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قديم 10-15-2012, 10:10 AM
المشاركة 12
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بول فون هايس

(بالألمانية: Paul Heyse) هو كاتب ألماني ولد في 15 مارس 1830 وتوفي في 2 أبريل 1914. درس اللغات وترجم أعمال عدد من الشعراء الإيطاليين. حصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب لسنة 1910.

Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (15 March 1830 – 2 April 1914) was a distinguished German writer and translator. A member of two important literary societies, the Tunnel über der Spree in Berlin and Die Krokodile in Munich, he wrote novels, poetry, 177 short stories, and about sixty dramas. The sum of Heyse's many and varied productions made him a dominant figure among German men of letters. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1910 "as a tribute to the consummate artistry, permeated with idealism, which he has demonstrated during his long productive career as a lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and writer of world-renowned short stories." Wirsen, one of the Nobel judges, said that "Germany has not had a greater literary genius since Goethe." Heyse is the fourth oldest laureate in literature, after Doris Lessing, Theodor Mommsen and Jaroslav Seifert.

Berlin (1830-54)

Paul Heyse was born on 15 March 1830 in Heiliggeiststraße, Berlin. His father, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse,
)Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse (1797 Oldenburg - 1855 Berlin) was a Germanphilologist, son of Johann Christian August Heyse, father of the novelistPaul Johann Ludwig von Heyse, born at Oldenburg

was a professor of classical philology who had been the tutor of both Wilhelm von Humboldt's youngest son (1815–17) and Felix Mendelssohn (1819–27). The mother, Julie Heyse, came from the wealthy and art-loving family of the Prussian court jeweller Jakob Salomon (who took the surname Saaling after his conversion to Christianity) and was a cousin of Lea Mendelssohn, the composer's mother.

Heyse attended the renamed Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium until 1847. He was later remembered as a model student. His family connections gained him early entry to the artistic circles of Berlin, where he made the acquaintance of Emanuel Geibel, a man fifteen years his elder who was to become his literary mentor and lifelong friend, and who introduced him to his future father-in-law, the art historian and writer Franz Kugler.
After leaving school Heyse began studying classical philology. He met Jacob Burckhardt, Adolph Menzel, Theodor Fontane and Theodor Storm, and in 1849 joined the Tunnel über der Spree literary group. Frühlingsanfang 1848, the first of Heyse's poems to see print, expressed his enthusiasm for the recent Revolution. After a brief excursion to see the student militias he returned home without joining them, apparently out of consideration for the concerns of his parents and friends.
Having studied for two years at the University of Berlin he left for Bonn in April 1849 in order to study art history and Romance languages. In 1850 he finally resolved on a career as a writer and began a dissertation under the supervision of Friedrich Diez, a pioneer of Romance philology in Germany; but when it was discovered he was conducting an affair with the wife of one of his professors he was sent back to Berlin. Heyse's first book, Der Jungbrunnen (a collection of tales and poetry) was published anonymously by his father that same year. About the same time, Heyse received from the publisher Alexander Duncker a manuscript by the then-unknown Theodor Storm. Heyse's enthusiastic critique of Sommergeschichten und Lieder laid the foundations of their future friendship.
In 1851, Heyse won a contest held by the members of the "Tunnel" for the ballad Das Tal von Espigno. His first short story, "Marion" (1852), was similarly honoured, and it was followed by the Spanische Liederbuch, translations by Geibel and Heyse, a book of songs which was to be a favourite with composers. Throughout his career Heyse worked as a translator, above all of Italian literature (Leopardi, Giusti).
Several members of the "Tunnel" began to find its formalities and public nature distasteful, and a smaller circle, the Rütli, was formed in December 1852: it included Kugler, Lepel, Fontane, Storm, and Heyse.
In May 1852 Heyse was awarded a doctorate for his work on the troubadours, and a Prussian scholarship allowed him to depart for Italy to look for old Provençal manuscripts. He made friends with Arnold Böcklin and Joseph Victor von Scheffel but was banned from the Vatican library after being discovered copying passages from unpublished manuscripts. He returned to Germany in 1853, where, with the Italian landscape still fresh in his mind, he wrote the works which first made him famous: the tragedy Francesca von Rimini; his most famous short story, "L'Arrabbiata" ("The Fury", 1853, published in 1855); and the Lieder aus Sorrent ("Songs of Sorrento", 1852/53). Much of his new writing appeared in the Argo, the yearbook of the Rütli writers..
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