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قديم 09-11-2011, 04:11 PM
المشاركة 80
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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ماري ان افانز ( جورج اليوت)

Mary Anne (Mary Ann, Marian) Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, journalist and translator, and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1871–72), and Daniel Deronda (1876), most of them set in provincial England and well known for their realism and psychological insight.
أهم ما في رواياتها انها تتصف بالواقعية وتصوير الإبداع النفسية

She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure her works be taken seriously.
استخدمت اسم مذكر بدلا عن اسمها الحقيقي حتى يتم اخذ أعمالها بجدية كما قالت
Female authors were published under their own names during Eliot's life, but she wanted to escape the stereotype of women only writing lighthearted romances. An additional factor in her use of a pen name may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes, with whom she lived for over 20 years.
Early life and education

Mary Anne Evans was the third child of Robert Evans (1773–1849) and Christiana Evans (née Pearson), the daughter of a local farmer, (1788–1836).
ماري ايفانز ( جورج اليوت) هي الابنة الثالثة للسيد روبرت ايفانز والذي ولد عام 1773 ومات عام 1849 وقد ولدت عام 1819
When born, Mary Anne, sometimes shortened to Marian, had two teenage siblings, a half-brother, Robert (1802–64), and sister, Fanny (1805–82), from her father's previous marriage to Harriet Poynton (?1780–1809).
عندما ولدت ماري كان لها اخ واخت في سني المراهقه من ام اخرى اسمها هاريت
Robert Evans, of Welsh ancestry, was the manager of the Arbury Hall Estate for the Newdigate family in Warwickshire, and Mary Anne was born on the estate at South Farm. In early 1820 the family moved to a house named Griff, between Nuneaton and Bedworth.
في عام 1820 انتقلت العائلة اسمه جرفث
Her full siblings were Christiana, known as Chrissey (1814–59), Isaac (1816–1890), and twin brothers who survived a few days in March 1821.
كان لها اخ شقيق اسمه اسحق ولد عام 1816 واخت شقيقة ولدت عام 1814 اسمها كرسي بينما مات لها شقيقان توأم في عام 1821 عاشا لمدة ايام فقط
The young Evans was obviously intelligent and a voracious reader. Because of Evans' lack of physical beauty and thus slim chance of marriage, and because of her intelligence, her father invested in an education not often afforded women.
لانها لم تكن جميلة وحضوضها في الزواج قليلة استثمر والدها في تدريسها
From ages five to nine, she boarded with her sister Chrissey at Miss Latham's school in Attleborough, from ages nine to thirteen at Mrs. Wallington's school in Nuneaton, and from ages thirteen to sixteen at Miss Franklin's school in Coventry.
التحقت بالمدارس الداخلية من سن الخامسة وحتى سن 16 سنه
At Mrs. Wallington's school, she was taught by the evangelical Maria Lewis—to whom her earliest surviving letters are addressed. In the religious atmosphere of the Miss Franklin's school, Evans was exposed to a quiet, disciplined belief opposed to evangelicalism.
After age sixteen, Eliot had little formal education. Thanks to her father's important role on the estate, she was allowed access to the library of Arbury Hall, which greatly aided her self-education and breadth of learning.
بعد سن السادسة عشر لم تحصل الى أي تعليم رسمي لكنها وبفضل علاقات ابيها تمكنت من قراءة الكثير من الكتب من مكتبة بلدية اربوري

Her classical education left its mark; Christopher Stray has observed that "George Eliot's novels draw heavily on Greek literature (only one of her books can be printed correctly without the use of a Greek typeface), and her themes are often influenced by Greek tragedy".[6] Her frequent visits to the estate also allowed her to contrast the wealth in which the local landowner lived with the lives of the often much poorer people on the estate, and different lives lived in parallel would reappear in many of her works. The other important early influence in her life was religion. She was brought up within a narrow low churchAnglican family, but at that time the Midlands was an area with a growing number of religious dissenters.
Move to Coventry

In 1836 her mother died and Evans (then 16) returned home to act as housekeeper, but she continued correspondence with her tutor Maria Lewis.
عندما ماتت انها في عام 1836 وهي في سن السادسة عشرة عادت الى المنزل لتعمل على خدمته لكنها ظلت على اتصال مع معلمتها ماريا لويس
When she was 21, her brother Isaac married and took over the family home, so Evans and her father moved to Foleshill near Coventry.
وهي في سن الحادية والعشرين تزوج اخاها اسحق وسكن في منزل العائلة بينما انتلقت هي ووالدها للعيش في فولشل بالقرب من مدينة كفنتري في اواسط انجلترا
The closeness to Coventry society brought new influences, most notably those of Charles and Cara Bray. Charles Bray had become rich as a ribbon manufacturer and had used his wealth in building schools and other philanthropic causes. Evans, who had been struggling with religious doubts for some time, became intimate friends with the progressive, free-thinking Brays, whose home was a haven for people who held and debated radical views.
اصبحت صديقة لاحد الاشخاص التقدميين الذين يحملون افكار متطرفة خاصة انها كانت ولفترة طويلة تعاني من شك ديني
When Evans began to question her religious faith, her father threatened to throw her out, although that did not happen. Instead, she respectably attended church for years and continued to keep house for him until his death in 1849, when she was 30.
بسبب ما سيطر عليها من شك ديني كاد ابوها ان يقذف بها خارج البيت لكن ذلك لم يحدث وظلت تخدمه الى ان توفي والدها وعمرها 30 سنة
Five days after her father's funeral, she travelled to Switzerland with the Brays.
بعد خمسة ايام من موت ابوها سافرت الى سويسرا مع اصدقاء وقررت ان تبقى هناك لتعيش بالقرب من بحيرة لنوجيون
She decided to stay in Geneva alone, living first on the lake at Plongeon (near the present United Nations buildings) and then at the Rue de Chanoines (now the Rue de la Pelisserie) with François and Juliet d’Albert Durade on the second floor ("one feels in a downy nest high up in a good old tree"). Her stay is recorded by a plaque on the building. She read avidly and took long walks amongst a natural environment that inspired her greatly. François painted a portrait of her.
Move to London and editorship of the Westminster Review

