عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-04-2013, 02:52 PM
المشاركة 1398
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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تابع...ترجمة مقال الدكتورة لين والتي تصف فيه اثر صاعقة الفقد ( موت امها )عليها

Are the Buddhists likewise on the right track when they speak of the “mind” or
“consciousness” somehow existing in a non-material state, surviving the death of the body? I was raised in the world of science, evolutionary theory was our religion. It is still the determining factor in what one would call my “world view.”
But maybe this “hole in my heart” is more than a metaphor, and maybe it’s not a hole after all. If cells of my mother are floating around, in my brain or my heart or anywhere, they are still there, still active, live biological matter. The saying goes that the dead go on living in the memories of those who loved them. Perhaps they go on living in a far more complex and mysterious manner, perhaps we are interconnected in an infinite path through multiple generations, through all of infinite space.

فهل البوذيون على حق حينما يتحدثون عن أن الدماغ أو الوعي موجود في حالة غير مادية؟ وانه يستمر في الوجود بعد موت الجسد؟
لقد نشأت في عالم يفكر بطريقة علمية...وكانت نظرية التطور هي ديننا...وهي حتما ما تزال العامل الحاسم في تحديد ما يسمى بنظرتي العالمية.
لكن ربما أن هذا الثقب الذي في قلبي هو أكثر من مجرد شعور مجازي، وربما انه ليس ثقب أيضا ذلك إذا كانت خلايا أمي ما تزال تسبح في دماغي أو قلبي أو أي مكان آخر وأنها ما تزال نشيطة وتعيش حياة بيولوجية .
وكما يقول المثل بأن الأموات يستمرون في العيش في ذاكرة من أحبوهم...وربما أنهم يستمرون في العيش بصورة أكثر تعقيدا وغموضا مما نتصور..وربما أننا نرتبط ببعضنا البعض في عبور لا متناهي وعبر الأجيال وعبر الفضاء اللامحدود.

انتظروني في ترجمة المقال المذكور عن وجود خلال فينا من امهاتنا...

Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains

The connection between mother and child is ever deeper than thought

By Robert Martone

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

A living connectionImage: ock / Анастасия Попова

The link between a mother and child is profound, and new research suggests a physical connection even deeper than anyone thought. The profound psychological and physical bonds shared by the mother and her child begin during gestation when the mother is everything for the developing fetus, supplying warmth and sustenance, while her heartbeat provides a soothing constant rhythm.

The physical connection between mother and fetus is provided by the placenta, an organ, built of cells from both the mother and fetus, which serves as a conduit for the exchange of nutrients, gasses, and wastes. Cells may migrate through the placenta between the mother and the fetus, taking up residence in many organs of the body including the lung, thyroid muscle, liver, heart, kidney and skin. These may have a broad range of impacts, from tissue repair and cancer prevention to sparking immune disorders.

It is remarkable that it is so common for cells from one individual to integrate into the tissues of another distinct person. We are accustomed to thinking of ourselves as singular autonomous individuals, and these foreign cells seem to belie that notion, and suggest that most people carry remnants of other individuals. As remarkable as this may be, stunning results from a new study show that cells from other individuals are also found in the brain. In this study, male cells were found in the brains of women and had been living there, in some cases, for several decades. What impact they may have had is now only a guess, but this study revealed that these cells were less common in the brains of women who had Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting they may be related to the health of the brain.

We all consider our bodies to be our own unique being, so the notion that we may harbor cells from other people in our bodies seems strange. Even stranger is the thought that, although we certainly consider our actions and decisions as originating in the activity of our own individual brains, cells from other individuals are living and functioning in that complex structure. However, the mixing of cells from genetically distinct individuals is not at all uncommon. This condition is called chimerism after the fire-breathing Chimera from Greek mythology, a creature that was part serpent part lion and part goat. Naturally occurring chimeras are far less ominous though, and include such creatures as the slime mold and corals.

Microchimerism is the persistent presence of a few genetically distinct cells in an organism. This was first noticed in humans many years ago when cells containing the male “Y” chromosome were found circulating in the blood of women after pregnancy. Since these cells are genetically male, they could not have been the women’s own, but most likely came from their babies during gestation.

In this new study, scientists observed that microchimeric cells are not only found circulating in the blood, they are also embedded in the brain. They examined the brains of deceased women for the presence of cells containing the male “Y” chromosome. They found such cells in more than 60 percent of the brains and in multiple brain regions. Since Alzheimer’s disease is more common in women who have had multiple pregnancies, they suspected that the number of fetal cells would be greater in women with AD compared to those who had no evidence for neurological disease. The results were precisely the opposite: there were fewer fetal-derived cells in women with Alzheimer’s. The reasons are unclear.

Microchimerism most commonly results from the exchange of cells across the placenta during pregnancy, however there is also evidence that cells may be transferred from mother to infant through nursing. In addition to exchange between mother and fetus, there may be exchange of cells between twins in utero, and there is also the possibility that cells from an older sibling residing in the mother may find their way back across the placenta to a younger sibling during the latter’s gestation. Women may have microchimeric cells both from their mother as well as from their own pregnancies, and there is even evidence for competition between cells from grandmother and infant within the mother.


حملة الايتام مشاريع العظماء
عزيزي الزائرالكريم
ان كنت يتيم و وصلت الى هنا، فلا بد انك الان قد اقتنعت بأن سر عبقريتك يكمن في يُتمك..... ولا بد انك اصبحت مدركا بالدور الطليعي الذي تقوم به انت ويقوم به غيرك من الايتامعبر التاريخ سره يكمن في اليتم...فهو مفجر الطاقات وشاحذ الهمم ومولد الابداعات وصانع العظماء...
وعليه لا بد انك الان توافق معي على اهمية نشر الوعي الى التالي:
- اليتم هو سر العبقرية والابداع في اعلى حالاته.
- الايتام مشاريع العظماء.
- الايتام عظماء المستقبل.
- رعاية وكفالة اليتيم واجب ديني واخلاقي وانساني ووطني وعقلي..وليس شفقة واحسان.
- إن اهم استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم.
وعليه ...دعنا إذا نُعرِفّ العالم باهمية هذا الدور الذي يلعبه الايتام في المجتمعات واهمية الرعاية والكفالة لهم .
وليبدأ هذا الجهد بتعريف الناس بذلك من خلال ارسال هذا الرابط الى اكبر عدد ممكن من الناس، ولتبدأ بقائمتك اصدقائك البريدية ولتطلب منهم اعادة ارسال الرابط الى ان تصل المعلومة لكل ذي لب وقلب وجيب عامر...

ولك الشكر ،،،
الايتام مشاريع العظماء ....وهم بحاجة لدعمك ورعايتك واهتمامك ولتتذكر ان اهم استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم:
يمكنك ايضا مشاهدة ودعوة اصدقائك لمشاهدة ما اقوله عن العلاقة بين اليتم والعبقرية حسب نظريتي في تفسير الطاقة الابداعية على الرابط التالي:

اذا سمحت ...ارسل رسالتك هسا حتى ما تنسى..