسمع .
- مات له ولدان.
- عاش وعمر 16 سنه مع جده لمدة عام بعد عن الوالدين.

رغم مأساوية وضعه وعدم وجود تواريخ محددة لوفاة والديه سنعتبره عاش في كنفهم.

ليس يتيم لكنه مر بتجرة موت اخوته واحد اكبر منه وواحد اصغر منه.
فقدت امه السمع واثر ذلك فيه كثيرا وكان يجري تجارب ليجعلها تسمع.

ليس يتيم

قديم 08-05-2010, 09:51 PM
المشاركة 56
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة


Sir Alexander Fleming (6 August 1881 – 11 March 1955) was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist. Fleming published many articles on bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy. His best-known achievements are the discovery of the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin from the fungus Penicillium notatum in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain.[1]

In 1999, Time Magazine named Fleming one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century for his discovery of penicillin, and stated; "It was a discovery that would change the course of history. The active ingredient in that mold, which Fleming named penicillin, turned out to be an infection-fighting agent of enormous potency. When it was finally recognized for what it was—the most efficacious life-saving drug in the world—penicillin would alter forever the treatment of bacterial infections. By the middle of the century, Fleming's discovery had spawned a huge pharmaceutical industry, churning out synthetic penicillins that would conquer some of mankind's most ancient scourges, including syphilis, gangrene and tuberculosis".[2]
Early life

St.Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London.Fleming was born on 6 August 1881 at Lochfield, a farm near Darvel in East Ayrshire, Scotland. He was the third of the four children of Hugh Fleming (1816–1888) from his second marriage to Grace Stirling Morton (1848–1928), the daughter of a neighbouring farmer. Hugh Fleming had four surviving children from his first marriage. He was 59 at the time of his second marriage, and died when Alexander (known as Alec) was seven.

Fleming went to Louden Moor School and Darvel School, and then for two years to Kilmarnock Academy. After working in a shipping office for four years, the twenty-year-old Fleming inherited some money from an uncle, John Fleming. His older brother, Tom, was already a physician and suggested to his younger sibling that he follow the same career, and so in 1901, the younger Alexander enrolled at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London. He qualified for the school with distinction in 1906 and had the option of becoming a surgeon.


يتيم الاب في السابعة


قديم 08-05-2010, 09:52 PM
المشاركة 57
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مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

سيمون بوليفار

ولد سيمون بوليفار القائد الثوري والسياسي في كاراكاس في 24 يوليو عام 1783، وهو الشخص الذي تدين له جمهوريات أميركا اللاتينية باستقلالها عن الحكم الاسباني.

يلقبه البعض جورج واشنطن أميركا اللاتينية اسمه الكامل خوسيه أنطونيو دي لا سانتيسيما ترينيداد بوليفار إي بلاسيوس.

"في كلمة واحدة، هل تريدون أن تعرفوا لماذا نذرونا للحقول لزراعة الحبوب والقهوة وقصب السكر والكاكاو والقطن.. وللسهول الشاسعة المعزولة لرعاية قطعان الحيوانات، ولأحشاء الأرض؟ لاستخراج الذهب الذي تتعطش إليه اسبانيا".

هكذا وضّح سيمون بوليفار الدوافع الاقتصادية التي جعلت الشعب يهبّ لمقاومة النظام الاستعماري الاسباني ووكلاءه.

تأثر خلال دراسته بالفلسفة ودرس بشكل خاص جان جاك روسو الذي ترك أثراً عميقاً في شخصيته.

سافر بوليفار في مطلع شبابه إلى فرنسا حيث التقى بالعالم الألماني اسكندر هومبولت الذي نقل له اعتقاده بأن المستعمرات الاسبانية في حالة استعداد للتحرر، فراقت الفكرة لبوليفار وأخذ يمعن النظر في تحرير بلاده.

كان يقول: "إسبانيا ستنهزم لا محالة، لكن من الضروري أن يتحقق ذلك بأسرع وقت وبأقل الضحايا والأضرار".

