عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-11-2011, 10:42 AM
المشاركة 75
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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أنتوني ترولوب

Anthony Trollope (24 April 1815 – 6 December 1882) was one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era. Some of his best-loved works, collectively known as the Chronicles of Barsetshire, revolve around the imaginary county of Barsetshire. He also wrote penetrating novels on political, social, and gender issues, and on other topical conflicts of his day.
Noted fans have included Sir Alec Guinness (who never travelled without a Trollope novel), former British Prime Ministers Harold Macmillan and Sir John Major, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, English judge Lord Denning, American novelists Sue Grafton and Dominick Dunne and soap opera writer Harding Lemay. Trollope's literary reputation dipped somewhat during the last years of his life, but he regained the esteem of critics by the mid-twentieth century.
"Of all novelists in any country, Trollope best understands the role of money.
كان اكثر الروائيين فهما لدور المال في المجتمع
Compared with him even Balzac is a romantic." — W. H. Auden

Thomas Anthony Trollope, Anthony's father, was a barrister. Though a clever and well-educated man and a Fellow of New College, Oxford, he failed at the bar due to his bad temper.
كان ثوماس ترلوب ( والد ) انثوني رجل نشيط ومثقف لكنه فشل في امتحان المحاماة بسبب مزاجه السيء
In addition, his ventures into farming proved unprofitable, and he lost an expected inheritance when an elderly childless uncle re-married and had children
أيضا أعماله في المجال الزراعي فشلت وفقد حصته في ميراث كان يأمله عندما تزوج عم له وأنجب أطفال
As a son of landed gentry he wanted his sons to be raised as gentlemen and to attend Oxford or Cambridge.
Anthony Trollope suffered much misery in his boyhood owing to the disparity between his family's social background and his own comparative poverty.
لقد عانا انثوني الكثير من البؤس في طفولته بسبب الفقر بين مستواه الاجتماعي وحالة الفقر التي كانت الاسرة تعيشها
Born in London, Anthony attended Harrow School as a free day pupil for three years from the age of seven because his father's farm, acquired for that reason, lay in that neighbourhood. After a spell at a private school at Sunbury, he followed his father and two older brothers to Winchester College, where he remained for three years. He returned to Harrow as a day-boy to reduce the cost of his education.
تعلم في مدارس داخليه لكنه خرج منها لتقليل نفقات التعليم
Trollope had some very miserable experiences at these two public schools. They ranked as two of the most élite schools in England, but Trollope had no money and no friends, and was bullied a great deal. At the age of twelve, he fantasized about suicide. However, he also daydreamed, constructing elaborate imaginary worlds.
لقد عانا انتوني الكثير في المدارس بسبب فقره حتى انه فكر في الانتحار وهو في سن العشرين
In 1827, his mother Frances Trollope moved to America with Trollope's three younger siblings, where she opened a bazaar in Cincinnati, which proved unsuccessful.
انتقلت والدته عام 1827 إلى الولايات المتحدة (وعمره عندها كان 12 سنه )مع ثلاثه من اطفالها الصغار حيث قامت على افتتاح بازار لكنه فشل
Thomas Trollope joined them for a short time before returning to the farm at Harrow, but Anthony stayed in England throughout.
انضم اليهم الوالد لمدة قصيرة لكنه ما لبث ان عاد بينما بقي انتوني في لندن
His mother returned in 1831 and rapidly made a name for herself as a writer, soon earning a good income.
عادت الوالدة الى لندن عام 1831 وأصبحت كاتبة
His father's affairs, however, went from bad to worse. He gave up his legal practice entirely and failed to make enough income from farming to pay rents to his landlord Lord Northwick.
بينما ساءت حالة والده حيث توقف عن ممارسة القانون وفشل في جني أي أرباح من الزراع وفشل في دفع الأجور لصاحب الأرض اللورد نورثوك
In 1834 he fled to Belgium to avoid arrest for debt. The whole family moved to a house near Bruges, where they lived entirely on Frances's earnings.
هرب الوالد عام 1834 الى بلجيكا لتجنب السجن ( وعمر انتوني عندها كان 19 سنة) بسبب الديون التي كان يتحملها
In Belgium, Anthony was offered a commission in an Austrian cavalry regiment. In order to accept it, he needed to learn French and German; he had a year in which to acquire these languages. To learn them without expense to himself and his family, he took a position as an usher in a school in Brussels, which position made him the tutor of thirty boys. After six weeks of this, however, he received an offer of a clerkship in the General Post Office, obtained through a family friend. He returned to London in the autumn of 1834 to take up this post. Thomas Trollope died in the following year.
عاد انتوني الى لندن عام 1834 حينما حصل على وظيفة للعمل في البريد لكن والده ثوماس مات في العام التالي أي 1835 وعندما كان عمر انتوني 20 عام.
Move to Ireland

