عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-22-2012, 11:50 AM
المشاركة 53
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
إرنست ميلر همينغوي

(بالإنجليزية: Ernest Miller Hemingway، عاش بين 21 يوليو 1899 - 2 يوليو 1961 م) كاتب أمريكي يعد من أهم الروائيين وكتاب القصة الأمريكيين.كتب الروايات والقصص القصيرة. لقب ب "بابا". غلبت عليه النظرة السوداوية للعالم في البداية، إلا أنه عاد ليجدد أفكاره فعمل على تمجيد القوة النفسية لعقل الإنسان في رواياته، غالبا ما تصور أعماله هذه القوة وهي تتحدى القوى الطبيعية الأخرى في صراع ثنائي وفي جو من العزلة والانطوائية.شارك في الحرب العالمية الأولى والثانيه حيث خدم على سفينه حربيه أمريكيه كانت مهمتها إغراق الغواصات الألمانية, وحصل في كل منهما على أوسمة حيث أثرت الحرب في كتابات هيمنجواى وروايته.
ولد أرنست همينغوي يوم 21 يوليو 1899م في أواك بارك بولاية إلينوي الأمريكية، من أب طبيب مولع بالصيد والتاريخ الطبيعي، وأم متزمتة ذات اهتمام بالموسيقى. وفي سن مبكرة 1909م اشترى له أبوه بندقية صيد، أصبحت فيما بعد رفيقة عمره إلى أن قتلته منتحرا عام 1961. دخل همينغوي معترك الحياة المهنية مبكرا، حيث عمل صحفيا بجريدة "كنساس ستار" ثم متطوعا للصليب الأحمر الإيطالي 1918م، في أواخر الحرب العالمية الأولى، وهناك أصيب بجروح خطيرة أقعدته اشهرا في المستشفى، وخضع لعمليات جراحية كثيرة، وقد تحصل إثر جروحه على رتبة ملازم مع نوط شجاعة.
عام 1921 عمل مراسلا لصحيفة "تورنتو ستار" في شيكاغو، ثم هاجر إلى باريس 1922م، حيث عمل مراسلا أيضا، وأجرى مقابلات مع كبار الشخصيات والأدباء مثل كليمانصو وموسوليني الذي وصفه بأنه "متمسكن وهو أكبر متبجح أوروبي في نفس الوقت"، كما تعرف على أدباء فرنسا حين كانت الحركة الثقافية الفرنسية في العشرينيات تعيش عصرها الذهبي. بداية النجاح عام 1923 نشر أولى مجموعاته القصصية وهي "ثلاث قصص وعشرة أناشيد"، لكن أول عمل لفت انتباه الجمهور من أعمال همينغوي لم يأت سوى عام 1926م وهو "الشمس تشرق أيضا" التي لاقت نجاحا منقطع النظير. هذا النجاح شجعه على نشر مجموعة قصص 1927م، هي "الرجل العازب"، وإثر عودته 1923م لفلوريدا حيث عائلته، انتحر والده بإطلاقه طلقة في الرأس. عام 1929عاد مع زوجته الثانية بولين بفيفر إلى أوروبا حيث نشر واحدا من أهم أعماله هو "وداعا أيها السلاح"، وقد نجح هذا العمل، وحول إلى مسرحية وفيلم بسرعة، وإن لم تحقق المسرحية ذلك النجاح الكبير، وهذا ما دفعه لترسيخ اسمه الأدبي بعمل أدبي جديد ومتميز، فنشر 1932م "وفاة في العشية". وبدأ همينغوي منذ 1933م يتردد باستمرار على كوبا، وفيها كتب عمله "الفائز يخرج صفر اليدين"، ثم توقف عن النشر حتى 1935م لتظهر "روابي إفريقيا الخضراء" عن رحلة قادته لشرق القارة لصيد الطرائد البرية وهي هوايته منذ الصبا. ما بين 1936 و 1938 عمل مراسلا حربيا لتغطية الحرب الأهلية الأسبانية، وقد سمحت له هذه المهمة بالتعبير عن عدائه الشديد للفاشية الصاعدة آنذاك، بل دخل الحرب ضد النازيين والفاشيين، ودخلت أيضا معه زوجته الثالثة مارتاجيلهورن مراسلة على الجبهة الروسية ـ الصينية 1940م، وكانت هذه السنة علامة فارقة في أدب همينغوي حيث نشر "لمن تقرع الأجراس" لتحقق نجاحا خارقا وتتجاوز مبيعاتعا المليون نسخة في السنة الأولى لنشرها، ونال عن حقوق الفيلم المأخوذ عنها 150 ألف دولار وكان رقما قياسيا وقتذاك.
عكس أدب همينغوي تجاربه الشخصية في الحربين العالميتين الأولى والثانية والحرب الاهلية الأسبانية. تميز أسلوبه بالبساطة والجمل القصيرة. وترك بصمتة على الأدب الأمريكي الذي صار همينغوي واحدا من أهم أعمدته. شخصيات همينغوي دائما افراد ابطال يتحملون المصاعب دونما شكوى أو ألم، وتعكس هذه الشخصيات طبيعة همينغوي الشخصية.
تلقى همينغوي جائزة بوليتزر الأمريكية في الصحافه عام 1953.كما حصل على جائزة جائزة نوبل في الأدب في عام 1954 عن رواية العجوز والبحر. حاز إرنست همينغوي بفضل العجوز والبحر على جائزة نوبل في الأدب وجائزة بوليتزر الأمريكية "لأستاذيته في فن الرواية الحديثة ولقوة اسلوبة كما يظهر ذلك بوضوح في قصته الأخيرة العجوز والبحر" كما جاء في تقرير لجنة نوبل.[1]
في آخر حياته انتقل للعيش في منزل بكوبا. حيث بدأ يعانى من اضطرابات عقلية
حاول الانتحار في ربيع عام 1961، وتلقى العلاج بالصدمات الكهربائية.بعد حوالي ثلاثة أسابيع من إكماله الثانية والستين من العمر، وضع حدا لحياته بإطلاق الرصاص على رأسه من بندقيته صباح يوم 2 / 1961 في منزله. همنغواي نفسه حمّل العلاجَ بالصدمات الكهربائية مسؤولية تدميره نفسياً بسبب فقدانه للكثير من ذكرياته.
لأسرة همينغوي تاريخ طويل مع الانتحار. حيث انتحر والده(كلارنس همنغواي) أيضاً، كذلك أختاه غير الشقيقتين (أورسولا) و(ليستر)، ثم حفيدته مارغاوك همنغواي. ويعتقد البعض وجود مرض وراثى في عائلته يسبب زيادة تركيز الحديد في الدم مما يؤدى إلى تلف البنكرياس ويسبب الاكتئاب أو عدم الاستقرار في المخ. ما دفعه للانتحار في النهايه خوفاً من الجنون. في الوقت الحالى تحول منزله في كوبا إلى متحف يضم مقتنياته وصوره.

