عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-05-2010, 10:08 PM
المشاركة 80
ايوب صابر
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

الملكة ايزابيلا الاولى

تعد هذه الملكة أحد البطلات إلى نفوس الإسبانيين .
فبعض الملكات عظيمات لأنهن يحكمن بلادهن في أوج عزها كالملكة فكتوريا ، مثلا . وبعضهن يكتسبن عظمتهن من الرجال الذي حولهن كاليزابث الأولى ، ملكة انكلترا . أما إيزابيلا ملكة اسبانيا ، فهي التي صنعت بلادها بنفسها ، وصنعت كذلك عصرها ومجدها ... فكانت وراء كريستوف كولومبوس ، مكتشف العالم الجديد .

توفي أبوها ، ملك قشتالة ( كاستيل ) أحدى أكبر الممالك في أسبانيا - وهي ماتزال طفلة ) 3 سنوات . فملأت الكآبة نفس والدتها ، وتربع على العرش أخو ايزابيلا ( غير الشقيق ) هنري الذي عُرف بالعاجز . وقد ترعرعت إيزابيلا ، الطفلة الجميلة ، في البلاط الملكي في مدريد حيث عرفت بتفكك اسبانيا : فهناك ملك على قشتالة ، وآخر على آراغون ، والعرب ما يزالون مخندقين في غرناطة إلى الجنوب .

ولما بلغت السابعة عشرة من عمرها تقدم لطلب يدها ثلاثة : أميران وملك : ملك البرتغال العجوز الغني ، ودوق غوين شقيق ملك فرنسا ، والأمير فرديناندو الأرغوني ، وهو الشاب الوسيم الذي كانت تحلم به منذ طفولتها . ولم يكن أختيارها هذا الشاب اختيار قلبها فحسب بل كان اختيار سكان قشتالة .

وباتحادهما برباط الزواج ولدت دولة جديدة هي إسبانيا الحديثة في 19 تشرين الأول 1469 . ولما توفي أخوها هنري اعتلت العرش خوفا من أحد المطالبين به أثناء وجود زوجها في آراغون لقمع إحدى الثورات ، كان ذلك في 14 كانون الأول 1474 .

وزحف ملك البرتغال الطامع بعرش ايزابيلا إلى قلب قشتالة على رأس جيش قوامه 40 ألف رجل . فلم يكن من الملكة إلا أن اقتدت بجان دارك ، فامتطت جوادا ، وتدرعت ، وراحت تجوب انحاء البلاد طالبة الأموال والرجال للدفاع عن المملكة ، فجيش منهم فرديناندو قوة عسكرية ضمنت له الفوز المبين على الغزاة .

استمر فترة حكم ايزابيلا الأولى لقشتالة من سنة 1474 إلى 1504 .

http://www.q8xpert.com/articles.php?action= show&id=35
Isabella I (Spanish: Isabel I, Ysabel, Galician: Sabela I; 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was Queen of Castile and León. She and her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon brought stability to both kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Later the two laid the foundation for the political unification of Spain under their grandson, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.
The original Castilian version of her name was Ysabel (Isabel in modern spelling), which is etymologically the same as Elizabeth, but in Germanic countries she is nevertheless usually known by an Italian form of her name, Isabella. The official inscription on her tomb renders her names in Latin as "Helizabeth". Pope Alexander VI named Isabella and her husband the Catholic Monarchs for which reason she is often known as Isabel la Católica ("Isabella the Catholic" or "Elizabeth the Catholic") in Castilian.
Isabella was born in the municipality of Madrigal de las Altas Torres. She was named after her mother Isabella of Portugal, a name that was uncommon then in Castile. At the time of her birth, her older half brother Henry was in line for the throne before her; Henry was twenty-six at that time and was married but childless. Her brother Alfonso was born two years later and displaced her in the line of succession.

When her father, John II, died in 1454, Henry became King Henry IV. She and her mother and brother then moved to Arévalo. It is here when her mother began to lose her sanity, a trait that would haunt the Spanish monarchy and the royal houses of Europe that descended from her. These were times of turmoil for Isabella; she also suffered from shortage of money, a fact she would later weave into the propaganda and mythos surrounding her rise to the throne. Even though her father arranged in his will for his children to be financially well taken care of, her brother Henry didn’t comply, either from ineptitude or a desire to keep his siblings restricted. Later, Isabella reported that during this time she found strength in scripture and books. Isabella’s friendship with Saint Beatrix de Silva, whom she helped to found the order of the Conceptionists was very influential in her early years. When the Queen was about to give birth to the King’s daughter, Isabella and her brother were taken away from their mother and brought to court in Segovia. Queen Joan was rumored to have had many lovers, one being Beltrán de la Cueva, and upon the birth of her daughter Joanna the child was referred to as Joanna la Beltraneja, after her rumored father. This name has stuck with her throughout history. As it has never been firmly established whether or not Joanna was actually Henry's daughter, and as the available contemporary sources are unlikely to ever resolve this question for sure, it is entirely possible that Joanna was in fact his legitimate heir. If so, it raises interesting questions about the legitimacy of Isabella's tremendously influential reign, as she and Ferdinand would then technically be usurpers.
The noblemen who were anxious for power confronted the King, demanding that his younger half brother Infante Alfonso be named his successor. They even went as far as to ask Alfonso to seize the throne. The nobles, now in control of Alfonso and claiming him to be the true heir, clashed with Henry's forces at the Battle of Olmedo in 1467. The battle was a draw. Henry agreed to make Alfonso his heir, provided Alfonso would marry his daughter, Joanna. A few days later, he changed his mind; Henry wanted to protect the interest of his daughter and his name since by this time he was being called Henry the Impotent. Soon after Alfonso was created Prince of Asturias, the title given to the heir of Castile and Leon, he died, likely of the plague; the nobles who had supported him suspected poisoning. As she had been named in her brother's will as his successor, the nobles asked Isabella to take his place as champion of the rebellion. However, support for the rebels had begun to wane, and Isabella preferred a negotiated settlement to continuing the war. She met with Henry and, at Toros de Guisando, they reached a compromise: the war would stop, Henry would name Isabel his heir instead of Joanna, and Isabel would not marry without Henry's consent. Isabella's side came out with most of what they desired, though they did not go so far as to officially depose Henry: they were not powerful enough to do so, and Isabella did not want to jeopardize the principle of fair inherited succession, since it was upon this idea that she had based her argument for legitimacy as heir.

- يتيمة الاب وهي في الثالثة من العمر .