عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-05-2010, 09:55 PM
المشاركة 61
ايوب صابر
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افتراضي رد: دراسة احصائية عن اليتم والشخصيات الخالدة

البابا اوربان الثاني

Pope Urban II

The beginning of the crusading period is generally attributed by historians to Pope Urban II's (b.1042-d.1099) calling of the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095. Several greater and lesser accounts of the Pope's speech exist and while some themes are common to all, some show striking differences of emphasis. One thing all accounts agree on is the enthusiastic response of Urban's listeners in the wake of his speech.

He was born Otho of Lagery into a knightly family in the province of Champagne in 1042. While a young man, he became a canon and archdeacon in Reims.

In 1070 he retired to the famous center of eleventh-century eccesiastical reform at the Cluny monastery. There he fell under the guidance of St. Hugh who sent him to Rome to serve under another former Cluniac monk, Pope Gregory VII. His time at Cluny and serving under Pope Gregory VII insured Urban's later papacy would follow in the traditions of Cluniac reform.

Yet perhaps most importantly, the influence of Gregory VII on the future Pope may have been a major cause of his later willingness to call the First Crusade in 1095. This is because in the wake of the disasterous battle of Mantzikert in 1071, Byzantium had expressed a desire for western military aid in their battles against Islamic armies.

As early as 1074 Pope Gregory VII had considered calling for up to 50,000 soldiers to fight in the East on behalf of Byzantium, which may have only been prevented by the hardships and distractions Gregory VII endured in his disputes with secular authorities, especially with King Henry IV. Without such distractions, Gregory VII likely would have called the First Crusade in 1074. Yet this distinction was reserved for his loyal understudy, the future Pope Urban II.

Following the brief three year reign of Pope Victor III, Otho of Lagery became Pope Urban II in 1088. Among his first acts as Pope was to call on the Princes and nobility that had been loyal to Gregory VII to remain loyal to him as he would hold fast to the policies and idealogy of his mentor.

After spending the first half of his reign dealing with political division and war in Italy, the Pope could only enter Rome three years after the start of his papacy, he finally turned his attention to events in the East. Like his predecessor Gregory VII, Urban II felt that western military aid was necessary to help the Byzantine Empire under assault from the armies of Islam. In 1095 he traveled to the Council of Clermont in France.

At Clermont the Pope announced to his assembled listeners a shocking number of abuses of Eastern Christians and Christian holy places in the East including the rape of women and clergy, torture, murder, theft, and desecration. For those brave and devoted Christians willing to go to the aid of Eastern Christians, the Pope promised a plenary indulgence and extended the Truce of God to assure the nobility that their lands and other property would not suffer from attacks at home while they were away.

The Pope's words stirred knights reared in a culture of militant Christianity and they answered the Pope's call for an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land with shouts of "Deus lo volt!" or "God wills it!" The Pope then made his way through France and Italy preaching the crusade, as clerics throughout Latin Christendom joined in Urban's successful efforts of preaching what would become known as the First Crusade.


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