عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-25-2013, 02:35 PM
المشاركة 1593
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود

3- جون موزس صانع البندقية.
- والده مات عام 1879 عندما كان جون في سن الرابعة والعشرين
- ولكن من الافت ان والده وهو من اتباع المذهب المرمونس كان متزوج من ثلاث نساء وكان جون واحد من 19 ابن له وهو يقول انه في سن السابعة كان والده كبير السن وماتت والدته عام 1890
- يتيم اجتماعي

هو جون موزس براوننغ في عام 1879 ... تمكن جون براوننغ وهو مايزال في الثالثة عشرة من عمره من صنع أول سلاح له، كان بندقية صنعها من قطع معدنية مهملة وحاز عليها براءة اختراع أول سلاح ناري ابتكره، وهو بندقية وحيدة الطلقة تلقم من الخلف...

ويعتبر مصمم أسلحة نارية أمريكي، ولد في مدينة أوغدن Ogden شمال ولاية يوتا Utah الأمريكية، وتوفي في هرستال Herstal (بلجيكة). صمم عدداً من الأسلحة النارية الخفيفة، وأدخل تحسينات كبيرة على صناعة الأسلحة النارية.

John Moses Browning was the most famous and competent gunmaker the world has ever known. He was the son of Jonathan Browning, himself a highly competent gunsmith, and Elizabeth Clark.

John Moses was born January 23, 1855 in Ogden, Utah, U.S.A., where his father settled after the Mormon Exodus of 1847. It was in his father's shop that John Moses first learned the art and secrets of gunsmithing.

John Moses, however, was much more than a gunsmith in the sense that he was much more interested in designing and building new, innovative, firearms than repairing broken ones. His first creation was a single shot rifle he built at the age of 14 for his brother, Matt.

1879 was an eventful year for the Browings. Jonathan Browning died on June 21 and, soon thereafter, John Moses and his brothers started their own shop. There they first used steam powered tools, tools that were originally foot-powered but were converted by John Moses to get power from a steam engine. That year also saw John Moses marry Rachel Teresa Child, and his receipt of his first gun patent (No. 220.271) for the Breech-Loading Single Shot Rifle.

John and his brothers began producing this rifle in their Ogden shop but customer demand soon exceeded their shop's production capacity. They were unable to expand the "Browning Gun Factory," as their shop was called, because they lacked the capital required for expansion and didn't have a well established distribution channel to market their products. One has to note here that although John Moses Browning was very satisfied with the sales of his guns he was also very unhappy that the production chores and the daily work prohibited him from working on his new ideas.

A salesman for the Winchester Repeating Arms Company named Andrew McAusland happened to see one of John's Single Shot rifles in 1883. McAusland immediately bought one and sent it to Winchester's headquarters. The gun drew Winchester's interest and T. G. Bennet, Winchester's vice president and general manager, went to Ogden to buy the rights to Browning's gun. When Bennet arrived in Ogden, it didn't take long for the men to agree on the sale and Winchester paid John Moses $8,000 for the rights to produce the gun. The agreement was beneficial to both parties. Winchester was happy because they turned competitor into a benefactor, plus they added an excellent rifle to their product line. John Moses was equally happy because the money from the sale and the ensuing relationship with Winchester allowed him to concentrate on inventing things instead of manufacturing them.

From 1883 until 1902, John Moses Browning designed several firearms for Winchester. Some of them reached production status while others were never produced. They all, however, were ingenious and innovative designs. In addition to that first Single Shot Rifle, other guns that John Moses designed and which became best sellers were: Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Repeating Rifle, Model 1887 Lever Action Repeating Shotgun, Model 1897 Pump Action Shotgun, Model 1894 Lever Action Repeating Rifle, Model 1895 Lever Action Repeating Rifle, etc.

مقولة ساخنة
ان احببت ان يتحول أحدا من ذريتك الى مخترع عظيم فتزوج مثنى وثلاث ورباع لان تعدد الزوجات والأبناء يخلق حواجز غير مرئية تؤدي الى زيادة في نشاط الدماغ فيكون الاختراع احد المخرجات الابداعية
