عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-12-2012, 11:32 PM
المشاركة 5
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • موجود
فردريك ميسترال

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

فردريك ميسترال (8 سبتمبر 1830 - 25 مارس 1914) أديب، مسرحي وشاعر فرنسي حائز على جائزة نوبل للآداب (بالتقاسم مع خوسه إتشغاراي). قاد عملية إحياء اللغة الأوكسيتانية (لغة أهل بروڤانس) لغويا وأدبيا في القرن التاسع عشر. وكان شخصية مهمة في حركة فليبريج Le félibrige التي هدفت إلى إحياء ثقافة بروڤانس.
أنهى ميسترال دراسة الحقوق في إيكس Aix-en-Provence، عاصمة بروڤانس القديمة، لكنه لم يشتغل في هذا المجال بل كرّس حياته لكتابة الشعر. يعتبر أهم شعراء بروڤانس.
كتب العديد من الكتابات في لغة بروڤانس، منهن قصيدة "Mireio" (الحصاد) عام 1859 التي أعدت لتكون أوبرا كما نشر العديد من دواوين الشهر وقاموسا بالإضافة إلى ترجمة لسفر التكوين.
مؤلفته ميرايو كانت ملحمة شعبية بلغة بروڤانس وتعتبر من روائع الأدب العالمي. بعد عامين من نشرها حاز على جائزة الأكاديمية الفرنسية. عام 1867 نشر قصيدة كالندو. كتابه جزيرة الذهب حوى مجموعة من القصص والقصائد.
عام 1904 حاز على جائزة نوبل للآداب. وقد عللت الجنة ذلك "بسبب عفويته المنعشة، قريظه الرائع والفني الذي يعكس، بأمانة تامة، المناظر والحياة القروية في موطنه وأيضا بسبب نشاطه كباحث للغة بروڤانس".

Frédéric Mistral (Occitan: Frederic Mistral, 8 September 1830 – 25 March 1914) was a French writer and lexicographer of the Occitan language. Mistral won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1904 and was a founding member of Félibrige and a member of l'Académie de Marseille. He was born in Maillane in the Bouches-du-Rhône département in southern France.
His name in his native language was Frederi Mistral (Mistrau) according to the Mistralian orthography or Frederic Mistral (/Mistrau) according to the classical orthography.
Mistral's fame was owing in part to Alphonse de Lamartine who sang his praises in the fortieth edition of his periodical "Cours familier de littérature", following the publication of Mistral's long poem Mirèio. He is the most revered writer in modern Occitan literature.
Alphonse Daudet, with whom he maintained a long friendship, devoted to the "Poet Mistral" one of his "Lettres de mon moulin", in an extremely eulogistic way.
Several schools bear Frédéric Mistral's name.


Mistral was the son of wealthy landed farmers (François Mistral and Adelaide Poulinet, both of whom were related to the oldest families of Provence: Cruvelier, Expilly, Roux (originally Ruffo, from Calabria), themselves very closely related to each other; Marquis d'Aurel).
Mistral was given the name "Frederi" in memory “of a poor small fellow who, at the time when my parents were courting, sweetly ran their errands of love, and who died shortly afterward of sunstroke.”
Mistral did not begin school until he was about nine years, and quickly began to play hooky, leading his parents to send him to a boarding school in Saint-Michel-de-Frigolet, run by a Monsieur Donnat.
After receiving his bachelor's degree in Nîmes, Mistral studied law in Aix-en-Provence from 1848 to 1851. He became a champion for the independence of Provence, and in particular for restoring the “first literary language of civilized Europe” -- Provençal. He had studied the history of Provence during his time in Aix-en-Provence. Emancipated by his father, Mistral resolved: “to raise, revive in Provence the feeling of race ...; to move this rebirth by the restoration of the natural and historical language of the country ...; to restore the fashion to Provence by the breath and flame of divine poetry”. For Mistral, the word race designates “people linked by language, rooted in a country and in a story”.
For his lifelong efforts in restoring the language of Provence, Frédéric Mistral was one of the recipients of the 1904 Nobel Prize for Literature. The other winner that year, José Echegaray, was honored for his Spanish dramas. They each received one-half of the total prize money. Mistral devoted his winnings to the creation of the Museum at Arles, known locally as "Museon Arlaten". The museum is considered to be the most important collection of Provençal folk art, displaying furniture, costumes, ceramics, tools and farming implements.
In 1876, Mistral was married to a Burgundian woman, Marie-Louise Rivière (1857–1943) in Dijon Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne de Dijon). They had no children. The poet died on 25 March 1914 in Maillane, the same village where he was born.
French poet and Provençal patriot, who shared with the Spanish dramatist José Echegaray the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904. Mistral received the prize for his contributions in literature and philology.

Mistral called himself 'humble écolier du grand Homère', a humble student of Homer – his passionate odes to sun, to his native Provençe, and its people, had much in common with the mediaeval troubadour poetry, but the literary language of the troubadours should not be confused with Modern Provençal.
"Thus my yearliest childhood was spent on the farm in the company of plowmen, harvesters, and shepherds. And sometimes, when some bourgeois happened by the farm, one of those who affected to speak only French, I was abashed and even humiliated to see my parents suddenly became respectful toward him, as if he was superior to them." (in The Memoirs of Fréderick Mistral, 1906, tr. George Wickes)

Frédéric Mistral was born in Maillaine, a village in the Rhone Valley of southern France. The family had lived on their own land from one generation to the next. Mistral's father, a prosperous farmer and a former soldier in the French Revolution, was left widower by his first wife.

At the age of fifty-five he married Estève Poulinet, the daughter of the mayor; Frédéric was their only son, born on the 8th of September 1830. "Although our neighbors scorn us as "frog-eaters," the people of Maillane have always believed that there is no prettier village under the cope of heaven," Mistral wrote in his book of memoirs.

- ابن فلاح وجندي سابق ماتت زوجته الاولى وتزوج الثانية وعمره 55 عام وانجبت هذا الطفل فقط.
- التحق في المدرسة وعمره 9 سنوات.
- قضى طفولته مع الرعيان والمزارعين والحصاده.
- لا يوجد تفاصيل عن والديه ومتى ماتا، وحتى لو افترضنا ان والده ظل حيا حتى سن الخامسة والسبعين فذلك يعني انه ولده في ذلك السن كان 20 عام ولا بد ان للفرق في السن اثر عظيم.
- اهم عامل يبدو له اثر على عبقريته هو دراسته في مدرسة داخليه.

مجهول الطفولة لكنه مأزوم من ناحية الفرق في السن مع والده ولطبيعة الحياة التي عاشها مع الرعيان ثم المدرسة الداخليه كلها عناصر مؤثره لكننا سنعتبره ..

مجهول الطفولة.