عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-26-2013, 12:49 PM
المشاركة 1597
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
6- الغواصة جون هولاند أمريكي 1891م ..
- يتيم الاب...في سن المراهقة ( ما بين الثانية عشرة والسابعة عشرة)
- كان معتل الصحة
- ولد في كوخ ما يزال قائم حتى الان.
- الابن الثاني من الزوجة الثانية.
- انتقلت العائلة الى مدينة Limerick وهو في سن الثانية عشرة.
- مات ابوه بعد انتقاله الى المدينة الجديدة اي بعد سن الثانية عشرة وعلى الاغلب في سن السابعة عشر حينما بدا العمل لاعالة العائلة.
- مات احد اخوته وهو في سن الرابعة.
- كان يعاني من ضعف البصر.
- مرض وهو في سن السابعة عشرة عام 1758 انقطع عن العمل لفترة حتى عام 1761 بسبب المرض.
- اشعلت الحرب الاهلية.د اثناء عمله في التدريس.
- وضع فكرة الغواصة خلال قيامه بالتدريس في أيرلندا بين عامي 1858 و1872 وكانت الحرب وكرهه لها احد الاسباب لوضع فكرة الغواصة.
- هاجر الى الولايات المتحدة عام 1773 ملتحقا باخوته ووالدته.

جون فيليب هولاند (1840 - 1914).مهندس إيرلندي طور أول غواصة بحرية و قدمها للبحرية الأمريكية للنظر فيها ، كما طور أول غواصة بحرية ملكية هولاند 1 .
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
جون هولاند

حياته المهنية

هاجر هولاند إلى الولايات المتحدة سنة 1873 . في البداية اشتغل في شركة هندسية ، ثم عاد للتدريس لست سنوات في مدرسة القديس يوحنا الكاثوليكية في باترسون ، نيو جيرسي .
تطوير تصاميم الغواصة

سنة 1875 ، قدم تصميمه لأول غواصة إلى البحرية الأمريكية ، ولكنه رفض بحجة أنه غير قابل للتنفيذ .
واصل هولاند سعيه لتحسين تصميمه و عمل على عدة قوارب تجريبية ، حتى كلل جهوده بنجاح عندما أطلق أول غواصة في 17 مايو 1897 . و كانت غواصته أول غواصة تعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية تحت أى عمق ، و كان أول من جمع بين استخدام المحركات الكهربائية تحت الماء و محركات البنزين على السطح . و اشترتها البحرية الأمريكية في 11 أبريل سنة 1900 بعد عدة اختبارات دقيقة .

بعد أن قضى 57 عاماً في العمل في الغواصات ، توفى جون فيليب هولاند في 12 أغسطس سنة 1914 في نيو جيرسي ، و دفن في القبر المقدس في مقبرة توتاوا ، نيو جيرسي .

John Philip Holland

, inventor of the modern submarine, was born on 24 February 1841 in Liscannor, County Clare, the son of John Holland, a coastguard, and Mary Scanlon. Educated at Ennistymon and Limerick C.B.S. and taught in a number of their schools in Ireland, but in 1872 he emigrated with his family to America.


نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

by Edward C. Whitman

Now recognized as “the father of the modern submarine,” Irish-American inventor John Philip Holland (1841-1914) rose from relative obscurity as a New Jersey parochial school teacher to become the best-known and most influential submarine pioneer of the early 20th century. First interested in undersea craft as early as the 1860s, Holland systematically evolved a series of increasingly successful designs that by 1899 had reached the form that would determine the basic configuration of submarines worldwide for the next 50 years. And yet, within five years of selling the U.S. Navy its first submarine in 1900, Holland was essentially forced out of the business by his former associates, who then became wealthy exploiting the patents that embodied his fundamental ideas.Beginnings in Ireland

