عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 12-29-2012, 12:44 PM
المشاركة 18
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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Fernando Pessoa

was born in Lisbon in 1888 and was brought up in Durban, South Africa. In 1905 he returned to Lisbon where he matriculated at the University, and continued to read and write in English. He published in 1918 35 Sonnets and in 1922 the three parts of his English Poems, all composed many years before. The rest of his life passed uneventfully in Lisbon. The only book published in his lifetime was Mensagem, a collection of poems on patriotic themes which won a consolation prize in a national competition. Pessoa also wrote under three pseudonyms, Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis, whose biographies he invented. Richard Zenith lives in Lisbon, where he works as a freelance writer, translator, and critic. His translations include Galician-Portuguese troubadour poetry, novels by Antonio Lobo Antunes, Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet, and Fernando Pessoa and Co - Selected Poems, which won the 1999 American PEN Award for Poetry in Translation

Fernando Pessoa

born Fernando António Nogueira de Seabra Pessoa (Portuguese pronunciation: [feɾˈnɐ̃du ɐ̃ˈtɔnju nuˈgɐi̯ɾɐ dɨ siˈabɾɐ pɨˈsoɐ]) (June 13, 1888 – November 30, 1935), was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic translator, publisher and philosopher, described as one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century and one of the greatest poets in the Portuguese language. He also wrote in and translated from English and French

On 13 July 1893, when Pessoa was five, his father, Joaquim de Seabra Pessoa, died of tuberculosis.

The following year, on 2 January, his younger brother Jorge, aged only one, also died.

His mother, Maria Madalena Pinheiro Nogueira, married again in December 1895.

In the beginning of 1896, he moved with his mother to Durban, capital of the former British Colony of Natal, where his stepfather João Miguel dos Santos Rosa, a military officer, had been appointed Portugueseconsul.

The young Pessoa received his early education at St. Joseph Convent School, a Catholic grammar school run by Irish and French nuns.

He moved to Durban High School in April, 1899, becoming fluent in English and developing an appreciation for English literature. During the Matriculation Examination, held at the time by the then University of the Cape of Good Hope, forerunner of the University of Cape Town, in November 1903, he was awarded the recently-created Queen Victoria Memorial Prize for best paper in English. While preparing to enter university, he also attended the Durban Commercial School during one year, in the evening shift. Meanwhile, he started writing short stories in English, some under the name of David Merrick, many of which he left unfinished

At the age of sixteen, The Natal Mercury (July 6, 1904 edition) published his poem "Hillier did first usurp the realms of rhyme...", under the name of Charles Robert Anon, along with a brief introductory text: "I read with great amusement...". In December, The Durban High School Magazine published his essay "Macaulay". From February to June, 1905, in the section "The Man in the Moon", The Natal Mercury also published at least four sonnets by Fernando Pessoa: "Joseph Chamberlain", "To England I", "To England II" and "Liberty". His poems often carried humorous versions of Anon as the author's name. Pessoa started using pen names quite young. The first one, still in his childhood, was Chevalier de Pas, supposedly a French noble. In addition to David Merrick and Charles Robert Anon, the young writer also signed up, among other pen names, as Horace James Faber and Alexander Search, another meaningful pseudonym.

"I cannot tell you exactly how long I knew him, but the period during which I received most of my impressions of him was the whole of the year 1904 when we were at school together. How old he was at this time I don’t know, but judge him to have 15 or 16."
"He was pale and thin and appeared physically to be very imperfectly developed. He had a narrow and contracted chest and was inclined to stoop. He had a peculiar walk and some defect in his eyesight gave to his eyes also a peculiar appearance, the lids seemed to drop over the eyes."
"He was regarded as a brilliant clever boy as, in spite of the fact that he had not spoken English in his early years, he had learned it so rapidly and so well that he had a splendid style in that language. Although younger than his schoolfellows of the same class he appeared to have no difficulty in keeping up with and surpassing them in work. For one of his age, he thought much and deeply and in a letter to me once complained of 'spiritual and material encumbrances of most especial adverseness'."
"He took no part in athletic sports of any kind and I think his spare time was spent on reading. We generally considered that he worked far too much and that he would ruin his health by so doing."
--Clifford E. Geerdts, "Letter to Dr. Faustino Antunes", April 10, 1907.
Ten years after his arrival, he sailed for Lisbon via the Suez Canal on board the "Herzog", leaving Durban for good at the age of seventeen. This journey inspired the poems "Opiário" (dedicated to his friend, the poet and writer Mário de Sá-Carneiro) published in March, 1915, in Orpheu nr.1 and "Ode Marítima" (dedicated to the futurist painter Santa Rita Pintor) published in June, 1915, in Orpheu nr.2 by his heteronymÁlvaro de Campos.

