عرض مشاركة واحدة


غادة قويدر
أديـبة وشـاعرة سـوريـة


غادة قويدر is on a distinguished road

    غير موجود



تاريخ التسجيل
May 2010


رقم العضوية
11-23-2011, 10:09 AM
المشاركة 1
11-23-2011, 10:09 AM
المشاركة 1
افتراضي I've seen as asleep see by Abdulla Masud Al Fifi Translated by Ghada. S . Qwaider

I've seen as asleep see by Abdulla Masud Al Fifi Translated by Ghada. S . Qwaider

That in a rainy ,sever wind and great blackness night , its sky had soured with clouds !
With clouds that closed in on the prospects of the heavens and the earth, took out an iron which he didn't see !
The people were asleep and quiet afraid in their spaced houses in our big village which surrounded with roaring valleys from three sides !
Passive waiting for what will happen ! while they were in a case of waiting and horror , a dim light went out of the eastern horizon , behind the great and high mountain ,and the sky began to send a white ray , then it brightened rapid release as a door and , its light dazzled sights and brains !

Where the light shone from covered our village and all villages . So , people bemused from it !!
The necks rose up to sky and an infant as a lobe moon went out of that gap and began in falling till he disappeared in one of the sides of the village between houses , then a young likes princes of paradise followed him up and fell down , another one fell down , another one successively , until they filled the squares of the village !
They are in number of the little and young girls of the village , each female has no husband or a sad widow .
It seemed as if morning breathed ,and a new day , flying white doves , loud joys raised from all houses .
The end

رَأَيْت فِيْمَا يَرَى الْنَّائِم للكاتب عبد الله مسعود الفيفي ترجمة غادة قويدر

انَّه فِي لَيْلَة شَاتِيَة وُماطّرَة شَدِيْدَة الْرِّيح عَظِيْمَة الْسَّوَاد قَد تَلَبَّدَت سَمَّاهَا

بِسُحُب اطَّبَّقَت عَلَى آَفَاق الْسَّمَاوَات وَالْارْض ,اذَا اخْرَج احَد يَدَه لَم يَكَد يَرَاهَا !!

وَقَد هَجَع الْنَّاس وَّسَكَنُوْا خَائِفِيْن فِي دُوْرِهِم الْمُتَبَاعِدَة فِي أرْجاء قَرْيَتِنَا الْوَاسِعَة وَالَّتِي تَحُفُّهَا الْأَوْدِيَة الْهَادِرَة مِن ثَلَاث جِهَات !

مُنْتَظِرِيْن مُسْتَسْلِمِيْن لِمَا سَيَكُوْن ,وَبَيْنَمَا هُم عَلَى حَالِهِم هَذَا مِن الْتَّرَقُّب وَالْهَلَع

تَسَلَّل نُوْر خَافَت مِن الْأُفُق الْشَّرْقِي ,مِن خَلْف الْطَّوْد الْجَبَلِي الْمُنَيَّف ,وَبَدَأَت الْسَّمَاء تُرْسِل شُعَاعَا ابْيَض ,ثُم انْفَرَجَت بِفُرْجَة كَالْبَاب وَبَهَرَت بِنُوْرِهَا الْابْصَار وَالْعُقُول .!

حَيْث أشَرْق مِنْهَا نُوَر غُشِي قَرْيَتِنَا وَكُل الْقُرَى فَاصَاب الْنَّاس مِنْه رَهْبَة عَظِيْمَة !

وِاشَرَأبَت الْاعْنَاق الَى الْسَّمَاء فَكَان ان خَرَج مِن تِلْك الْفُرْجَة طِفْل وَلِيّد يَوْمِه كَأَنَّه فِلْقَة قَمَر وَأخَذ فِي الْهُبُوْط

حَتَّى تَوَارَى فِي احْدَى جِهَات الْقَرْيَة بَيْن الدُّوَر !

ثُم تَبِعَه شَاب كَأَنَّه مِن أمَرَاء الفِرْدَوْس الْأَعْلَى وَهَبَط ,ثُم آَخَر وَهَبَط ,ثُم آَخَر تِبَاعَا ,حَتَّى امْتَلَات وَضاقَت بِهِم سَاحَات الْقَرْيَة

فَكَانُوْا بِعَدَد صَبَايَا الْقَرْيَة الْصِّغَار مِنْهُن وَالْكِبَار وَكُل انْثَى لَيْس لَهَا زَوْج اوارْمِلّة حَزِيْنَة !

وَبَدَى كَأَن الْصُّبْح تَنَفَّس ,,وَاشْرَقَت شَمْس جَدِيْدَة ,فَحَلَّقَت حَمَّامَات بِيَض وَعَلَت زَغَارِيْد الْفَرَح مِن كُل الدَّوْر!!!!!