عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-28-2013, 12:48 PM
المشاركة 1337
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
الى المتابعين لهذا البحث هنا، والمهتمين بالعلاقة بين اليتم والابداع في اعلى حالاته استلمت اليوم هذه الرسالة من صديقي البريطاني Colin Osborn وذلك ردا على رسالتي ادناه وهو يقول بأنه حول اسئلتي الى D. Philip Van Hiller لعلنا نستلم منه رد قريب على هذه التسؤلات.

اما بالنسبة للدكتور الالماني Roth فقد اعتذر عن الاجابة لانه وكما قال مرتبط بعقد يلزمه بعدم الافصاح عن اية معلومات لاية اطراف اخرى..للاسف ولعل الدكتور فيلب يكون قادر على مساعدتنا في اجراء الفحوصات المخبرية اللازمة كما ورد في رسالتي ادناه:

I have passed your information on to one of our Neurosurgeons Mr Philip Van Hiller and I am now awaiting his response, I have also supplied him with your Email address in case he would like to contact you directly
Kind Regards

Leeds Institute for Skills Training and Assessment (LISTA)
St James's University Hospital

Good morning,
Anyway, may be you can find me somebody who is in a position to try some high tech testing on the effect of traumatic experiences i.e orphanage on the brain. This is the core of my thesis and my theory relating creativity to parental loss.

Basically what I am claiming is that parental loss alter the chemistry in the brain. Such alteration allows or leads into a positron influx, this energy resulting from the positron reaction ultra activate the brain and that avails the possibility for creative products of the different types and produce genius .

What I need to prove is that :
- is the brain chemistry of orphans different
- Look for traces of the positron energy in their brain.
- See if the level of energy in the orphans brain is higher than normal.
- See if the hormones of the orphans brains are normal and within normal levels of the non orphans.
- observe what happens to the brain directly after someone goes through the experience of loss.

These are mainly the issues I need to have a proof of because my theory is built on such assumptions

awaiting to hear from you