كان السكان الأصليون لفنزويلا هم الهنود والذين عاشوا في المنطقة على شكل قبائل، وذلك قبل أن يقوم المستكشف كريستوفر كولومبس بالنزول إلي أرضها في عام 1498م وذلك من خلال رحلته الاستكشافية للعالم الجديد، وأيضاً قبل أن يتوافد عليها الأوربيون، استعمر الأسبان فنزويلا وحكمتها الحكومة الأسبانية على مدار ثلاثمائة عام، ويرجع الفضل في تحرير فنزويلا إلي سيمون بوليفار أحد القادة العسكريين في أمريكا الجنوبية في هذا العصر والذي أخذ على عاتقه مهمة التحرير لعدد من الدول في أمريكا الجنوبية ومن الدول التي نالت استقلالها على يديه بالإضافة لفنزويلا بوليفيا، كولومبيا، الإكوادور، بيرو، وكانت فنزويلا من أول المستعمرات التي طالبت بالاستقلال، وفي عام 1819 تمكن بوليفار من تأسيس جمهورية كولومبيا الكبرى والتي ضمت كل من فنزويلا وكولومبيا والإكوادور، وجاءت نهاية الاستعمار الأسباني بعد ثورة بوليفار في عام 1821م، وتم تسمية فنزويلا بعد ذلك فنزويلا البوليفارية نسبة إلي محررها سيمون بوليفار، كما أطلق على عملتها البوليفار.

في مطلع عام 1827، دبّ الخلاف بين غرناطة الجديدة وفنزويلا فأصلح بوليفار الوضع، إلا أن الأخيرة ما لبثت ان انفصلت عن كولومبيا في شتاء 1829، فأصيب بوليفار باليأس وغادر البلاد بناءً على دعوة أحد الإسبان المعجبين به. وتوفي بوليفار في بيت اسباني في يناير عام 1830.

كتب الروائي غابرييل غارسيا ماركيز كتابه "الجنرال في متاهته" حيث استحضر فيها تاريخ بطل تحرير أمريكا اللاتينية سيمون بوليفار من الاستعمار الإسباني.. وقد حرص على تتبع رحلته في أيامه الأخيرة مع عدد محدود من مرافقيه، وهو يعاني من المرض والخذلان.

وهو كما تقول الموسوعة العربية العالمية "الجنرال الفنزولي الذي ساعد بوليفيا وعدة دول أمريكية أخرى على التحرر من الحكم الاستعماري الأسباني".

لقد كان الجنرال يحلم بتوحيد أمريكا اللاتينية . وكان يكرر دائماً عبارته الشهيرة "سيكون لدى أعدائنا فرصة التفوق دائماً ما دمنا لم نوحد حكومة أمريكا" وكان قد نذر نفسه لهذا العمل، فنجد الجنرال دييغوا يبارا يقول: "إن الجنرال بوليفار لم ينجب أي ابن ، لكن مع ذلك هو أب وأم لجميع أرامل الأمة."

فعندما قابله الأرامل على ضفاف نهر الكاريبي في أيامه الأخيرة قال لهن "الأرامل الآن نحن . إننا يتامى ومغبونو ومنبوذو الاستقلال".

فكان يربط الاستقلال بالوحدة ويصر عليها فعندما قال لـه أحدهم: "ها نحن أولاء قد نلنا الاستقلال أيها الجنرال، فقل لنا الآن ماذا نفعل به" فرد بقوله :"الاستقلال مجرد مسألة كسب حرب . التضحيات الكبيرة ستأتي فيما بعد، لجعل هذه الشعوب وطناً واحداً". فيرد عليه: "التضحية هي الشيء الوحيد الذي فعلناه أيها الجنرال" فيرد عليهم :"ما زلنا بحاجة إلى المزيد، فالوحدة لا تقدر بثمن".

وقد طلب منه محبوه أن يكتب مذكراته وكان يرد عليهم رافضاً :"مطلقاً . هذه اهتمامات أموات".


Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios y Blanco, commonly known as Simón Bolívar (July 24, 1783 – December 17, 1830) was a South American political leader. Together with José de San Martín, he played a key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence from Spain.

Following the triumph over the Spanish Monarchy, Bolívar participated in the foundation of the first Republic of Colombia (today referred to by historians as "Gran Colombia" to avoid confusion with the current nation of the same name), a nation formed from several former Spanish colonies. He was President of Gran Colombia from 1819 to 1830. Bolívar is credited with contributing decisively to the independence of the present-day countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia and is revered as a national hero in them.

Simón Bolívar was born in Caracas, Captaincy General of Venezuela (now the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela). The Bolívar aristocratic bloodline derives from a small village in the Basque Country (Spain, Europe), called La Puebla de Bolívar, which is the origin of the surname.[1] His father descended remotely from King Fernando III of Castile and Count Amedeo IV of Savoy, and came from the male line of the de Ardanza family.[2] The Bolívars settled in Venezuela in the sixteenth century.

