عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-12-2012, 10:49 AM
المشاركة 13
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
- Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, student of Plato and one who taught Alexander the Great. Aristotle became a great writer and is regarded as one of the most important and influential figures towards shaping Western philosophy. His works were the first to ever study “logic” and he had a profound influence on others during his time.
ولد ارسطو عام 384 قبل الميلاد في مدينة (ستاغيرا) في شمال اليونان، وكان والده طبيبا مقربا من البلاط المقدوني، وقد حافظ ارسطو وتلاميذه من بعده على هذا التقارب. وقد كان لوالده ثأير كبير عليه لدخوله مجال التشريح ودراسة الكائنات الحية التي منحته القدرة على دقة الملاحظة والتحليل. وفي عام 367 رحل ارسطو إلى اثينا للالتحاق بمعهد افلاطون، كطالب في البداية، وكمدرس فيما بعد. وكان افلاطون قد جمع حوله مجموعة من الرجال المتفوقين في مختلف المجالات العلمية من طب وبيولوجيا ورياضيات وفلك. ولم يكن يجمع بينهم رابط عقائدي سوى رغبتهم في إثرا وتنظيم المعارف الإنسانية، وإقامتها على قواعد نظرية راسخة، ثم نشرها في مختلف الاتجاهات، وكان هذا هو التوجه المعلن لتعاليم وأعمال ارسطو.
وكان من برامج معهد افلاطون أيضا تدريب الشباب للقيام بالمهن السياسية، وتقديم النصائح والمشورة للحكام، ولذا فقد انضم ارسطو عام 347 إلى بلاط الملك هرمياس، ومن ثم، وفي عام 343 دخل في خدمة الملك فيليب الثاني إمبراطور مقدونيا حيث أصبح مؤدبا لابنه الاسكندر الكبير. وبعد سبع سنوات عاد مرة أخرى إلى اثينا ليؤسس مدرسته الخاصة (الليسيوم) أو (المشائية) وسميت كذلك نسبة للممرات أو أماكن المشاة المسقوفة التي كان الطلاب وأساتذتهم يتحاورون فيها وهم يمشون، كما تسمى اليوم جماعات الضغط السياسية في الكونغرس الأمريكي بـ (الوبي) نسبة إلى لوبي أو ردهة مبنى الكونغرس في واشنطن. وقد خالفت (المشائية) تقاليد (اكاديمية) افلاطون بتوسيع المجالات العلمية التي كانت تناقشها واعطت أهمية كبرى لتدريس الطبيعيات. وبعد وفاة الاسكندر الكبير، بدأ الشعور بالكراهية يظهر ضد المقدونيين في أثينا، وقد أثر ذلك على نفسية ارسطو، وقد كان من الموالين للمقدونيين، مما جعله يتقاعد، ولم يمهله القدر طويلا حيث توفي بعد اقل من عام من وفاة الاسكندر، فكانت وفاته في عام 322 قبل الميلاد. َ وعلى الرغم من غزارة إنتاج ارسطو الفكري المتمثل في محاضراته وحواراته الكثيرة، إلا أنه لم يبق منها الا النذر اليسير، فقد ضاع معظمها، ولم يبق سوى بعض الأعمال التي كانت تدرس في مدرسته، والتي تم جمعها تحت اسم (المجموعة الارسطوطالية) بالإضافة إلى نسخة ممزقة من (الدستور الاثيني) الذي وضعه، وعدد من الرسائل والاشعار ومن ضمنها مرثية في افلاطون
Aristotle, whose name means "the best purpose," was born in Stageira, Chalcidice, in 384 BC, about 55 km (34 mi) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.[5] His father Nicomachus was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was trained and educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of eighteen, he went to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy. Aristotle remained at the academy for nearly twenty years before quitting Athens in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure reports that he was disappointed with the direction the academy took after control passed to Plato's nephew Speusippus upon his death, although it is possible that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiments and left before Plato had died.[6] He then traveled with Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. While in Asia, Aristotle traveled with Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island. Aristotle married Hermias's adoptive daughter (or niece) Pythias. She bore him a daughter, whom they named Pythias. Soon after Hermias' death, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander in 343 BC.[7]
Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During that time he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.[citation needed] Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and his attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be 'a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants'.[8]
By 335 BC he had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stageira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. According to the Suda, he also had an eromenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.[9]
It is during this period in Athens from 335 to 323 BC when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.[7] Aristotle wrote many dialogues, only fragments of which survived. The works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication, as they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, De Anima (On the Soul) and Poetics.
Aristotle not only studied almost every subject possible at the time, but made significant contributions to most of them. In physical science, Aristotle studied anatomy, astronomy, embryology, geography, geology, meteorology, physics and zoology. In philosophy, he wrote on aesthetics, ethics, government, metaphysics, politics, economics, psychology, rhetoric and theology. He also studied education, foreign customs, literature and poetry. His combined works constitute a virtual encyclopedia of Greek knowledge. It has been suggested that Aristotle was probably the last person to know everything there was to be known in his own time.[10]
Near the end of Alexander's life, Alexander began to suspect plots against himself, and threatened Aristotle in letters. Aristotle had made no secret of his contempt for Alexander's pretense of divinity, and the king had executed Aristotle's grandnephew Callisthenes as a traitor. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander's death, but there is little evidence for this.[11]
Upon Alexander's death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens once again flared. Eurymedon the hierophant denounced Aristotle for not holding the gods in honor. Aristotle fled the city to his mother's family estate in Chalcis, explaining, "I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy,"[12][13] a reference to Athens's prior trial and execution of Socrates. He died in Euboea of natural causes within the year (in 322 BC). Aristotle named chief executor his student Antipater and left a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.[14]

ارسطو ولد في عام 384 قبل الميلاد. ووالده مات في عام 375 قبل الميلاد.

Nicomachus (Greek: Νικόμαχος), lived c. 375 BC, was the father of Aristotle.

يتيم الاب وعمره 9 سنوات.