عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-18-2013, 03:34 PM
المشاركة 448
ايوب صابر
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تابع العناصر التي شكلت الروعة لدى الرواية رقم -15- سيبيل: الامتان.. للمؤلف بنجامين ديسرايلي.

- The general reader whose attention has not been specially drawn to the subject which these volumes aim to illustrate, the Condition of the People, might suspect that the Writer had been tempted to some exaggeration in the scenes which he has drawn and the impressions which he has wished to convey.

- He thinks it therefore due to himself to state that he believes there is not a trait in this work for which he has not the authority of his own observation, or the authentic evidence which has been received by Royal Commissions and Parliamentary Committees. But while he hopes he has alleged nothing which is not true, he has found the absolute necessity of suppressing much that is genuine.

- For so little do we know of the state of our own country that the air of improbability that the whole truth would inevitably throw over these pages, might deter many from their perusal

- This book is described as a novel with a thesis (as I mentioned). That means that Disraeli was trying to reach the masses and the powers-that-be by slipping his political and societal rhetoric, like a little pill, into literary applesauce.

- It was effective. Now, more than 150 years later, it is less effective, but it is interesting to witness.
- For one, Disraeli is an alright novelist, but not the best.
- His characters tend to be flat (uncomplicated) and he is extremely fond of the surprise ending chapter.
- (For example, you enter the chapter reading about a “guy” and some other people, and lots of events take place, and at the end of the chapter he suddenly writes, “and that man was EGREMONT” (yes, with the capitalization). Really obnoxious to us modern readers.

الايتام لديهم فرصة اكبر لانتاج روايات عالمية تعرف لماذا هنا:

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