فرناندو بيسوا

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

ولدفي لشبونة سنة 1888، ليموت فيها بعد سبع وأربعين سنة (1935)... لكن طفولته ارتبطت بجنوب أفريقيا التي اصطحبته أمه إليها طفلاً إ ثر وفاة والده، ليعيشا في كنف زوج جديد لها. وهو درس التجارة والإنكليزية في مدينة داربن هناك وأتقن الإنكليزية أكثرمن إتقانه لغته الأم، لأنه لم يعد الى البرتغال إلا وهو في السابعة عشرة، ليتنقلهناك بين مهن عدة راسماً في حياته، ومن خلال تلك التنقلات أقنعته التي ستتراكم مهنةبعد مهنة وسنة بعد سنة، لا سيما إذ عمل في تحرير الرسائل للتجار ورجال الأعمال، ماجعل لكل رسالة لوناً وقناعاً انسحب لاحقاً على كتاباته الشعرية وغير الشعرية، هوالذي راح منذ ذلك الحين يتنقل بين الشعر والفلسفة واللاهوت، كما راح يترجم نصوصاًالى البرتغالية ما زاد إحساسه بالأقنعة وتساؤلاته حول هويته الحقيقية. وقاده هذاالى كتابة نصوص كبيرة ولكن أيضاً الى إحساس عميق بالانفصام قاده الى ما يشبهالجنون، لا سيما حين راح يتصور نفسه يهودياً يعاقب أيام محاكم التفتيش. ولعل هذاالهاجس الأخير هو ما قاده الى الاختبار حول صورة له كفاشي يكتب قصيدة تدعو الىولادة الفاشية في بلده (1917). وهو منذ ذلك الحين لم يتوقف عن الكتابة (ناشراً معظمأعماله الشعرية على حسابه – في وقت صار له فيه، انطلاقاً من انبعاث شهرته فيالعالم، حواريون يقرأونه ويتجادلون في تحليله، أو حتى يبحثون في صحف ومطبوعات عننصوص له تحمل عشرات الأسماء المستعارة هو بإعطائهم مؤشرات أولية عنها ويكون عليهمهم إيجادها. بالنسبة إليه، كانت الحياة والكتابة، لعبة واحدة.
- مات والده وعمره 5 سنوات.
- ومات اخوه والبالغ من العمر عام واحد ، وهو في السادسة .
- وهو في سن السابعة تزوجت امه وهو امر يبدو اشد من الموت وقد فجر عبقرية نيوتن.
- سافر مع امه الى جنوب افريقيا حيث انتقلت للعيش مع زوجها الجديد.
- تعلم في مدرسة راهبات وهي حتما مدرسة داخلية وما ادراك ما المدارس الداخلية التي تخضع لقوانين متزمة، فهي اشبه ما تكون بالسجن، الذي يوجد بين جدرانه الوحي كما يقول جان جينيه.

ملاحظة الدارس: يمكننا ان نصف طفولته بالجحيم والالم والخوف والعزلة والحزن ولا غرابة اذا ان يمتكل طاقة هائلة ينتج عنها مخرجات ابداعية نادرة وسابقة لعصرها. ولا استغرب ان يعاد اكتشاف هذا الكاتب بعد مئات السنين ، فكلما كان حجم المصائب اكبر واعنف كلما كانت نسبة الطاقة مهولة فيعمل العقل الباطن بقواني لا تنتمي الى عالم المادة، قوانين خارج اطار الزمان والمكان ولذلك لن استغرب اذا ما وجدنا في ادب هذا الكاتب الفذ الكثير من الروءا المستقبلية الاستشرافية. يستحق دراسة معمقة.

يتيم الاب في سن الخامسة لكن الاحداث الاخرى في حياته ليست اقل اثرا ولذلك يمكننا ان نتوقع ان انتاجه عبقري في اعلى حالات العبقرية.

يتيم الاب في سن الخامسة.