Simón Bolívar used his family's immense wealth to finance his revolutionary efforts.

Following the early deaths of his father Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte (died 1786), and his mother María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco (died 1792), he went to Spain in 1799 at age sixteen to complete his education.

يتيم يتم مكثف حيث مات الاب وعمره ثلاث سنوات والام وعمره

يتيم مكثف اليتم

قديم 08-05-2010, 09:53 PM
المشاركة 58
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

اوليفر كرومويل

أوليفر كرومويل، ولد في 25 أبريل 1955م في هانتنغتون، هاندندتونشاير. أوليفر كرومويل كان رجلاً عسكرياً ورجل دولة بريطاني، وقد قاد الجيش البرلماني خلال الحرب الأهلية البريطانية، وكان لورد (Lord Protector) في انجلترا، اسكتلندا وكذلك ايرلندا من عام 1653 حتى عام 1658م.

درس اوليفر كرومويل في جامعة كامبردج، وتزوج من الانسة اليزابيث بورشيير، وهذا جعله يرث املاكاً طائلة من خاله وكذلك من زوجته.

في عام 1628 بدأ التاريخ السياسي لأوليفر كرومويل حين تم انتخابه عضواً في البرلمان.

في عام 1641م، قام كرومويل بمساندة الجيش والبرلمان ضد الملك تشارلز الاول، وقد قاد ذلك إلى إعدام الملك تشارلز الاول، في مشهد مأساوي، وقد تم تمثيل هذه الفترة من التاريخ البريطاني في فيلم قبل عدة اعوام، ومن المشاهد المؤلمة. أن تشارلز الاول الذي رفض أن يتنازل عن العرش، بحكم أن الله اختاره ليصبح ملكاً، وليس مستعداً ان يتنازل عن ما اختاره الله له..! فكانت النتيجة أن تم اعدامه، وقد وقف كرومويل خلف الملك اثناء قتله، وأخذ يطلخ يديه بدماء الملك ويرفعها للحشود قائلاً: انظروا إن دمه احمر مثلنا.. مثل كل الناس، ليس دمه ازرق، كما كان يعتقد الناس..!

بعد ذلك اصبح أوليفر كرومويل رئيساً للمجلس الجمهوري لبريطانيا، وهذه الفترة القصيرة التي اصبحت فيها بريطانيا جمهورية، ولكن بعد ذلك عادت الاسرة المالكة الى الحكم بعد ان طلب الناس من العائلة العودة الى الحكم مرة اخرى، وبذلك انتهت فترة تاريخية مؤلمة من التاريخ البريطاني، كانت هناك حرب اهلية، وإعدام ملك بريطانيا، وتحول الدولة الى النظام الجمهوري لفترة وجيزة. وتوفي اوليفر كرومويل في 3 سبتمبر 1658م في لندن.

اوليفر كرومويل كان يعاني من نوبات ذهانية (Psychotic Episodes)، وكان رجلاً غريب الاطوار، حفظ الانجيل، وكان يعاني من هوس ديني، وكان من الذين اصطدموا برجال الدين في بريطانيا، وكان من الذين لا يطيعون السلطات، وكان دائم العصيان للمسؤولين والسلطات، وكان يعتقد بأنه شخص مختار من قبل الله ليحكم بريطانيا، لذلك استطاع اقناع الكثيرين بهذا الأمر، وهنا الخطورة، فرغم أنه من عائلة ارستقراطية، وعائلته لها مكانة مميزة بين العائلات الارستقراطية في السياسة البريطانية الا ان مرض كرومويل العقلي، جعله يقنع الآخرين بأنه شخص اختاره الله ليحكم بريطانيا، وقد تبعه أشخاص كثيرون، خاصة بعد أن اصبح قائد الجيش البرلماني الذي قاد التمرد ضد الملك وأعدم الملك تشارلز الأول. هنا تكمن خطورة الامراض العقلية التي تلعب دوراً خطيراً في كثير من الاوقات، فمرض اوليفر كرومويل بالهوس الديني، وهو للأسف ليس مرضاً نادراً، وكثيراً من الاحيان قد لا يعرف الاشخاص العاديين بأن هذا مرض بل يصدقونه، ويتعاونون معه، لذلك فإن خطورة الامراض العقلية المرتبطة بالدين، مثلما كان مع اوليفرا كرومويل، والذي كان حافظاً للانجيل واستخدم الدين لتعويض أكبر ملكية في العالم في ذلك الوقت، وحول اكثر الملكيات قوة ورسوخاً الى جمهورية، وكان شجاعاً نتيجة مرضه الذي يجعله لا يقدر ما النتائج التي قد يترتب عليها أفعاله.. لذلك كان يعتقد بأن الله معه، ولن يخذله، وللاسف اقتنع به الكثير من الناس في ذلك الوقت، واستطاع تحويل بريطانيا الى جمهورية واصبح الشخص الأول بما يعادل رئيس الجمهورية، ولكن بعد ذلك اكتشف المحيطون به غرابة اطواره ومرضه فنفوه الى احدى الجزر النائية، وعاد ليموت في لندن.. بعد أن غير تاريخ بريطانيا وجعلها جمهورية بدلاً من ملكية عتيدة في ذلك التاريخ. إن الامراض العقلية مثل هذه الامراض التي لا يعرفها الا الاشخاص المتخصصون في الصحة النفسية، وكثيراً ما نواجه اشخاصاً يدعون بأنهم انبياء أو ملوك أو اشخاص مشهورون تحت وطأة المرض. وهذا الذي قام به اوليفر كرومويل دليل ملموس على خطورة الامراض العقلية وما قد يترتب عليها من أفعال ومشاكل ربما تكون خطيرة، لأن المريض العقلي بمثل هذه الامراض لا يقدر الامور ومتهور جداً بحيث إنه لا يعرف الخطر ومستعد للموت من اجل افكاره المرضية.. لذلك يجب أخذ الامور بجدية عندما تظهر بعض الاعراض النفسية على أي شخص كان..!


