عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 11-11-2012, 02:17 PM
المشاركة 199
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
هذا الخبر يشير الى ان اوباما فاز بعدد 332 مقعد انتخابي وليس 303 فقط بعد اكتمال فرز اصوات ولاية فلوريديا مما يعزز القول انه اكتسح الانتخابات بارقام غير مسبوقة كما جاء في التوقع في بداية العام.

Obama to win Florida, CNN projects, sweeping all battlegrounds

Posted by
CNN Political Unit
(CNN) – President Barack Obama will narrowly win the presidential vote in Florida, CNN projected, based on updated vote totals provided by the counties to the state by Saturday’s noon deadline.
Obama won the state with 50.01% of the vote compared with 49.13% for GOP nominee Mitt Romney, according to those numbers. The incumbent's margin of victory was just shy of 74,000 votes.

With the Sunshine State's results in – the last undecided state - CNN projects Obama's electoral vote total comes to 332, well above the 270 required to win the presidency. CNN projects Romney to finish with 206 electoral votes.