عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-11-2011, 02:14 PM
المشاركة 78
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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ليو تولستوي

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy[ (September 9, 1828 – November 20, 1910) was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacle of realist fiction. Tolstoy is equally known for his complicated and paradoxical persona and for his extreme moralistic and ascetic views, which he adopted after a moral crisis and spiritual awakening in the 1870s, after which he also became noted as a moral thinker and social reformer.
His literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him in later life to become a fervent Christian anarchist and anarcho-pacifist. His ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You, were to have a profound impact on such pivotal twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Gandhi[3] and Martin Luther King, Jr.[4] Many consider Tolstoy to have been one of the world's greatest novelists.[5][6]
Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate in the Tula region of Russia. The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility.
ولد في عائلة معروفة من النبلاء عام 1828
He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Countess Mariya Tolstaya (Volkonskaya)..
كان الابن الرابع من بين خمسة أبناء لأبويه. كان والده جندي سابق في الحرب الوطنية والتي اندلعت عام 1812
Tolstoy's parents died when he was young, so he and his siblings were brought up by relatives
مات والداه بنما كان صغيرا وعليه قام على تربيته وتربية اخوته اقارب لهم
In 1844, he began studying law and oriental languages at Kazan University. His teachers described him as "both unable and unwilling to learn."
في عام 1844 بدأ يدرس القانون ولغات شرقية في جامعة كازان وقد وصفه اساتذته بأنه غير قادر وغير راغب في الدرساه
Tolstoy left university in the middle of his studies, returned to Yasnaya Polyana and then spent much of his time in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
ترك الجامعة في منتصف الطريق ( لم يكمل دراسته الجامعية ) وعاد الة موسكو
In 1851, after running up heavy gambling debts, he went with his older brother to the Caucasus and joined the army.
في عام 1851 بعد أن أثقلته الديون من القمار انضم إلى الجيش مع أخوه الكبير
It was about this time that he started writing.
His conversion from a dissolute and privileged society author to the non-violent and spiritual anarchist of his latter days was brought about by his experience in the army as well as two trips around Europe in 1857 and 1860–61.
استفاد كثيرا وتأثير بشكل كبير وحدث تحول في شخصيته كنتيجة لانضمامه في الجيش وسفره الى اوروبا في رحلتين عامي 1857 وما بين عامي 1860- 1861
During his 1857 visit, Tolstoy witnessed a public execution in Paris, a traumatic experience that would mark the rest of his life.
في رحلته والتي تمت عام 1857 شاهد عملية إعدام في مكان عام في باريس وقد تركت تلك التجربة أثرا مدمرا ومزلزلا في نفسه لبقية حياته
Writing in a letter to his friend Vasily Botkin: "The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens ... Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere."
قرر بعدها عدم خدمة أي حكومة مطلقا
His European trip in 1860–61 shaped both his political and literary transformation when he met Victor Hugo, whose literary talents Tolstoy praised after reading Hugo's newly finished Les Miserables.
اثرت رحلته الى اوروبا كثيرا في تشكيله مبادئه السياسية والادبية خاصة بعد ان اتلقى فكتور هوجو
A comparison of Hugo's novel and Tolstoy's War and Peace shows the influence of the evocation of its battle scenes. Tolstoy's political philosophy was also influenced by a March 1861 visit to French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, then living in exile under an assumed name in Brussels. Apart from reviewing Proudhon's forthcoming publication, La Guerre et la Paix (War and Peace in French), whose title Tolstoy would borrow for his masterpiece, the two men discussed education, as Tolstoy wrote in his educational notebooks: "If I recount this conversation with Proudhon, it is to show that, in my personal experience, he was the only man who understood the significance of education and of the printing press in our time."
Fired by enthusiasm, Tolstoy returned to Yasnaya Polyana and founded thirteen schools for his serfs' children, based on the principles Tolstoy described in his 1862 essay "The School at Yasnaya Polyana".
اسسس 13 مدرسة بعد عودته من اوروبا تعمل بمباديء العالم التقدمي
Tolstoy's educational experiments were short-lived due to harassment by the Tsarist secret police.
تجربته التعلمية لم تدم طويلا بسبب مضايقات البولس السري
However, as a direct forerunner to A. S. Neill's Summerhill School, the school at Yasnaya Polyana can justifiably be claimed to be the first example of a coherent theory of democratic education.
Personal life

