عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-30-2011, 10:25 PM
المشاركة 200
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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جاك كيرواك

Jean-Louis "Jack" Lebris de Kerouac ( March 12, 1922 – October 21, 1969) was an American novelist and poet. He is considered a literary iconoclast and, alongside William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, a pioneer of the Beat Generation.
جاك كيرواك روائي امريكي ولد عام 1922

Kerouac is recognized for his spontaneous method of writing, covering topics such as Catholic spirituality, jazz, promiscuity, Buddhism, drugs, poverty, and travel.

اشتهر بالكتابة في موضوعات متعددة مثل الكاثوليكية والجاز والمجون والفقر والبوذية والسفر

His writings have inspired other writers, including Ken Kesey, Bob Dylan, Richard Brautigan, Thomas Pynchon, Lester Bangs, Tom Robbins, Will Clarke, and Haruki Murakami. Critics of his work have labeled it "slapdash", "grossly sentimental", and "immoral". Kerouac became an underground celebrity and, with other beats, a progenitor of the Hippie movement, although he remained antagonistic toward it.
اصبح مثال للهبيين

In 1969, at age 47, Kerouac died from internal bleeding due to long-standing abuse of alcohol.

عام 1969 مات عن عمر 47 عام بسبب الادمان على الكحول

Jack Kerouac was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, to French-Canadian parents, Léo-Alcide Kéroack and Gabrielle-Ange Lévesque, natives of the province of Quebec, Canada.
ولد لابوين من كندا الفرنسية من ولاية كوبيك

Despite the future elaborations, around the house during his childhood, Kerouac was referred to as Ti Jean or little John.
كان يطلق عليه في الطفولة اسم جون الصغير

Kerouac spoke the French-Canadian dialect called Joual until he learned English at age six, not speaking it confidently until his late teens. He was a serious child who was devoted to his mother who played an important role in his life.
كان طفلا جادا وكان مخلصا لامه التي لعبت دورا مهما في حياته

She was a devout Catholic, instilling this into both her sons; this can be seen throughout his works. Kerouac would later go on to say that his mother was the only woman he ever loved.
في وقت لاحق قال انه امه كانت المرأة الوحيدة التي احبها

When he was four, he was profoundly affected by the death of his nine-year-old brother, Gérard, from rheumatic fever, an event later described in his novel Visions of Gerard.
صدم بشكل عنيف وهو في سن الرابعة حينما مات اخاه جيرارد وكتب عنه لاحقا رؤيا جيراراد

His mother sought solace in her faith, while his father abandoned it wallowing in drinking, gambling and smoking.
التجأت الام للدين بعد موت جيرارد اما الاب فقد لجأ الى الخمرة والقمار والدخان

On May 17, 1928, while six years old, Kerouac had his first Sacrament of Confession.[ For penance he was told to say a rosary, during the meditation of which he could hear God tell him that he had a good soul, that he would suffer in his life and die in pain and horror, but would in the end have salvation.
عندما كان عمره 6 سنوات في العام 1928 جلس للاعتراف في الكنيسة واعتقد ان الله خاطبه واخبره بأنه سعاني كثير في حياته وانه سوف يموت في الم وخوف لكنه في النهاية سيحصل على الخلاص

This experience, along with his dying brother's vision of the Virgin Mary, and the nuns' fawning over the dying boy, convinced that he was a saint, incorporated with later found Buddhism and ongoing commitment to Christ, solidified into his worldview which informs his work.

بسسب الرويا التي كان يراها وبسبب موت اخاه اعتقد انه كان قديسا

His father, after the death of his child and apostasy, had treated a priest with similar contempt, angrily throwing him out of the house after an invitation by Gabrielle.
في موقفين كان والده فظا لراهب حيث طرده من المنزل بعد دعوة زوجته له بعد موت اخاه

kerouac cracked a tibia playing football during his freshman season, and he argued constantly with Coach Lou Little who kept him benched. While at Columbia, Kerouac wrote several sports articles for the student newspaper, the Columbia Daily Spectator and joined the fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. He also studied at The New School.

اصيب وهو يمارس رياضة الفتبول الامريكي

When his football career at Columbia soured, Kerouac dropped out of the university.
ترك الجامعة بعد نجاحه في الرياضة

Kerouac joined the United States Merchant Marine in 1942, and in 1943 joined the United States Navy, but he only served eight days of active duty before arriving on the sick list.
خدم لمدة ثامية ايام في الجيش الامريكي لكنه واعتبر غير مؤهل للجيش

According to his medical report Jack Kerouac said he “asked for an aspirin for his headaches and they diagnosed me Dementia Praecox and sent me here.” The medical examiner reported Jack Kerouac’s military adjustment was poor, quoting Kerouac: “I just can’t stand it; I like to be by myself”.
وعلق على ذلك لا استطيع البقاء في الجيش احب ان اكون لوحدي

Two days later he was honorably discharged on psychiatric grounds (he was of "indifferent character" with a diagnosis of "schizoid personality").

