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قديم 12-16-2010, 11:02 PM
المشاركة 419
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جورج أورسون ويلز

(بالإنجليزية George Orson Welles) (‏6 مايو1915 - 10 أكتوبر1985) المعروف بأورسون ويلز كان مخرج أفلام، مؤلف، ممثل ومنتج أمريكي عمل في مجال السينما، المسرح، التلفزيون والراديو. امتاز بإنتاجاته الدرامية المبتكرة وبصوته المميز وشخصيته. ويلز يعتبر أحد أهم فناني الدراما في القرن العشرين.
حاز ويلز على شهرة لإخراجه وتقديمه تمثيلية إذاعية مقتبسة عن رواية ه.ج. ويلز حرب العوالم التي سببت، بسبب إذاعتها بأسلوب التقرير الإخباري، إلى هلع بين الناس لاعتقادهم بحدوث غزو كائنات بشرية للعالم. أفلامه المبكرة Citizen Kane و1The Magnificent Ambersons يعتبران من أهم الأفلام في تاريخ السينما. العديد من أفلامه الأخرى وخاصة Touch of Evilو Chimes at Midnight يعتبرها العديدون تحفا سينمائية. عام 2002 تم اختياره أعظم مخرج سينمائي في التاريخ في مسح نظمته مؤسسة الأفلام البريطانية.

Welles was born May 5, 1915, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, son of Richard Hodgdon Head Welles (1873, Missouri - December 28, 1930, Chicago, Illinois) and Beatrice Ives (1882 or 1883, Springfield, Illinois - May 10, 1924, Chicago, Illinois). His family was raised Roman Catholic. Despite his parents' affluence, Welles encountered many hardships in childhood. In 1919, his parents separated and moved to Chicago. His father, who had made a fortune as the inventor of a popular bicycle lamp, became an alcoholic and stopped working. Welles's mother, a concert pianist, played during lectures by Dudley Crafts Watson at the Chicago Art Institute to support her son and herself (the oldest Welles boy, "Dickie", had been institutionalized at an early age because he had learning difficulties).

Beatrice died of jaundice in 1924 in a Chicago hospital a few days after Welles's ninth birthday. After his mother's death, Welles ceased pursuing his interest in music.

He was taken in by Dudley Crafts Watson and lived with the family at Watson's family home, "Trillium Dell", on Marshman Avenue in Highland Park, Illinois. At the age of ten, Orson with Watson's third daughter, Marjorie (of the same age), ran away from home.

They were found a week later, singing and dancing for money on a street corner in Milwaukee.

His father died when Orson was 15 during the summer after Orson's graduation from Todd School for Boys, an independent school in Woodstock, Illinois. Maurice Bernstein, a physician from Chicago, became his guardian.
At Todd School, Welles came under the influence of Roger Hill, a teacher who later became Todd's headmaster. Hill provided Welles with an ad hoc educational environment that proved invaluable to his creative experience, allowing Welles to concentrate on subjects that interested him. Welles performed and staged his first theatrical experiments and productions there.
After his father's death, Welles traveled to Europe with the aid of a small inheritance. Welles later reported that while on a walking and painting trip through Ireland, he strode into the Gate Theatre in Dublin and claimed he was a Broadway star. The manager of Gate, Hilton Edwards, later said he didn't believe him but was impressed by his brashness and some impassioned quality in his audition.[citation needed] Welles made his stage debut at the Gate in 1931, appearing in Jew Suss as the Duke. He acted to great acclaim, which reached the United States. He performed smaller supporting roles as well. On returning to the United States he found his fame ephemeral and turned to a writing project at Todd School that would become the immensely successful Everybody's Shakespeare and subsequently, The Mercury Shakespeare. Welles traveled to North Africa while working on thousands of illustrations for the Everybody's Shakespeare series of educational books, a series that remained in print for decades.
An introduction by Thornton Wilder led Welles to the New York stage. In 1933, he toured in three off-Broadway productions with Katharine Cornell's company, including two roles in Romeo and Juliet.[13] Restless and impatient when the planned Broadway opening of Romeo and Juliet was canceled, Welles staged a drama festival of his own with the Todd School, inviting Micheál MacLíammóir and Hilton Edwards from Dublin's Gate Theatre to appear, along with New York stage luminaries. It was a roaring success. The subsequent revival of Cornell's Romeo and Juliet brought Welles to the notice of John Houseman, who was casting for an unusual lead actor for the lead role in the Federal Theatre Project.
By 1935 Welles was supplementing his earnings in the theater as a radio actor in Manhattan, working with many of the actors who would later form the core of his Mercury Theatre. He married Chicago actress Virginia Nicholson in 1934 and that year he shot an eight-minute silent short film, The Hearts of Age with her. The couple had one daughter, Christopher. She made her only film appearance in 1948, taking the role of Macduff's son in Welles's film Macbeth and later became known as Chris Welles Feder, an author of educational materials for children

- من الطبيعي ان يكون مبدع فذ وله قدرة على الابتكارفي عدة مجالات وان يحوز على الجواز والسر في قدرته هذه خاصة في حادثه ان يوقع الهلع في قلوب الناس يكمن في قدرة ذهنه الهائلة الناتجه عن يتمه ومشاكل طفولته المتعددة. وحتما نجد ان رعايته من عائلات بديله هي التي صنعته عبقريا فذا.