On September 23, 1862, Tolstoy married Sophia Andreevna Behrs, who was 16 years his junior and the daughter of a court physician.
في عام 1862 تزوج فتاة تصغره بـ 16 سنة
She was called Sonya, the Russian diminutive of Sofya, by her family and friends.] They had thirteen children, five of whom died during childhood.
انجبا 13 طفل لكن مات منهم 5
The marriage was marked from the outset by sexual passion and emotional insensitivity when Tolstoy, on the eve of their marriage, gave her his diaries detailing his extensive sexual past and the fact that one of the serfs on his estate had borne him a son.
كان زواجه خالي من المشاعر لان زوجته علمت بعلاقاته الجنيسة المتعددة وان احدى النساء انجبت له ابن غير شرعي
Even so, their early married life was ostensibly happy and allowed Tolstoy much freedom to compose War and Peace and Anna Karenina with Sonya acting as his secretary, proof-reader and financial manager.[ However, their latter life together has been described by A. N. Wilson as one of the unhappiest in literary history.
كانت حياتهم الزوجة المـاخرة واحدة من اتسع الحيوات الزوجية في تاريخ حياة الادباء
Tolstoy's relationship with his wife deteriorated as his beliefs became increasingly radical. This saw him seeking to reject his inherited and earned wealth, including the renunciation of the copyrights on his earlier works.
أصبحت حياتهم أكثر تعاسة عندما تطرف توليستوي في أفكاره وعزم على توزيع ثروته التي ورثها على الفقراء وتخلي عن حقوقه في النشر
اهم احداث حياته:
- ولد في عائلة معروفة من النبلاء عام 1828
- كان الابن الرابع من بين خمسة أبناء لأبويه. كان والده جندي سابق في الحرب الوطنية والتي اندلعت عام 1812
- مات والداه بنما كان صغيرا وعليه قام على تربيته وتربية اخوته اقارب لهم
- في عام 1844 بدأ يدرس القانون ولغات شرقية في جامعة كازان وقد وصفه اساتذته بأنه غير قادر وغير راغب في الدرساه
- ترك الجامعة في منتصف الطريق ( لم يكمل دراسته الجامعية ) وعاد الة موسكو
- في عام 1851 بعد أن أثقلته الديون من القمار انضم إلى الجيش مع أخوه الكبير
- استفاد كثيرا وتأثير بشكل كبير وحدث تحول في شخصيته كنتيجة لانضمامه في الجيش وسفره الى اوروبا في رحلتين عامي 1857 وما بين عامي 1860- 1861
- في رحلته والتي تمت عام 1857 شاهد عملية إعدام في مكان عام في باريس وقد تركت تلك التجربة أثرا مدمرا ومزلزلا في نفسه لبقية حياته
- قرر بعدها عدم خدمة أي حكومة مطلقا
- اثرت رحلته الى اوروبا كثيرا في تشكيله مبادئه السياسية والادبية خاصة بعد ان اتلقى فكتور هوجو
- اسسس 13 مدرسة بعد عودته من اوروبا تعمل بمباديء العالم التقدمي
- تجربته التعلمية لم تدم طويلا بسبب مضايقات البولس السري
- في عام 1862 تزوج فتاة تصغره بـ 16 سنة
- انجبا 13 طفل لكن مات منهم 5
- كان زواجه خالي من المشاعر لان زوجته علمت بعلاقاته الجنيسة المتعددة وان احدى النساء انجبت له ابن غير شرعي
- كانت حياتهم الزوجة المـاخرة واحدة من اتسع الحيوات الزوجية في تاريخ حياة الادباء
- أصبحت حياتهم أكثر تعاسة عندما تطرف توليستوي في أفكاره وعزم على توزيع ثروته التي ورثها على الفقراء وتخلي عن حقوقه في النشر

يتم الأب وألام وهو صغير