عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-30-2012, 09:43 PM
المشاركة 98
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
داريو فو

هو أديب ومسرحي إيطالي ولد قرب فاريزي يوم 24 مارس 1926 متحصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب لسنة 1997
Dario Fo (born 24 March 1926) is an Italian satirist, playwright, theatre director, actor, composer and recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature. His dramatic work employs comedic methods of the ancient Italian commedia dell'arte, a theatrical style popular with the working classes.
Fo's works are characterised by criticisms of organised crime, political corruption, political murders, most of the Catholic Church doctrine and conflict in the Middle East. His plays often depend on improvisation, commedia dell'arte style. His plays, especially Mistero Buffo, have been translated into 30 languages and, when performed outside Italy, they are often modified to reflect local political and other issues. Fo encourages directors and translators to modify his plays as they see fit, as he finds this in accordance to the commedia dell'arte tradition of on-stage improvisation.
Fo currently owns and operates a theatre company with his wife, actress Franca Rame. Upon awarding him the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature, the committee highlighted Fo as a writer "who emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden".[1]

Early life
Fo was born in Sangiano, in the province of Varese, near the eastern shore of Lago Maggiore.

His father, Felice, was a stationmaster for the Italian state railway, and the family frequently moved when Felice was transferred to new postings.

Felice was also an amateur actor and a socialist. Fo learned storytelling from his maternal grandfather and Lombard fishers and glassblowers.

In 1940, Fo moved to Milan to study architecture at the Brera Academy, but World War II intervened. His family was active in the anti-fascist Resistance and reputedly he helped his father to smuggle refugees and Allied soldiers to Switzerland.

His father helped smuggle Jewish scientists to safety in Switzerland. Near the end of the war, Fo was conscripted into the army of the Republic of Salò, but he escaped and hid for the remainder of the war in an attic.

After the war Fo continued his architectural studies in Milan. Initially he commuted from Lago Maggiore, but soon his family moved to Milan. There Fo became involved in the piccoli teatri (small theatres) movement, in which he began to present improvised monologues. In 1950 he began to work for Franco Parenti's theatre company, and gradually abandoned his work as an assistant architect.

In 1951, Fo met Franca Rame, daughter of a theatrical family, when they were working in the revue Sette giorni a Milano, and they eventually became engaged. In 1951 he was invited to perform a radio play Cocorico on RAI (Italian national radio). He made 18 satirical monologues where he adapted biblical tales as political satire. Scandalized authorities cancelled the show. In 1953, Fo wrote and directed a satirical play Il dito nell'occhio. After initial success both government and Church authorities censored his work and the theatre company had trouble finding theatres in which to perform it. Rame and Fo were married on 24 June 1954. They had a son, Jacopo (born 31 March 1955), who also became a writer.
In 1955, Fo and Rame worked in movie production in Rome. Fo became a screenwriter and worked for many productions, including those of Dino De Laurentiis. Rame worked in Teatro Stabile of Bolzano. In 1956 Fo and Rame were together in the Carlo Lizzani's film Lo svitato. Other movies followed. In 1959, the couple returned to Milan and founded the Compagnia Dario Fo-Franca Rame. Fo wrote scripts, acted, directed, and designed costumes and stage paraphernalia. Rame took care of the administration. The company débuted in Piccolo Teatro and then initiated its first annual nationwide tour.[citation needed]