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قديم 09-02-2013, 11:39 PM
المشاركة 11
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Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables #1)
by L.M. Montgomery, Mary Rubio (Afterword), Elizabeth Waterston .2

"She'll have to go back." Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert had decided to adopt an orphan. They wanted a nice sturdy boy to help Matthew with the farm chores. The orphanage sent a girl instead - a mischievous, talkative redhead who the Cuthberts thought would be no use at all. But as soon as Anne arrived at the snug, white farmhouse called Green Gables, she knew she wanted to stay forever. And the longer Anne stayed, the harder it was for anyone to imagine Green Gables without her

Anne of Green Gables (1908) is a bestselling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid-twentieth century, the literary classic has been considered a children's novel. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, a young orphan girl sent to a middle-aged brother and sister who have a farm on Prince Edward Island, and who had intended to adopt a boy to help them. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts, in school and the town.

Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 million copies, and has been translated into 20 languages.[4] Numerous sequels were written by Montgomery, and since her death, another sequel has been published, as well as an authorized prequel. The original book is taught to students around the world.

It has been adapted as films, made for television movies, and animated and live-action television series. Plays and musicals have also been created, with productions annually in Canada since 1964 of the first musical production, which has toured in Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan. Others have been produced in Canada and the United States.
In writing the novel, Montgomery was inspired by notes she had made as a young girl, about a couple who were mistakenly sent an orphan girl instead of the boy they had requested, yet decided to keep her. She drew upon her own childhood experiences in rural Prince Edward Island. Montgomery used a photograph of Evelyn Nesbit, which she had clipped from New York’s Metropolitan Magazine and put on the wall of her bedroom, as the model for the face of Anne Shirley, the book's main character.[5]

Montgomery also was inspired by the "formula Ann" orphan stories which were popular at the time and distinguished her character by her insistence on spelling her name as "Anne." She based other characters such as Gilbert Blythe, in part on people she knew. She said she wrote the novel in the twilight of the day, while sitting at her window and overlooking the fields of Cavendish.[6][page*needed]

Plot summary

Anne, a young orphan from the fictional community of Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia (based upon the real community of New London), is sent to Prince Edward Island after a childhood spent in strangers' homes and orphanages. Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, siblings in their fifties and sixties, had decided to adopt a boy from the orphanage to help Matthew run their farm. They live at Green Gables, their Avonlea farmhouse on Prince Edward Island. Through a misunderstanding, the orphanage sends Anne Shirley.

Anne is described as bright and quick, eager to please, talkative, and extremely imaginative. She has a pale face with freckles, and usually braids her red hair. When asked her name, Anne tells Marilla to call her Cordelia, which Marilla refuses; Anne then insists that if she is to be called Anne, it must be spelled with an e, as that spelling is "so much more distinguished." Marilla at first says the girl must return to the orphanage, but after a few days, she decides to let her stay. Marilla feels that she could be a good influence on the girl, and had also overheard that another disagreeable woman in town might take Anne in instead.

As a child of imagination, Anne takes much joy in life, and adapts quickly, thriving in the close-knit farming village. Her talkativeness initially drives the prim, duty-driven Marilla to distraction, although shy Matthew falls for her charm immediately. Anne says that they are 'kindred spirits'.

The book recounts Anne's adventures in making a home: the country school, where she quickly excels in her studies; her friendship with Diana Barry (her best or "bosom friend" as Anne fondly calls her); her budding literary ambitions; and her rivalry with classmate Gilbert Blythe, who teases her about her red hair. For that he earned her instant hatred, although he apologizes many times. As time passes, Anne realizes she no longer hates Gilbert, but cannot bring herself to admit it. However, by the end of the book, they finally become friends.

The book also follows Anne's adventures in quiet, old-fashioned Avonlea. Episodes include her play time with friends (Diana, Jane Andrews and Ruby Gillis), her run-ins with the unpleasant Pye sisters (Gertie and Josie), and domestic mishaps such as dyeing her hair green (while intending to dye it black) or accidentally getting Diana drunk (by giving her what she thinks is raspberry cordial but is currant wine).

At sixteen, Anne goes to Queen's Academy to earn a teaching license, along with Gilbert, Ruby, Josie, Jane and several other students. She obtains her license in one year instead of the usual two, and wins the Avery Scholarship for the top student in English. Her attainment of this scholarship would allow her to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree at the fictional Redmond College (based on the real Dalhousie University) on the mainland in Nova Scotia.

