عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-30-2013, 10:21 AM
المشاركة 1603
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
10- الباراشوت جان بيير بلانشار فرنسي 1785م

- البحث عن طفولة وخلفية حياة هذا المخترع اظهر اهتمام الكتاب في الاختراع اكثر من حياتة وكيف كانت عليه طفولته
- فقط مرجع واحد يقول انه كان ابن عائلة فلاحين فقيرة وانه انتقل الى باريس.
- وهو ما يشير الى طفولة صعبة لكننا لا نكاد نعرف شيء عن طفولته.
- مجهول الطفولة.

Jean Pierre Blanchard (1753-1809)

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةJean Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries cross the English Channel

Jean Pierre François Blanchard was born July 4, 1753 in Petit Andelys, France. He began inventing a variety of interesting devices as a young boy, including a rat trap with a pistol, a velocipede, and later a hydraulic pump system that raised water 400 feet (122 meters) from the Seine River to the Chateau Gaillard. He also attempted to develop a manually powered airplane and helicopter but was unsuccessful

Jean-Pierre Blanchard ( 1753 - 1809 )

The Inventor of the First Successful Parachute:

Jean-Pierre Blanchard was born in Les Andles in Normandy France on July 4, 1753. He was born to french peasants and thus received a poor education. Never the less he left for Paris where he became an amateur inventor even inventing a rudimentary bicycle called a velocipede. He became enamored with flight; However his initial designs failed miserably. Luckily the Montgolfier brothers designed a working air balloon in 1783. Inspired by their work, Blanchard designed his own hydrogen balloon and launched it in 1784. He planned to control the contraption using geared wings, but the wind proved to strong and blew him off course.

After Blanchard had his first successful flight he decided to tour the world with his invention and in late 1784 he went to England. One year later he made the first crossing of the English Channel with the help of Dr. John Jeffries. Later that year he made the first successful parachute jump using a small dog in a basket. The parachute lowered the rate of fall to an extent that the dog survived. Later Blanchard would parachute jump himself after adding sails for increased maneuverability. Although the sails failed he survived the fall.

His final great act came in 1793 when in front of George Washington he made the first North American balloon ascent where he crossed from Philadelphia to New Jersey. In 1808 he had a heart attack while flying and fell 50 feet from his balloon. Although he survived the fall he never fully recovered and in 1809 he passed away. He was survived by his wife who met her end in 1819 while watching fireworks in an air balloon

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