عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 06-22-2011, 11:05 PM
المشاركة 884
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
وليام سارويان

يتمه : مات ابوه وعمره 3 سنوات وتربى في ملجأ.
مجاله : روائي وكاتب مسرحي أمريكي

31 أغسطس1908 في كاليفورنيا - 18 مايو1981. كان روائي وكاتبومسرحيأمريكي من أصل أرمني اشتهر بمسرحياته وقصصه التي تمجد قدرة الإنسان العادي على الحياة بكامل الغبطة والسرور في عالم يتسم بواقع مرير. وفي مقدمته عن إحدى مسرحياته كتب سارويان قائلاً: "عش حياتك، بحيث لا يكون في ذلك الزمن الطيب وجود للقبيح، أو لموت في نفسك، أو لأي نفس أخرى ترتبط بحياتك". تعكس أعمال سارويان إيمانه ببراءة الناس الأصلية الفطرية.

أول كتاب له كان مجموعة قصصية بعنوان الشاب الجريء على الأرجوحة الطائرة التي صدرت عام 1934. وفاز سارويان بجائزة بوليتزر عن مسرحيته زمن حياتك التي تعتبر أفضل مسرحياته، ولكنه رفض تسلم الجائزة بحجة أنه يرفض الجوائز الأدبية.
William Saroyan: Vilyam Saroyan; 31 August 1908 – 18 May 1981) was an Armenian American dramatist and author. The setting of many of his stories and plays is the center of Armenian-American life in California in his native Fresno.
Saroyan was born in Fresno, California to Armenian immigrants from Bitlis in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). At the age of three, after his father's death, Saroyan was placed in the orphanage in Oakland, California, together with his brother and sister, an experience he later described in his writing.
Five years later, the family reunited in Fresno, where his mother, Takoohi, secured work at a cannery. He continued his education on his own, supporting himself by taking odd jobs, such as working as an office manager for the San Francisco Telegraph Company.
Saroyan decided to become a writer after his mother showed him some of his father's writings. A few of his early short articles were published in Overland Monthly. His first stories appeared in the 1930s. Among these was "The Broken Wheel", written under the name Sirak Goryan and published in the Armenian journal Hairenik in 1933. Many of Saroyan's stories were based on his childhood experiences among the Armenian-American fruit growers of the San Joaquin Valley, or dealt with the rootlessness of the immigrant. The short story collection My Name is Aram (1940), an international bestseller, was about a young boy and the colorful characters of his immigrant family. It has been translated into many languages