عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-24-2012, 03:14 PM
المشاركة 10
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
9-هرنان كورتيز
Hernándo Cortés Pizarro was his full name in Spanish. He was born in 1485 in the kingdom of Castile (now a part of Spain) in the city of Medellín. His was an upper class family, though his parents weren't wealthy. He was somewhat sickly as a child, and the family's only son.

At the age of 14, his parents sent him to the University of Salamanca
to eventually study law. But he wasn't happy at school, too restless to follow the rules. He did learn a little Latin, and became good at writing. After two years (failing his course) he returned home, but wasn't happy there either. As stories began to come in about the mysterious "New World", Hernan Cortez wanted to be a part of it.

After a time of doing not much, he decided to follow the life of a soldier. He joined an expedition to the New World, but never made it on board.

He was involved in an affair with a local girl. One night he was climbing a wall to get to her apartment, and the wall gave way. He crashed down, buried under the rubble, and was stuck in bed until after his ship had departed.


Hernán Cortés is described as a pale, sickly child by his biographer, chaplain, and friend Francisco López de Gómara. At the age of 14, Cortés was sent to study at the University of Salamanca in west-central Spain. This was Spain's great center of learning, and while accounts vary as to the nature of Cortés's studies, his later writings and actions suggest he studied Law and probably Latin.
After two years, Cortés, tired of schooling, returned home to Medellín, much to the irritation of his parents, who had hoped to see him equipped for a profitable legal career. However, those two years at Salamanca, plus his long period of training and experience as a notary, first in Seville and later in Hispaniola, would give him a close acquaintance with the legal codes of Castile that helped him to justify his unauthorized conquest of Mexico.[
At this point in his life, Cortés was described by Gómara as restless, haughty and mischievous.This was probably a fair description of a 16-year-old boy who had returned home only to find himself frustrated by life in his small provincial town. By this time, news of the exciting discoveries of Christopher Columbus in the New World was streaming back to Spain.

كان وحيد والديه وكان في طفولته مريض مصفر الوجه. ارسله واليده وهو في سن الرابعة عشر للدرسة القانون في الجامعة لكنه فشل في الدراسة ولم يكن يحب الالتزام بالنظام. كان مبهورا في اكتشاف العالم الجديد وسافر وعمره 19 سنة ضمن احدى الفرق الاستكشافية وتولى قيادة فرقة لاحتلال المكسيك ويبدو ان قدرته على هزيمة حضارة الازتك واحتلال المكسيك جعلت هذا الجانب من حياته يطغى على احداث طفولته.

لا يعرف متى مات والديه، لكن يبدو انه كان يعاني من حالة نفسية منذ الطفولة. مغادرته للعائلة في سن الرابعة عشر للدراسة ربما كانت عامل مهم في حياته...ويمكن اعتباره يتيم اجتماعي بسبب ذلك.

مصير والديه مجهول لكن يمكن اعتباره :

يتيم اجتماعي.