عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-11-2011, 10:04 AM
المشاركة 151
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966), known as Evelyn Waugh, was an English writer of novels, travel books and biographies. He was also a prolific journalist and reviewer. His best-known works include his early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934), his novel Brideshead Revisited (1945) and his trilogy of Second World War novels collectively known as Sword of Honour (1952–61). Waugh is widely recognised as one of the great prose stylists of the 20th century.
- افيلن ووغ كاتب و روائي انجليزي ولد عام 1903
English writer, regarded by many as the leading satirical novelist of his day. Among Waugh's most popular books is BRIDESHEAD REVISITED (1945), depicting the Oxford world of the late 1920s. It was made into a highly successful television series in 1981, starring Jeremy Irons and Anthony Andrews. Waugh wrote sixteen novels. He also published travel books and biographies.

'I have been here before,' I said; I had been there before; first with Sebastian more than twenty years ago on a cloudless day in June, when the ditches were creamy with meadowsweet and the air heavy with all the scents of summer; it was a day of peculiar splendour, and though I had been there so often, in so many moods, it was to that first visit that my heart returned on this, my latest." (from Brideshead Revisited)

Evelyn Waugh was born in London into a comfortable middle-class family. Catherine (Raban) Waugh, his mother, was born in India, but grew up in England. Evelyn had a better relationship with her than with his his father, Arthur Waugh (1866-1943), a publisher and literary critic, who preferred Evelyn's older brother Alec.
كانت علاقته مع امه افضل منها مع والده والذي توفي عام 1943
Waugh was educated at Lancing College, Sussex, and at Hertford College, Oxford, where he read modern history. For his disappointment, the behavior of the upper-class student was not especially sophisticated - it was savage and amoral, and at Lancing College Waugh was bullied by his classmates. Later he returned to his experiences in his novels. His college years Waugh spent in drinking.
درس في مدرسة داخلية وتعرض للترهيب من زملاؤه في المدرسة والكلية
Alec, his brother, had an homosexual relationship at the Sherborn College. After being dismissed, Alec Waugh wrote an autobiographical book of the event, which in practice had prevented Evelyn from entering the same college.
كان اخاه اليك شاذ جنسيا وقد كتب مذكراته في كلية شيرورن وعليه منعت المدرسة افلين من الالتحاق بها
After studying in London at Heatherley's Art School and working for a short time as a schoolmaster at Arnold House in North Wales, Waugh devoted himself to writing. Three years before starting his career as a writer, Waugh attempted suicide. He walked out into the water and began swimming but decided to return.
قبل ان يبدا مسيرة حيات ككاتب حاول الانتحار اتجه الى الماء لكنه قرر العودة
The "happy ending" of Vile Bodies was not in tune with Waugh's own life, which was falling apart. He had fallen in love with Diana Guinness (later Diana Mosley), and his wife had left him for a BBC news editor. In 1930 Waugh converted to Roman Catholicism. After the collapse of his marriage with Evelyn Gardner, Waugh travelled in Africa and South America.
فشل في الزواج وسافر الى امركيا الجنوبية وافريقيا
Waugh published several travel books, and worked as a foreign correspondent, notably in Abessinia to cover the Italian invasion in 1936. In 1937 he married Laura Herbert; they had six children, though he was believed to be a homosexual.
تزوج من لاورا هربرت رغم ان الاعتقاد السائد انه شاذ جنسيا
Waugh served in the Middle East. PUT OUT MORE FLAGS (1942) satirized W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood, who did not serve in the army, but emigrated to the United States. Waugh called them "Parsnip and Pimpernell".
خدم في الجيش في الشرق الاوسط
With his friend, Randolph Churchill, he joined in 1944 a British military mission into Yugoslavia and was injured in a plane accident.
عام 1944 انضم الى مهمة عسكرية بريطانية في يوغسلافيا واصيب بعد ان تحطمت الطائرة التي كان يستقلها
Most of his company died in the flames - Churchill and Philip Jordan were among the other fortunates.
معظم اصدقاؤه ماتوا في الحريق الذي نتج عن سقوط الطائره
The Scottish writer Eric Linklater, who met Waugh in Rome, was shocked to see his colleague's frail and shrunken look, "so different from his ordinary compact and hardy appeareance."
The biography of Ronald A. Knox (1959) was about Waugh's friend, Father Knox, who was a priest and scholar and prolific essayist, satirist, and novelist. Knox's translation of the Bible, for which he devoted his later life, appeared in 1955. He also published detective novels. THE ORDEAL OF GILBERT PINFOLD (1957) was based on the Waugh's bout of hallucinations caused by his use of both alcohol and sleeping potions.

كتب رواية THE ORDEAL OF GILBERT PINFOLD (1957 من واقع هلوساته التي تسبب فيها شربه للخمر وحبوب النوم.

The first volume of Waugh's unfinished autobiography, A LITTLE LEARNING, appeared in 1964. His letters were published in 1980. Waugh died on April 10, 1966, in Combe Florey, Somerset - he collapsed and died in the toilet.
مات عام 1966
Waugh had converted to Roman Catholicism in 1930, after the failure of his first marriage.
تحول الى الكاثوليكية بعد فشل زواجه الاول
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh was born on 28 October 1903 to Arthur Waugh (1866-1943) and Catherine Charlotte Raban (1870-1954), into a family with English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Huguenot origins.
ماتت امه عام 1954


- افيلن ووغ كاتب و روائي انجليزي ولد عام 1903
- كانت علاقته مع امه افضل منها مع والده والذي توفي عام 1943
- ماتت امه عام 1954
- درس في مدرسة داخلية وتعرض للترهيب من زملاؤه في المدرسة والكلية
- كان اخاه اليك شاذ جنسيا وقد كتب مذكراته في كلية شيرورن وعليه منعت المدرسة افلين من الالتحاق بها
- قبل ان يبدا مسيرة حيات ككاتب حاول الانتحار اتجه الى الماء لكنه قرر العودة
- فشل في الزواج وسافر الى امركيا الجنوبية وافريقيا
- تزوج من لاورا هربرت رغم ان الاعتقاد السائد انه شاذ جنسيا
- خدم في الجيش في الشرق الاوسط
- عام 1944 انضم الى مهمة عسكرية بريطانية في يوغسلافيا واصيب بعد ان تحطمت الطائرة التي كان يستقلها
- معظم اصدقاؤه ماتوا في الحريق الذي نتج عن سقوط الطائره
- كتب رواية THE ORDEAL OF GILBERT PINFOLD (1957 من واقع هلوساته التي تسبب فيها شربه للخمر وحبوب النوم.
- مات عام 1966
- تحول الى الكاثوليكية بعد فشل زواجه الاول

توتر العلاقة مع الاب والمدارس الداخلية واتهامه بالشذوذ الجنسي ثم محاولته الانتحار وهلوساته وادمانه على الكحول والحبوب المنومة تشير الى انه شخص :