Oliver Cromwell (25 April 1599 – 3 September 1658) was an English military and political leader best known for his involvement in making England into a republican Commonwealth and for his later role as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

He was one of the commanders of the New Model Army which defeated the royalists in the English Civil War. After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, Cromwell dominated the short-lived Commonwealth of England, conquered Ireland and Scotland, and ruled as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658.

Cromwell was born into the ranks of the middle gentry, and remained relatively obscure for the first 40 years of his life. At times his lifestyle resembled that of a yeoman farmer until his finances were boosted thanks to an inheritance from his uncle. After undergoing a religious conversion during the same decade, he made an Independent style of Puritanism a core tenet of his life. Cromwell was elected Member of Parliament for Cambridge in the Short (1640) and Long (1640-49) Parliaments, and later entered the English Civil War on the side of the "Roundheads" or Parliamentarians.

Youth, education
Records survive of Cromwell's baptism on 29 April 1599 at St. John's Church,[9] and his attendance at Huntingdon Grammar School
. He went on to study at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, which was then a recently founded college with a strong puritan ethos. He left in June 1617 without taking a degree, immediately after the death of his father.[


يتيم في الـ 18

قديم 08-05-2010, 09:54 PM
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

جون لوك

(1632-1704 CE)
John Locke was born in Wrington, Somerset in 1632, the son of a country lawyer who served as a Captain of Horse in the Parliamentary army; both his parents died when he was young. He was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford, and elected to a Studentship in 1659; for three or four years he taught Greek, rhetoric, and moral philosophy there. He hadn't, however, found the conventional, Aristotelian style of philosophy taught at that time to his taste, and went on to study medicine, finally receiving a degree in 1674, and a year later being elected to a medical Studentship. He wasn't, however, qualified to practise as a doctor, though he did so informally - and this led to an important change in his life, for he operated successfully on Lord Shaftesbury, whose household he joined as advisor, medic, and friend. Shaftesbury, an influential politician, was able to put various government appointments Locke's way. However, Shaftesbury fell from favour, and Locke not only lost a powerful patron, but felt threatened enough to leave England for France. His anti-Royalist views certainly made him unpopular in some quarters, and his prudence was probably well founded.

When Shaftesbury regained his influence briefly, Locke returned to England, but soon felt obliged to leave again, this time for the Netherlands, where he lived for five years, before finally returning to England on the accession of William and Mary. It was during his stay in the Netherlands that he wrote the Letter on Tolerance, and finished his two most important works, both published in 1690 after his return to England: An Essay on Human Understanding and Two Treatises on Government.

The new regime in England honoured Locke with various government posts. He settled at Oates in Essex, at the house of Damaris Masham, where he died in 1704 at the age of seventy-two, possibly as the result of a tiring journey made to London at the behest of King William.

