عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-01-2014, 02:35 PM
المشاركة 487
ايوب صابر
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العناصر التي صنعت الروعة في : رواية رقم- 23 - ذات الرداء الأبيض، للمؤلف ويلكيكولنس

- The Woman in White is the first and most influential of the Victorian genre that combined Gothic horror with psychological realism.

رواية المرأة ذات الرداء الابيض كانت اول رواية مهمة من العهد الفكتوري والتي جمعت بين رعب الكوثك والواقعية النفسية.

- The Woman in White is a gem of a novel - creepy, dense, menacing, and always intriguing.

- For a long time, the reader isn't quite sure what is going on, only that it isn't good - and it's to Collins' credit that when the plots are revealed, they are as interesting as anything I was supposing

- The story is told throughout the novel by various characters narrative's.

- They are placed along the story from beginning to the end to pick up the enquiries and story to a conclusion.

- It is written in a very English correct language and some real tension and atmosphere is created by some narratives.

- This was originally released in serial form and that shows in the way story is told by the different characters narratives of the general universe around The Woman in White. Maybe weaker as a novel to read in one go cover to cover and was maybe stronger as it was meant to be in snippets.

- The story dragged in some places and became repetitious I wish I could hear more of the voice of The woman in white herself. If the author maybe lost 200 pages or so it would have been made more readable. For the era that this was written you could say it was a really good work of literary fiction