عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-13-2010, 03:55 PM
المشاركة 6
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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جوزف كنراد

هو أديب إنجليزي بولندي الأصل ولد في ما يعرف بأوكرانيا البولندية عام 1857 لوالد أديب مغمور انتقل مع والده إلى بولندا حيث توفى والده ومنها انتقل إلى فرنسا عام 1874 حيث عمل بالملاحة ثم انتقل إلى إنجلترا واستمر في عمله بالبحر. توفي عام 1924 بنوبة قلبية وترك 13 رواية و 28 قصة قصيرة.
أغلب رواياته لها علاقة بالبحر ويرويها بحار عجوز اسمه مارلو من رواياته "قلب الظلام" "العميل السري" و"النصر" و"تحت عين غريبة " و"لورد جيم".

Joseph Conrad was born in Berdichev (Polish: Berdyczów), Kiev Governorate (now Berdychiv, Ukraine), into a highly patriotic, noble (yet slightly impoverished) Polish family that bore the Nałęcz coat-of-arms. His father, Apollo Korzeniowski, was a writer of politically themed plays and a translator of Alfred de Vigny and Victor Hugo from French and of Charles Dickens and Shakespeare from English. He encouraged his son Konrad to read widely in Polish and French.
In 1861 the elder Korzeniowski was arrested by Imperial Russian authorities in Warsaw, Poland, for helping organise what would become the January Uprising of 1863–64, and was exiled to Vologda, a city some 300 miles (480 km) north of Moscow.
His wife, Ewelina[6] Korzeniowska (née Bobrowska), and four-year-old son followed him into exile. Because of Ewelina's poor health, Apollo was allowed in 1865 to move to Chernigov, Chernigov Governorate, where within a few weeks Ewelina died of tuberculosis. Apollo died four years later in Kraków, leaving Conrad orphaned at the age of eleven.
In Kraków, young Conrad was placed in the care of his maternal uncle, Tadeusz Bobrowski – a more cautious person than Conrad's parents. Nevertheless, Bobrowski allowed Conrad to travel at the age of sixteen to Marseille and to begin a career as a seaman. This came after Conrad had been rejected for Austro-Hungarian citizenship, leaving him liable to conscription into the Russian Army.

Joseph Conrad
1857. Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski born December 3 in Berdichev (or vicinity) to Apollo Nalecz Korzeniowski and Evelina (Ewa) Bobrowska. Poland at that time is under the control of Russia.
1862. Conrad's father exiled to Russia because of his political liberalism, accompanied by his wife and son.

1865. Conrad's mother dies. Conrad taken into care of maternal uncle, Tadeusz Bobrowski.

1869. Conrad and his father return to Cracow. Father dies. Conrad sporadically
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