عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-23-2011, 09:52 AM
المشاركة 1076
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
البابا ليو الثالث عشر

يتمه: ماتت امه وعمره 14 سنه.
مجاله: بابا الافاتيكان.

من البابا وهو فينشنزو بيتشي “ Vincenzo pecci ” في إيطاليا 2 أذار 1810 ، وانتخب بابا في 20 شباط 1887 وتوفي سنة 1903 عن 93 عاماً. برزت شخصيته إثر انتخابه، خلفاً لبيوس التاسع، فأطلّ على العالم بوجهٍ يتمتّع بذكاءٍ حاد. و بروح فطن في تصوّر المشاريع الكبرى. فكانت له صفة القيادة ووضوح الرؤيا وامتلاك الذّات، وإدراك معنى الممكن في تعامله مع الواقع ومع الأشخاص.
توفي البابا بعد ترأسه الكنيسة الكاثوليكيّة لمدّة ربع قرن، أعطى فيها الكرسيّ الرّسوليّ هالة عالميّة، وأكسبها "قوّة سياسيّة ومعنويّة كبيرة تفوق السّلطة الزّمنيّة، الّتي كانت قد فقدتها". فشكّلت حبريّته منعطفاًهامّاً في تاريخ الكنيسة.

Pope Leo XIII
(2 March 1810 – 20 July 1903), born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci to an Italian comital family, was the 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, reigning from 1878 to 1903. He was the oldest pope (reigning until the age of 93), and had the third longest pontificate, behind his immediate predecessor Pius IX and successor John Paul II.
He is known for intellectualism, the development of social teachings with his encyclicalRerum Novarum and his attempts to define the position of the Church with regard to modern thinking. He impacted Roman Catholic Mariology and promoted both the rosary and the scapular. He issued a record eleven encyclicals on the rosary, approved two new Marian scapulars and was the first Pope to fully embrace the concept of Mary as mediatrix
Born in Carpineto Romano, near Rome, he was the sixth of the seven sons of Count Ludovico Pecci and his wife Anna Prosperi Buzzi. From 1810 to 1818 he was at home with his family, "in which religion counted as the highest grace on earth, as through her, salvation can be earned for all eternity". Together with his brother he studied in the Jesuit College in Viterbo, where he stayed until 1824. He enjoyed the Latin language and was known to write his own Latin poems at the age of eleven.
In 1824 he and his older brother Giuseppe Pecci were called to Rome where their mother was dying. Count Pecci wanted his children near him after the loss of his wife, and so they stayed with him in Rome, attending the Jesuit Collegium Romanum. In 1828, Giuseppe entered the Jesuit order, while Vincenzo decided in favour of secular clergy