عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-05-2010, 10:25 PM
المشاركة 107
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة


منشيوس (390؟ – 305؟ ق.م.). فيلسوف صيني. كان أحد أكثر الشخصيات تأثيرًا في تطوير الفلسفة الصينية التي تدعى الكونفوشية.
وأكثر ما يشتهر به منشيوس عقيدته بأن الطبيعة البشرية خيِّرة. كما كان يعتقد بتبرير قيام أفراد الشعب بالإطاحة بحاكم سيِّئ أو حتى قتله. وعرَّف منشيوس الحاكم السيِّئ بأنه ذلك الحاكم الذي يهمل مصلحة رعيّته ويحكمهم بقسوة. وقد وردت أفكار منشيوس في المنغزي، ويكتب أيضًا (مَنْغَ ـ تزُو) وهو كتاب جامع لتعاليمه.
ولد منشيوس في ولاية زو فيما يعرف الآن بمقاطعة شانتونغ. اسمه الحقيقي منغ كي، واسم منشيوس هو الصيغة اللاتينية لمنغزي، وهو لقب يعني السيد منغ. لايعرف المثقفون شيئًا عن بداية حياة منشيوس باستثناء المعلومات الواردة في بعض الأساطير غير الموثوقة. وعمل منشيوس مستشارًا سياسيًا لعدد من الحكام الصينيين، غير أنه سئم السياسة فيما بعد، فعاد إلى زو حيث أمضى بقية حياته.
انظر أيضًا: الكونفوشية

Mencius (Chinese: 孟子; Zhuyin/Bopomofo: ㄇㄥˋ ㄗ˙; pinyin: Mèng Zǐ; Wade-Giles: Meng Tzu), most accepted dates: 372 – 289 BCE; other possible dates: 385 – 303/302 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher who was arguably the most famous Confucian after Confucius himself.

Mencius, also known by his birth name Meng Ke or Ko, was born in the State of Zou (simp.:邹国; trad.: 鄒國; pinyin: zōu guó; Wade-Giles: tsou1 kuo2), now forming the territory of the county-level city of Zoucheng (邹城; originally Zouxian), Shandong province, only thirty kilometres (eighteen miles) south of Qufu, Confucius' birthplace.
He was an itinerant Chinese philosopher and sage, and one of the principal interpreters of Confucianism. Supposedly, he was a pupil of Confucius' grandson, Zisi. Like Confucius, according to legend, he travelled China for forty years to offer advice to rulers for reform.[5] During the Warring States Period (403–221 BCE), Mencius served as an official and scholar at the Jixia Academy in the State of Qi (齊; pinyin: qí; 1046 BC to 221 BC) from 319 to 312 BCE. He expressed his filial devotion when he took an absence of three years from his official duties for Qi to mourn his mother's death. Disappointed at his failure to effect changes in his contemporary world, he retired from public life.

Mencius' mother
One of the most famous traditional Chinese four-character idioms is 孟母三遷 (pinyin:mèng mǔ sān qiān; Zhuyin/Bopomofo: ㄇㄥˋ ㄇㄨˇ ㄙㄢ ㄑ一ㄢ; Hangeul/Korean: 맹모삼천; Kana: もうぼさんせん; Romaji: mou bo san sen; literal translation: "Mencius' mother, three moves").
This saying refers to the legend that Mencius' mother moved house three times before finding a location that she felt was suitable for the child's upbringing. As an expression, the idiom refers to the importance of finding the proper environment for raising children.
Mencius's father died when he was very young. His mother Zhang (仉) raised her son alone. They were very poor. At first they lived by a cemetery, where the mother found her son imitating the paid mourners in funeral processions. Therefore the mother decided to move. The next house was near a market in the town. There the boy began to imitate the cries of merchants (merchants were despised in early China). So the mother moved to a house next to a school. Inspired by the scholars and students, Mencius began to study. His mother decided to remain, and Mencius became a scholar.

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