Locke's philosophical interests divide roughly into three parts: political, epistemological, and scientific. On the scientific side, he was much influenced by his friend, the Irish scientist Robert Boyle, whom he helped with his experiments, and whose corpuscular theory of matter Locke argued for in the Essay. According to this theory, every physical thing is composed of sub-microscopic, indivisible particles, corpuscles, and all of an object's properties are the result of the arrangement of its corpuscles. There are two main kinds of property or quality: primary and secondary. They're both the powers to produce ideas in us, but whereas the ideas produced by primary qualities resemble the objects, the ideas produced by secondary qualities don't.

Primary qualities are spatiotemporal and quantitative (for example, size and shape), while secondary qualities are non-spatiotemporal and qualitative (for example, colour and taste). The secondary qualities depend upon the primary-quality arrangements of the corpuscles of the object, together with the arrangements of corpuscles in the perceiver, and (in the case of sight and hearing) the corpuscles making up the light or the air. Corpuscles themselves, of course, have primary but not secondary qualities.

This is a more sophisticated version of a distinction to be found in Galileo and Descartes; they considered the secondary qualities to be subjective, simply in the mind of the observer (and therefore of no interest to science), while Locke held all qualities to be objective, genuinely part of the world. The ideas produced by the qualities, on the other hand, do differ in their status: primary-quality ideas are utterly objective, secondary-quality aren't.

All knowledge, argues Locke, comes through the senses. there can be no innate ideas, no knowledge placed in us by god from birth. Rather, each of is born a tabula rasa, a blank slate, upon which experience writes. He accepts that we have innate abilities, such as the ability to reason, but no more. This isn't to say that we can only gain knowledge of what we can actually observe; that would be absurd; we can certainly use our reason to go beyond our experience - such as, for example, our knowledge of corpuscles - but not to replace it. The influence of Pierre Gassendi is clear here, but although he disagrees with Descartes in many respects, Locke is essentially a Cartesian philosopher, doing philosophy in the way that Descartes developed, and taking as his starting point many of Descartes' ideas.

With regard to politics, Locke was very much concerned to oppose the notion of the divine right of kings - the religious defence of absolute monarchy. He set out to show how the political state was established and justified, arguing that in the original, pre-political state of nature, people find that they need to join together in order to protect their natural rights. That is, there's a need for someone to play the part of an impartial adjudicator and defender of rights; that adjudicator must have the consent of the people, and in order to gain such protection they must willingly give up their personal right to punish wrongdoing. Society is thus founded on a contract; if the adjudicator - the sovereign - breaks the terms of the contract, the people have the right to rebel, and to choose another government.


- يتيم يتم مكثف حيث مات والديه وهو صغير


قديم 08-05-2010, 09:54 PM
المشاركة 60
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مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

ميكيل انجيلو

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni[1] (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci.

Michelangelo's output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when the sheer volume of correspondence, sketches, and reminiscences that survive is also taken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. Two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, were sculpted before he turned thirty. Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. As an architect, Michelangelo pioneered the Mannerist style at the Laurentian Library. At 74 he succeeded Antonio da Sangallo the Younger as the architect of Saint Peter's Basilica. Michelangelo transformed the plan, the western end being finished to Michelangelo's design, the dome being completed after his death with some modification.

In a demonstration of Michelangelo's unique standing, he was the first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive.[2] Two biographies were published of him during his lifetime; one of them, by Giorgio Vasari, proposed that he was the pinnacle of all artistic achievement since the beginning of the Renaissance, a viewpoint that continued to have currency in art history for centuries. In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one").[3] One of the qualities most admired by his contemporaries was his terribilità, a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur, and it was the attempts of subsequent artists to imitate Michelangelo's impassioned and highly personal style that resulted in Mannerism, the next major movement in Western art after the High Renaissance

Early life
Michelangelo was born on 6 March 1475[a] in Caprese near Arezzo, Tuscany.[4] His family had for several generations been small-scale bankers in Florence but his father, Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti di Simoni, failed to maintain the bank's financial status, and held occasional government positions.[2] At the time of Michelangelo's birth, his father was the Judicial administrator of the small town of Caprese and local administrator of Chiusi. Michelangelo's mother was Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena.[5] The Buonarrotis claimed to descend from the Countess Mathilde of Canossa; this claim remains unproven, but Michelangelo himself believed it.[6] Several months after Michelangelo's birth the family returned to Florence where Michelangelo was raised.

