عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-04-2013, 07:48 PM
المشاركة 94
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
دوريس ليسينغ
(بالإنجليزية: Doris Lessing؛ ولدت في 22 أكتوبر 1919م تحت اسم دوريس ماي تايلر بالإنجليزية: Doris May Tayler) هي كاتبة وروائية بريطانية، حازت على جائزة نوبل للآداب عام 2007، وتعتبر السيدة الحادية عشر التي تحوز على الجائزة في فئة الأدب، وأكبر الفائزين عمراً في هذه الفئة [1][2].

ولدت ليسينغ في مدينة كرمانشاه في بلاد فارس (إيران حالياً)، حيث عمل أباها هناك كموظف في البنك الفارسي الملكي. انتقلت العائلة بعد ذلك إلى مستعمرة بريطانية في روديشيا الجنوبية (زيمبابوي حالياً) عام 1925م، حيث امتلكت مزرعة، إلا أنها لم تدر أرباحاً بعكس توقعات العائلة. إرتادت ليسينغ مدرسة دومينيكان كوفينت الثانوية حتى بلغت الثالثة عشرة من العمر، حيث أكملت تعليمها بنفسها بعد ذلك [2]. ولما بلغت الخامسة عشر من عمرها، استقلت عن منزل أسرتها وعملت كممرضة، وبدأت من ذلك الوقنت قراءاتها في مجالي السياسة وعلم الاجتماع، وكان ذلك أيضا حين بدأت أول محاولاتها في الكتابة. في عام 1937 انتقلت ليسينغ إلى مدينة سايسبوري، حيث اشتغلت كعاملة تليفونات، وسرعان ما تزوجت للمرة الأولى، وكان ذلك من فرانك وسدوم، الذي انجبت منه طفلين، قبل أن تنتهي تلك الزيجة عام 1943.
انضمت ليسينغ بعد طلاقها إلى نادي كتب اليسار، وهو أحد نوادي الكتب الشيوعية، والذي تعرفت فيه على جوتفريد ليسينغ، والذي سرعان ما أصبح زوجها الثاني بمجرد التحاقها بالمجموعة، وانجبت منه طفلا واحدا قبل أن تنتهي تلك الزيجة أيضا، وذلك في 1949.
اتجهت ليسينغ من فورها إلى لندن، ساعية وراء أحلامها الشيوعية ومشوارها الأدبي. وقد تركت طفليها الأولين من زواجها الأول مع أبيهما في جنوب أفريقيا وأصطحبت معها الابن الأصغر. ولقد علقت ليسينغ على ذلك فيما بعد بأن قالت أنها شعرت في ذلك الوقت بأنه لا خيار أمامها، كما قالت: "لطالما ظننت أن ما فعلته هو أمر في غاية الشجاعة. فلا شيء أكثر إملالا لامرأة مثقفة من أن تقضي وقتها بلا نهاية مع أطفالا صغار. فلقد شعرت أني لست أصلح الناس لتربيتهم، وأني لو كنت قد استمررت، لانتهى بي الأمر كمدمنة للخمر أو كإنسانة محبطة مثلما حدث لأمي".
نتيجة للتنوع الحضاري الذي تعرضت إليه ليسينغ خلال حياتها، فقد تمكنت من استخدامه بفعالية في كتاباتها، والتي كانت تتحدث في الغالب عن المشاكل والأحداث في تلك الفترة الزمنية.
من أشهر مؤلفاتها "The Golden Notebook..
Doris Lessing was born Doris May Tayler in Persia (now Iran) on October 22, 1919. Both of her parents were British: her father, who had been crippled in World War I, was a clerk in the Imperial Bank of Persia; her mother had been a nurse. In 1925, lured by the promise of getting rich through maize farming, the family moved to the British colony in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Doris's mother adapted to the rough life in the settlement, energetically trying to reproduce what was, in her view, a civilized, Edwardian life among savages; but her father did not, and the thousand-odd acres of bush he had bought failed to yield the promised wealth.
Lessing has described her childhood as an uneven mix of some pleasure and much pain. The natural world, which she explored with her brother, Harry, was one retreat from an otherwise miserable existence. Her mother, obsessed with raising a proper daughter, enforced a rigid system of rules and hygiene at home, then installed Doris in a convent school, where nuns terrified their charges with stories of hell and damnation. Lessing was later sent to an all-girls high school in the capital of Salisbury, from which she soon dropped out. She was thirteen; and it was the end of her formal education.
But like other women writers from southern African who did not graduate from high school (such as Olive Schreiner and Nadine Gordimer), Lessing made herself into a self-educated intellectual. She recently commented that unhappy childhoods seem to produce fiction writers. "Yes, I think that is true. Though it wasn't apparent to me then. Of course, I wasn't thinking in terms of being a writer then - I was just thinking about how to escape, all the time." The parcels of books ordered from London fed her imagination, laying out other worlds to escape into. Lessing's early reading included Dickens, Scott, Stevenson, Kipling; later she discovered D.H. Lawrence, Stendhal, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky. Bedtime stories also nurtured her youth: her mother told them to the children and Doris herself kept her younger brother awake, spinning out tales. Doris's early years were also spent absorbing her fathers bitter memories of World War I, taking them in as a kind of "poison." "We are all of us made by war," Lessing has written, "twisted and warped by war, but we seem to forget it."
In flight from her mother, Lessing left home when she was fifteen and took a job as a nursemaid. Her employer gave her books on politics and sociology to read, while his brother-in-law crept into her bed at night and gave her inept kisses. During that time she was, Lessing has written, "in a fever of erotic longing." Frustrated by her backward suitor, she indulged in elaborate romantic fantasies. She was also writing stories, and sold two to magazines in South Africa.
Lessing's life has been a challenge to her belief that people cannot resist the currents of their time, as she fought against the biological and cultural imperatives that fated her to sink without a murmur into marriage and motherhood. "There is a whole generation of women," she has said, speaking of her mother's era, "and it was as if their lives came to a stop when they had children. Most of them got pretty neurotic - because, I think, of the contrast between what they were taught at school they were capable of being and what actually happened to them." Lessing believes that she was freer than most people because she became a writer. For her, writing is a process of "setting at a distance," taking the "raw, the individual, the uncriticized, the unexamined, into the realm of the general."
In 1937 she moved to Salisbury, where she worked as a telephone operator for a year. At nineteen, she married Frank Wisdom, and had two children. A few years later, feeling trapped in a persona that she feared would destroy her, she left her family, remaining in Salisbury. Soon she was drawn to the like-minded members of the Left Book Club, a group of Communists "who read everything, and who did not think it remarkable to read." Gottfried Lessing was a central member of the group; shortly after she joined, they married and had a son.

Her childhood was lonely, the nearest neighbours were miles away and there was no real roads between the farms.
طفولة كارثيةن شعور قاسي بالوحدة، في مزرعة منعزلة لا يوجد حولها احد ولا ترتبط في العالم بطرق. ام صعبة . مدرسة راهبات داخلية، تركت المدرسة في سن 13 وهربت من المنزل في سن 15 سنة.

يتيمة اجتماعيا.