John Holland was born in February 1841 – most likely on the 24th – in the small village of Liscannor in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland. His father was a “riding officer” – essentially a roving coastal patrolman – for the British Coastguard Service, and John entered the world in a humble cottage – still standing there today – as the second of four sons from a second marriage. Little is known of Holland’s earliest education in Liscannor, but it is clear that he attended secondary school under the Christian Brothers, first in nearby Ennistymon, then in Limerick, where his family moved when he was 12. In school, Holland distinguished himself particularly in the physical sciences and contemplated a career at sea, but his poor eyesight and the necessity of helping to support the family after his father’s death – early in the Limerick years – diverted him to a teaching career with the Order of the Irish Christian Brothers
After taking initial vows with the order in 1858, Holland studied at the North Monastery School in Cork while serving as an apprentice teacher. Within two years, however, his frail health forced him into a period of recuperation that lasted until 1861, when he was assigned to the first of a series of teaching positions that culminated at Dundalk, north of Dublin, where he taught – mostly music – until 1873. During his early teaching career, Holland became interested in the problems of both flight and submarine navigation, and in the latter area, he prepared a preliminary concept for a one-man submersible, which allegedly he was able to test as a clockwork-driven model. These studies and his familiarity with the efforts of such earlier submarine designers as Van Drebbel, Bushnell, Fulton, and the Hunley builders soon convinced him that underwater vehicles were entirely feasible.
At this same time, the struggle for Irish freedom from Britain had escalated to actual rebellion in Limerick and elsewhere, and two of Holland’s brothers joined the independence movement. Amid the resulting unrest, his younger brother Michael soon fled to the United States, and in 1872 both his older brother Alfred and his mother followed. (A third brother, Robert, had died of cholera in 1845.) Consequently, with no remaining family ties in Ireland and his health failing again, John Holland withdrew from the Christian Brothers a year later and booked passage – in steerage – for America. He was 32.


John Philip Holland (Irish: Seán Pilib Ó hUallacháin / Ó Maolchalann) (29 February
1840 – 12 August 1914[1]) was an Irish engineer who developed the first submarine to be formally commissioned by the U.S. Navy, and the first Royal Navy submarine, the Holland 1.
He is widely regarded as the father of the modern submarine for his designs.[2]

Early life]
He was one of four brothers who may have been born in Liscannor, County Clare, Ireland to an Irish speaking mother, Máire Ní Scannláin, and John Holland, and learned English properly only when he attended the local English-speaking National School system and, from 1858, in the Christian Brothers in Ennistymon.[4]
Holland joined the Irish Christian Brothers in Limerick and taught in Limerick & many other centres in the country including North Monastery CBS in Cork City and as the first Mathematics teacher in Colaiste Ris, Dundalk. Due to ill health, he left the Christian Brothers in 1873.[5]

Holland emigrated to the United States in 1873. Initially working for an engineering firm, he returned to teaching again for a further six years in St. John’s Catholic School in Paterson, New Jersey.
Development of submarine designs

In 1875, his first submarine designs were submitted for consideration by the U.S. Navy, but turned down as unworkable. The Fenians, however, continued to fund Holland's research and development expenses at a level that allowed him to resign from his teaching post. In 1881, Fenian Ram was launched, but soon after, Holland and the Fenians parted company angrily, primarily due to issues of payment within the Fenian organization, and between the Fenians and Holland.[6] The submarine is now preserved at Paterson Museum, New Jersey.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Holland stands in the hatch of a submarine.

Holland continued to improve his designs and worked on several experimental boats, prior to his successful efforts with a privately built type, launched on 17 May 1897. This was the first submarine having power to run submerged for any considerable distance, and the first to combine electric motors for submerged travel and gasoline engines for use on the surface. She was purchased by the U.S. Navy, on 11 April 1900, after rigorous tests and was commissioned on 12 October 1900 as USS Holland. Six more of her type were ordered and built at the Crescent Shipyard in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
The company that emerged from under these developments was called The Electric Boat Company, founded on 7 February 1899. Isaac Leopold Rice became the company's first President with Elihu B. Frost acting as vice president and chief financial officer. This company eventually evolved into the major defense contractor General Dynamics.
The USS Holland design was also adopted by others, including the Royal Navy in developing the Holland-class submarine. The Imperial Japanese Navy employed a modified version of the basic design for their first five submarines, although these submarines were at least 10 feet longer at about 63 feet. These submarines were also developed at the Fore River Ship and Engine Company in Quincy, MA.[citation needed]
John Philip Holland also designed the Holland II and Holland III prototypes.
The Royal Navy 'Holland 1' is on display at the Submarine Museum, Gosport, England

After spending 57 of his 74 years working with submersibles, John Philip Holland died on 12 August 1914 in Newark, New Jersey. Holland is interred at the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Totowa, New Jersey.

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مقولة ساخنة
عليك بكفالة الايتام لانهم مشاريع العظماء ومنهم يأتي عباقرة المستقبل في كل المجالات....وتذكر دائما ان افضل استثمار يمكن ان يقوم به الانسان هو الاستثمار في عقل يتيم...وان كنت قد ذقت مرارة اليتم ثم فتحت لك ابواب النجاح والمجد والمال تكون مسؤوووووووووووليتك مضاعفة...