عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-02-2011, 09:43 AM
المشاركة 119
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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مارسيل بروست
Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (French pronunciation: ; 10 July 1871 – 18 November 1922) was a French novelist, critic, and essayist best known for his monumental À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time; earlier translated as Remembrance of Things Past). It was published in seven parts between 1913 and 1927.

ولد مارسي بورست في عام 1871
Marcel Proust was born in Auteuil, near Paris, the son of an eminent doctor, Adrien Proust, and his wife, Jeanne Weil, who was from a well-to-do Alsatian Jewish family.
The village of Auteuil, where Proust spent his holidays as a child, was described in an 1855 guidebook as "out of a comic opera." Later Auteuil and Illiers became the Combray of Remembrance of Things Past.
Proust was baptized as Catholic, but he never practiced the religion.
ولد بروست من عائلة يهودية لكنه تم تعميده كايوليكي ولم يمارس الدين ابدا
From 1882 to 1889 Proust attended the Lycée Condorcet, where he felt isolated and misunderstood. "We were rough with him," recalled one of his classmates.
انضم بروست عام 1882 الى مدرسة ليسيه كوندورست ( مدرسة داخلية ) حيث شعر الوحدة هناك والعزلة وعانا من سوء الفهم وكان زملاؤه يسيئون معاملته وقد انقطع لبعض الوقت عن الدراسة بسبب المرض
In spite of his severe asthma, from which he had suffered since childhood, Proust did his one year military service at Orléans.
على الرغم انه عانى من الازمة لكمه خدم في الجيش لمدة سنة
Proust studied law at the famous Sorbonne at the École des Sciences Politiques.
درس القانون
He contributed to Symbolist magazines and frequented the salons of the Faubourg Saint-Germain, the wealthy and aristocratic area of Paris. During the late summer of 1895 he started to write JEAN SANTEUIL, which he later abandoned. In 1896 his first books appeared: PORTRAITS DE PEINTRES and LES PLAISIRS ET LES JOURS, with drawings by Madeleine Lemaire. Proust's unpublished texts from this period, Jean Santeuil and CONTRE-SAINTE BEUVE, an attack on the biographical criticism of Sainte-Beuve, were discovered in the 1950s.
"It seems that the taste for books grows with intelligence, a little below it but on the same stem, as every passion is accomplished by a predilection for that which surrounds its object, which has an affinity for it, which in its absence still speaks of it. So, the great writers, during those hours when they are not in direct communication with their thought, delight in the society of books. Besides, is it not chiefly for them that they have been written; do they not disclose to them a thousand beauties, which remain hidden to the masses?" (Proust in Reading in Bed, selected and edited by Steven Gilbar, 1995)
From 1895 to 1899 Proust worked on an autobiographical novel that remained unfinished. In 1899 he started to translate the English art critic John Ruskin, without knowing much English.
His earliest love affairs, which had been heterosexual, changed later into homosexual affairs.
تحول الى الشذوذ الجنسي رغم انه كان قد اسس علاقات نسائية
Among them was Alfred Agostelli, who was married and was killed in an air accident. According to some sources, Proust frequented Le Cuziat's male brothel, but although these details have fascinated his biographers, they have shed little light on his on his literary accomplishments. To the age of 35 Proust lived the life of a snob and social climber in the salons. For a short time he worked as a lawyer and was active in the Dreyfuss affair, like Émile Zola and other artists and intellectuals.
"A great part – perhaps the greatest – of Proust's writing is intended to show the havoc wrought in and round us by Time; and he succeeded amazingly not only in suggesting to the reader, but in making him actually feel, the universal decay invincibly creeping over everything and everybody with a kind of epic and horrible power." (Georges Lemaitre in Four French Novelists, 1938)
Throughout his life Proust suffered from asthma.
عانة طوال حياتة من مرض الازمة
He was looked after by his Jewish mother, to whom the writer was – neurotically – attached.
كانت مرتبط بأمة بعلاقة حميمة
After the death of his father in 1903 and mother in 1905, Proust withdrew gradually from high-society circles.
- مات ابوه عام 1903 ( وعمره 33 سنة) وماتت امه عام 1905 وانسحب بروست من المجتمع الراقي
- ولد مارسي بورست في عام 1871
- ولد بروست من عائلة يهودية لكنه تم تعميده كايوليكي ولم يمارس الدين ابدا
- انضم بروست عام 1882 الى مدرسة ليسيه كوندورست ( مدرسة داخلية ) حيث شعر الوحدة هناك والعزلة وعانا من سوء الفهم وكان زملاؤه يسيئون معاملته وقد انقطع لبعض الوقت عن الدراسة بسبب المرض
- على الرغم انه عانى من الازمة لكمه خدم في الجيش لمدة سنة
- درس القانون
- تحول الى الشذوذ الجنسي رغم انه كان قد اسس علاقات نسائية
- عانة طوال حياتة من مرض الازمة
- كانت مرتبط بأمة بعلاقة حميمة
- مات ابوه عام 1903 ( وعمره 33 سنة) وماتت امه عام 1905 وانسحب بروست من المجتمع الراقي

واضح انه شخص مأزوم من ناحيتن اولا مرضه بالازمة وثانيا شذوذه الجنسي. صحيح انه ليس يتم لكن موت والده اولا وهو في سن الثالثة والثلاثين ثم والدته التي كان يرتبط بها بعلاقة متينة حد المرض وزواج اخاه جعله في ازمة كبيرة.

سنعتبره مأزون