On her return to England the following year (1850), she moved to London with the intent of becoming a writer and calling herself Marian Evans.
عادت الى لندن في عام 1850 وبنية ان تصبح كاتبة واسمت نفسها ماريان ايفانز
She stayed at the house of John Chapman, the radical publisher whom she had met at Rosehill and who had printed her translation. Chapman had recently bought the campaigning, left-wing journal The Westminster Review, and Evans became its assistant editor in 1851. Although Chapman was the named editor, it was Evans who did much of the work in running the journal, contributing many essays and reviews, from the January, 1852 number until the dissolution of her arrangement with Chapman in the first half of 1854.
Women writers were not uncommon at the time, but Evans's role at the head of a literary enterprise was. The mere sight of an unmarried young woman mixing with the predominantly male society of London at that time was unusual, even scandalous to some. Although clearly strong-minded, she was frequently sensitive, depressed, and crippled by self-doubt.[citation needed] She was considered to have an ill-favoured appearance,[] and she formed a number of embarrassing, unreciprocated emotional attachments, including that to her employer, the married Chapman, and Herbert Spencer.
Marriage to John Cross and death

On 16 May 1880 Eliot courted controversy once more by marrying a man twenty years younger than herself, and again changing her name, this time to Mary Anne Cross.
تزوجت في عام 1880 لشخص اصغر منها بعشرين سنه وغيرت اسمها من جديد
The legal marriage at least pleased her brother Isaac, who had broken off relations with his sister when she had begun to live with Lewes, but now sent congratulations. John Cross was a rather unstable character, and apparently jumped or fell from their hotel balcony into the Grand Canal in Venice during their honeymoon. Cross survived and they returned to England
ذلك الشخص الذي تزوجته كان شخصية غير مستقرة وسقط في النهر خلال شهر العسل لكنه لم يمت وعاد الى انجلترا
The couple moved to a new house in Chelsea but Eliot fell ill with a throat infection. This, coupled with the kidney disease she had been afflicted with for the past few years, led to her death on 22 December 1880 at the age of 61
انتقلا الى منزل جديد في تشلسي لكن اليوت اصيبت بالتهاب في حنجرتها وبسبب وجود التهاب في كليتها منذ سنوات ماتت بعد التهاب الحنجرة في عام 1880 وكان عمرها 61 سنة.

اهم احداث حياتها:
- استخدمت اسم مذكر بدلا عن اسمها الحقيقي حتى يتم اخذ أعمالها بجدية كما قالت
- ماري ايفانز ( جورج اليوت) هي الابنة الثالثة للسيد روبرت ايفانز والذي ولد عام 1773 ومات عام.
- عندما ولدت ماري كان لها اخ واخت في سني المراهقه من ام اخرى اسمها هاريت
- في عام 1820 انتقلت العائلة اسمه جرفث
-كان لها اخ شقيق اسمه اسحق ولد عام 1816 واخت شقيقة ولدت عام 1814 اسمها كرسي بينما مات لها شقيقان توأم في عام 1821 عاشا لمدة ايام فقط
- لانها لم تكن جميلة وحضوضها في الزواج قليلة استثمر والدها في تدريسها
- التحقت بالمدارس الداخلية من سن الخامسة وحتى سن 16 سنه
- بعد سن السادسة عشر لم تحصل الى أي تعليم رسمي لكنها وبفضل علاقات ابيها تمكنت من قراءة الكثير من الكتب من مكتبة بلدية اربوري
- عندما ماتت امها في عام 1836 وهي في سن السادسة عشرة عادت الى المنزل لتعمل على خدمته لكنها ظلت على اتصال مع معلمتها ماريا لويس
- وهي في سن الحادية والعشرين تزوج اخاها اسحق وسكن في منزل العائلة بينما انتلقت هي ووالدها للعيش في فولشل بالقرب من مدينة كفنتري في اواسط انجلترا
- اصبحت صديقة لاحد الاشخاص التقدميين الذين يحملون افكار متطرفة خاصة انها كانت ولفترة طويلة تعاني من شك ديني
- بسبب ما سيطر عليها من شك ديني كاد ابوها ان يقذف بها خارج البيت لكن ذلك لم يحدث وظلت تخدمه الى ان توفي والدها وعمرها 30 سنة
- بعد خمسة ايام من موت ابوها سافرت الى سويسرا مع أصدقاء وقررت ان تبقى هناك لتعيش بالقرب من بحيرة لنوجيون
- عادت الى لندن في عام 1850 وبنية ان تصبح كاتبة واسمت نفسها ماريان ايفانز
- تزوجت في عام 1880 لشخص اصغر منها بعشرين سنه وغيرت اسمها من جديد
- ذلك الشخص الذي تزوجته كان شخصية غير مستقرة وسقط في النهر خلال شهر العسل لكنه لم يمت وعاد الى انجلترا
- انتقلا إلى منزل جديد في تشلسي لكن اليوت أصيبت بالتهاب في حنجرتها وبسبب وجود التهاب في كليتها منذ سنوات ماتت بعد التهاب الحنجرة في عام 1880 وكان عمرها 61 سنة.

يتيمة الأم وهي في سن الـ 16