Near the end of the book, Matthew dies of a heart attack after learning that all of his and Marilla's money has been lost in a bank failure. Out of devotion to Marilla and Green Gables, Anne gives up the Avery Scholarship to stay at home and help Marilla, whose eyesight is diminishing. She plans to teach at the Carmody school, the nearest school available, and return to Green Gables on weekends. In an act of friendship, Gilbert Blythe gives up his teaching position at the Avonlea School to work at White Sands School instead. Anne can teach in Avonlea and stay at Green Gables all through the week. After this kind act, Anne and Gilbert's friendship is cemented, and Anne looks forward to the next "bend in the road."


Anne Shirley—An imaginative, talkative, red-headed orphan who comes to live with unmarried siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert.

Marilla Cuthbert—Matthew's sister, she is an austere woman who tries to subdue Anne's imaginative, unusual ways. Though she is conservative in her rules, she does love Anne and has the glimmerings of a sense of humour and a hidden soft side.

Matthew Cuthbert—Marilla's brother, a shy, awkward man who takes a liking to Anne from the start. The two become fast friends. He is a good listener. Because Marilla has primary responsibility for rearing the girl, he feels no qualms about "spoiling" her and indulging her in pretty clothes and other frivolities.

Diana Barry—Anne's bosom friend and kindred spirit. Anne and Diana become best friends from the moment they meet. She is the only girl of Anne's age who lives close to Green Gables. Anne admires Diana for being pretty and for her amiable disposition. Diana lacks Anne's powerful imagination but is a loyal friend.

Gilbert Blythe—A handsome classmate who tried to get Anne's attention by pulling her hair and calling her "Carrots" (unaware of her sensitivity about her red hair). Anne reacted by refusing to have anything to do with him for the next few years. Although Gilbert repeatedly apologized, Anne rebuffed him for years. However, Gilbert never abandoned his quest for her friendship (and eventually, love). Anne finally forgave him at the end of the book, when he gave up his job as teacher at the Avonlea school for her, to enable her to live at Green Gables with Marilla.

Mrs. Rachel Lynde—A neighbour of Matthew and Marilla, and the nosiest person in town. She soon warms to the freckle-faced orphan. She is industrious and helpful, and does work for the church. She is married and has raised ten children, but her husband, Thomas Lynde, is mentioned briefly and never speaks.

Miss Muriel Stacy—Anne's energetic new teacher. Her warm and sympathetic nature appeals to her students, but Avonlea's conservative parents disapprove of her liberal teaching methods. She forms a special relationship with Anne, who views her as a mentor. Miss Stacy encourages Anne to develop her character and intellect, and helps prepare her for the entrance exam at Queen's College, where she comes joint first with Gilbert Blythe.

Josie Pye—A classmate generally disliked by the other girls (as are her siblings). Josie is vain, dishonest and jealous of Anne's popularity.

Jane Andrews—One of Anne's friends from school, she is plain and sensible. She does well enough academically to join Anne's class at Queen's.

Ruby Gillis—Another of Anne's friends. Having several "grown up" sisters, Ruby loves to share her knowledge of beaus with her friends. Ruby is portrayed as traditionally beautiful with long, golden hair, she suffers from hysteria.

Reverend and Mrs. Allan—The minister and his wife also befriend Anne, with Mrs. Allan becomes particularly close. She is described as pretty.

Minnie May Barry—Diana's baby sister, whose life is saved by Anne when she comes down with croup.

Mr. & Mrs. Barry—Diana's parents. Mr. Barry farms, and, near the end of the book, offers to rent some tracts to help out Anne and Marilla Cuthbert. Mrs. Barry has a severe personality, expecting her children to follow strict rules. After Anne accidentally gets Diana drunk, Mrs. Barry rejects the girl until she saves Minnie May.

Miss Josephine Barry—Diana's aunt. Initially portrayed with negative aspects, she is charmed by Anne's imagination, and eventually invites her to tea.

Mr. Phillips—Anne's first teacher at Avonlea, whom she despises (he spelled Anne's name without an 'E', among other things). She refuses to attend school for a long time, after Mr. Phillips punished only her among 12 pupils who arrived late. He is described as lacking discipline and courts one of his pupils (less frowned upon then than in contemporary times).