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قديم 12-23-2011, 11:00 PM
المشاركة 328
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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انجيلا كارتر
Angela Carter (7 May 1940 – 16 February 1992) was an English novelist and journalist, known for her feminist, magical realism, and picaresque works. In 2008, The Times ranked Carter tenth, in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945"

Born Angela Olive Stalker in Eastbourne, in 1940,
ولدت عام 1940 وكان اسمها انجلا اولف ستولكر

Carter was evacuated as a child to live in Yorkshire with her maternal grandmother.
تم ارسالها لتعيش مع جدتها وهي طفلة صغيرة ربما بسبب الحرب العالمية الثانية ومخاطرها حيث تم استخدام كلمة ( ترحيل ) في وصف الاجراء

As a teenager she battled anorexia.
اصيبت وهي شابة بمرض فقدان الشهيه

She began work as a journalist on the Croydon Advertiser, following in the footsteps of her father. Carter attended the University of Bristol where she studied English literature.
درست الادب الانجليزي في جامعة برستول

She married twice, first in 1960 to Paul Carter.
تزوجت مرتين الاولى لشخص اسمه بول كارتر عام 1960 وعمرها 20 سنة

They divorced after twelve years. In 1969 Angela Carter used the proceeds of her Somerset Maugham Award to leave her husband and relocate for two years to Tokyo, Japan, where she claims in Nothing Sacred (1982) that she "learnt what it is to be a woman and became radicalised."
بعد طلاقها من زوجها سافرت الى اليابان وعاشت هناك عامان

She wrote about her experiences there in articles for New Society and a collection of short stories, Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (1974), and evidence of her experiences in Japan can also be seen in The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972).
She then explored the United States, Asia and Europe, helped by her fluency in French and German. She spent much of the late 1970s and 1980s as a writer in residence at universities, including the University of Sheffield, Brown University, the University of Adelaide, and the University of East Anglia.
سافرت الى عدة بلدان مثل الولايات المتحدة واسيا واوروبا

In 1977 Carter married Mark Pearce, with whom she had one son.
As well as being a prolific writer of fiction, Carter contributed many articles to The Guardian, The Independent and New Statesman, collected in Shaking a Leg. She adapted a number of her short stories for radio and wrote two original radio dramas on Richard Dadd and Ronald Firbank. Two of her fictions have been adapted for the silver screen: The Company of Wolves (1984) and The Magic Toyshop (1987). She was actively involved in both film adaptations, her screenplays are published in the collected dramatic writings, The Curious Room, together with her radio scripts, a libretto for an opera of Virginia Woolf's Orlando, an unproduced screenplay entitled The Christchurch Murders (based on the same true story as Peter Jackson'sHeavenly Creatures) and other works. These neglected works, as well as her controversial television documentary, The Holy Family Album, are discussed in Charlotte Crofts' book, Anagrams of Desire (2003). Her novel Nights at the Circus won the 1984 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for literature.
At the time of her death, Carter had started work on a sequel to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre based on the later life of Jane's stepdaughter, Adèle Varens; only a synopsis survives.
Angela Carter died aged 51 in 1992 at her home in London after developing lung cancer.
Works as author


· Shadow Dance (1966) aka Honeybuzzard
· The Magic Toyshop (1967)
· Several Perceptions (1968)
· Heroes and Villains (1969)
· Love (1971)
· The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972) aka The War of Dreams
· The Passion of New Eve (1977)
· Nights at the Circus (1984)
· Wise Children (1991)
Short fiction

· Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (1974) aka Fireworks: Nine Stories in Various Disguises and Fireworks
· The Bloody Chamber (1979)
· The Bridegroom (1983) (Uncollected short story)
· Black Venus (1985)
· American Ghosts and Old World Wonders (1993)
· Burning Your Boats (1995)
Poetry collections

· Five Quiet Shouters (1966)
· Unicorn (1966)
Dramatic works

· Come Unto These Yellow Sands: Four Radio Plays (1985)
· The Curious Room: Plays, Film Scripts and an Opera (1996) (includes Carter's screenplays for adaptations of The Company of Wolves and The Magic Toyshop; also includes the contents of Come Unto These Golden Sands: Four Radio Plays)
· The Holy Family Album (1991)
Children's books

· The Donkey Prince (1970) illustrated by Eros Keith
· Miss Z, the Dark Young Lady (1970) illustrated by Eros Keith
· Comic and Curious Cats (1979) illustrated by Martin Leman
· Moonshadow (1982) illustrated by Justin Todd
· Sea-Cat and Dragon King (2000) illustrated by Eva Tatcheva

· The Sadeian Woman and the Ideology of Pornography (1979)
· Nothing Sacred: Selected Writings (1982)
· Expletives Deleted: Selected Writings (1992)
· Shaking a Leg: Collected Journalism and Writing (1997)
She wrote two entries in "A Hundred Things Japanese" copyright 1975 by the Japan Culture Institute. ISBN 0870403648 It says "She has lived in Japan both from 1969 to 1971 and also during 1974" (p 202).
Works as editor

· Wayward Girls and Wicked Women: An Anthology of Subversive Stories (1986)
· The Virago Book of Fairy Tales (1990) aka The Old Wives' Fairy Tale Book
· The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales (1992) aka Strange Things Still Sometimes Happen: Fairy Tales From Around the World (1993)
· Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales (2005) (collects the two Virago Books above)
[Works as translator

· The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault (1977)
· Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales (1982) (Perrault stories and two Madame Leprince de Beaumont stories)
Film adaptations

· Company of Wolves (1984) adapted by Carter with Neil Jordan from her short story of the same name, "Wolf-Alice" and "The Werewolf"
· The Magic Toyshop (1987) adapted by Carter from her novel of the same name
Radio plays

· Vampirella (1976) written by Carter and directed by Glyn Dearman for BBC. Formed the basis for the short story "The Lady of the House of Love".
· Come Unto These Yellow Sands (1979)
· The Company of Wolves (1980) adapted by Carter from her short story of the same name, "Wolf-Alice" and "The Werewolf", and directed by Glyn Dearman for BBC
· Puss-in-Boots (1982) adapted by Carter from her short story and directed by Glyn Dearman for BBC
· A Self-Made Man (1984)