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American author and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously. Many of these are considered classics of American literature.
Hemingway was raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After high school he reported for a few months for The Kansas City Star, before leaving for the Italian front to enlist with the World War I ambulance drivers.
In 1918, he was seriously wounded and returned home. His wartime experiences formed the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms. In 1922, he married Hadley Richardson, the first of his four wives. The couple moved to Paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent, and fell under the influence of the modernist writers and artists of the 1920s "Lost Generation" expatriate community. The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway's first novel, was published in 1926.
After his 1927 divorce from Hadley Richardson, Hemingway married Pauline Pfeiffer. They divorced after he returned from the Spanish Civil War where he had been a journalist, and after which he wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls. Martha Gellhorn became his third wife in 1940. They separated when he met Mary Welsh in London during World War II. He was present at the Normandy Landings and the liberation of Paris.
Shortly after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea in 1952, Hemingway went on safari to Africa, where he was almost killed in two successive plane crashes that left him in pain or ill health for much of the rest of his life. Hemingway had permanent residences in Key West, Florida, and Cuba during the 1930s and 1940s, but in 1959 he moved from Cuba to Ketchum, Idaho, where he committed suicide in the summer of 1961.

Early life

Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. His father, Clarence Edmonds Hemingway was a physician, and his mother, Grace Hall-Hemingway, was a musician.
Both were well-educated and well-respected in the conservative community of Oak Park,[2] a community about which resident Frank Lloyd Wright said, "So many churches for so many good people to go to". For a short period after their marriage,[4] Clarence and Grace Hemingway lived with Grace's father, Ernest Hall, who eventually became their first son's namesake.[note 1] Later Ernest Hemingway would say he disliked his name, which he "associated with the naive, even foolish hero of Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest".[5] The family eventually moved into a seven-bedroom home in a respectable neighborhood with a music studio for Grace and a medical office for Clarence.[2]
Hemingway's mother frequently performed in concerts around the village. As an adult, Hemingway professed to hate his mother, although biographer Michael S. Reynolds points out that Hemingway mirrored her energy and enthusiasm. Her insistence that he learn to play the cello became a "source of conflict", but he later admitted the music lessons were useful to his writing, as is evident in the "contrapuntal structure" of For Whom the Bell Tolls.[7] The family owned a summer home called Windemere on Walloon Lake, near Petoskey, Michigan, where as a four-year-old his father taught him to hunt, fish and camp in the woods and lakes of Northern Michigan. His early experiences in nature instilled a passion for outdoor adventure and living in remote or isolated areas.[8]
From 1913 until 1917, Hemingway attended Oak Park and River Forest High School where he took part in a number of sports, namely boxing, track and field, water polo and football. He excelled in English classes,[9] and performed in the school orchestra with his sister Marcelline for two years.[6] In his junior year, he took a journalism class, taught by Fannie Biggs, which was structured "as though the classroom were a newspaper office". The better writers in class submitted pieces to the The Trapeze, the school newspaper. Hemingway and Marcelline both had pieces submitted to The Trapeze; Hemingway's first piece, published in January 1916, was about a local performance by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.[10] He continued to contribute to and to edit the Trapeze and the Tabula (the school's newspaper and yearbook), for which he imitated the language of sportswriters, and used the pen name Ring Lardner, Jr.—a nod to Ring Lardner of the Chicago Tribune whose byline was "Line O'Type". Like Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis, Hemingway was a journalist before becoming a novelist; after leaving high school he went to work for The Kansas City Star as a cub reporter.[11] Although he stayed there for only six months he relied on the Star's style guide as a foundation for his writing: "Use short sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative."[12]
World War I