طرد من الجيش على اعتبار انه كان مريضا نفسيا
In 1944, Kerouac was arrested as a material witness in the murder of David Kammerer, who had been stalking Kerouac's friend Lucien Carr since Carr was a teenager in St. Louis.
اعتقل في العام 1944 كشاهد اثبات في حادثة قتل

William Burroughs was himself a native of St. Louis, and it was through Carr that Kerouac came to know both Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. According to Carr, Kammerer's obsession with Carr turned aggressive, causing Carr to stab him to death in self-defense. After turning to Kerouac for help, together they disposed of evidence.
شارك صديقة في اخفاء جثة

Afterwards, as advised by Burroughs, they turned themselves in to the police. Kerouac's father, unwilling and unable, refused to pay his bail. Kerouac then agreed to marry Edie Parker if she'd pay the bail.
والده كان غير مستعد وغير قادر على دفع الكفالة عنه وتزوج من امرأة بعد ان تعهدت بدفع الكفالة لكنهما انفصلا بعد عام

On 20 October 1969, around 11 in the morning, Jack was sitting in his favorite chair, drinking whiskey and malt liquor, trying to scribble notes for a book about his father's print shop in Lowell, Mass.
مات عام 1969 بينما كان يجلس على كرسيه المفضل

He suddenly felt sick to his stomach, which was nothing unusual, and headed for the bathroom. He began to throw up massive amounts of blood, and yelled to his wife, "Stella, I'm bleeding." Eventually he was convinced to go to the hospital and was taken out by ambulance to St. Anthony's Hospital in St. Petersburg. Blood continued to pour from his mouth and he underwent numerous transfusions. Eventually that evening Jack underwent surgery in an attempt to tie off all the burst blood vessels, but his liver, destroyed by years of drinking, would not let his blood clot. Kerouac finally died at 5:15 am the following morning, 21 October 1969, having never regained consciousness from the operation.

His death, at the age of 47, resulted from an internal hemorrhage (bleeding esophageal varices) caused by cirrhosis, the result of a lifetime of heavy drinking. [Kerouac is buried in his hometown of Lowell and was honored posthumously with a Doctor of Letters degree from his hometown's University of Massachusetts Lowell on June 2, 2007.
مات من اثر الكحول على الكبد

At the time of his death, he was living with his third wife, Stella Sampas Kerouac, and his mother, Gabrielle. Kerouac's mother inherited most of his estate. When she died in 1973, Stella inherited the rights to his works under a faked will purportedly signed by his mother. Family members challenged the will and, on July 24, 2009, a judge in Pinellas County, Florida ruled that the will of Gabrielle Kerouac was fake, citing that Gabrielle Kerouac would not be physically capable of providing her own signature on the date of the signing. However, such ruling has no effect on the copyright ownership of Jack's literary works, since in 2004 a Florida Probate Court ruled that "any claim against any assets or property which were inherited or received by any of the SAMPAS respondents through the Estate of Stella Sampas Kerouac, Deceased, is barred by reason of the provisions of the Florida Statute §733.710(1989)."

Jack Kerouac was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, the third child of working-class French-Canadian èmigrés. His father, Leo, owned a print shop - he died of stomach cancer in 1946.
مات والده بمضر سرطان المعدة عام 1946

-اشتهر بالكتابة في موضوعات متعددة مثل الكاثوليكية والجاز والمجون والفقر والبوذية والسفر
-اصبح مثال للهبيين
-عام 1969 مات عن عمر 47 عام بسبب الادمان على الكحول
- ولد لابوين من كندا الفرنسية من ولاية كوبيك
-كان يطلق عليه في الطفولة اسم جون الصغير
-كان طفلا جادا وكان مخلصا لامه التي لعبت دورا مهما في حياته
-في وقت لاحق قال انه امه كانت المرأة الوحيدة التي احبها
-صدم بشكل عنيف وهو في سن الرابعة حينما مات اخاه جيرارد وكتب عنه لاحقا رؤيا جيراراد
-التجأت الام للدين بعد موت جيرارد اما الاب فقد لجأ الى الخمرة والقمار والدخان
-عندما كان عمره 6 سنوات في العام 1928 جلس للاعتراف في الكنيسة واعتقد ان الله خاطبه واخبره بأنه سعاني كثير في حياته وانه سوف يموت في الم وخوف لكنه في النهاية سيحصل على الخلاص
-بسسب الرويا التي كان يراها وبسبب موت اخاه اعتقد انه كان قديسا
-في موقفين كان والده فظا لراهب حيث طرده من المنزل بعد دعوة زوجته له بعد موت اخاه
-اصيب وهو يمارس رياضة الفتبول الامريكي
-ترك الجامعة بعد نجاحه في الرياضة
-خدم لمدة ثامية ايام في الجيش الامريكي لكنه واعتبر غير مؤهل للجيش
-وعلق على ذلك لا استطيع البقاء في الجيش احب ان اكون لوحدي
-طرد من الجيش على اعتبار انه كان مريضا نفسيا
-اعتقل في العام 1944 كشاهد اثبات في حادثة قتل
-شارك صديقة في اخفاء جثة
-والده كان غير مستعد وغير قادر على دفع الكفالة عنه وتزوج من امرأة بعد ان تعهدت بدفع الكفالة لكنهما انفصلا بعد عام
-مات عام 1969 بينما كان يجلس على كرسيه المفضل
-مات من اثر الكحول على الكبد
-مات والده بمضر سرطان المعدة عام 1946

لا شك انه موت اخاه وعمره 4 سنوات يبدو اهم ازمة مرة به ولكن غياب الوالد على اثر ذلك الحادث يبدو واضحا ثم موت في عام 1946 اي عندما كان في الرابعة والعشرين عناصر زادت من ازمته. ما يشير الى ازمته النفسية طرده من الجيش لحبة ان يكون لوحده وتلك الرؤيا التي كانت تلاحقة على اثر موت اخاه.

مأزوم ويتيم افتراضي