عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-05-2010, 10:29 PM
المشاركة 114
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

ماها فيرا

يوجد نوع من التوازي بين حياة البوذا و (ماهافيرا) أفضى ببعض أوائل الدارسين إلى اعتبار الرجلين متطابقين. فعلى سبيل المثال ولد كلاهما في مقام رفيع بوصفهاعضوين في اسرتين بارزتين من طبقة ال(كشاتريا) وكابد كلاهما عدم الرضا عن حياته ، وبرغم زاجهما وانجاب كل منهما طفلا،هجرا بيتيهماوصارا راهبين متسولين جوالين. ورفض كلاهما مثالية البرهمانيين التي تؤمن بوحدة الوجود . وأسس كلاهما أخوية رهبانية تستبعد التميزات الطبقية . وكان كلاهما خارجا عن الإجماع من وجهة نظر الهندوسية لأنه أنكر القداسة الخاصة بالكتابات الفيدية .
تم الاسترجاع من "http://ar.wikibooks.org/wiki/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D 9%88%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8% A9"

Mahavira was born of Sidhatha, Raja of Kundalpura, and Queen Trisala, who was known by the name Priya Karni. ‘Maha’ means great and ‘Vira’ means a hero. ‘Tirtha’ literally means a ford, a means of crossing over. Metaphorically, it denotes a spiritual guide or philosophy which enables one to cross over the ocean of recurring births in this world. ‘Kara’ means one who makes. The whole word Tirthankara means a Jain holy teacher.
Mahavira is not the founder of Jainism. He revised the Jain doctrines. He was more a reformer than the founder of the faith. In Jain metaphysics, "Time" is divided into cycles. It is claimed that in each half-cycle, twenty-four Tirthankaras, at long intervals, preach anew the doctrines. Mahavira was the twenty-fourth, and like the others, is claimed to have been omniscient.
Mahavira was also known by the names Vardhamana (i.e., ever advancing) and Sanmati. At the age of eight he observed the twelve vows of Ahimsa, etc. He was obedient to his parents and served them with great faith and devotion. He was an able statesman. He did not marry.
Mahavira was immersed in Self-contemplation. He knew that the pleasures of this world were transitory and that they strengthened the letters of Karma. He knew that renunciation would lead to the attainment of eternal bliss.
People were quite astonished at the virtuous nature of Mahavira at such a tender age. He was very much interested in meditation. He cultivated the arts of music and literature. Thirty years of Prince Vardhamana’s life passed off in this way
Prince Vardhamana became extremely penitent. He resolved to give up everything worldly. He gave up attachment to his parents, friends and relatives. He thought over the twelve Anuprekshas or matters of deep thinking according to the Jain scriptures:
1. All worldly things are temporary.
2. The Soul alone is the sole resort.
3. This world is beginningless and crooked.
4. There is nothing to help the Soul, but the Soul itself.
5. Body, mind, etc., are essentially separate from the Soul.
6. The Soul is essentially pure and the body, etc., are essentially impure.
7. The Soul’s bondage is due to the inflow of Karma in it.
8. Every being ought to stop this inflow.
9. Emancipation is attained when Karma is absolutely got rid of.
10. The emancipated Souls remain fit the foremost top of the filled spaces.
11. In this world, to have the birth of a human being and to meditate on the nature of the Soul are the greatest blessings.
12. To have the three jewels as described by the Omniscient is the only morality.
Mahavira thought over these twelve things and decided finally that he must abandon home.
Mahavira’s mother said, "My beloved son, you will not be able to bear the severity of the austerities. There is time yet for it. You must help your father in governing the kingdom. You can become a monk after some years".
Mahavira said, "Adorable mother! All the objects of the world are evanescent like water bubbles. Where can one get happiness in this world which is the abode of disease, sorrow, pain and death? I must leave this world".
Mahavira distributed all his wealth to the poor with his own hands. He went to the forest. He took off even the piece of cloth which he was wearing and became absolutely nude. He turned to the north and said, "Salutation to the Siddhas!" He rooted out with his own hands five tufts of hair from his head and became a monk.
Mahavira practised rigorous austerities. He fasted for many days. He meditated on the pure nature of the Soul.
Mahavira was tested by the celestials. A group of handsome women surrounded him. But Mahavira remained unmoved and unperturbed. He attained omniscience. He preached his message of peace for thirty years after the attainment of omniscience. He wandered in Magadha, Mithila, etc. Many kings became his disciples.



Mahavira was born in Kundapura near Vaishali. The traditional Jaina date for Mahavira's birth is 599 BC, but comparison with the life of Buddha and the Magadha kings Bimbisara and Ajatashatru indicate that his death at the age of 72 was probably about 490 BC.

An elaborate legend is told in the Acharanga Sutra and in the Kalpa Sutra how he was conceived in the womb of the Brahmin Devananda, who had fourteen prophetic dreams but then after three lunar cycles divinely transferred to the womb of the Kshatriya Trishala, who also had the same fourteen prophetic dreams. These fourteen dreams are supposed to indicate that the child will become either an emperor or a great Tirthankara (prophet). This unbelievable story probably resulted from the Jaina tradition that all the Tirthankaras were Kshatriyas, perhaps converting his stepmother into a second mother.





مؤسسها :
مؤسس الجينية هو "وردهاماتا" ومعناه الزيادة، غير أن أتباعه أطلقوا عليه اسم "مهاويرا " وزعموا أنه الاسم الذي أطلقته عليه الآلهة .
عاش مهاويرا عيشة المترفين إذ كان ابن حاكم المدينة وكان بيت والده مقصد الرهبان والنساك لما يجدون فيه من حسن الضيافة وكرم الاستقبال، فكان مهاويرا يهوى السماع لهم ويعجبه حديثهم وود لو التحق بهم، إلا أن حبه لوالديه منعاه من أن يظهر رغبته تلك لعلمه بمعارضتهما له في سلوك طريق الرهبنة .
وبعد وفاة والده وتولي أخيه الأكبر مقاليد الحكم في بلدته، وبعد مضي سنة من حكمه طلب مهاويرا من أخيه أن يأذن له في التنسك والرهبنة فأذن له

http://www.durbah.com/vb/showthread.php?t=522 31

- يبدو أن طفولته غامضة ويحيط بها الأساطير. وهناك اختلاف على تاريخ ولادته.
- يبدو انه لقيط أو انه تربي من قبل أم غير أمه فهناك أسطورة تقول أن أمه الحقيقية حملت فيه لمدة ثلاثة أشهر ثم انتقل إلى رحم أمه التي ربته.
- احد الروايات تقول ان والديه ماتا بعد ان جوعا نفسيهما حتى الومت وعمره 28 سنة رغم انه لا يمكن الجزم بالتاريخ حتما. واذلك عزف عن الامور الدنيوية.
