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قديم 08-23-2012, 12:06 AM
المشاركة 3
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A Doll's House
A collection of anthologies, resource and reference books
including titles from Oscar Wilde, Mary Shelley, Alex Madina, Jo Phillips and Adrian Barlow.
About A Doll's House:l

Ibsen's A Doll's House (1879), written while Ibsen was in Rome and Amalfi, was born in a time of revolution in Europe. Charged with the fever of the 1848 revolution, a new modern perspective was beginning to emerge in the literary and dramatic world, challenging the romantic tradition; it is Ibsen who can be credited for mastering and popularizing the realist drama derived from this new perspective. His plays were both read and performed throughout Europe (in numerous translations) like no other dramatist before. A Doll's House was published and premiered in Copenhagen.

Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906):l
Henrik Johan Ibsen, born in 1828 in Skien, Norway, was the eldest of five children after the early death of his older brother. His father, Knud Ibsen, one in a long line of sea captains, was born in 1797 in Skein and married Marichen Cornelia Martie Altenburg, the daughter of a German merchant, in 1825.
Though Ibsen later reported that Skein was a pleasant place to grow up in, his own childhood was not particularly happy. Described as an unsociable child, his sense of isolation increased at the age of sixteen when his father's business had to be sold to meet the demands of his creditors.

On top of this, a rumor began circulating that Henrik was the illegitimate son of another man. Although the rumor was never proven to be true, it manifested itself in the theme of illegitimate offspring that runs throughout Ibsen's later works. After Knud's business was repossessed, all that remained of the family's former estate was a dilapidated farmhouse on the outskirts of Skein. It was there that Ibsen began to attend the small, middle-class school where he cultivated a talent for painting, if nothing else. He was also taught German and Latin, as well as drawing. In 1843, at the age of fifteen, Ibsen was confirmed and taken from the school. Though he had declared his interest in becoming a painter, Ibsen was apprenticed to an apothecary shortly before his sixteenth birthday.

Leaving his family, Ibsen traveled to Grimstad, a small, isolated town, to begin his apprenticeship. He maintained a strong desire to gain admission to the University to study medicine, and also fathered an illegitimate son with the maid of the apothecary. Despite his unhappy lot, Ibsen began to write in earnest in Grimstad. Inspired by the revolution of 1848, Ibsen wrote satire and elegant poetry. At the age of twenty-one, Ibsen left Grimstad for the capital. While in Christiania (now Oslo), Ibsen passed his exams but opted not to pursue his education, instead turning to playwriting and journalism. It was in Christiania that he penned his first play, Cataline, written in blank verse about the failure of the conspiracy against Rome, and published in 1849. It sold only 45 copies and was rejected by every theatre Ibsen submitted it to for performance. Ibsen also spent time analyzing and criticizing modern Norwegian literature.
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