عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-01-2014, 02:23 PM
المشاركة 1722
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
1- المذهب العقلاني ورواد هذا المذهب :
- رنيه ديكارت..يتيم الأم في السنة الأولى من عمره.
Descartes was born in La Haye en Touraine (now Descartes), Indre-et-Loire, France. When he was one year old, his mother Jeanne Brochard died. His father Joachim was a member of the Parlement of Brittany at Rennes.[9] In 1606 or 1607 he entered the JesuitCollège Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Flèche[10] where he was introduced to mathematics and physics, including Galileo's work.[11] After graduation in December 1616, he studied at the University of Poitiers, earning a Baccalauréat and Licence in law, in accordance with his father's wishes that he should become a lawyer.[12]
In his book, Discourse On The Method, he says "I entirely abandoned the study of letters. Resolving to seek no knowledge other than that of which could be found in myself or else in the great book of the world, I spent the rest of my youth traveling, visiting courts and armies, mixing with people of diverse temperaments and ranks, gathering various experiences, testing myself in the situations which fortune offered me, and at all times reflecting upon whatever came my way so as to derive some profit from it."
Given his ambition to become a professional military officer, Descartes joined the Army of Breda under the command of Maurice of Nassau in the Dutch Republic, and undertook a formal study of military engineering, as established by Simon Stevin. Descartes therefore received much encouragement in Breda to advance his knowledge of mathematics.[13] In this way he became acquainted with Isaac Beeckman, principal of Dordrecht school. Beeckman had proposed a difficult mathematical problem, and to his astonishment, it was the young Descartes who found the solution. Both believed that it was necessary to create a method that thoroughly linked mathematics and physics.[14] While in the service of the Duke Maximilian of Bavaria, Descartes was present at the Battle of the White Mountain outside Prague, in November 1620.[15]