عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 05-04-2015, 11:09 AM
المشاركة 1999
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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6- إرفين شرودنغر مات والده عام 1919 وماتت امه عام 1921 وهذا يعني انه ليس يتيم لكنه كان الابن الوحيد ولا نعرف ظروف حياته المبكرة سوى انه تعلم في البيت حتى سن العاشرة ثم التحق بالمدرسة ولا نعرف اذا كانت داخلية ام لا. ليس يتيم.

(12 أغسطس 1887-4 يناير 1961م) هو فيزيائي نمساوي معروف بإسهاماته في ميكانيكا الكم وخصوصا معادلة شرودنجر والتي حاز من أجلها على جائزة نوبل في الفيزياء عام 1933م.
أشهر أعماله تتعلق بابتكار رياضة بحتة جديدة تستطيع وصف حالات الإلكترون الكمومية في ذرة هيدروجين، وتسمى ميكانيكا الكم. استطاع شرودنجر تفسير طيف الهيدروجين عن طريق حل معادلته الشهيرة المسماة معادلة شرودنجر وذلك عام 1926.
وقد حلت معادلة شرودنجر بنجاح معضلة تآثر جسيمان أساسيان كموميان هما الإلكترون السالب الشحنة والبروتون الموجب الشحنة والذي يكوّن نواة ذرة الهيدروجين، تلك المسألة التي لم تنجح في حلها النظريات الكلاسيكية، حتى استطاع شرودنجر حلها بأخذه الطبيعة الغريبة للإلكترون، وهي مثنوية موجة-جسيم حيث عبـّر عن الإلكترون في معادلته كموجة وليس كجسيم، ووضع بذلك أساس الميكانيكا الموجية. بواسطة ميكانيكا الكم التي اشترك أيضا ً في تأسيسها في نفس الوقت العالم الألماني هايزنبرج وكان كل منهما يعمل على حده، استطاع شرودنجر أيضا ً تفسير النشاط الإشعاعي وحسابه بدقة كبيرة. وإلي يومنا هذا لا تزال معادلة شرودنجر من الأعمدة الأساسية لدى الفيزيائيين لحل وفهم كثير من الظواهر الطبيعية الكمومية، في مجال الجسيمات الذرية وتحت الذرية، أي عالم المادة في أصغر صورها وأحوالها الكمومية. استطاع العلماء حديثا بواسطتها تفسير ظاهرة التوصيل الفائق.

Erwin Schrödinger's father, Rudolf Schrödinger, ran a small linoleum factory which he had inherited from his own father. Erwin's mother, Emily Bauer, was half English, this side of the family coming from Leamington Spa, and half Austrian with her father coming from Vienna.
Schrödinger learnt English and German almost at the same time due to the fact that both were spoken in the household. He was not sent to elementary school, but received lessons at home from a private tutor up to the age of ten. He then entered the Akademisches Gymnasium in the autumn of 1898, rather later than was usual since he spent a long holiday in England around the time he might have entered the school. He wrote later about his time at the Gymnasium:-
I was a good student in all subjects, loved mathematics and physics, but also the strict logic of the ancient grammars, hated only memorising incidental dates and facts. Of the German poets, I loved especially the dramatists, but hated the pedantic dissection of their works.
In [16] there is the following quotation from a student in Schrödinger's class at school:-
Especially in physics and mathematics, Schrödinger had a gift for understanding that allowed him, without any homework, immediately and directly to comprehend all the material during the class hours and to apply it. After the lecture ... it was possible for [our professor] to call Schrödinger immediately to the blackboard and to set him problems, which he solved with playful facility.
Schrödinger graduated from the Akademisches Gymnasium in 1906 and, in that year, entered the University of Vienna. In theoretical physics he studied analytical mechanics, applications of partial differential equations to dynamics, eigenvalue problems, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic theory, optics, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics. It was Fritz Hasenöhrl's lectures on theoretical physics which had the greatest influence on Schrödinger. In mathematics he was taught calculus and algebra by Franz Mertens, function theory, differential equations and mathematical statistics by Wilhelm Wirtinger (whom he found uninspiring as a lecturer). He also studied projective geometry, algebraic curves and continuous groups in lectures given by Gustav Kohn.
On 20 May 1910, Schrödinger was awarded his doctorate for the dissertation On the conduction of electricity on the surface of insulators in moist air. After this he undertook voluntary military service in the fortress artillery. Then he was appointed to an assistantship at Vienna but, rather surprisingly, in experimental physics rather than theoretical physics. He later said that his experiences conducting experiments proved an invaluable asset to his theoretical work since it gave him a practical philosophical framework in which to set his theoretical ideas.
Having completed the work for his habilitation, he was awarded the degree on 1 September 1914. That it was not an outstanding piece of work is shown by the fact that the committee was not unanimous in recommending him for the degree. As Moore writes in [8]:-
Schrödinger's early scientific work was inhibited by the absence of a group of first-class theoreticians in Vienna, against whom he could sharpen his skills by daily argument and mutual criticism.