Early in 1918 Hemingway responded to a Red Cross recruitment effort in Kansas City and signed on to become an ambulance driver in Italy. He left New York in May, and arrived in Paris as the city was under bombardment from German artillery.[14] By June he was at the Italian Front. It was probably around this time that he first met John Dos Passos, with whom he would maintain a rocky relationship for decades thereafter.[15] On his first day in Milan he was sent to the scene of a munitions factory explosion where rescuers retrieved the shredded remains of female workers.
He described the incident in his non-fiction book Death in the Afternoon: "I remember that after we searched quite thoroughly for the complete dead we collected fragments".[ A few days later he was stationed at Fossalta di Piave.
On July 8 he was seriously wounded by mortar fire, having just returned from the canteen bringing chocolate and cigarettes for the men at the front line.[ Despite his wounds, Hemingway carried an Italian soldier to safety, for which he received the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery.[ Still only 18, Hemingway said of the incident: "When you go to war as a boy you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed; not you ... Then when you are badly wounded the first time you lose that illusion and you know it can happen to you."
He sustained severe shrapnel wounds to both legs, underwent an immediate operation at a distribution center and spent five days at a field hospital before he was transferred for recuperation to the Red Cross hospital in Milan.[ He spent six months at the hospital where he met and formed a strong friendship with "Chink" Dorman-Smith that lasted for decades, and shared a room with future American foreign service officer, ambassador, and author Henry Serrano Villard.[19]
While recuperating he fell in love for the first time, with Agnes von Kurowsky, a Red Cross nurse seven years his senior. By the time of his release and return to the United States in January 1919, Agnes and Hemingway had decided to marry within a few months in America. However in March she wrote that she had become engaged to an Italian officer. Biographer Jeffrey Meyers claims Hemingway was devastated by Agnes' rejection, and that he followed a pattern of abandoning a wife before she abandoned him in future relationships
One of the most famous American novelist, short-story writer and essayist, whose deceptively simple prose style have influenced wide range of writers. Hemingway was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. He was unable to attend the award ceremony in Stockholm, because he was recuperating from injuries sustained in an airplane crash while hunting in Uganda.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. You will meet them doing various things with resolve, but their interest rarely holds because after the other thing ordinary life is as flat as the taste of wine when the taste buds have been burned off your tongue." ('On the Blue Water' in Esquire, April 1936)
Ernest Hemingway was born inn Oak Park, Illinois. His mother Grace Hall, whom he never forgave for dressing him as a little girl in his youth, had an operatic career before marrying Dr. Clarence Edmonds Hemingway; he taught his son to love out-door life. Hemingway's father took his own life in 1928 after losing his healt to diabetes and his money in the Florida real-estate bubble. Hemingway attended the public schools in Oak Park and published his earliest stories and poems in his high school newspaper. Upon his graduation in 1917, Hemingway worked six months as a reporter for The Kansas City Star. He then joined a volunteer ambulance unit in Italy during World War I. In 1918 he suffered a severe leg wound. For his service, Hemingway was twice decorated by the Italian government
Throughout his life, he had many influences. Among them were; his wounding in Italy, his time in Paris as an expatriate, and his love of sport and excitement. These things helped shape Hemingway’s life, and, as will soon be shown, Hemingway’s art imitated his life very often.
هناك عدة عوامل صنعت عبقرية همنجوي الادبية :
-والدته كانت تعامله كطفلة وليس كطفل وكانت تجعله يرتدي ملاب الاناث وكان يكهها لذلك السبب وهو ما يشير ربما لحالة نفسة لديها ولا يعرف شيء عنها ولا متى ماتت.
-علمه والده الصيد وهو صغير وكان يحب الحياة في الطبيعة.
-ما ان انهى دراسه الثانوية حتى تطوع للعمل في الجبهة واصيب في اول يوم عمل له في ايطاليا.
-تعرض لعدة اصابات وبقي في المستشفى لمدد طويلة.
-واضح ان ما شاهده على الجبهة ومنها تجربته الاولى التي تمثلت في لملمة بقايا صبايا قطعهن القصف وذلك في اول يوم له في الجبهة كان له اعظم الاثر عليه. خاصة وانه لم يتجاوز الثامنة عشر حينذا:ز
-انتحر والده الطبيب والذي علمه الصيد بسبب المرض وهمنجوي كان في سن 29 سنة.
مأزوم بسبب طريقة تربيتة وبسبب مشاركته في الحرب وهو صغير ومشاهدته لمشاهد القتل. تكرست ازمته بعد اصابته في الجبهة وقضاؤه اشهر في المشفى وتعمقت ازمة بعد انتحار والده وهو في سن 29.
