عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-19-2014, 10:17 PM
المشاركة 2
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
. من المهم عند الحديث عن هذا الكاتب ذكر الحدث الأهم في طفولته وهو قيام والده بقتل امه وهو في سن الحادية عشره ثم انتحر . وكما تقول الكثير من المصادر كان لهذا الحدث عظيم الأثر على الشاعر التي عملت قريبة له على تربيتهورعايته بعد مقتل والديه .

A childhood tragedy left an indelible impression on Aiken. When he was eleven, his father shot first Aiken's mother and then himself. Aiken related the circumstances of his parents' death in his autobiography, Ushant: "After the desultory early-morning quarrel, came the half-stifled scream, and the sound of his father's voice counting three, and the two loud pistol shots and he tiptoed into the dark room, where the two bodies lay motionless, and apart, and, finding them dead, found himself possessed of them forever." It has been suggested that much of Aiken's interest in psychology stemmed from that shattering incident. Aiken once said that his short story "Silent Snow, Secret Snow" (a psychological portrait of a disturbed boy) was "a projection of my own inclination to insanity.