عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-05-2010, 10:00 PM
المشاركة 68
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

وليم هارفي

Harvey was an English physician who was the first to describe accurately how blood was pumped around the body by the heart.
William Harvey was born in Folkestone, Kent on 1 April 1578. His father was a merchant. Harvey was educated at King's College, Canterbury and then at Cambridge University. He then studied medicine at the University of Padua in Italy, where the scientist and surgeon Hieronymus Fabricius tutored him.
Fabricius, who was fascinated by anatomy, recognised that the veins in the human body had one-way valves, but was puzzled as to their function. It was Harvey who took the foundation of Fabricius's teaching, and went on to solve the riddle of what part the valves played in the circulation of blood through the body.
The physician's father, Thomas Harvey, was a jurat of Folkestone where he served the office of mayor in 1600. Records and personal descriptions delineate him as an overall calm, diligent and intelligent man whose "sons...revered, consulted and implicitly trusted in him...(they) made their father the treasurer of their wealth when they got great estates. ...(he) kept, employed and improved their gainings to their great advantage."[1] His portrait, (which shows an overall astonishing and incontrovertible resemblance to William) can still be seen in the central panel in one wall of the dining-room at Rolls Park, Chigwell, in Essex.
Much less is known about William's mother, Joan Harvey. Indeed, all that is written about her can be found on a simple brass tablet which exists to her memory in the church at Folkestone.
Early life and the University of Padua
Not much information has been found regarding the first part of William Harvey's life;

- المعلومات عن ام وليم هارفي قليلة جدا.
- احد المواقع يقول انها توفيت وعمره 27 في عام 1605 .
- هناك اجماع بأن وليم الابن الاول للزوجة الثانية والتي تزوجها بعد موت الاولى بعام وهذا ما يترك المجال للاحتمال انه ابن الاولى حيث ماتت امه وعمره سنة واحده.
- قد يكون هناك خطأ في تاريخ مولده ففي ذلك العصر لم تكن مثل هذه الامور مهمه كما رأينا.
- هناك احتمال ان يكون قد تيتم في سن متأخره كونه ابدع في مجال الاكتشاف كما رأينا سابقا وليس في مجال الفكر والفلسفة.

سنعتبره لغاية هذه الدراسة مجهول لان السجل الوحيد الذي يذكر وفاة امه يقول انها توفيت وعمره 27 سنه ونحن اعتبرنا اليتم لسن 21 كحد اقصى.