At later times, during the prolonged illness and after the death of his mother when he was seven years old, Michelangelo lived with a stonecutter and his wife and family in the town of Settignano where his father owned a marble quarry and a small farm.[5] Giorgio Vasari quotes Michelangelo as saying, "If there is some good in me, it is because I was born in the subtle atmosphere of your country of Arezzo. Along with the milk of my nurse I received the knack of handling chisel and hammer, with which I make my figures."[4]
Michelangelo's father sent him to study grammar with the Humanist Francesco da Urbino in Florence as a young boy.[4][7][b] The young artist, however, showed no interest in his schooling, preferring to copy paintings from churches and seek the company of painters.[7] At thirteen, Michelangelo was apprenticed to the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio.[1][8] When Michelangelo was only fourteen, his father persuaded Ghirlandaio to pay his apprentice as an artist, which was highly unusual at the time.[9] When in 1489 Lorenzo de' Medici, de facto ruler of Florence, asked Ghirlandaio for his two best pupils, Ghirlandaio sent Michelangelo and Francesco Granacci.[10] From 1490 to 1492, Michelangelo attended the Humanist academy which the Medici had founded along Neo Platonic lines. Michelangelo studied sculpture under Bertoldo di Giovanni. At the academy, both Michelangelo's outlook and his art were subject to the influence of many of the most prominent philosophers and writers of the day including Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola and Angelo Poliziano.[11] At this time Michelangelo sculpted the reliefs Madonna of the Steps (1490–1492) and Battle of the Centaurs (1491–1492). The latter was based on a theme suggested by Poliziano and was commissioned by Lorenzo de Medici.[12] While both were apprenticed to Bertoldo di Giovanni, Pietro Torrigiano struck the 17 year old on the nose, and thus caused that disfigurement which is so conspicuous in all the portraits of Michelangelo. [13]

Early adulthood
Lorenzo de' Medici's death on 8 April 1492, brought a reversal of Michelangelo's circumstances.[14] Michelangelo left the security of the Medici court and returned to his father's house. In the following months he carved a wooden crucifix (1493), as a gift to the prior of the Florentine church of Santo Spirito, who had permitted him some studies of anatomy on the corpses of the church's hospital.[15] Between 1493 and 1494 he bought a block of marble for a larger than life statue of Hercules, which was sent to France and subsequently disappeared sometime circa 1700s.[12][c] On 20 January 1494, after heavy snowfalls, Lorenzo's heir, Piero de Medici commissioned a snow statue, and Michelangelo again entered the court of the Medici.

In the same year, the Medici were expelled from Florence as the result of the rise of Savonarola. Michelangelo left the city before the end of the political upheaval, moving to Venice and then to Bologna.[14] In Bologna he was commissioned to finish the carving of the last small figures of the Shrine of St. Dominic, in the church dedicated to that saint. Towards the end 1494, the political situation in Florence was calmer. The city, previously under threat from the French, was no longer in danger as Charles VIII had suffered defeats. Michelangelo returned to Florence but received no commissions from the new city government under Savonarola. He returned to the employment of the Medici.[16] During the half year he spent in Florence he worked on two small statues, a child St. John the Baptist and a sleeping Cupid. According to Condivi, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici, for whom Michelangelo had sculpted St. John the Baptist, asked that Michelangelo "fix it so that it looked as if it had been buried" so he could "send it to Rome…pass [it off as] an ancient work and…sell it much better." Both Lorenzo and Michelangelo were unwittingly cheated out of the real value of the piece by a middleman. Cardinal Raffaele Riario, to whom Lorenzo had sold it, discovered that it was a fraud, but was so impressed by the quality of the sculpture that he invited the artist to Rome.[17] [d] This apparent success in selling his sculpture abroad as well as the conservative Florentine situation may have encouraged Michelangelo to accept the prelate's i


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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
قبيلة ال هشام اليامية الهمدانية العجمــي منبر ذاكرة الأمكنة والحضارات والأساطير 1 07-21-2022 02:34 PM
الدولة الحاتمية اليامية الهمدانية العجمــي منبر ذاكرة الأمكنة والحضارات والأساطير 1 07-09-2022 09:06 PM
عين على نصوص منبر القصة الخالدة . ياسر علي منبر القصص والروايات والمسرح . 11 03-01-2014 06:29 PM
اثر توقيت اليتم على شاعرية الشاعر : دراسة مقارنة ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 3 07-09-2011 11:05 AM
بلقيسنا الخالدة وبلقيسنا المنتظرة صالح العجمي منبر البوح الهادئ 14 10-21-2010 08:29 AM

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