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قديم 03-04-2014, 02:56 PM
المشاركة 1731
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3-المذهب البراغماتي Pragmatismeو رواد هذا المذهب هم :
- وليام جيمس ...ليس يتيم لكنه كان يعاني من آلام جسدية ونفسية إلى حد انه فكر في الانتحار، كما أن والده من قبله وكافة إخوته عانوا من مشاكل نفسيه مماثلة.
ويليام جيمس
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

وليم جيمس (11 يناير1842 - 26 أغسطس1910) فيلسوف أمريكي ومن رواد علم النفس الحديث. كتب كتبا مؤثرة في علم النفس الحديث وعلم النفس التربوي، وعلم النفس الدينيوالتصوف، والفلسفة البراغماتية. وكان شقيق الروائي المعروف هنري جيمسوأليس جيمس كاتب اليوميات. وليم جيمس ولد في مدينة نيويورك وهو فيلسوف الحرية له العديد من المؤلفات منها: الإرادة، الاعتقاد، مبادئ علم النفس، البراغماتية
وهو صاحب المقولة:
إن الاكتشاف الأعظم الذي شهده جيلي والذي يقارن بالثورة الحديثة في الطب كثورة البنسلين هو معرفة البشر أن بمقدورهم تغيير حياتهم عبر تغيير مواقفهم الذهنية

. ومن أقواله أيضاً "إن أعمق مبدأ في الطبيعة الإنسانية هي التماس التقدير".

William James was born at the Astor House in New York City. He was the son of Henry James Sr., a noted and independently wealthy Swedenborgiantheologian well acquainted with the literary and intellectual elites of his day. The intellectual brilliance of the James family milieu and the remarkable epistolary talents of several of its members have made them a subject of continuing interest to historians, biographers, and critics.
James interacted with a wide array of writers and scholars throughout his life, including his godfather Ralph Waldo Emerson, his godson William James Sidis, as well as Charles Sanders Peirce, Bertrand Russell, Josiah Royce, Ernst Mach, John Dewey, Macedonio Fernández, Walter Lippmann, Mark Twain, Horatio Alger, Jr., Henri Bergson and Sigmund Freud.
William James received an eclectic trans-Atlantic education, developing fluency in both German and French. Education in the James household encouraged cosmopolitanism. The family made two trips to Europe while William James was still a child, setting a pattern that resulted in thirteen more European journeys during his life. His early artistic bent led to an apprenticeship in the studio of William Morris Hunt in Newport, Rhode Island, but he switched in 1861 to scientific studies at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University.
In his early adulthood, James suffered from a variety of physical ailments, including those of the eyes, back, stomach, and skin. He was also tone deaf.[7] He was subject to a variety of psychological symptoms which were diagnosed at the time as neurasthenia, and which included periods of depression during which he contemplated suicide for months on end. Two younger brothers, Garth Wilkinson (Wilky) and Robertson (Bob), fought in the Civil War. The other three siblings (William, Henry, and Alice James) all suffered from periods of invalidism.
He took up medical studies at Harvard Medical School in 1864. He took a break in the spring of 1865 to join naturalist Louis Agassiz on a scientific expedition up the Amazon River, but aborted his trip after eight months, as he suffered bouts of severe seasickness and mild smallpox. His studies were interrupted once again due to illness in April 1867. He traveled to Germany in search of a cure and remained there until November 1868; at that time he was 26 years old. During this period, he began to publish; reviews of his works appeared in literary periodicals such as the North American Review.
James finally earned his M.D. degree in June 1869 but he never practiced medicine. What he called his "soul-sickness" would only be resolved in 1872, after an extended period of philosophical searching. He married Alice Gibbens in 1878. In 1882 he joined the Theosophical Society.[8]
James's time in Germany proved intellectually fertile, helping him find that his true interests lay not in medicine but in philosophy and psychology. Later, in 1902 he would write: "I originally studied medicine in order to be a physiologist, but I drifted into psychology and philosophy from a sort of fatality. I never had any philosophic instruction, the first lecture on psychology I ever heard being the first I ever gave".[9]
Like his father, William was forced to confront serious psychological difficulties early in his adult life. Unlike his father, he was forced to weather such crises more than once. For him the problems of physiology, psychology, and philosophy were not professional domains of detached speculation but concrete issues of life and death. No one who reads his account of "the sick soul" in The Varieties of Religious Experience is likely to doubt that he knew such dark nights of the soul personally.

His father had resolved his own great crisis in the context of religion -- adopting a highly personal, nonconformist spirituality. William would ground his salvation in the methodology of science and formal logic, seeking first to comprehend his own difficult experience in physiological terms, then to master its difficulties via the disciplines psychology and ultimately philosophy. In the course of his own journey of discovery, he would lay down sound foundations for the modern science of psychology and establish it as a significantly American discipline. When Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung made their pioneering journey to America in 1909, the one man they most wanted to meet was William James