In 1841, an opportunity to escape offered itself. A postal surveyor's clerk in central Ireland was reported as being incompetent and in need of replacement. The position was not regarded as a desirable one at all; but Trollope, in debt and in trouble at his office, volunteered for it; and his supervisor, William Maberly, eager to be rid of him, appointed him to the position.
انتقل انتوني للعمل في بريد ايرلندا هرب من مشاكله المالية عام 1841

Anthony Trollope was born at 16 Keppel Street in London. He was the fifth of seven children.
كان ترتيبه الخامس من بين سبعة اطفال
His father, Thomas Anthony, was a fellow of New College, Oxford, who failed both as a lawyer and as a farmer. The family's poverty made Trollope miserable at the rigid public social hierarchy in Harrow and Winchester. "It is hard to think of any good writer who had as wretched a time and had to endure it for so long," C. P. Snow wrote in Trollope (1975). Sometimes his parents could not afford to pay their son's school fees. After financial troubles, the family moved to Belgium, where Trollope's father died, broken-hearted and ill.
احيانا كانت العائلة تعجز عن دفع رسوم الدرسة لابنائها لذلك انتقلت العائلة الب بلجيكا حيث مات الاب مكسور الجناح والخاطر
On Post Office business Trollope traveled in Egypt (1858), the West Indies (1858-59), and the United States (1861-62, 1868).
سافر عام 1858 الى مصر واماكن اخرى
أهم أحداث حياة أنتوني ترولوب:
-كان اكثر الروائيين فهما لدور المال في المجتمع
-كان ثوماس ترلوب ( والد ) انثوني رجل نشيط ومثقف لكنه فشل في امتحان المحاماة بسبب مزاجه السيء
- أيضا أعماله في المجال الزراعي فشلت وفقد حصته في ميراث كان يأمله عندما تزوج عم له وأنجب أطفال
-لقد عانا انثوني الكثير من البؤس في طفولته بسبب الفقر بين مستواه الاجتماعي وحالة الفقر التي كانت الاسرة تعيشها.
-تعلم في مدارس داخليه لكنه خرج منها لتقليل نفقات التعليم
-لقد عانا انتوني الكثير في المدارس بسبب فقره حتى انه فكر في الانتحار وهو في سن العشرين
-انتقلت والدته عام 1827 إلى الولايات المتحدة (وعمره عندها كان 12 سنه )مع ثلاثه من اطفالها الصغار حيث قامت على افتتاح بازار لكنه فشل
-انضم اليهم الوالد لمدة قصيرة لكنه ما لبث ان عاد بينما بقي انتوني في لندن
-عادت الوالدة الى لندن عام 1831 وأصبحت كاتبة
-بينما ساءت حالة والده حيث توقف عن ممارسة القانون وفشل في جني أي أرباح من الزراع وفشل في دفع الأجور لصاحب الأرض اللورد نورثوك
-هرب الوالد عام 1834 الى بلجيكا لتجنب السجن ( وعمر انتوني عندها كان 19 سنة) بسبب الديون التي كان يتحملها
-عاد انتوني الى لندن عام 1834 حينما حصل على وظيفة للعمل في البريد لكن والده ثوماس مات في العام التالي أي 1835 وعندما كان عمر انتوني 20 عام.
-انتقل انتوني للعمل في بريد ايرلندا هرب من مشاكله المالية عام 1841
- كان ترتيبه الخامس من بين سبعة اطفال.

-احيانا كانت العائلة تعجز عن دفع رسوم الدرسة لابنائها لذلك انتقلت العائلة الب بلجيكا حيث مات الاب مكسور الجناح والخاطر
-سافر عام 1858 الى مصر واماكن اخرى
يتيم الأب في سن الـ 20